Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1139

With the passage of time, with the in-depth understanding of blood clan by the strong of all ethnic groups.

People finally found the bloody place

Emperor Wu mirror is almost their destination!

In the hundreds of thousands of years of war, all ethnic groups have appeared at the level of emperor.

But the blood clan has never appeared the great emperor except the blood ancestor!

This is absolutely earth shaking good news for all ethnic groups in the world!

It is unknown whether the world has the law of balance or whether the race created by the blood ancestor is just a defective product.

After many years, it is finally a fatal threat to the blood clan

Before the emergence of the great emperor, the number of blood families occupied a huge advantage;

However, there are all mole ants under the great emperor. In the face of the existence of this level of the great emperor, the number has no effect.

With the five emperors and five ancestors as the center, under the leadership of the peak forces such as the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house, the war situation that had been stuck together began to change.

The Allied forces of all ethnic groups began to take the initiative to reverse the situation.

At this time, the Pangu Protoss spent the divine power of many powerful people, spent hundreds of thousands of years, and finally refined a drug that can restrain the blood clan and dissolve the blood energy by using the "life spirit liquid" brought down from the Pangu world!

After refining the medicine, the Pangu Protoss gave it to the witch family, and then sent it to the allied army of all nationalities by the hand of the witch family.

After that, the supreme power of the war temple and the ten thousand demon house spread the drug to the blood clan territory unconsciously.

It is said that Pangu Protoss, who once participated in the creation of the world, really has great magic power.

The medicine they spent hundreds of thousands of years refining is really against the sky!

This medicine contains incredible aura, and this aura is transformed from "life aura", which is extremely pure.

It is almost impossible for anyone or race to treat such pure Reiki as a poison.

After this medicine spread in the blood clan territory, it soon made the whole blood clan territory full of vitality!

People of the blood clan were initially flustered in the face of this change.

However, after sending a large number of strong people to investigate, they found no other abnormalities except abundant and pure vitality, so they let it go.

From this time on, the drug that only affects the blood group began to play its role.

The blood group exposed to this drug began to have subtle changes in the blood energy in the body, became weak, and the cells began to undergo uncontrollable changes!

The meaning of rules contained in blood energy began to melt.

Ten years

A hundred years


Time passed little by little.

Eating blood and relying on the power in blood to expand their blood clan, they are more and more inclined to be normal and begin to move closer to the human clan.

They are no longer as hungry for blood as before, and the process of refining the power in blood into their own is becoming more and more difficult.

Their speed became slower and slower, and they began to approach the Terrans they despised.

Not only that, the "first embrace" effect of blood clan is getting worse and worse. After biting other races, the probability of making the bitten become blood clan is getting lower and lower.

Cook the frog in warm water.

Heating up bit by bit, paralyzing muscles and will bit by bit

When the blood clan found something wrong, it was too late.

All blood families exposed to this medicine, regardless of their cultivation, are difficult to reverse and begin to change.

Even the legendary blood ancestor, who has a means to connect heaven, is powerless.

All blood families began to lose their characteristics and powerful power.

The evil and unpredictable blood energy has become a pure energy such as spiritual power or demon power.

The changed blood energy, even in the face of the demon family, was destroyed by the power of the demon family, which was difficult to compete with the demon family and other races!

Most importantly, thousands of years later, it is no longer difficult for blood families to spread like viruses

The emergence of Pangu Protoss drugs completely curbed the crazy spread of blood clan.

The biggest advantage of blood clan is finally gone!

The allied army of all ethnic groups finally defeated to win, forcing Xuezu to a desperate situation!

The legendary ultimate war finally broke out in the blood clan territory.

The blood ancestor was finally exhausted under the joint attack of other five ancestors, five emperors and countless racial strongmen.

The blood clan is gone and trapped in the "abyss of nightmare" by the strong in the world.

However, the strength of Xuezu is not only here. At the time of the final World War I, the war situation turned upside down!

The blood ancestor not only burst out with unprecedented strength, but also sacrificed a terrorist magic weapon called "blood ancestor mausoleum".

The most cautious and most powerful soul ancestor in legend was severely injured by the blood ancestor!

The supreme nine day war emperor of the war temple and a large group of strong soldiers of the war temple were swallowed up by a magic weapon called "blood ancestral mausoleum" offered by the blood ancestor!

The body is the most powerful, and the corpse ancestor, who originally restrained the blood ancestor, was suppressed by the blood ancestor mausoleum and couldn\'t move under the blood ancestor mausoleum!

The blood ancestral mausoleum, which looks like a huge city, shows its power of suppressing heaven and earth.

The whole war situation suddenly reversed!

Endless despair is lingering in people\'s hearts

People feel that there is no place to go.

Even escape, there is no place to escape!

