Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1149

Seeing the scene in front of him, Shen Lang was a little embarrassed.

This is the place close to the forces of the demon God hall. It can be regarded as the rear of the battlefield and almost the door of the demon God hall.

Normally, there shouldn\'t be the strong ones of Jianzong and Wanyao mansion here.

The strong sword sect came to such a place and set up a big array. This is to provoke at the door of the demon God hall!

With the arrogant personality of the demon temple, this scene should not appear.

According to the style of those guys in the demon temple and their current strength, this situation should be reversed!

After a little thought, Shen Lang was dumbfounded and smiled: "it seems that after the incident in Luocha City, a group of pups in the demon temple can\'t wait to rush to fight with the blood clan, so now the rear is empty?"

Shen Lang had long guessed that the people in the demon temple would "rush into battle", but he really didn\'t expect that they should "work hard" like eating brother Wei and pouring out!

But it\'s right to think about it. The people in the demon God hall are arrogant. I\'m afraid they don\'t even pay attention to the blood clan.

It seems impossible to seize the opportunity to kill someone after being oppressed in this plague place for so long.

The emissary of the black dragon demon king should not have arrived yet. In this case, the major demon generals not only run their own affairs, but also fight openly and secretly.

At the instigation of Shen Lang, the two king Nara of the God of war temple over there broke the blood clan city. These guys can\'t find the leader to command, and they may rush up in a swarm

Shen Lang guessed the situation of the demon God hall, and sneered: "a group of bastards, so cooperate with my plan? If you can\'t turn back, you\'ll use a silent thunder king to help you fan a fire!"

"Go, the more you go, the better. I\'ll have a look. How many of you can come back alive when the silent God thunder king in Luocha City explodes!"

Shen Lang\'s killing intention blooms, and his eyes turn to the demon god temple that confronts the sword sect.

Over there, it seems that there are only three people in Zhuque mansion, such as Li Feiyu.

The rest are the people of the devil general\'s house, such as Bi Fang, poor Qi and candle dragon.

The number of people is less than that of Jianzong. They are still in a mess and go their own way;

The people on the side of Jianzong are the people of the sect, who are very united, and the people of Wanyao mansion are also very cooperative;

It\'s no wonder that people from the sword sect beat the devil temple so badly. They are as good as grandchildren!

"Hum, these bastards in the demon temple not only don\'t help me when I\'m in trouble, but also gloat and ridicule... In that case, don\'t blame me!"

Shen Lang tilted his mouth slightly and looked at the people in the demon temple and sneered.

Although both sides are strong and weak, the sword sect dare not do too much, so both sides maintain a balance.

If Shen Lang wants people in the demon temple, he must break the balance and force the sword sect to fight.

Is it difficult for those who want the sword sect to fight?

Shen Lang sneered and took care of it.

"Who do you want to be Yin again?" Xue Shiyin came together and looked at Shen Lang with big eyes.

It seems to be blaming, but the eyes have betrayed her... This is obviously the eyes that want to participate in it!

Moreover, what does it mean to rub your hands eagerly while talking?

Shen Lang grinned: "these bastards in the demon God hall not only don\'t help, but also gloat at at them. How can I be happy if they don\'t give them a hand?"

"But this sword array is not trivial. I have to be very careful when I go out. It\'s not suitable for you."

Xue Shiyin blinked a little naughty and said, "well, I\'ll watch the play with them. You should be more careful yourself."

The difference between her and xuejingdong is shown here.

If what is here is not snow poetry, but snow tinkle, then snow tinkle will certainly pull Shen Lang\'s sleeve and let him take himself with him - go with him!

Shen Lang shook his hands, immediately got up, and then took out a set of armor from Xumi ring.

This armour was also taken from the Xumi ring of the strong man in Zhulong mansion. Although it was far inferior to the one Shen Lang gave to his sister, it was more than enough to deal with the current scene.

However, Shen Lang doesn\'t like Hu Qiao in the armour flower very much.

If we were not facing the sword sect killing array this time, it would be impossible for Shen Lang to wear such a suit of armor with his confidence in the chaotic God body.

As soon as this armour was put on, Shen Lang\'s gentle breath suddenly changed again, becoming heroic and aggressive!

"Well, I\'ll go out now." Shen Lang nodded to Xue Shiyin.

Xue Shiyin looked at him as if she could never see enough. She smiled: "HMM."

Shen Lang moved his muscles and bones and lifted the immortal sky knife.

"Keep the time within five seconds!"

With a move in his mind, Shen Lang immediately escaped from the fengtianding.

Just appeared in the hole he hit


In the deafening roar, Shen Lang pushed the speed to the extreme and soared to the sky!

At this moment, both the strong of the sword sect and the people on the other side of the demon God hall have determined that Shen Lang is gone.

The waves in the cave rushed out with a violent breath, and immediately made the people on both sides stay for a while!

At this time, even if you are stunned for a second or two, it is a great opportunity for Shen Lang!

Fire fighting speed!

"The first point!"

Shen Lang stepped in the void and swam in the air. At the first eye of the array, before the strong man of the sword sect reacted, he was like a ghost. He crossed the barrier of invisible sword Qi and ran past the man!

