Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1142

Where does Yu Jialan know the difficulty of Shen Lang?

She nodded slightly and said, "it\'s really in the ninth palace of Shendu. At that time, Xiaolang, you have to go to the ninth palace of Shendu. Be sure to get the stolen Tiangong."

"Shen Lang was speechless.

Steal the sky bow? How?

If you don\'t threaten others, as the war emperor, and then know it with emotion and reason, you may still have a chance to get it.

Now the cruel words have been said. Maybe Lingtian has been beaten like a pig\'s head by them. Do you still want to get tianshenbing?

Now, I\'m afraid the women in the ninth palace of God have brushed the favor of the temple of the God of war to hell?

"You go on." Shen Lang has a headache.

The first god soldier is so troublesome. I don\'t know how difficult it is to get the later one.

Yu Jialan continued, "Taixu God armor is in the Dragon cemetery in the Dragon Valley."

"Can\'t it? The dragon family has a divine weapon? I\'ve never heard of it!" this time, it was not Shen Lang, but Yuntian on longhuang road.

Yujia LAN youyou said, "it\'s normal for the Dragon Emperor not to know, because the Taixu God armor was born ten thousand years ago... Ten thousand years ago, the ancestor of the Tianqing sect asked the sky and invited the strong people from all over the world to the secret place of the wild ancient soul forest. As a result, the strong people, including the two emperors, never came back."

"Finally, only some of the younger generation\'s children went out of the secret realm of the Ancient Soul forest."

"It was at that time that the dragon family got the Taixu divine armor, but the strong of the other parties didn\'t know it."

Shen Lang began to roll his eyes again: "how many problems have you given me... The dragon family is sealed in the Dragon Valley now. They can\'t get out, and I can\'t get in. It\'s not easy to get the Taixu divine armor?"

A group of green dragon strongmen suddenly stared: "what? The dragon is sealed? Are you kidding!"

Shen Lang had no choice but to tell the story of Honglong road Qianqiu and the purple robed man.

Of course, when it comes to himself and Feng Tianding, including grabbing Yuanli fragments, Shen Lang perfunctory passed it in three or two sentences.

"It\'s a terrible power to seal the dragon family!" said yuntianna, longhuanglu. "But how did such a powerful demon come into the star continent? The dragon family provoked him?"

Yu Jialan said calmly, "it\'s not surprising if there are demons who can control the rules like the Pangu Protoss and come into the star continent, but there are few gods and Demons strong enough to this extent, even in the upper world."

"Xiaolang just said that the dragon clan was sealed. The person who broke the seal is Xiaolang. It can be seen that everything is doomed."

"In other words, the purple robed man has discovered what happened in the human world, or is aware of the existence of the ultimate fear, so he acts casually and lays a back hand for Xiaolang."

"What\'s cloth\'s back hand? If he killed the ultimate fear with one palm, why would he let me do these things so tired?" Shen Lang sighed.

"The difficulty of this game is too great. At least give me a chance to pass the customs? I don\'t see any hope of passing the customs now... The Pangu Protoss look up to me too much. Let me do this!"

The people looked at each other and didn\'t know how to answer him.

If this kind of thing is spread to others, it can really make people despair.

I don\'t know where the five Heavenly God soldiers are. They turn around like headless flies, making people feel like they want to die;

You know where the five Heavenly God soldiers are. Piansheng has many obstacles, which makes people helpless!

The heavenly king Mo Qingwu said cautiously: "according to the saying of red dragon road Qianqiu, breaking the seal of Dragon Valley requires the gathering of five color dragons. Red dragon has road Qianqiu, green dragon has you, blue dragon and yellow dragon themselves are trapped in Dragon Valley, but what about black dragon?"

"The black dragon has long defected from the dragon family and has now become the pawn of the demon God Hall... The demon king who controls the star continent is the black dragon demon king!"

"We want to gather five Heavenly God soldiers to deal with the master of the demon God hall. Can we find his minions for help?"

Whether it\'s the green dragon or the feather wood, the faces of a group of people are black

This is really not a human thing!

It\'s one thing to find the black dragon. Even if you can find the black dragon, can you let the black dragon listen to Shen Lang\'s words?

If it\'s hard, how can it be so easy to catch the dragon clan unless the three dragon emperors make a move?

In particular, the black dragon alien is now making waves in the demon God hall. It\'s not easy to find them.

Shen Lang suddenly said, "the black dragon thing is easy to solve. I have my own way."

"You have a way?" Mo Qingwu obviously didn\'t believe: "what way, tell me!"

Shen Lang put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, the Buddha said: don\'t say, don\'t say."

"You have seed!" don\'t dance lightly.

But they didn\'t know that Shen Lang was already playing the idea of Tiangang Disha commanding Black Dragon Aoyue

Wouldn\'t it be better to capture a little black dragon?

But why did Shen Lang play the idea of black dragon Aoyue?

After all, that\'s the commander of Tiangang Disha!

