Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1143

Shen Lang smacked his mouth twice, looked at Yu Jialan apologetically and said, "I\'m so sorry to interrupt all the time. Please continue to talk, Lord Jialan."

Yu Jialan smiled disapprovingly and said, "the broken empty sword among the five Heavenly God soldiers, in the witch family, also comes from the secret territory of the Ancient Soul forest."

"It seems... Zuo Wentian has done a lot of good things?" Shen Lang was a little speechless: "there are two of the five Heavenly God soldiers that have something to do with him! How can this guy toss!"

Yu Jialan said, "since Xiaolang has seen the little crystal, he must already know that the witch family is looking for you, too?"

"Good." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

Yu Jialan continued: "after this, Xiao Lang should be able to easily get this broken empty knife when he goes to the secret place of the witch family."

"Soul eating magic sword, in the demon family... This heavenly magic weapon may be the most difficult to get, but if the demon family knows the ultimate fear and the doomsday disaster, I believe they will still hand over this magic weapon."

There was a silence.

It\'s not easy for the demon family to hand over the God soldiers?

Demon clan is not much better than blood clan!

And now the demon world and the human world are sealed and blocked, completely like two worlds.

Although the seal door of Tongtian canyon has been loosened, who knows how to develop behind it?

It can\'t be said that for this heavenly warrior, help the demon family break the seal?

Yu Jialan also led to: "all ten sides kill guns in Tianxing Pavilion."

This remark shocked the audience again!

Simon Xiruo, the king of Dabo, who had not spoken for a long time, said in surprise, "Tianxing Pavilion is a legendary sect focusing on refining medicine and utensils. How can it have more powerful Heavenly God soldiers than the ten Heavenly utensils?"

Other people were also quite puzzled: "I\'ve never heard of such a thing?"

The three words "Tianxing Pavilion" are really known to everyone.

The xumijie of this world comes from Tianxing Pavilion;

The compass in the hands of the disciples of the major schools in the yumudong blessed land trial also comes from the Tianxing Pavilion;

Even the Lingtong level beast palace, which was killed by Shen Lang, came from Tianxing Pavilion.

Everything that Tianxing Pavilion shows may not make people feel how powerful.

But its mystery is no less powerful than the hall of the God of war or the hall of thousands of souls.

However, this force is just like the treasure gathering Pavilion. It belongs to a neutral force. It has become popular in the three ways of good and evil.

Unexpectedly, this force that does not show its force has one of the five Heavenly God soldiers!

Yu Jialan said slowly, "the Tianxing Pavilion gets all the guns. In fact, it has something to do with forces such as the God of war hall."

"Many years ago, gods and Demons wreaked havoc in this land. The strong of all parties worked together to eliminate and kill many gods and demons."

"The strong men of the war temple and the ten thousand demon mansion once handed over the bodies of some gods and demons to the Tianxing Pavilion, which studied the mysteries of gods and demons."

"As a result, Tianxing Pavilion found some information on the bodies of many powerful gods and demons."

"After tens of thousands of years of searching and collecting tens of thousands of fragments, they finally formed a map. Finally, without disturbing the strong in all directions, they found the secret place on the map and found all the guns."

The heavenly king Mo Qingwu immediately said, "the heavenly star Pavilion is very close to the God of war hall. Let\'s leave it to our eight heavenly kings. Let\'s go."

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "the relationship between Tianxing Pavilion and God of war hall is not as good as you think."

"I\'d better go myself."

All four heavenly kings have black faces.

Talking like this in front of the eight Heavenly Kings is a little too loud, isn\'t it?

Does he think his face and qualifications can be better than the eight heavenly kings?

Considering the face of the Dragon Emperor and the eternal tree, the four heavenly kings pressed down their unhappiness.

At this time, Shen Lang stood up and said, "well, knowing all this, I also have a direction and know what to do."

"Tell me a few things. I should go out, too."

Shen Lang thought and released the souls of Yu Lingfeng and other three people in the Tai Chi picture.

The three of Yu Lingfeng, who were looming, stood in front of Yu Jialan.

"Mother tree..."

The three of Yu Lingfeng, who saw everything clearly, wept with joy!

The Yumu clan immediately gathered around.

"My poor child, blame me for my incompetence and let you go through such hardships." Yu Jialan held Yu Lingfeng in his arms.

Shen Lang said with apology, "I\'m sorry, I destroyed their flesh."

"No!" Yu Lingfeng exclaimed, "it\'s not like this..."

"The childe went deep into the hinterland of the blood clan disguised as the dead. He was forced to do so by the blood clan, and he saved our souls with amazing means!"

Feather Lingfeng spoke out what happened in the dungeon that day in a very fast tone.

