Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1152

As soon as Murong Changfeng\'s shadow came out, a chilling killing intention completely shrouded the area thousands of miles around.

In this area, even the two emperors of Wanyao mansion and Jianzong, the four powerful warriors of Wujing, couldn\'t help but change their complexion: "what a strong killing gas and pure killing intention! How dare someone cultivate the way of killing to such an extent?"

"How many people do you want to kill? How long does it take for your body to be tempered in the murderous Qi to reach this level? Who is this person...?"

Even the strong sword sect who kept chasing and killing the demon God hall, affected by this killing intention, subconsciously stopped and looked here.

The killing intention is too terrible.

Shrouded in the murderous spirit, it\'s like facing the ancient murderous God. It makes people feel shocked and split. Regardless of the cultivation level, they have to urge Yuangong to resist desperately!

This makes the battle originally provoked by Shen Lang strangely stop.

Shen Lang found that his calculation didn\'t continue because of Murong Changfeng. His eyes were more cold and his killing intention came out!


Murong Changfeng seems to enjoy this look very much, as if he should attract everyone\'s attention as soon as he comes out.

In fact, its terrible magic power, even those who are strong in the three or four heaven of the imperial martial mirror, are shocked by it!

It is indeed qualified to attract the attention of all people here!

In particular, people did not expect

Released such a terrible and murderous person, the cultivation is only the quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian!

Shen Lang came out in front of him. He tossed the sword sect to death with the cultivation of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror;

Now there\'s another guy who will be the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian. His intention to kill alone makes everyone tremble!

When is it that such a genius is so easy to meet?

And these two people, there are hardly many people know?

At this time, there were two people, old and young, sitting in the residence of Zhuque mansion, more than 2000 miles away from here.

The young one is a cold woman dressed in beautiful armor;

Old, it is the "wind mother-in-law" who is aware of Shen Lang\'s breaking false silver eyes!

The cold looking woman hesitated and said, "mother-in-law, Murong Changfeng is amazing and has learned the magic Yan formula. The separation evolved through the magic Yan formula is not trivial. It is a combination of pure killing intention, and may even carry a killing armor..."

"Do you want him to deal with Shen Zuo envoy like this?"

Granny Feng shook her head slightly and said, "Murong aristocratic family is involved in the affairs of Tianyuan devil and black dragon devil. No, as a last resort, it\'s better not to interfere in the family affairs of Murong aristocratic family."

"What\'s more, the young master can go in and out of the sword sect array without damage. Even the old lady can\'t notice its appearance and disappearance. The strength of the means can\'t be compared with the strong emperor\'s martial mirror."

"Even if Murong Changfeng comes personally, I\'m afraid he may not be able to get him."

"Although Murong Changfeng may carry the killing armor, he can\'t control the killing armor for too long with his ability."

"Let\'s just watch."

Mother-in-law Feng blew the steaming tea in her hand and sipped it gently.

A group of strong people in the Zhuque mansion who stood aside looked at each other and nodded slightly.

It was rumored that envoy Zuo was so powerful and powerful that he just took this opportunity to have a look.

But it\'s amazing that grandma Feng should give him such a high evaluation and trust him so much.

You know, this wind mother-in-law is a powerful person who even rites the Black Dragon Prince. It is a man who looks at her royal highness and grows up.

In the past, the strong people in the Zhuque mansion almost only heard her voice but didn\'t see her face.

Such a person should look at Shen Lang so high!

The spirits of a group of powerful imperial martial mirrors in Zhuque mansion once again quietly shrouded the two brothers of Murong family.


Here, Shen Lang looked up and said coldly, "you\'re not Murong Changfeng."

Murong Changfeng\'s shadow smiled faintly and said, "I\'m Murong Changfeng. Murong Changfeng is me, which is certain. Third brother, it\'s hard for me to find you..."

"I\'m impatient to live. Do you want to die?" Shen Lang interrupted Murong Changfeng.

"Ha ha!" someone at Jianzong couldn\'t help laughing.

Then, under the "murderous" gaze of the rest of the Jianzong strongmen, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Murong Changfeng\'s eyes flashed fiercely: "I came here to kill you. Why don\'t I let you take advantage of your mouth?"

"Anyway, after a while, you\'ll be dead."

"Third brother, what last words do you have? Say it now. Because when I do it, you won\'t have a chance..."

Shen Lang\'s mouth tilted slightly. Without waiting for Murong Changfeng to finish speaking, he took a step in the void and instantly appeared on the side of Murong Changfeng.

A punch went out on the latter\'s head!

This blow out, without any fancy, simple, but it is like an epoch-making!

The terrible fist was coerced by thunder and lightning. The fist strength was terrible. It blew Murong Changfeng\'s long hair loud!


Murong Changfeng hasn\'t installed enough Bi yet. Leng Buding and Shen Lang have already started, and he is furious.

