Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1144

If, as the eternal tree said, Shen Lang is so rebellious, then this disaster doesn\'t seem to be as desperate as before?

"In addition, my child Yu CHENFENG realized the meaning of the rules of life within a hundred years..."

Yujialan continued: "now his soul and power have been integrated by you, and most of this power comes from my noumenon. Once you understand everything he understands, you have a great chance to feel my existence."

"When you understand the rules of life to a certain extent, you can feel my existence, and cooperate with your powerful divine body, you can easily enter the amber dream."

Shen Lang pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, "I see."

Then Shen Lang said, "what about the exit of amber dream? There must be many exits?"

Yujialan nodded and said, "yes, there are at least five exits here. You can walk and fly in the amber dream, and finally go outside through the exit."

"The amber dream is like a projection of the star continent. The mountains and earth here are the same as the outside world."

"So good." Shen Lang smiled and said, "there are two more things..."

With that, Shen Lang turned to look at the cloud sky of longhuang road and said, "I need a drop of his Majesty\'s blood essence to improve his cultivation."

Everyone present was immediately surprised.

This guy, what a big breath!

Long Huanglu Yuntian hesitated and said, "even if the human body can withstand the violent power in the dragon blood, I\'m afraid it can\'t absorb its power. Are you sure you want to use the dragon blood essence to improve cultivation?"

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, and a Kirin breath that was no weaker than Long Wei immediately swept out!

The strong people present were surprised and inexplicable!

"Kirin? Are you a Kirin family? No......"

"Didn\'t lord Jialan say you were a Terran? How could you release such a pure Kirin breath?"

"Does it mean that he has absorbed Kirin\'s blood essence before? Is this the power of the supreme god body? It\'s unheard of!"

The green dragons and the four heavenly kings took a breath of air conditioning.

Shen Lang put away the breath of Kirin and said, "I have indeed absorbed a drop of Kirin essence blood before. It is the same purpose to ask for Dragon essence blood."

"Your Majesty can rest assured that my body is enough to withstand the violent power in the blood of the dragon family."

The cloud sky on longhuang road was silent for a moment, nodded fiercely and said, "OK! The son of destiny is really extraordinary, and I\'ll give you dragon blood essence!"

"I hope you don\'t let me down!"

After that, the Dragon Emperor Lu Yuntian closed his eyes and urged the skill.

The surging and unpredictable rage was released from him, and the terrible pressure of the dragon family began to spread in all directions, attracting the eyes of the powerful green dragon family patrolling in the distance.

The green fell all over the eternal tree, enveloping Shen Lang, Alice and others, and separating the terrible Longwei of the sky on longhuang road.

After a while, on the palm of Lu Yuntian\'s right hand, a dark red gem like blood condensed out.

That drop of blood looks solid and crystal clear. It is faintly visible that there is a green dragon circling rapidly and roaring madly

As soon as this drop of blood appeared, it was time and the wind was blowing!

Thousands of lightning tore the sky of amber dream, and the torrential rain fell madly, like the sky falling apart!

It\'s just a drop of blood essence. The movement is so big!

The strong green dragons guarding under the eternal tree were immediately attracted by the movement and all flew over!

"Don\'t make any noise. Give it to me!"

Longhuanglu drank softly and pointed out to the drop of blood essence!

But seeing a flash of pure light, the green dragon in the blood essence finally converged and settled down.

As soon as the green dragon converged, it seemed as if the storm had passed and the heaven and earth appeared bright again.

However, a drop of blood like a gem still releases a kind of domineering and tragic atmosphere, filling the world!

Even the eight heavenly kings and other strong people, looking at this drop of blood, have an impulse to stay away from here!

This drop of blood is full of unparalleled power, both the innate violent power of the dragon family and the terrorist power of the great emperor level, such as longhuanglu Yuntian. It is endless and gives people an unfathomable feeling.

If such a drop of blood can be absorbed by Shen Lang, it is not impossible for Shen Lang to advance directly to the great emperor\'s martial realm!

The four heavenly kings looked at Shen Lang with envy and joy.

At this time, Shen Lang is also staring at this drop of blood.

This drop of blood essence from Yuntian on longhuang road is very different from the drop of Kirin blood essence from chiyanfeng.

Although the dragon family and Kirin are both divine beasts, chiyanfeng only has the cultivation of the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, while the cloud sky on the longhuang road is already the seventh heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm!

In Shen Lang\'s cognition, apart from the war Emperor himself and the older generation of the five great emperors, I\'m afraid no great emperor can surpass Lu Yuntian in his cultivation in 100000 years.

The blood essence of such a strong man, even if he is not a dragon, contains the power to overturn rivers and seas and destroy heaven and earth!

