Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1151

One hit worked. Shen Lang didn\'t like fighting at all, and his body turned out.

At the same time, the Vientiane demon issued again, and Shen Lang\'s old trick repeated!

Centered on Shen Lang, the endless "Shen Lang" broke out again and rushed in all directions!

The strongman of Jianzong, who was just about to gather around, once again lost the trace of Shen Lang.

The strong men of the sword sect were fooled several times. They couldn\'t even find Shen Lang. They shouted angrily!

"Vientiane heavenly devil" is indeed worthy of the skill of gods and demons. The sword sect and the ten thousand demon house, the four powerful heavenly warriors of imperial martial mirror, were also angry and spit blood. They killed a large area of "Shen Lang" and didn\'t find Shen Lang at all!

Not only that, the strong of Jianzong kill quickly, and the Shen waves come out faster!

It\'s like the Zerg. It can\'t be killed!

How can the blood escape method of the devil\'s way be used many times and have such strange and unpredictable power?

"Whether it\'s the entity or the Buddha, all cut off! All cut off!"

"Kill them all and see where he runs!"

The two emperor Wujing four powerful men couldn\'t help but drink violently.

Thousands of sword sect strongmen and Wanyao mansion strongmen clenched their teeth and went crazy towards the "Shen wave" running in the air!

All the people in the demon Temple opposite were stunned!

In fact, Shen Lang was stunned... These guys in the demon temple are really cowards.

Such a good chance, they have been watching the play!

It seems that there is no leader or command. The people in the demon temple are really like a mass of loose sand. It\'s useless.


When the strong man of Jianzong was angry and crazy, a "Shen Lang" who escaped from a distance smiled: "Jianzong array, but so!"

"The so-called Kendo is ordinary!"

"I can\'t help my poor cultivation. Do you still have the face to stay here? I think you\'d better go back! Ha ha!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang returned with a knife.

The terrible Sabre Qi, which combines the meaning of cutting the eternal sabre, runs across the sky and falls directly towards the crowd of the sword sect!

With this knife, Shen Lang\'s speed was increased to the limit under the bonus of "Vientiane demon".

After three or two steps in the air, he has crossed more than 50 miles and reached the group of people in the demon God hall!

"Damn boy!"

The people of Jianzong were also dizzy with anger. They used the method casually and worked immediately.

After the strong men of Wanyao mansion crushed the sword Qi released by Shen Lang, a group of strong men of sword sect recognized Shen Lang and rushed out directly without orders to chase Shen Lang!


That\'s right!

What Shen Lang is afraid of is that they don\'t chase and kill!

It was because he was afraid that they would not pursue him that Shen Lang hurt a group of sword sect disciples!

"Let you watch the fun and gloat. I\'ll bring the sword sect to kill you!"

As soon as Shen Lang fell into the crowd in the demon temple, he didn\'t stop. He caught a man in the candle dragon house and pressed the man\'s head directly into the ground!

Then, a whirlwind leg kicked Bi fangmo\'s house and poor strange devil\'s house out and knocked down a group of people!

"Shen Zuoshi, what are you doing? Forget the people of the sword sect. How can you do it to the people in our demon temple?"

"Shen, don\'t go too far!"

In the crowd, someone shouted.

"What are you doing? Too much?" Shen Lang said angrily: "I\'m killing and fighting with the people of the sword clan over there. You can\'t help me. I\'m gloating and sneering when I\'m in trouble!"

"Do you think I didn\'t hear you?"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Lang kicked the man\'s chest, kicked the latter to spit blood and flew out directly!

"Ambassador Shen Zuo, everyone is from the demon temple. Don\'t you think it\'s too presumptuous to do so?"

A bi Fang devil was so angry that he shouted.

"Presumptuous? Even you fools dare to question benzuo envoy? You\'re happy to see me suffer! I\'ll give you a better taste!"

Shen langundead sabre, who broke into the crowd, waved again and again, and immediately knocked more than ten people to the ground!

Except for a few strong men with more than triple heaven in the imperial martial mirror, where can others stop the immortal sky sword?

How dare the strong men above the triple heaven of emperor Wujing dare to attack the left envoy of Zhuque mansion?

When it comes to identity, they don\'t even deserve to lift shoes for the left and right envoys, let alone start!

For a time, in the crowd in the demon temple, chickens flying and dogs jumping, ghosts crying and wolves howling!

It\'s a long story, but it\'s only a short time.

He knocked down a large group of people. Shen Lang\'s palm shook, and a cloud surrounded Li Feiyu in the Zhuque mansion, and rushed out to the east at an extremely fast speed.

Li Feiyu, the three of them, stared at Shen Lang as if they were looking at ghosts... This guy is too good at it. The sword sect array can\'t kill him. The sword sect and a group of strong men in the ten thousand demon mansion can\'t kill him. On the contrary, he made a chicken fly and a dog jump over the sword sect and the demon temple!

