Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1150

Suddenly, the Shen wave, which had no vitality and dissipated breath, came out again in the sword array and created the sword array with the posture of thunder, which shocked the strong people of the sword sect!

In such a short time, it is unimaginable to break the sword array with the cultivation of quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Even if the emperor Wujing wuchongtian strongman is trapped in this sword array, he can\'t escape so easily!


The shock in the hearts of the people lasted only a little while, and immediately turned into a sigh.

As soon as Shen Lang rushed out of the sword array, he was faced with the attack of the two kings of the sword sect, the powerful martial mirror, but people saw that the so-called "left envoy" wanted to shake it with one person\'s strength!

If you break through the array in the first few seconds and can be called "amazing", it is completely matched with the word "stupid" to shake with the two strong imperial martial mirrors.

The warrior of the quasi imperial martial mirror wants to shake with the two strong imperial martial mirrors. It\'s a mantis blocking the car and looking for his own death!

Between the lightning and flint, the terrible palms of the two emperor\'s powerful mirrors were pressed down like mountains, as if to directly press the Shen wave into meat mud.

The sword Qi from Shen Lang\'s long knife pierced the sky and cut obliquely on the left and right palms!


The deafening sound burst out at once.

Something incredible happened to the people of the sword sect and the demon God Temple

Shen Lang stood motionless in the void, but the two great emperors with strong martial mirrors snorted stiffly. He was blown back by this knife for thousands of kilometers before he stood firm!

The violent energy ripples rippled in an instant and spread out circle by circle.

The nearest group of martial mirror strongmen of the quasi emperor of the sword sect were unable to defend. They hummed and were thrown out directly!

The first contact between a quasi imperial mirror warrior and two imperial mirror strongmen was so terrible!

At this moment, Shen Lang stepped in the void, rushed out of the gap between the two emperors\' powerful martial mirrors, zigzagged, and rushed out for more than 20 miles in an instant!

The strong swordsman who was hit by him in the middle broke his tendons, broke his bones, screamed and fell down again and again!


The strong man of Jianzong was furious, and five figures with terror and authority surrounded Shen Lang from all directions.

There were many visions in the air, and the light of magic weapons and spells exploded one after another. The attack of the five powerful imperial mirrors fell impolitely towards the Shen wave, trying to stop him from leaving.

The accomplishments of these five people are much stronger than those of the previous two people. They have reached the double heaven of emperor Wujing.

One of them is even the triple heaven of emperor Wujing!

Originally, these people were self-sustaining and unwilling to fight against the younger generation.

But Shen Lang was too arrogant and overbearing. He just rushed out for a while and hit eight sword sect strongmen.

Who can bear it!

But when I saw the terrible clouds like five dragons in the air, they rolled and swept towards the Shen waves from five directions.

Shen Lang is able to face the two first-class strongmen of imperial martial mirror, but Shen Lang doesn\'t dare to trust them!

"Vientiane demon!"

Shen Lang smiled strangely. He didn\'t shake hard as before, and his body exploded directly.

Tens of thousands of waves suddenly appeared on the field!

The attack of the five sword sect strongmen exploded like angry thunder, breaking a large "Shen wave" in an instant.

"All entities? How is it possible?"

A group of strong people swept away. They wanted to find Shen Lang\'s real body, but they were surprised to find that all "Shen Lang" were entities!

And as like as two peas, each is exactly alike.

This is completely impossible, isn\'t it?

This skill is unheard of!

"I dare to make a fool of myself!"

The strong man of Wanyao mansion, who has been watching on the wall, snorted coldly and grabbed it out!

A huge furry palm shrouded the whole area, blocking out the sky and the sun!

This man\'s accomplishments have reached the peak of the imperial martial mirror four heaven. If he doesn\'t make a move, he will be. This move is really stirred by the wind and cloud, as if it were the end of the day.

Even the strong people of the sword sect who are shrouded in it feel difficult to breathe, poor Qi and blood, and unspeakable pain!

In the view of the strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion, this trick similar to the devil\'s "blood Dun Da Fa" is of no use in the case of great power disparity.

No matter how many virtual shadows you have, no matter how you make this virtual shadow feel like an entity

If you haven\'t rushed out too far, you\'ll break them all. See where you\'re going!

Like the huge palm of a mountain, so, cover all the "Shen waves" and catch them!

The strong sword sect, who was also among them, was pushed away and fell down by a force.

At this moment, the control of the four heavenly powers of emperor Wujing is revealed incisively and vividly.

The seemingly careless "pretty move" not only completely blocked Shen Lang\'s retreat, but also didn\'t hurt the strong sword sect!

Under the pressure of this strong palm wind, the virtual shadow of thousands of Shen waves immediately burst like bubbles.

Shen Lang\'s real body was clearly seen by everyone at this moment!

Because the distance was too close, "Vientiane demon" was broken by the strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion.

"Ten thousand evil Chaozong!"

