Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1154

When Murong Changfeng put on the killing armor, people from Jianzong and Wanyao mansion began to talk one after another.

"This battle is a little puzzling. Who is that man and why is there such an evil thing as killing armor?"

"It seems to be Murong Changfeng? It\'s from Murong aristocratic family of dark gold forces. Why does Murong aristocratic family have killing armor?"

"He called the" third brother "of the left envoy of Zhuque mansion? Are they both from Murong aristocratic family? But it seems that the people in the demon Temple used to call this boy" Shen Lang "and" Shen left envoy "? Moreover, Murong aristocratic family has always been a secret gold level force. The ancestors of the family are only quasi emperor Wujing sichongtian. How can there be two strong descendants?"

"This matter is not trivial. We must investigate it clearly. If Murong aristocratic family is really the power of demon God hall, it will have a great impact..."

"Yes, we must send someone to investigate later! Now, we\'d better pay attention to this war. Although it\'s only the battle of two quasi emperor martial mirror warriors, it can be called a world-class war!"

"Well, I\'m afraid the next battle is beyond imagination! Let\'s see how terrible the legendary killing armor is!"

"It seems that you are all optimistic about Murong Changfeng? You broke our sword sect array before Shen Lang and escaped unharmed from a group of us! This means is really against the sky!"

"Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are strong and powerful, and he has the spirit of yellow spring, but after all, they are still in the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and no matter how strong they are, they are limited."

"Murong Changfeng was defeated only when he took the lead. His fighting skills are weaker than Shen Lang, but he can operate freely, refine his murderous spirit, and his killing intention has reached an unimaginable level and is extremely strong."

"The gas of the yellow spring and the gas of killing are compared first. From the perspective of power alone, I\'m afraid they are almost the same."

"Now, Murong Changfeng has put on the killing armor, and his breath has soared more than a hundred times! This thing is more strange and powerful than the legendary ten Heavenly weapons! If you really start, Shen Lang is by no means his enemy!"

"Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, is a little too arrogant. He even gives the opportunity to let the other party wear killing armor! I\'m afraid I\'ll regret it soon..."

On the other side, on the other side of the demon God hall, the people of the main demon generals also sneered at Shen Lang one by one after Murong Changfeng put on the killing armor.

"Shen Lang, an asshole, is arrogant and arrogant. He hurt so many of us and let the sword sect enter. Now I see what he should do!"

"If he continues to attack wildly and takes Murong Changfeng by surprise, maybe he can really suppress the killing gas in Murong Changfeng\'s body and frustrate him. Unfortunately... He shamelessly let Murong Changfeng put on the killing armor!"

"I\'ve heard that Shen Lang is arrogant. I didn\'t expect to be so arrogant!"

"If you don\'t have strength and arrogance, you\'ll find your own way to die! How can you deal with the killing armour if he is strong? I think people from Zhuque mansion will help him stop the robbery later, hehe!"

"Well, it\'s impossible for people in Zhuque mansion to watch him die, but Shen Lang must be disheartened and disgraced this time, ha ha!"

These people in the demon temple were put together by Shen lang. at this time, they all wanted to see Shen Lang\'s bad luck.

Moreover, the people in the demon God hall obviously know more about killing armor than those in the sword clan and the ten thousand demon mansion.

Everyone knows the horror of killing armor. No one thinks Shen Lang can resist Murong Changfeng wearing killing armor.

Even Li Feiyu of Zhuque mansion hid far away at the moment, and his face showed anxiety.

"Lord Li, should we send a letter back and let the right envoy do it? According to the legend of killing armor, it is the supreme treasure given by the master to the strong in the demon God hall. It is definitely not something that any divine weapon in the world can resist!"

"My Lord, the left envoy is a little arrogant. If the murderous Qi in Murong Changfeng\'s killing armor erodes into the body, it will be doomed!"

Li Feiyu frowned at the direction of the rosefinch house and said coldly, "enough, stop!"

"Do you think the strong man of Zhuque mansion will not notice here at such a close distance?"

"The strong in the government didn\'t stop it. Naturally, they have their intention... And I also believe that Ambassador Zuo, hum, what is genius? Real genius is to be able to do things that ordinary people can\'t do!"

The other two looked at each other and didn\'t speak again.

At this time, the field has changed again!

Murong Changfeng, shrouded in boundless murderous Qi, burst into laughter!

The boundless killing gas, the long whale absorbs water, converges towards him, and then is absorbed by his killing armor!

What terrible killing gas has been accumulated in the plague land during the war between blood families and all ethnic groups in recent months?