At the time of crisis, the most mysterious witch ancestor among the five emperors and six ancestors urged the secret method of the witch family, absorbed the blood and soul of thousands of powerful witch people, incarnated the Witch and appeared in the world as a demon God!

It is said that the body of the witch family is very weak. Although it has the power of moving mountains and filling the sea, it all depends on the unpredictable witchcraft.

But at this moment, they showed incredible physical strength!

The Wuzu gathered the power of thousands of powerful people of the witch family and turned into a great witch. He stepped on the earth and the sky above his head, releasing the smell of tyranny and tyranny.

As soon as the witch appeared

Heaven and earth sink and Yin and Yang rebel against it!

Shaking mountains and earth, space is broken!

It seems that a great witch comparable to a demon God broke the shackles of the rules of space, and Shengsheng squeezed into the star continent from the extraterritorial star sky!

This great witch like a God and devil changes the color of the wind and cloud and destroys the sky and earth

Tunna star river turns into chaos. I only respect you for thousands of years!

Three fists to explode the flesh of blood ancestor!

Three fists to suppress the spirit of blood ancestor!

Shock the world, unmatched!

Finally, in people\'s incredible eyes, the terrible witch completely disintegrated into a seal, and the spirit of the blood ancestor entered the blood ancestor mausoleum.

Eternal repression!

After that, the other four ancestors who slowed down the God came at the same time, tore open the space on the earth and pushed the huge blood ancestral mausoleum into the space crack.

Blood ancestral mausoleum was thus submerged in the space storm.

I don\'t know whether I drifted to the depths of the universe or somewhere else.

Maybe it will be crushed into powder by the space storm.

There was not much time for the blood ancestral mausoleum to appear and disappear.

But in such a little time, countless strong people turned into fly ash.

The tragedy of this war is unheard of. It really shocked the world and cried ghosts and gods

Terrans, demons and other races, although they finally won the battle, they can only be said to have won miserably.

The blood ancestor, the supreme evil god who disturbed the world, finally got his due end.

The blood clan was almost killed by the angry strong men of all ethnic groups, and several small tribes survived, completely losing the advantages of the blood clan itself. Finally, they survived under the obstruction of the witch clan.

When all races cheer and celebrate

The people of the witch family came out to remind the strong of all ethnic groups that the blood ancestor is not dead. When the nine stars connect the beads, the blood ancestor mausoleum will be born, causing trouble to the world again.

However, no one believed this except a few supreme powers.

On the contrary, I think the witch clan is alarmist and sensationalist!

The great witch power transformed by the witch ancestor is too terrible, which has aroused the fear of the strong in all parties

That\'s human nature.

The witch ancestors and thousands of witch families were terrified for this, which only made many people have a short period of gratitude.

At the time of the war, all major races and the strong were united, gave up their lives and fought with the blood race with vigour and vitality;

After the war, all kinds of competing for power and profit and intriguing each other are better than at the time of the war!

On the one hand, the power of the witch race is feared by all major races;

On the other hand, the already sparsely populated witch clan suffered heavy casualties in the last war;

The witch clan doesn\'t know why, when all the clans want to kill all the blood clans and completely eradicate the blood clans, they even come forward to block

So many races take advantage of the situation to exclude the witch.

The witch clan did not argue, and silently retreated to the wilderness.


Push the time forward.

After calculating a glimmer of life, another powerful elder of Pangu Protoss also did something.

He threw a small seed into the wild moonlight lake.

Then, Pangu Protoss dropped a drop of "life liquid" into the moonlight lake.

The original ordinary moonlight lake has completely changed its appearance.

The aura in the lake is so strong that it seems that the whole moonlight lake has become aura.

Countless creatures were attracted to the lake.

Elves sing on the lake

As soon as the seed came into contact with the power of the "spirit of life", it immediately began to take root and germinate, and soon grew into a towering giant tree... The eternal tree.

Then the Pangu Protoss opened the entrance of the amber dream and gave the eternal tree the right to enter and exit the amber dream.

What Yu Lingfeng told Shen Lang about the amber dream is that the Pangu Protoss expended great divine power to open up a spiritual world.

The eternal tree says that the amber dream is a spiritual world inherent in any human world and the embryonic form of the human world.


Pangu Protoss opened the amber dream, let the eternal tree thrive in the amber dream, and let the green dragon guard it.

The tree of eternity continues to grow, and its roots extend to the bottom of the earth and to the whole world.

At that time, the eternal tree did not know that Pangu Protoss calculated a glimmer of vitality, nor did it know that there were yellow finches after the blood ancestor, nor did it know that the doomsday robbery involved not only the human world of the star continent.

But as the roots of the eternal tree continue to think about extending in all directions

More than a million years ago, shortly after the blood clan rebellion subsided,

The eternal tree began to find something wrong because it came into contact with the origin of the world.

After deep investigation, she found the evil power hidden in the depths of the earth!