Shen Lang had no choice but to retreat. He immediately displayed the fifth move of "prison sword skill".

On the immortal sky sabre, the blade\'s awn soared, and thousands of dark magic Qi whirled wildly, like tens of thousands of Lu dragons, towards the weakness of the huge palm!


The strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion and the strongest man of the sword sect whispered at the same time.

Of course, the power of Shen Lang\'s knife was not in their eyes, but the position of Shen Lang\'s knife bombardment was just the flaw in the palm of the strong man of Wanyao mansion!

It\'s amazing enough for a boy of quasi imperial martial mirror to break the array;

It is even more unimaginable to repel two strong imperial mirrors and escape from five strong imperial mirrors;

Unexpectedly, he saw the flaw of the powerful move of Wanyao mansion in an instant?


The movement this time is ten times more exaggerated than before!

Evil spirit and evil spirit roared together, with gusts of air and dust.

Fortunately, a group of sword sect strongmen, seeing the move of Wanyao mansion, were prepared and hid far away.

Otherwise, this time, it is estimated that many people will suffer.

Vaguely, the people saw that the left envoy of the demon God Temple snorted, as if he were in the sword array, and was directly hit on the ground!

A group of people of Jianzong were relieved.

The sword sect lost face when it was fooled by the left envoy of the demon Temple who came out of nowhere.

Otherwise, the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong. Why should he leave his identity and rush to fight the boy?

The strong hand of the ten thousand demon mansion, even the four strong heaven of other imperial martial mirrors, dare not take it hard.

The boy can\'t hide. He can only roar with a knife. Look at this, even if he doesn\'t die, he will be crippled.

The mind of all the strong immediately went down to the position where the Shen wave fell.

"Ha ha ha!"

Just then, Shen Lang\'s wild laughter rang out at the bottom of the ground.

The Vientiane demon ran again. During the time that the man from the ten thousand demon mansion investigated, he turned into countless Shen waves and flew away in all directions on the ground.

Moreover, Shen Lang was very cunning this time. Many figures rushed directly to the strongmen of the sword sect!

As long as you get involved with these people, whether it\'s the strong man of Wanyao mansion or the people of Jianzong, you don\'t dare to do it again!

"How dare you! Catch him!"

"Asshole, it\'s shameless!"

The strong man of the sword sect scolded several times. He couldn\'t care about the style of the strong man any more. He shot one after another and grabbed it directly like a fly towards the Shen wave in the air!

Obviously, Shen Lang was only one person, but because the virtual shadow turned into by the magic of Vientiane was all "entities" in the induction, thousands of people had to attack together in a hurry!

However, there are too many virtual shadows

Moreover, the attacks of so many people are scattered attacks. Even if they really encounter Shen Lang, none of them can really threaten Shen Lang except two strong men of emperor Wujing\'s four heaven!

As soon as the Vientiane demon was in operation, countless Shen waves fired in all directions, and each was an entity under the induction of the strong of the sword sect!

For a time, the field was in a mess!

It\'s like countless locusts flying on the field, and a group of people stabbing with long swords

The people in the demon temple over there looked at here and were all silly.

This situation is almost unheard of

However, these guys in the demon Temple refused to take action when they reached this point.

It seems that there are too few experts. I was afraid of being beaten by the people of the sword sect before.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s phantom figure is constantly broken and constantly emerging.

And his real body, taking advantage of the chaos, has rushed to the edge of the crowd on the side of the sword sect!

"It\'s all virtual shadows. He\'s all virtual shadows!"

On the edge, a strong swordsman was angry and scolded again and again.

In such a short time, he has killed more than ten "shenlang".

When these "Shen waves" attack him, they have an amazing momentum, just like the real body.

In the end, they were like bubbles and were directly burst, which made him crazy.


Another "Shen wave" whirlwind whirled rapidly and stepped down towards him.


The strong man of the sword sect was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

After living for so many years, I saw this kind of skill of confusing the false with the true for the first time.

He raised his hand towards Shen Lang, and his right foot was a sword. If it was an illusion, it would be destroyed immediately if it was stained with the sword Qi;

If I were you, I could cut off this guy\'s foot!

"Do you really want to meet me?"

At the moment when the strong sword of the sword clan was wielded, a vague idea came into his head.


The strong man of the sword sect was surprised. When the soles of his feet made a strong force on the ground, he wanted to retreat.

However, where will Shen Lang give him such a chance?

The left foot moved, and Shen Lang\'s left foot palm kicked on the face of the man\'s long sword. As soon as the speed of his right foot was raised, he suddenly stepped on the man\'s left shoulder!


With a soft sound, the strong man of the sword sect snorted miserably. Like a nail, he was directly stepped into the ground by Shen Lang, leaving only half of his body!

"Here he is!"

The strong man of the sword sect was also a tough man. His blood kept overflowing from his mouth. He still turned his skills and drank violently!