Although it is only the killing gas within a five thousand mile radius, this force is swallowed up by the killing armor. If it can be fully played, I\'m afraid no one in the sword clan or demon God Temple can resist it!

Jianzong and the people of Wanyao mansion looked at each other and waved gently. They all withdrew for 500 miles before they stopped.

At this time, the killing armor seems to have come back to life, releasing the smell of ancient demons, which makes people feel frightened!

It is a pair of ferocious armor painted black. After absorbing the killing gas within 5000 miles of the plague land, it makes people have the illusion of looking at the sun and dare not look directly at it!

Unimaginable power makes Murong changfengche completely become a demon killer and a god killer!

He raised his head high, his eyes red, looked at Shen Lang compassionately and said, "you know I have a killing armor, but you give me time to put it on. My dear third brother, you are not as smart as the legend?"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance to regret."

Just after saying this, Murong Changfeng, who was like a God and a devil, jumped into the air, and the long and narrow black front long sword had been chopped down wildly!

In the void, the terrible sword Qi condensed from the gas of killing ran across the sky and fell head to head towards Shen wave.

Not only the speed is as fast as lightning, it is impossible to prevent;

Moreover, the killing intention surged over Shen Lang\'s whole body, making Shen Lang\'s cold hair stand upright and unable to move!

"In the middle stage, the sword idea and the killing mood are integrated and invincible! The skill of the way of killing urges the murderous spirit. The power of this sword has at least reached the fourth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!"

Shen Lang was shrouded in the killing intention. Within one hundredth of a second, he had clearly analyzed the power of this sword.

Knowing that this sword is not what he can resist now, Shen Lang still doesn\'t retreat.

He went up head-on, took a series of quick cuts, and cut three knives in an instant!

"Heaven devil sword, destroy heaven and Jedi, God death and evil destruction!"

A boundless murderous spirit comparable to thousands of troops and horses broke out from Shen Lang, and a deep and long buzz came from the immortal sabre, like the lingering rhyme of Hong Zhong Da LV!

The powerful three Dao Qi merged into one, rose into the sky and roared with Murong Changfeng\'s sword!


The sword Qi and sword Qi collided violently in the void, and the thunder like sound burst up, and the strong Qi rose everywhere, which led to the difference between heaven and earth.

Wind, thunder and fire surged out, shrouded in dark clouds, and the world was dark!

When the two figures close at first, they are separated.

Before most of the people around him could see clearly, Shen Lang\'s body was like a broken kite, flying out backward, smashing it to the ground and rolling on the ground!

And Murong Changfeng in the air stood proudly, half a step!

This time, Shen Lang was at a disadvantage, and the gap seems to be quite large!


Shen Lang\'s wrist on the ground turned, the long knife went straight into the ground, half knelt on the ground and stabilized his body.

For such a long time, Shen Lang, others are celebrating the new year. I\'m coding, but I can\'t see the support of readers. Without the support of readers, the author is just entertaining himself. It\'s useless.

Alas, the subscription is the source of the author\'s meal. Watching the subscription crazy, the new year\'s thoughts and codeword thoughts are gone. I hope you can support laohai and genuine. Subscribe to QQ reading. Without this subscription, it is uncertain whether the book can be completed perfectly

In addition, after seeing some of the author\'s messages, I have the courage to say that I try not to use the complimentary lottery tickets to see the strongest war emperor. If I use the lottery tickets, I don\'t count a subscription, and the author doesn\'t have a penny. Two chapters a day. I really don\'t have much money a month. Only when everyone supports Lao Hai and subscribes to the strongest war emperor can this book be more wonderful and have a perfect ending behind.

Originally, the plot of the story involves previous lives and this life, involving the upper world, with a grand structure. For example, the immortal Tiandao is the story of the upper world demon emperor making trouble, such as Shen Lang, Mo Ge, the great demon king and other four brothers

But now I don\'t have the slightest motivation and confidence to write to the upper bound. My son has studied, the economy is bad and the business is poor. The pressure is too great, alas.

I won\'t pretend to be poor and say I don\'t have money for the new year, but this pressure is really uncomfortable.

I don\'t ask you book friends to reward me, but just ask you to subscribe. Even if a person subscribes for ten yuan, a large number of readers are strong support for me as an author.

For those who want to reward, Lao Hai still suggests that the reward money be used for subscription - because subscription is the author\'s achievement, and websites with good results can be greatly promoted. Websites with great promotion can achieve better results and higher income. This is a chain.

Thank you very much. Thank all readers who support Lao Hai. I wish you a happy New Year!

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