Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1147

Shen Lang really didn\'t expect that outside the exit of the amber dream, the sky shaking sword array has been set up by the strong man of a certain force.

As soon as I came out, I broke into the sword array!

Not only that, at the moment Shen Lang appeared, at least more than 30 powerful thoughts like a sharp sword locked on him!

Among the more than 30 gods, the worst one is the quasi emperor martial mirror eight heaven.

The strongest one has even reached the fourth heaven of emperor Wujing!

Not only that, their breath, without exception, is as sharp as a sword and sharp as a sword!

"The strong man of the sword clan? He broke into the sword clan array."

Before Shen Lang could observe, the word Jianzong came out of Shen Lang\'s mind.

Except for the legendary clan sword clan, I\'m afraid no clan can put out such a lineup and arrange such a sharp sword array.

"Who dares to break into the sword array? Take him down!"

In the moment of Shen Lang Lengshen, a dignified voice sounded in the void.

Then he saw the light burst and flashed above the sky, and several sword Qi that seemed to cut the space soared out!

"No, this is the middle area. It\'s very close to the demon God hall. Are the people of the sword sect fighting with the demon God hall? They attacked directly?"

With a sweep of his eyes, Shen Lang knew he was right.

The people of the sword sect are really facing off with the demon God Temple!

Just outside the sword array, fifty miles away, a group of powerful people in the demon temple are looking at this side strangely

"Wait a minute, my people, my people!"

Shen Lang was startled and hurriedly stopped.

The sword array of Jianzong is very sharp and unparalleled. It destroys mountains and mountains!

There are also many strong imperial martial mirrors to maintain the large array. Even if the strong imperial martial mirrors are trapped in this sword array, they have to take off a layer of skin!

If Shen langruo is an advanced imperial martial mirror, he may be able to compete with one or two with the strength of chaotic gods and his attainments in large array.

Even under the negligence of the strong man of the sword sect, he broke through the big array and escaped from Shengtian.

But now


The people of Jianzong were stunned: "report your name and sect quickly, so as not to be injured by mistake!"

Fortunately, the people of Jianzong are more reasonable.

The terrible sword Qi above the void was condensed but not dispersed, gathered but not sent, so it stopped in the air.

If it was the demon temple, whoever you were, suddenly rushed into your own array and killed you at the first time. The devil just chirped with you!

Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief and just wanted to perfunctory the strong man of Jianzong.

But I heard a familiar voice shouting at the side of the demon Temple: "ambassador Zuo, run, run!"

When the sound sounded, both Shen Lang and the people of Jianzong were stunned.

The people of the sword sect were stunned. They broke their heads and didn\'t understand... How did the people in the demon Temple get into the sword array?

Shen Lang was stunned because he recognized the voice.

This is the voice of Li Feiyu of Zhuque mansion.

The woman was riding a big snake in the yumudong blessed land. She wanted Shen Lang to kneel down!

As a result, LAN Mengling appeared and appointed Shen Lang as the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. Li Feiyu didn\'t want to be hit.

Unexpectedly, the woman was among the crowd in the demon temple, and she helped Shen Lang at this time!


Where are you going?

Do you think the sword array of the sword clan is a family?

"Kill him." a faint voice came from the sky.

This terrible sword array immediately began to work!

"Li Feiyu him!" Shen Lang was so angry that he didn\'t die: "run, I\'ll run your sister!"

But he had to run because

The sword Qi in the air, which had been condensed for a long time, formed a terrible sword net and fell towards him!

Knowing that he is from the demon temple, how can the people of the sword sect show mercy?

As soon as the sword array moves, the attack will come!

Is it easy to use the sword array that can make Shen Lang\'s color change?

The dense sword Qi of the void sword is trance, ethereal and crisscross, emitting the smell of destruction.

The dense sword Qi and crazy concussion seemed to resonate with the whole world.

No matter Shen Lang in the sword array or the strong ones who notice the demon God hall outside the sword array, they can only see endless sword Qi, and there is nothing else in their eyes!

The void was crushed by the sword Qi, disappeared and collapsed

Not only that, the sword net formed by the terrible sword spirit has no gap, but also integrates the spirit of the strong man of the sword sect and locks Shen Lang.

No matter where Shen Lang runs and how fast he runs, he can\'t get rid of it!

Always on top of the waves!

Poor Shen Lang, although he has reached the peak of the array, he has no time and opportunity to find the array eyes and flaws of the sword array!

"Ya... Kill butterflies!"

There was nothing to hide. Shen Lang pulled out the immortal sky knife, and his whole body made a sound of muscles and bones. He tried his best and blew it up!


The light burst out.

The terror energy that blocks out the sun and darkens the sky and the earth ripples outward in a circle layer by layer, sweeping the space in the array.

At this moment, all the people watching here had a strong sense of spatial dislocation!

It seems that the space in the sword array has been running, and the universe has been reversed

Shen Lang, who was among them, only felt as if thousands of angry thunder exploded in his mind, which made his eyes black.

Thousands of sharp sword Qi burst into his body in an instant, raging madly!

If it weren\'t for the power of the chaotic God, he would have been cut into pieces by the sword!


In the center of the energy storm that people can\'t perceive, Shen Lang touched with blood and was bombarded by the power of the sword net. He hit the ground like a meteorite!

