Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1148

The three of Li Feiyu clenched their teeth and didn\'t speak.

They haven\'t recovered from the shock of Shen Lang\'s killing.

Besides, Zhuque mansion stood still. She and the other two quasi emperor martial mirror practitioners came here to quarrel with these people. Where are they qualified and who are the opponents?

The most important thing now is to find out whether the left envoy is dead or not!

A large group of the most powerful people in the Zhuque mansion are waiting for the left envoy over there. If he dies here

But the attack of the sword array was too powerful and terrible.

Even if a few strong imperial martial mirrors meet here, they will die on the spot!

The people of the devil general\'s house were more presumptuous when they saw that Li Feiyu didn\'t speak.

There are many deceitful mountains in the demon God hall. On the surface, they call each other brothers and secretly harbor ghosts. The major demon generals have to fight when they have nothing to do. Now they have caught the left envoy of the rosefinch mansion. How can they miss the opportunity to laugh?

"Alas, it\'s said that the Zhuque mansion is waiting for the legendary Zuo envoy now. I didn\'t expect that the Zuo envoy should die here. It\'s sad!"

"The Zhuque mansion also thinks highly of the left envoy. I just don\'t know how the right envoy Bai libing will treat the new left envoy. The strong in the world are respected and have no strength. What\'s the use even with a little relationship and a little intelligence?"

"Yes, in the devastating sword array of the sword clan array, it\'s a mule or a horse. You can see it immediately... You see, this is a donkey without eyes, ha ha ha!"

"I\'m curious. What will a group of strong men look like when they hear the news that Zuo envoy was killed?"

"It\'s humiliating enough to place hope on such waste, but they asked for it!"

The name Shen Lang spread in the demon temple a few months ago.

But many things in yumudong\'s blessed land were suppressed by Tiangang Disha.

After all, Tiangang Disha suffered heavy losses this time. Not only the commander Aoyue was maimed, but two of the four heavenly kings were seriously injured. Most of the Tiangang Disha were killed and injured. It was too humiliating.

So many key things are not revealed.

Few people take those "rumors" seriously, except some high-level leaders of the major magic generals or those who have seen Shen Lang\'s means in yumudong blessed land.

A boy with poor cultivation suddenly rose to the top because of the eldest lady

This must be looked down upon by the people of the main devil generals in the demon God hall.

I\'m afraid not many of the great devil generals, even among the rosefinch mansion, really obey Shen Lang.

Under the instigation of the people in Zhulong mansion, a group of people sprayed the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, and the individual had no skin.

The people of Fenghuang mansion and Taotie mansion were silent because they knew that their mansion master had a good relationship with Shen Lang.

A group of people laughed at Shen Lang and Zhuque mansion and looked at Jianzong curiously.

The two sides have distinct power camps and equal strength. They are all here waiting for the information from Luocha city.

In the sword array over there, five Heavenly Sword like figures have fallen to the edge of the bottomless pit.

The mind of the abyss like the sea is scanning rapidly in the bottomless pit.

After a while, a middle-aged man in tight soft armor shook his head slightly towards the top and said, "there is no vitality, the breath dissipates, and has been blown to ashes by the power of the sword array."

There was no response from above. The strong of Jianzong seemed to have expected this result.

In fact, with the power of this attack, the strong within the second heaven of emperor Wujing are basically the result of ashes.

Emperor Wujing\'s triple heaven strong man will never be seriously injured.

Moreover, almost all the space in the array is under the eyes of the person who controls the array. Unless someone is strong enough to surpass the array, it is absolutely impossible to hide from the person who controls the array.

Now, the boy\'s breath has completely disappeared in the sword array.

At this time, another strong man at the edge of the pit said coldly: "this man\'s Sabre skill is excellent. He can shake most of the sword Qi. Unfortunately, in my sword sect sword array, this is tantamount to a mantis beating a cart!"

"However, when I heard the call of the woman in the demon Temple just now, he was the left envoy of the rosefinch house in the demon temple. How could his cultivation be so bad? He didn\'t even break through the emperor\'s martial mirror?"

At the beginning, the man hesitated and said, "maybe it\'s separation... What I wonder is how this man broke into the sword array without our awareness?"

"Urge the array to sweep the space in the array. If you find any trace of it, there will be no amnesty!"

Although I don\'t believe Shen Lang is still alive, the strong man of the sword sect still took a safe approach.

At that moment, there was lightning and thunder in the sword array, and the dense sword Qi kept coming out.

Looking down from the sky, the huge sword array crossed each other with terrible sword Qi, turned rapidly and stirred in all directions.

Just a few breaths, the endless sword Qi plowed all the space in the sword array like ploughing!