Sure enough, it is worthy of the legendary "Zuo envoy"!

At this time, the people in the demon temple had no time and energy to scold Shen Lang.

Because the sword sect has been killed

The strong sword sect who had been fooled for several times almost poured out and attacked according to the demon God hall.

They couldn\'t catch up with Shen Lang and vented all their grievances on these people in the demon God hall.

Move your hand, it\'s cruel and vicious, and it\'s completely moving in the direction of "cutting the grass and removing the roots"!

For a time, thousands of sharp and unparalleled sword Qi crisscrossed in the sky, making a terrible sound, forming a sword net to block out the sky and the sun, and falling towards the people in the demon God hall.

The power on this side of the demon temple is weaker than that on the other side, and it is completely a plate of loose sand. In addition, a group of people have been badly hurt by Shen Lang\'s knife... The power is completely unequal, and the momentum is completely unequal.

Even the minimum resistance did not arise. It was in a sudden rout and completely disordered!

As soon as the people of Jianzong and Wanyao mansion took action, a large area immediately died in the demon God hall. The rest escaped without arms or legs

It\'s terrible. It\'s nothing!

This group of people in the poor demon temple were the happiest people here before. It was fun to watch the excitement.

At first, Shen Lang was killed by Jianzong sword array and jumped with joy;

Later, I saw the sword sect being played around by Shen Lang, and I was so excited that I wanted to applaud;

Who knows how long I didn\'t laugh, suddenly bad luck came and howled everywhere.

"Little rabbit, I must kill you!"

"Shen Lang, do you think Zhuque mansion wants to go to war with us?"

A group of people in the demon temple were furious.

Shen Langtou didn\'t look back, and a sentence came out: "old bastard, there are many people who want to kill me, and you can\'t be in the queue!"

"War? You deserve it? Call the left and right envoys of your demon general\'s house to talk to me!"

People in the demon temple have a feeling of vomiting blood.

But no one came to chase Shen Lang.

This is really a helpless thing

Not to mention being chased and killed by the sword sect, it\'s important to run for your life.

Even if they can escape, they can\'t really come after Shen Lang... Anyway, Shen Lang is the left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

No matter how much these people despise him, he has long been seated in the position of Zuo envoy.

The left envoy\'s strong men are like clouds, and there are several strong men in the imperial martial mirror bachongtian. Now they are all over the rosefinch house!

Other demons ran all the people in the mansion to fight with the blood clan, but the rosefinch mansion didn\'t budge!

If you really annoy Shen Lang and mobilize the left envoy of Zhuque mansion to come, you\'ll be running around now. These guys are not enough for him to kill at all!

And after killing all of them, I\'m afraid these demon generals can\'t help him!

So even when Shen Lang was fighting in the crowd, those guys with three or four heaven of imperial martial mirror hid far away and didn\'t dare to fight him at all.

Shen Lang calculated the details clearly, so he dared to do it so arrogantly.

"Hahaha, take your time. I won\'t disturb you, young master."

Shen Lang laughed wildly. With a sudden increase in speed, he approached Zhuque mansion for more than 200 miles.

After killing the strong man of the sword sect in the past, he stopped with hatred.

This is really the gate of the demon temple.

What happened before may have been a little fuss for those strong people in Zhuque mansion, which could not attract their attention.

But when I get here, I still chase and kill the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. If I\'m not careful, I\'ll make the strong men of Zhuque mansion pour out!

Tangtang Kendo is the most popular. I\'m really ashamed this time

Sword sect is a group of strong people who hate to gnash their teeth.

Suddenly, a group of sword sect strongmen who stopped were stunned

Under the cover of their thoughts, the sky curtain above the Shen waves was like the water rippling and shaking.


A sword like black lightning fell from the air towards the Shen wave!


Shen Lang threw Li Feiyu out.

As soon as the three men flew out, Shen Lang made a mistake with his hands. The whole body made a sound of steel impact. The violent force surged out, forming an indestructible vigorous Qi wall in front of him!


As soon as the gang Qi wall was formed, the murderous sword Qi fell on the gang Qi wall and roared!

The air waves are flying and blowing up the dust and fog all over the sky. The momentum is extremely amazing!

Shen Lang seemed to be standing on the ground, with his right foot against the rear. His body was pushed back by the force of the sword bombardment, and only drew more than 100 meters to stop in the void.

In the void, there seemed to be a huge transparent glass, which was scratched out by Shen Lang\'s feet with a crack of more than 100 meters, which remained for a long time.

"Murong Changfeng?"

Shen Lang raised his head and looked coldly at the sky.

"Third brother, long time no see. Second brother has been waiting for you here for a long time!"

An ethereal evil voice came from the void.

Then, Murong Changfeng\'s shadow came out of the clouds with his hands on his back.

He raised his arrogant head and looked down at the Shen waves below, just as the gods and Demons looked at the aphids on the ground