Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1153

Murong Changfeng looked at Shen Lang bitterly and said, "no wonder he can become the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. He is really capable!"

"But if you have only such a little ability, you will be dead today!"

Shen Lang sighed, shook his head and said, "I said you are not Murong Changfeng, because Murong Changfeng will never be so wordy at this time."

"With his head, he will not be taken by people because of pretending to be green."

"I won\'t be beaten like a pig\'s head so easily."

"Hahaha..." the people from the demon temple and sword sect who watched the war in the distance immediately laughed and talked.

Mocking laughter made Murong Changfeng\'s face more ferocious.

"No matter what you say, you can\'t change your fate of death!"

Murong Changfeng\'s shadow roared: "you see, the people on the other side of the rosefinch house knew that you and I were here, but they didn\'t do it. If you want to count on the help of the people of the rosefinch house, I\'m afraid you\'ll be disappointed..."

Shen Lang felt his forehead with a headache: "why did Murong Changfeng cultivate such a stupid body? I have the upper hand now. Who can help me?"

"I\'m not afraid to tell you that I\'ll kill you like a dog!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang punched out!

The fist strength turned into a huge shock wave more than three meters thick, shot directly at Murong Changfeng, and plowed a vacuum on the earth!

Murong Changfeng\'s shadow looked like it. He dared to connect hard. His body swayed and hid between lightning and flint!

Extremely embarrassed!

"Even you don\'t have the confidence to kill me. If you have only one body, you dare to be rampant?" Shen Lang said coldly, "well, put on your killing armor and let me see how powerful the killing armor can be!"

"You... How do you know?" Murong Changfeng was surprised. Unexpectedly, Shen Lang knew that he had killing armor!

Even in Murong aristocratic family, few people know about it?

The people of the sword sect and the demon God Temple were also surprised.

Many strong men have heard of the legend of killing armor.

It\'s a terrible thing that makes the world go through a bloodbath as soon as it appears!

The legendary "killing Lord" is no inferior to those powerful gods and demons!

No, the "Lord of killing" is actually a powerful demon God recognized by people!

Because from ancient times, to now, the power of any sect is the color change of hearing!

Does Murong Changfeng have killing armor?

Shen Lang snorted coldly, "what do you think I stopped attacking for?"

"Doesn\'t it just give you a chance to repair your injury and put on killing armor?"

"If you don\'t wear killing armor, you rubbish can\'t do ten moves under my hand."

"If you hadn\'t been given the chance to wear killing armor, you would have been dead just now."

When saying these words, Shen Lang\'s tone was very calm.

And the more calm he said such words, the more he made Murong Changfeng crazy!

Murong Changfeng was furious and roared: "Shen Lang, you are too arrogant! You are too arrogant!"

He was so angry that he couldn\'t say anything else. He could only repeat these words.

Shen Lang looked up and said calmly, "arrogance is because I have this qualification."

With that, Shen Lang turned his wrist and held the immortal sky knife in his hand.

"I\'ll give you one last chance to put on the killing armor." Shen Lang said coldly, "you\'ll regret missing this opportunity."

On the immortal sky blade, the dark green yellow spring air swirls and rolls, releasing the extremely evil breath, making the immortal sky blade like a "demon blade".

"It\'s the gas of the yellow spring!" said a strong man in the sword sect.

The Qi of the yellow spring is the energy of yin and evil.

Even these people in the demon temple have only heard that the black dragon demon king and his disciple candle dragon can control.

I didn\'t expect that Shen Lang could easily stir up the Qi of the yellow spring!

This extremely Yin and evil energy is not weaker than the pure killing Qi of Murong Changfeng!

Murong Changfeng can\'t recognize the power of chaos, how can he recognize the Qi of the yellow spring?

As soon as he saw the yellow spring gas swirling on the immortal blade, Murong Changfeng swallowed everything he wanted to say.

All other thoughts, instant dispel!

Murong Changfeng knows a lot about immortal sabre;

Murong Changfeng also knows a lot about the Qi of the yellow spring;

In the face of such magic soldiers and the most Yin and evil energy, Murong Changfeng put away his contempt for the first time.

"Since you think so, I use killing armor, as you wish!" Murong Changfeng smiled.

His low voice echoed in the void: "third brother, you are really qualified for me to use killing armor!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Murong Changfeng\'s hair was windless and automatic. Where his feet stood, there was a hurricane and a surge of murderous Qi!

Murong Changfeng, whose original breath was very frightening, suddenly surged out of his body with a disturbing will to kill God!

It seems that because of his words, the ancient killing God sleeping in his body has been resurrected!