Hit it. Shen Lang knew early in the morning that this power was not enough to kill him.

The palm of a strong man of the blood clan Prince Dina\'s level only smashed half of his internal meridians?

What\'s more, most of the attack of this array was scattered by the immortal sword.

But when Shen Lang\'s body fell like a meteorite, Li Feiyu\'s voice sounded again: "you see, how powerful the envoy Zuo is, he can\'t break the array!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes are black. He really wants to run out now and strangle Li Feiyu first.

Even if she really praises Shen Lang from the bottom of her heart, how can it sound like irony in this case?

Did she talk like that!


The ground was hit directly by Shen waves, and there was a big pit. It was bottomless!

A terrible mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Flying sand and stone is like the end.

The breath of Shen Lang disappeared without a trace

There\'s no way. The sword array is so powerful that Shen Lang has to hide himself in fengtianding by the surge of two energies.

In the sealed Tianding, Shen Lang\'s face was decadent. He stumbled and almost fell in front of Yuanli fragments.

And a wisp of blood hung around his mouth.

Just one attack will make Shen Lang vomit blood.

For such a long time, such a situation is really rare!


Xue Shiyin screamed, rushed over and held him.


Apes and bone demons also surrounded.

Since they knew Shen Lang, they have never seen Shen Lang suffer such a big loss.

"Well, these bastards don\'t have eyes and kill the boss. Let\'s go out and fight with them!" Duanmu Zheng shouted.

The ghost king turned into smoke around him and said, "now go out and have a look. Can you stand it first?"

Duanmu smacked his mouth twice and didn\'t spit out a word.

He wanted to slap the ghost king to death, but the ghost king was a red man around Shen Lang... No, it was a red "ghost", so Duan muzheng really didn\'t dare to offend the old ghost easily.

At this time, Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "don\'t worry. Although it\'s a little embarrassed, it hasn\'t been seriously injured."

"In the legend level sect, except for the Beiming Jitian sect, I\'m afraid the attack power belongs to this sword sect."

"Fortunately, the strength I showed didn\'t pay attention to them, so the big array didn\'t show one percent of its attack power, otherwise I wouldn\'t be able to connect hard at this time."

"Less than one percent?" the ape didn\'t break a few people and smacked their tongue.

"Of course." Shen Lang smiled and said, "the attack power of the strong of Jianzong is amazing. This sword array can not only gather the power of the strong of Jianzong, but also hook the vitality of heaven and earth and turn it into sword yuan, which is no less than the big array of Beiming Jitian sect."

"No matter how strong they are, they will die without saying a word. We will find this account sooner or later!" Xue Shiyin took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood on Shen Lang\'s body, with anger in her eyes.

Just this time, she has hated Jianzong.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s really all right."

Shen Lang\'s hands made a mistake, and the "star sucking Da Fa" has been running.

The pure Yuanli on the Yuanli fragment immediately poured down like a river into the sea.


When Shen Lang entered fengtianding and healed his wounds with Yuanli fragments, the outside was also lively.

On the other side of the demon temple, Li Feiyu kept screaming and wanted to rush here.

However, although Li Feiyu now has the martial mirror cultivation of the quasi emperor, he is pulled by the strong men of the other devil generals and can\'t get rid of it.

Even the other two strong men in the Zhuque mansion were held by these people and could not move at all.

"Envoy Zuo..." Li Feiyu was pale and trembled all over.

The woman didn\'t even know that she had caused shenlang.

That is, Shen Lang has this means and sealing the tripod, so he can escape.

Other people may have to scold - Niang in another world at the moment.

"Li Feiyu, the one just now is Shen Lang, the left envoy of your Zhuque mansion?"

One of the imperial martial mirror strongmen of the Yingshan devil general\'s house flashed his eyes and asked leisurely, "is that all you can do, the left envoy of the magnificent rosefinch house? Just like this, you\'ll be killed?"

The candle dragon devil immediately sneered at a strong man in the mansion and said, "you don\'t know. The left envoy didn\'t become the left envoy of the rosefinch Mansion because of his strong cultivation. Ha ha."

"A faint smile on one\'s face," said Bi Fang, who said, "I heard about it, too, be like a lion\'s sake, and a little ambiguous with her Royal Highness Princess?" but I heard that he was very strong in the dragon scale shrine of Yu Mu Dong Fu.

"Powerful? Are you sure?" the strong man of the poor strange devil\'s mansion sneered and said, "rumors are always exaggerated. We haven\'t seen those things. How can we take them seriously? Maybe those people deliberately praise him in the face of the eldest lady?"

"How capable can a suckling boy be?"

The poor strange devil immediately answered the people in the mansion and said, "let\'s not talk about the things in the blessed land of yumudong for the moment. The sword array of the sword sect is here. Even those who are strong in Imperial martial mirror dare not touch it easily. Everyone knows to hide far away. The left envoy went straight into it and either took the wrong medicine or forgot to take the medicine, ha ha!

"Yes, IQ is worrying, IQ is worrying..." someone immediately said.

"Ha ha!" many people in the devil general\'s mansion laughed in agreement.

Li Feiyu and the other two strong men in the Zhuque mansion were very white and their teeth were rattling.