The reason is very simple. When she was in yumudong blessed land, Heilong Aoyue left with LAN Mengling and Dingdang, but later she was crippled by the blood emperor ladaos... That is, the blood shadow emperor!

When Shen Lang appeared outside the blessed land of yumudong, the rosefinch transformed by blue dream had been caught by the blood shadow emperor.

And a black dragon, thousands of miles long, lay half dead and motionless

Later, when Shen Lang woke up, he knew that the commander of Tiangang Disha was the most injured in that war.

I\'m afraid that when the candle dragon went to destroy the northern underworld polar sect, it was not as miserable as the black Ao moon!

In this case, Shen Lang went to the demon temple at that time. It\'s most suitable to start with AO Yue by using the cover of his identity!

With a slight sigh, Shen Lang said, "find a way to solve the matter of the black dragon, and then break the seal of the Dragon Valley. It\'s not difficult, but there are still many opportunities. I think the most difficult thing is, how can the dragon family give me the Taixu divine armor?"

"Don\'t say it\'s too empty. Even if it\'s a heavenly weapon, if I ask the dragon family for it, they can\'t give it."

"I am not disrespectful to your dragon family. You know the dragon family\'s temperament best. For these magic weapons or treasures, the dragon family sees more important than life!"

"If the Taixu God armor is in the hands of your green dragons and you are not guarding the amber dream, will you give it to me?"

The seven Dragon Emperor\'s head shook: "no! Joke, how can I give you such a good thing?"


The cloud sky of longhuang road slapped on the head of the seven Dragon Emperor: "you don\'t speak, no one says you\'re dumb!"

Lu Yuntian said on his horse, "if there is no doomsday robbery or the son of fate, the general dragon family will not give it, but... Hey, if it is in my hand, it will give it!"

"When you tell them clearly, you should still be able to get it."

The strong members of the green dragon family feel ashamed one by one.

Although what everyone thinks is the same as the seven dragon emperor, the problem will not be so careless!

Shen Lang\'s words are true, and the words of the seven Dragon Emperor are also true.

If we hadn\'t obeyed the arrangement of Pangu Protoss, guarded the eternal tree here and knew so many secrets, if the green dragon had Taixu divine armor in their hands, would they have offered it to others?

The dragon people don\'t have many hobbies, but they are crazy about all kinds of treasures and want to take them for themselves.

It\'s nature!

The seven dragon emperor was slapped, suddenly woke up and said timidly, "if they don\'t give it, you can rob it."


The three Dragon Emperor on the side slapped him: "you let him grab it? The cultivation of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror ran to the dragon family to grab the treasure. Do you want to kill him?"

The seven dragon emperor was stunned and said unconvinced, "if you can\'t rob, steal!"

Everyone was stunned. The lengtouqing finally said a normal word.

Steal, this is also a way!

However, the words of the cloud sky on longhuang road immediately extinguished the people\'s newly raised hope: "no, Xiaolang helped the dragon family untie the seal. Although the dragon family will appreciate it, it will never let him enter the Dragon cemetery. For millions of years, the Dragon cemetery has never been entered by outsiders."

"Even if the dragon people don\'t have certain qualifications, or their longevity is not exhausted, they can\'t enter the tomb of the dragon."

"If you can\'t get into the tomb of the dragon, where can you start?"

"That\'s all. I\'ll go with Xiaolang then..."

Everyone was overjoyed. Just about to speak, they heard longhuanglu Yuntian say again: "if they don\'t give it, I\'ll rob it directly!"


After a long time, I thought he would accompany Shen Lang to know the Yellow Dragon and the blue dragon with emotion and reason.

I didn\'t expect that in the end, this girl still wants to rob?

Isn\'t this the same thing as the seven dragon emperor?

It\'s just that the seven Dragon Emperor asked Shen Lang to rob, and the cloud sky on longhuang road said he robbed.

The dragon is the dragon, and the brother is the brother. Sure enough, the head is the same, and there are all muscles in it!

The four heavenly kings are really impressed by the dragons.

Shen Lang clapped his hands and said, "Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor is very kind! If your Majesty the Dragon Emperor makes a move, there\'s no worry about it... I\'m sure they can\'t rob your Majesty the Dragon Emperor!"

The green dragon family immediately laughed, and the three dragon emperors and Shen Lang hooked their shoulders.

There is a feeling of "sorry to meet you late" and "sympathizing with each other".

The four heavenly kings and the people of the Yumu family are stunned again... Dare you, the son of fate, and the guy with muscles in his head like the dragon family are the same thing!

Seeing their affinity, they almost got up now and went to the Dragon Valley to rob God armor!

What\'s this called?

If it weren\'t for the green dragon family to guard the eternal tree in the amber dream, everyone would think that these "barbarians" would be directly shaken out by the Shen wave and become his thugs, burning, killing and looting everywhere!

But then again, they will make the dragon people fly like chickens and dogs, which is very expected?

"If you have a chance, you must go and have a look!" the four heavenly kings secretly made up their mind.