Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1145

Sure enough, longhuanglu Yuntian said with a little apology: "brother Shen Lang, I didn\'t mean to embarrass Alice, but Alice\'s identity is too sensitive and her cultivation is too poor... If she falls into the hands of the blood family again, the blood family can easily take out her memory."

"Whether it\'s about you or the eternal tree of amber dream, we must not let the blood family know now, nor let any other forces outside know."

"So I let her sleep in the past, ready to modify her memory."

Shen Lang sighed and said, "I understand. Your majesty can do it freely."

Longhuang Road, Yuntian cultivation, leads to heaven. Shen Lang is not afraid that he will hurt Alice with the wrong hand.

Over there, the seven dragon emperor and others began to divide the wine. Here, the Dragon Emperor Lu Yuntian personally modified Alice\'s memory.

Shen Lang turned around, looked at Yu Jialan and said, "Lord Jialan, I have one more thing to ask."

Yujialan looked at Shen Lang lovingly and said, "son, don\'t be polite to me, but whatever I can do, I will try my best to help you achieve it."

Shen Lang nodded gratefully and said, "I have a disciple who was destroyed many years ago. Later, I wanted to help him rebuild his flesh through various means. Now..."

"I think you\'d better give up!" the heavenly king Mo Qingwu interrupted Shen Lang\'s words and said, "it\'s natural and simple for Lord Jialan to reshape the body of the Yumu family, because the Yumu family is her child and was born from her."

"It\'s not easy for a Terran warrior to reshape his body? In addition to cultivation, he also needs the help of all kinds of rare talents and earth treasures in the world to make it possible..."

Shen Lang, with a black face and a tooth for a tooth, interrupted Mo Qingwu\'s words: "Xiaowu, you\'ll die if you don\'t talk? It\'s impolite to interrupt others casually!"

"..." Mo danced and froze.

The word "Xiaowu" is the nickname of Mo Qingwu. Only a few people can call her that.

Even the three heavenly kings who knew her so well didn\'t call her so!

How did this strange boy

The other three heavenly kings looked at each other with inexplicable meaning in their eyes.

Shen Lang\'s subconscious "roar" brought out a lot of information.

At this time, Shen Lang has turned his head and continued: "my disciple has strong cultivation and extremely concise soul. Moreover, under the action of my means, I have now reached the last stage of reshaping the flesh."

"So I think that in this amber dream with abundant vitality, adult Jialan will help him reshape his body in the shortest time and help him break through the martial arts realm of the great emperor."

"What?" not only the four heavenly kings were surprised, but also several dragon emperors were stunned.

"Boy, are you bragging? You only get the imperial martial mirror after your own cultivation. Do you have a disciple at the peak of the imperial martial mirror?" Mo chuckled and said, "you\'re not afraid to make people laugh?"

This time, Shen Lang didn\'t even bother to answer. He just looked at Yu Jialan and waited for Yu Jialan\'s answer.

"How dare you ignore me!" Mo Qingwu was directly ignored by Shen Lang, and his anger burned more and more.

Yu Jialan nodded slightly and said, "no problem. I\'ll do my best to help him. Xiaolang, let him out."

"Thank you!" Shen Lang bowed respectfully and summoned Zuo Wentian out.

Zuo Wentian had been sleeping in fengtianding before, but he didn\'t know these things in the amber dream.

As soon as he appeared, he felt the pure and abundant life power of the amber dream. Just wanted to marvel, he immediately felt the power of the three dragon emperors!


After all, the eight heavenly kings were worse than Zuo Wentian in his heyday, but the breath of the three dragon emperors surprised Zuo Wentian!

The self-protection consciousness of the strong immediately started, and the unparalleled supreme sword intention of the "sword emperor" was released, protecting his whole body and naturally resisting the authority of the three dragon emperors!

The vertical and horizontal Sabre Qi with the sound of "hiss hiss" immediately appeared around, forming a terrorist Sabre net, enveloping Zuo Wentian, which is a wonder.

At this time, Zuo Wentian, as Shen Lang said, had a very concise soul.

At first glance, the general strong never thought he was a soul!

And his highly recognizable supreme sword idea was immediately recognized by the three heavenly kings of the God of war hall!

"Ask the sky, it\'s you!"

The night fork King drank softly when the moon was full, and the four heavenly kings surrounded Zuo Wentian.