The four heavenly kings finally changed their eyes when they looked at Shen Lang!

Those who can do such a thing should not only have great wisdom and courage, but also have great ability!

This boy is really unusual

Qi Qi, the four elders of the plume family, bowed slightly to Shen Lang and said, "we will remember what the son of fate has done for the world and for the plume family. We will never forget it. Thank you!"

Shen Lang quickly saluted back: "several elders are polite. It\'s me who should say thank you. What the Yumu family has done for the world is worth remembering."

At this time, Yu Jialan\'s palm gently brushed over the souls of Yu Lingfeng.

Then he saw that the three of Yu Lingfeng took root and sprouted like a small tree, and began to grow branches and leaves

It was only a short time before the three people reshaped their flesh and returned to normal!

Although the eternal tree cannot easily let people of other races reshape the flesh, it is really easy to reshape the flesh for their children!

"Children, there are four heavenly kings. Come with me."

Yu Jialan said and walked to the entrance of the amber dream.

Shen Lang, the green dragon family and four heavenly kings followed and entered the amber dream.

The plume family, on the other hand, stayed outside.

As soon as he entered the amber dream, Shen Lang only felt that the scenery in front of him had changed greatly and had appeared in a fairyland.

The land here is beautiful and pure, and the life aura in the air is so strong that it can\'t be dissolved completely, which makes people forget all their troubles and all their troubles in an instant!

The rolling hills, dense jungle and vast grassland are just like the outside world.

But everything here has not been changed by any energy and has not suffered any trauma.

Pure and beautiful, heartbreaking

In front, a towering giant tree goes straight into the sky, covering an area thousands of miles around.

This is the eternal tree!

Under the tree, hundreds of strong green dragons are patrolling carefully

The three of Yu Lingfeng, who had just reshaped their flesh, further solidified their flesh, slowly walked to the bottom of the eternal tree, lay down and slept in the past.

"They still need to rest." Yu Jialan took a loving look at Yu Lingfeng and said.

Then she turned to Shen Lang and said, "Xiaolang, although your breath is very strange, after integrating the soul and power of CHENFENG, you have now reached the peak of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror."

"Amber dream is the most pure space. There is also the pure life spiritual power released from me here. You will be able to make further achievements in the imperial martial mirror after practicing here for some time."

So far, the eternal tree is the only one who can see Shen Lang\'s specific accomplishments.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "I appreciate the kindness of Lord Jialan. Now the outside world is in chaos. There are still many things I need to deal with. I\'m afraid I can only find a chance to enter the amber dream in the future."

This is actually just a reason for Shen Lang.

Amber dream here is full of life and spiritual power, but what Shen Lang needs most is energy.

Today\'s Shen Lang doesn\'t need the power of the blood prince in the Tai Chi diagram or the life spirit in the amber dream. In fact, he can also advance the emperor\'s martial mirror.

But previously, in the hinterland of the blood clan, he had been suppressing cultivation.

Now it\'s over. Shen Lang just wants to leave the blood clan hinterland and go to the demon God hall as soon as possible.

As soon as he went to the demon temple, he immediately started to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror.

The biggest temptation of amber dream to Shen Lang is not the spiritual power of life, but the peace and purity of this space.

Practicing and understanding the way of heaven and earth in such a place may be several times or even more than ten times that in the outside world!

Shen Lang declined yujialan and then said, "Amber dream is really the best place for cultivation. Is there only moonlight forest at the entrance?"

Yu Jialan shook his head and said, "there must be more than one entrance to the amber dream, but the only entrance opened by the Pangu Protoss is the moonlight forest land."

"In fact, many strong ethnic people who fit in with nature may consciously enter here and stay here for some time when practicing."

"But this possibility is too small. There are only five or five strong people who have really entered the amber dream for thousands of years."

Shen Lang frowned: "so little? Do you want to enter the amber dream again, or do you want to go to the moonlight forest land?"

Yu Jialan smiled and said, "although there are few, it\'s not very difficult for you to become one of them."

"What\'s the answer?" Shen Lang said in surprise.

Yu Jialan sighed and said, "Pangu Protoss once told me that there are several gods in the sky and on the earth. They themselves contain the meaning of rules. Once they understand it, they can freely enter and leave the space of amber dream."

"You can even shuttle through hundreds of millions of planes between moving and thinking."

"Your Divine body is a divine body that transcends the gods of the heavens. It is unique in the sky and the earth. Naturally, it also has the ability to shuttle between you."

As soon as he said this, both the three emperors of the dragon family and the four heavenly kings stared wide and showed an incredible look!

Beyond the kings of heaven?

Unique in heaven and earth?

Is that an exaggeration?

It\'s amazing that the son of fate has such a terrible God body, this boy?