He stepped back and hit Shen Lang\'s fist with the same fist without showing weakness!

The pride in his heart and his confidence in his strength made this guy unwilling to dodge.

Two huge fists, one containing pure killing gas, the other containing the most powerful chaotic divine power in the sky and the earth, were roaring together in an instant!


The smoke and clouds were blown away in an instant. Murong Changfeng, who was full of confidence, snorted and flew out towards the back!

When it comes to strength, Shen Lang may be weaker than Yu CHENFENG before he meets him.

However, since absorbing the power of Yu CHENFENG and the power of the source of pain, Shen Lang\'s current state has been the peak of the jiuchongtian peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

After coming out of the amber dream, if Shen Lang is willing, it is absolutely easy to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror without swallowing the blood essence of the green dragon and the power of the blood prince in the Tai Chi diagram!

Under the triple sky of Emperor Wu mirror, who can compare the physical strength with Shen Lang?

Murong Changfeng is too confident. He thinks that the murderous Qi in his body is irresistible, but he doesn\'t know that the power of chaos, even the power of gods and demons, can instantly suppress and devour!

In a hurry, Murong Changfeng punched him with a blow. Not only was his whole body murderous, but also his right finger was almost shattered and blood flowed!

However, he had no chance to speak at all. When he was shocked out by the fierce fist, Shen Lang hit the snake with the stick and came close to him. When he was still suppressing the chaos and murderous spirit in his body, a punch hit him in the abdomen!

The originally chaotic killing gas ran around Murong Changfeng\'s body for a long time!

This kind of thing is extremely deadly for martial artists.

Even if it\'s not in battle, it can kill people!

Murong Changfeng lost all his opportunities. He had a powerful force and couldn\'t make it out at all.

And Shen Lang, has always been either not to do it, a start is a storm, continuous!

His hands left a series of residual shadows in the void. With unimaginable power, he bombarded Murong Changfeng like lightning.

The position of each punch contains deep meaning. It either disrupts the movement of murderous Qi in Murong Changfeng\'s body or blocks the power of Murong Changfeng;

Each fist is like a thunderbolt, manifesting a terrible wind, thunder, earth and fire!

Murong Changfeng, who had just been arrogant and domineering, had a distorted face. There were all kinds of depressions and shocking wounds on his chest and stomach. Even those powerful people in the demon temple were shocked!

It was only a few breaths. Shen Lang hit Murong Changfeng with more than 30 fists in a row.

No matter how he dodges, he can\'t get rid of the shadow of Shen Lang\'s fist.

Who can compare with the emperor of war in terms of skills and combat talents?

These more than 30 fists carried great power, just like a big hammer. One fist after another hit Murong Changfeng.

Murong Changfeng responded in a hurry, but it was difficult to gather the murderous Qi he was proud of in his body!

He can\'t resist the fierce attack of Shen wave at all!


One punch blew Murong Changfeng out, and Shen Lang stopped his attack.

Shen Lang shook his fist and said lightly, "what did you say just now? I didn\'t hear you clearly. Can you say it again?"

"Shen Lang!" Murong Changfeng\'s shadow had never suffered such a great loss. His mouth was bleeding. He stared at Shen Lang viciously and roared.

"It\'s a shame to run in front of me and be crazy with such a little ability."

Shen Lang shook his head dissatisfied. He seemed to sigh that his opponent was too weak and wasted his time and energy.


Murong Changfeng\'s shadow was so angry that it directly ejected a mouthful of blood, and his body was shaky in the air!

"Ah ah ah!"

Murong Changfeng\'s shadow roared up to the sky, and his long hair danced like a flame!

At that time, the wind and cloud in the sky changed greatly, and the murderous and evil spirits within a radius of 5000 miles gathered madly towards him!

Murong Changfeng\'s body erupted into the gas of killing, which coerced him and made him look like a demon!

At the same time, the terrible wounds on Murong Changfeng healed quickly, and even the broken ribs were connected in an instant!

"Well, it\'s a little decent now, but it\'s far from enough." Shen Lang looked at all this coldly, neither attacking nor stopping.

He is waiting for Murong Changfeng to take out the killing armor.

Since he is not the original master of Murong Changfeng, and his thoughts and consciousness are completely different from Murong Changfeng, Shen Lang\'s hatred for Murong Changfeng cannot be aroused.

In his opinion, the man in front of him was not Murong Changfeng at all.

The difference between mind and Murong Changfeng is too far

In front of this man, the only thing Shen Lang is interested in is the killing armor in his body.

Chiyanfeng\'s killing armor has been taken away by his father chizunxin. Now there is a killing armor sent to the door. Don\'t waste it.

Then kill this guy, then grab the killing armor and study it well.

But before killing this person, Shen Lang wants the other party to wear the killing armor, stimulate its power and fight freely!