"Qiang Qiang!"

The four magic soldiers broke the knife Qi from four directions and put it on the neck of Zuo Wentian!

For these four people full of hostility, Zuo Wentian did not resist.

As soon as he came out, he was really startled by the terrible breath of the three dragon emperors. What he was afraid of was the breath of the three dragon emperors.

However, the Dao emperor\'s mind is unusual. Without feeling the murderous and hostile spirit, he immediately reacted when he saw Shen Lang standing next to him.

"Eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall? I have nothing to do with the God of war hall. Isn\'t it too much for the three heavenly kings to do so?"

Zuo Wentian stood with a negative hand and asked faintly.

Although the memory is broken and has not been recovered, Zuo Wentian still recognizes the three heavenly kings.

Shen Lang said impatiently, "what are you doing? Let him go."

The heavenly king Mo lightly danced and said with a cold hum, "even if Lord Jialan determines that you are the son of destiny, you, the so-called son of destiny, are not qualified to give orders to the people in our war god temple!"

"Zuo Wentian was involved in a public case that year, which not only killed dozens of legendary sect\'s peerless strongmen, but also caused great difficulties for both emperors. We want to take him back to the war temple for trial!"

A group of strong green dragon people opened their mouths one by one. They didn\'t know whether to persuade or continue to watch the excitement.

Persuade them. They don\'t know Zuo Wentian at all, and they don\'t know what happened;

Don\'t advise. After all, it\'s about the "son of fate", and it\'s going to fight soon

Instead, Yu Jialan seemed to know a lot of things. He just looked at all this quietly and didn\'t want to persuade or intervene at all.

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "bet... Bet a fart! The God of war temple is gone. Where are you going?"

"Besides, what happened in those years is still unclear, and the memory of asking heaven has not been restored. We don\'t know what happened. What is the trial?"

"Less nonsense, let go!"

Yasha Wang yueman shook his head and said, "little brother Shen Lang, I\'m really sorry. Zuo Wentian\'s incident involved too much and involved two great emperors. I\'m afraid we can\'t do it according to what you said."

The heavenly king Mo lightly danced, glanced obliquely at Shen Lang and said, "Lord Jialan said you are the son of fate, and the green dragons are willing to help you... For the sake of all the people in the world, our God of war hall is naturally willing to help you, even driven by you..."

"But the matter of asking the sky is another matter. You are not qualified to intervene."

Shen Lang looked at these people with a black face and was very depressed.

The eight heavenly kings are giants. It\'s really difficult to change what they believe.

It\'s a waste of time and energy to mess around like this

Originally, he didn\'t want to reveal his identity at this time, but now, I\'m afraid he can\'t convince these four stubborn guys without revealing his identity.

"I\'m not qualified?" Shen Lang\'s mouth tilted slightly.

"Open your eyes and see if I am qualified!"

Shen Lang drank softly, moved his hands and fingers quickly, and squeezed out several mysterious Dharma Seals.

The golden characters all over the sky were immediately released from him!

Thousands of golden characters spin around Shen Lang\'s body as if consciously!

"How could..."

As soon as the thousands of golden characters came out, the eyes of the four heavenly kings shrank fiercely, as if they saw an incredible scene!

All the characters are one word


Every character contains the general war spirit of mountains!

Pure to the palpitating sense of war!

Not only that, with these characters circling around Shen Lang madly, the will of the emperor to visit the world is also swept out of Shen Lang!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The crisp sound kept ringing. Thousands of words "war" converged towards Shen Lang\'s forehead, but they condensed into another word... "Emperor"!

At this moment, the unique demeanor of the war emperor is undoubtedly revealed!

The momentum turned out to be directly over the three dragon emperors on the side!


With tears in their eyes, the four heavenly kings threw their magic soldiers directly to the side and knelt down towards Shen Lang

"Yasha king, the moon is full..."

"Mo Qingtong, king of jaluro..."

"Simon Xiruo, king of Dabo..."

"Don\'t dance lightly..."

"See the emperor!"

With ecstasy, with worship, with kindness, and even with a little hysteria, a few violent drinks sounded at the same time.

The four heavenly kings shed tears on the spot.

This time, in addition to Yu Jialan, whether it\'s Zuo Wentian, the three dragon emperors, or a group of strong dragon people, they all opened their mouths... Stunned!

The painting style changes a little fast. People really can\'t react.