No dead corner is missing!

If Shen Lang hadn\'t died, he would have been broken by the blade storm.

Inside the sealed heavenly tripod, Shen Lang has stabilized his injury and is looking at all this with burning eyes.

In his eyes, a faint silver thread flashed

As soon as the false silver eyes were broken, a mesh sword sect array immediately appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight.

Shen Lang clearly saw the weakness, flaw, eye of the sword sect array and the cultivation level of the strong sword sect who were ambushed in it!

Break the false silver eyes until the source is true!

Shen Lang\'s brain immediately began to deduce, as if Sheng Sheng had found a safe route in the trap composed of thousands of sword Qi.

This route is winding and complicated.

There are eight points distributed on it, and each point is an array eye, which hides the big array controlled by the strong of the sword sect.

Those eight points are the safest position in the sword array.

The strong sword sect at these eight points can control the sword array to kill wantonly. The terrible sword Qi and sky thunder and earth fire of the sword array can\'t hurt them.

In theory, a large array should not have only such a few safety points.

There should be at least two or more safety routes to control the movement of people in the array.

The founder of the sword sect array obviously adhered to the purpose of "indomitable, life and death" of Kendo and set the array as a "killing array" for thousands of years!

Kill array, there is death but no life!

Destroy everything!

It\'s no wonder that Shen Lang, a man with extraordinary attainments in the way of array, rushed around like headless flies, and couldn\'t find the blind spot of sword attack for a while... There were only eight blind spots in such a large sword array!

Moreover, these eight blind spots are covered by small arrays, which are more dangerous than other places!

Even Shen Lang and other array masters can\'t find out in a hurry if they don\'t use broken false silver eyes!

Otherwise, why would you be forced to escape into the fengtianding?

"The powerful sword sect was once called \'evil sword\'. The sword went to extremes. Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years later, his influence is still there. Such a sword array is completely free of leeway and awe inspiring. I\'m afraid it\'s the killing array handed down in those years."

Shen Lang snorted and sighed in his heart.

This kind of array, if it is someone else, even if it is faced by the array master, it will be dead without life.

Because this array destroys all vitality, there is no chance to stay!

Even if the array master wants to break the array, it will take a lot of time.

During this period, he had to support the bombardment of the sword array.

But even if it can really sustain the bombardment of the sword array, how long can it last?

Unless you can hide like Shen Lang and look at it with broken silver eyes, you can only hate on the spot in the face of this extreme killing array!

Under the broken false silver eyes, in the dense network, Shen Lang has deduced a route.

This route runs through eight points to the top of the sword array.

At the top of the sword array and at the end of the route, it was like a thick cloud in the sky, with a thin cloud.

Through the thin cloud, you can vaguely see several figures like gods and Demons standing nearby

This is a small flaw in the sword array.

The people of Jianzong obviously know this flaw, so they put two strong imperial martial mirrors here!

Shen Lang frowned slightly.

In fact, in addition to several other small flaws, there is also the strong guard of the sword sect.

These guys don\'t know who the sword array is for. They guard it like a fly is not ready to let it out.

It\'s more than enough to use Shen Lang\'s current cultivation to activate the sabre skill and use the immortal sky Sabre to break the weakness of this sword array.

But as soon as you go out, unless you surpass the two strong imperial martial mirrors, you will be hit head-on immediately.

Fortunately, both of them are just the beginning of Emperor Wu Jing.

Not long ago, the pale valley of Shen Lang killed the prince of emperor Wujing blood family with one knife!

"The real threat comes from the two imperial martial mirror four heaven strongmen of Jianzong and Wanyao mansion. The two people who guard at the flaw of the big array don\'t care."

"There is a suit of armor suitable for me in the Xumi ring, the strong man called thin waist in the candle dragon house. With the armor and the protective power of the chaotic God, even if you are next to the two people, you won\'t be seriously injured."

"If you use the Vientiane demon, you can easily rush out from the encirclement of a group of strong people of the sword clan!"

"Eight seconds. It only takes eight seconds at most to rush out of the big array from the position of the pit."

"But the people of the sword sect are too confident in their sword array. The accomplishments of the eight people who control the array are all under the emperor\'s martial mirror. They don\'t even have the ability to block me for a moment. After calculation, they can rush out in five seconds at most."

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly. He broke his arrogant silver eyes through the sword array and began to scan the opposing forces outside.

At this look, Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

The people from Jianzong who came out of Jianzong had a group of strong men from Wanyao mansion!

There are three thousand people here, and there are only two thousand people in the demon temple.

"There are more than 3000 people, and there are few above the emperor\'s martial mirror. This hit the door of the demon God hall?"