"This... Is this the smell of killing armor? It\'s too powerful and violent!"

"This can hardly be a human power!"

"It seems that a god of killing has been resurrected, and it seems that a sleeping ancient devil has opened his eyes..."

"Step back, everyone step back!"

The strong men of the demon God Temple and the sword sect who watched the war around showed a frightened look and quickly retreated.

After leaving here for more than 300 miles, I dared to stop!

On the other side of the rosefinch house of the demon God hall, the right envoy Bailiping and others all stood up in shock: "what a Murong Changfeng, he really took out the killing armor!"

"Mother-in-law, will I take it down myself?"

The old face of mother-in-law Feng, Gu jingbubo: "if the young master asks him to wear it, he will wear it. The separation of Murong Changfeng is really far from his own. It seems that the magic Yan formula still has a big flaw. No wonder the four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king are reluctant to practice."

"..." Baili Bing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, was speechless for a while.

The killing armor has come out. Is grandma Feng still indifferent?

"Well, with his mother-in-law, even if Murong Changfeng has a killing armor and wants to kill Shen Lang, where does he have a chance?" Bai libing thought so and sat down: "hum, the so-called left envoy is really capable of causing trouble!"

"I don\'t know how powerful the power can be... But how powerful can it be, at best, the first level of imperial martial mirror?"

"The princess\'s Highness has left him on the left, and he doesn\'t know what he is thinking."

"And grandma Feng, an easy and powerful person, came to the plague place this time, but she was not interested in the blood clan. Did your highness specially ask her to be Shen Lang\'s bodyguard? My God!"


At this time, he saw the surging killing gas, like a black dragon, released from Murong Changfeng and whirled wildly around him.

Then, the black dragon like killing gas turned into leg guards, breastplates and helmets

Then he made a clicking sound and wore it on Murong Changfeng.

As soon as the armor was worn on Murong Changfeng, it immediately gave birth to terrible barbs, which directly penetrated Murong Changfeng\'s body!

Even on the helmet, there are thorns in!

Strangely, there was no blood gushing from Murong Changfeng. On the contrary, the previous injuries recovered after wearing the killing armor!

"Hey, hey, hey..."

In the killing armor, a bloodthirsty voice faintly came out.

An unspeakable evil idea locked Shen Lang.

Seems to take Shen Lang as prey!

At this time, Murong Changfeng\'s eyes became red, like a fierce beast.

His right hand gently brushed his face, and a skull like mask immediately appeared on his helmet, covering his face.

Only a pair of bloodthirsty and violent eyes showed.

Wearing this killing armor, Murong Changfeng looks full of strong visual oppression.

Although there is no change in height, there is a blood thirsty ferocity all over the body, just like a supreme demon God with heaven on his head and feet on the earth, which people dare not face up to!

Endless murderous Qi was released from him, surging wildly, sweeping away the clouds thousands of miles around and completely shattering them.

Even on the ground, there was a strong wind, and the earth was lifted a thick layer!

Murong Changfeng, who was still in the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, had a great change in his breath at this time, and there was a faint threat that even the strong men of the third and fourth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror were afraid!

In the world, people\'s strength increases hundreds of times as soon as they wear them. They directly change from quasi imperial martial mirror to imperial martial mirror. I\'m afraid there is only this legendary killing armor

Jianzong and Wanyao mansion, a strong man, looked at each other and saw the shock in each other\'s eyes.

For a moment, there was silence, and all eyes stayed on the two people facing each other in the field.

At the same time, a strange black sword matching the killing armor appeared in Murong Changfeng\'s hand.

On the long sword, the killing gas was surging, as if it was burning a black flame.

Although it looks like a flame, it makes the person who sees it feel extremely cold!

Just take a look, it seems that even the soul will be pulled out, which scared many people away in a hurry!

In full view of the public, Murong Changfeng\'s black sword slowly pointed to Shen Lang.

"Third brother, don\'t you want me to wear this killing armor? Now, I have achieved your wish." Murong Changfeng\'s voice is like a changed person and said hoarsely: "next, it\'s time for you to die."

Shen Lang clenched his left fist slowly, the knuckles sounded a crisp explosion, and his muscles and bones roared together.

At the moment, Shen Lang, facing Murong Changfeng wearing killing armor, has really improved his strength to the extreme!

A sense of war swept out of him!

Shen Lang looked at Murong Changfeng\'s eyes, which turned out to be one of the rare tyrannies.

Just like the rage factor hidden in his body, it was hooked out by the killing armor

"Hey, hey, killing armor is really interesting!"

Shen Lang held the immortal Tiandao\'s hand tightly, and the tyranny on his face became stronger and stronger.