Shen Lang\'s speed at the moment is almost unmatched under the emperor\'s martial mirror.

"Second point!"

Just a step in the void, Shen Lang has reached the second point, the strong one of the sword sect!

"I want to die!"

The strong man of the sword sect reacted and shouted angrily. A long sword was lifted up like a dragon!

The people of the sword sect are extraordinary. A hasty sword is full of meaning, sharp angle and fast!

If this sword is stabbed by him, Shen Lang will become a gourd string!

Moreover, the awn of the long sword drew a strange trace in the void, which turned out to surround Shen Lang\'s whole body!


Shen Lang didn\'t want to kill them one by one.

He twisted his waist like a loach, crossed the sword in an instant, and then stepped on the shoulder of the strong sword sect!

The strong man of the sword sect has just advanced to the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian. Before long, how can he resist the powerful chaotic God like Shen Lang?

With a click, the left shoulder blade was crushed by the waves!

Even at this point, Shen Lang was still calculating and merciful. He didn\'t make the right hand of the sword useless.

If Shen Lang hadn\'t been merciful on purpose, I\'m afraid his whole body would have collapsed if he got this kick!

With the strength of the chaotic divine body, you can crush the nine heavenly strongmen of the quasi emperor martial mirror with your bare hands. You can\'t use the immortal heaven knife at all!


There was a sharp pain in his shoulder. The strong man of the sword sect groaned and fell out quickly.

Shen Lang didn\'t stop. His speed was extreme. He passed directly like smoke at the moment when the man screamed at the third point!

The person at the third point is no worse than the person at the second point, but the person at the second point was badly hit by Shen waves, which attracted the person\'s attention.

It\'s only a third of a second, which has made Shen wave pass easily.

Between the lightning and flint, Shen Lang\'s immortal sky knife black awn flashed. At the fourth point, when the strong man was about to take out the sword, the knife roared away!


Mars is everywhere, and the energy is everywhere.

A hurricane burst out from the place where the two men\'s swords and lightsabers met. The sky was covered with yellow sand and smoke!

Just a knife, the person at the fourth point has been blown out by this fierce knife!

It\'s less than two seconds since I rushed out of the pit. Shen Lang has crossed four points!


Shen Lang whirled in the air and had fallen into shape. Then the cover of the yellow sand rushed to the fifth point!

At this time, the people of Jianzong finally reacted!

A majestic voice on the void immediately shouted, "open the array and kill it!"

The sword array immediately began to work, and the endless sharp sword spirit appeared in the whole array.

Then, the terrible sword Qi that hurt Shen Lang before began to gather at the top of the sword array again!

The sword array can really threaten Shen Lang, it is the power that gathers a group of sword sect strongmen and touches the world.

However, the more powerful the attack, the more time it takes.

The converging attack, the two seconds of hooking the sky, thunder and earth fire, has long been within the calculation of Shen wave!

When the sword Qi falls down, Shen Lang floats and fluctuates in the attack of sword Qi like a willow catkin, and moves rapidly towards the position of the big array of flaws!

The strong swordsmen who controlled the eyes of the array couldn\'t stop him at all.

There are few enemies of unity!

The sea of swords arranged by the strong of the sword sect is full of storms, but the Shen wave is like a log in the storm. Despite the rough waves, it does not fall or sink!

Shen Lang\'s figure rose and fell with the sword Qi, but he always avoided the sword Qi by a millimetre.

When the really powerful attack of the sword array really converges in more than two seconds, shrouding Shen Lang\'s head and about to fall

"Ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang smiled, and the light of immortal Tiandao soared, and a knife exploded at the flaw of the big array in front!

Shen Lang almost didn\'t look at the result when the knife blew out. His speed suddenly accelerated and followed the light of the knife!


This Sabre seems easy, but it\'s actually Shen Lang\'s strongest power except that it doesn\'t work!

The light of the knife exploded at the flaw of the array, as if a film had been pierced!

Outside the sword array, the violent energy surged out like fireworks!

Just the moment Shen Lang reached the pierced gap, the powerful killing move of the upper array fell down with a bang and passed Shen Lang!

"How brave!"

When Shen Lang went through the gap, he found something bad long ago. The two strong swordsmen who were waiting for him shot at the same time!

Two huge palms with sharp sword Qi grabbed Shen Lang at the same time!

"It\'s just the first level of imperial martial mirror. You want to deal with me empty handed?"

Shen Lang tilted his mouth slightly, didn\'t retreat but entered, and met the two huge palms.

Undead Tiandao takes Jingtian Dao\'s awn and slants upward. Unexpectedly, it wants to block the attack of two powerful swordsmen with only one knife!

"The left envoy is dead!" a group of people laughed at the demon temple.

On the side of Jianzong, a group of strong men looked at Shen Lang coldly, as if they were looking at an idiot.

As long as he is still in the quasi imperial martial mirror, there is an unimaginable mountain separated from the imperial martial mirror.

It\'s easy for a strong emperor\'s martial mirror to kill him. They both shot at the same time, and they still attacked the strong sword sect. Did he want to fight with such a knife?

I don\'t know what to do!


It\'s the new year. It\'s a year. Lao Hai wishes all readers all the best in the New Year!

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