The breath of the Dragon Emperor road was obviously weakened. He gasped and handed the drop of blood to Shen Lang: "take it. If you can completely absorb the power of this drop of blood, they won\'t be too difficult for you to go to the dragon family at that time..."

"If you absorb this drop of blood, even if you tell them you are a dragon, I\'m afraid not many people can tell."

"I look after you!"

Shen Lang honestly and impolitely tried his best, stretched out his hand and held the drop of blood in his hand.

"Thank you, your Majesty the Dragon Emperor. I will live up to expectations and find the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lang suddenly thought of something and asked, "does your Majesty the Dragon Emperor drink?"

Everyone was stunned and secretly said how the boy changed the topic so quickly?

Longhuanglu Yuntian laughed and said, "if the Dragon doesn\'t drink, it\'s not the dragon. It\'s a pity..."

Speaking of the last two words, the face of Yuntian on longhuang road became a little dim.

The green dragons guard here. Even if there is more wine, I\'m afraid they\'ll drink it up.

Not to mention the impulsive creature of the dragon race, even the strong of other races may fade out of the bird after so many years.

Yumu people can make wine, but Yumu people\'s personality is very peaceful, and the wine may not meet the appetite of the dragon people.

"If you like drinking, it\'s easy to do."

Shen Lang laughed and took out the hundred jars of fire drunk lotus wine in Xumi ring.

These wine jars are listed on the ground, and a strange smell makes a group of green dragon strongmen around change their faces!

The seven dragon emperor made a thud in his throat and stretched out his palm. He couldn\'t wait to take a jar of wine and directly opened the seal mud.

The smell of fire drunk lotus wine made a group of Green Dragon strong people drool!

"Good brother, ha ha ha, you are indeed a good brother!" longhuanglu Yuntian laughed: "it\'s not in vain that Lord Jialan values you so much. It\'s not in vain that I give you this drop of blood essence!"

The four heavenly kings looked at Shen Lang contemptuously and said in secret: "this guy is really his grandmother\'s cunning. He changed the dragon family\'s blood essence at the emperor level with a few jars of wine! Not only did he change it, but also let the dragon family thank him in turn!"

"Shit, why didn\'t we think of it?"

"We can\'t absorb the blood essence of the dragon family, but there are many good things of the green dragon family. Why didn\'t we expect to exchange them with wine?"

At this time, Shen Lang said with a smile, "I just thought that you have been guarding here for so many years. I must be a little short of breath. Just... Some time ago, I got a batch of fire drunk lotus fruits in yumudong blessed place, and then let people make wine. Let\'s honor you green dragon brothers."

"Don\'t be too few, because they came out in a hurry, so they didn\'t bring much."

"I will bring a large number of them to your brothers after they are brewed in the future."

The three Dragon Emperor and the seven Dragon Emperor immediately hooked Shen Lang\'s shoulder, and the brothers shouted.

The four heavenly kings looked silly again.

Fire drunk lotus wine is of great value, but with so many jars of wine and three or two words, the dragon family can be called brothers... It\'s unimaginable!

Just then, a voice that was almost forgotten sounded, "Hey, you still have horns on your head. Are you a dragon?"

When they were stunned, they turned around and saw that Alice was circling around a strong green dragon.

And he stared at people up and down curiously.

The so-called dragon race is the offspring of the combination of the dragon race and other races. It is not a pure dragon race.

It is said that the nature of the Dragon nationality is wild. For countless years, there have been many Dragon Descendants in the world.

The strong man of the green dragon family coughed and said, "Er, girl, good vision. I\'m really a dragon."

Alice stared and asked curiously, "really? Is your father a dragon or your mother a dragon?"

The faces of all the strong green dragons present are green

Shen Lang almost died of anger.

Just let the green dragons call themselves brothers, Alice tossed it out!

Shen Lang is very sure. Next, Alice is likely to ask very "pure"

"If your father is a dragon, how did your father give birth to you with your mother? If your mother is a dragon, how did your father get on with her? Their husband and wife life is still harmonious? Wow, I\'m looking forward to your Dragon Story..."

Of course, Shen Lang imagined it according to Alice\'s personality.

If you really say so, the scene will get out of control

Shen Lang sweated and covered Alice\'s mouth: "asshole! I\'m talking to you about business. What are you going to do? Shut up! Shut up! Do you hear me?"

The heavenly king Mo Qingwu immediately found the opportunity and said, "shut up. You cover people\'s mouths and shut up?"

"...." Shen Lang was stunned.

At this moment, sudden change!

Longhuanglu Yuntian\'s palm suddenly gently wiped on Alice\'s head!

Alice\'s head tilted and she immediately fell asleep.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor..." Shen Lang already knew what the cloud sky of the Dragon Emperor road was going to do.