Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1138

Yujialan, the incarnation of the eternal tree, talks about the chaos of blood clan and Pangu Protoss in ancient times.

When the Pangu Protoss found the black hand behind the God devil war, the black hand was strong enough to resist them

The rules of heaven and earth in hundreds of millions of small worlds limit the power of gods and Demons coming from the upper world.

The power of all the gods and Demons coming from the upper world has been maintained at the peak of the world.

The more powerful the gods and demons are, the more difficult it is to enter the world like the star continent.

The Pangu Protoss who came to this world, although their power is much less limited because of the rules controlled by the Pangu Protoss, their power in this world is far less than that in the Pangu world!

Moreover, the Pangu Protoss is a gentle Protoss, which is far weaker than the upper heaven demon race and magic dragon race in battle.

In addition to being suppressed in power, the Pangu Protoss are also worried that a war with the devil will aggravate the destruction of the world, so they are subject to restrictions everywhere.

On the other hand, because they came here and were exiled by the Pangu Protoss, they could not contact the Pangu Protoss in the Pangu world.

For a time, the powerful Pangu Protoss was helpless in the face of the powerful black hand

The horror of the devil and the existence of the book of heaven forced the Pangu Protoss to re-examine all this.

Pangu Protoss finally turned their attention to the "blood god atlas" cultivated by black hand.

They want to snatch the mysterious book of heaven, and then study it to find a way to destroy the evil head against the sky.

However, whether it is to hunt down the devil or the "blood god atlas", it is inevitable to directly face the devil.

Once the two most powerful forces in the world collide, it will only make this already turbulent world more fragmented and accelerate towards destruction!

Pangu Protoss considered again and again and temporarily gave up the plan to hunt down the devil.

Seeing the Pangu Protoss give up the pursuit, the devil is more unscrupulous and fearless!

After accumulating enough yuan force fragments, the black hand finally walked from the dark to the light.

At this time, the power hidden by the black hand finally appeared in people\'s sight!

This is an originally unnoticed race, and its shape is not much different from that of the Terran.

By sucking blood, they gain strength in blood and strengthen themselves.

They not only live longer than other races, but also can turn other races into blood races through "first embrace"!

As soon as they appeared, they spread like a virus.

Not only let Pangu Protoss stunned, but also let the whole star continent have an unprecedented panic!

This powerful and evil race is called... Blood clan!

And the black hand calls himself "blood ancestor"!

Blood clan is an evil race created by blood ancestors through the "blood god atlas".

They believe in the unnecessary "blood god". They eat blood. They are evil and powerful. As soon as they appear, they sweep the whole world!

At that time, although many powerful races were born, countless strong people reached the top.

But no one, no race can compete with blood clan and blood ancestor.

Not to mention that no gods and demons can resist the blood ancestors who have practiced the "blood god atlas" and collected countless yuan force fragments.

Even this blood clan

Who can imagine that after the tragic war began, people on one side fought more and more?

Through the mysterious blood energy, the blood clan controlled the powerful of countless races, enslaved them and made them their own tools.

The major races are sad and afraid, but they are helpless.

But because of the emergence of blood clan, the original chaos of the world has been contained

All major races, all kinds of powerful gods and Demons and peak strong people no longer attack each other, but began to unite and lock all their targets in the blood clan.

However, even in the face of the power of the whole world, the blood clan is still rampant!

The blood ancestor led the blood clan to fight in the world and wanted to make this race like the spread of virus climb to the top of the world.

Many years later, many races in the world have produced many supreme powers because of this endless war.

Under the leadership of these supreme powers, ten thousand families joined hands and gods and Demons joined hands to unite against blood families!

The Pangu Protoss, who had watched the blood ancestors sigh, finally saw the hope of the future at this moment.

The most powerful elder of Pangu Protoss used up his divine power and spent hundreds of years divining the future

Want to find a chance of life from this catastrophe!

However, without calculation, a group of strong people of Pangu Protoss changed their faces!

They just want to find a chance for the star continent.

Unexpectedly, I found the amazing secret!

Behind the blood ancestor, there are yellow finches!

The blood ancestor just secretly promoted the war between gods and demons, plundered the resulting yuan force fragments, and collected the bodies and blood of powerful gods and demons.

The Yellow finch hiding behind the blood ancestor took advantage of the fragmentation of the world and plunged its tentacles into the world like an octopus, trying to control the whole world and plunder the origin of the world!

It was not just the star continent that was attacked by him!

A blood ancestor and blood clan have made Pangu Protoss in a mess.

Unexpectedly, there are still such horrors. I want to make an idea of hundreds of millions of small worlds!

You know, when the retrograde channel is not closed, the gods and demons in the upper world and all forces have sent gods and demons in the lower world, which is just robbing territory and resources... The terrorist existence discovered by Pangu Protoss is actually extending its tentacles to the world origin of the human world!

Once the origin of the world is lost, the world will soon collapse!

I\'m afraid none of the creatures in it can live except a few supreme and powerful people!

Moreover, this situation does not just appear in the star continent

Even the Pangu Protoss felt frightened by this discovery.

Their eyes, therefore, turned to the mysterious existence as a yellow finch.

At most, the blood ancestor threatened the star continent, while the Yellow finch behind him targeted hundreds of millions of small worlds.

Hundreds of millions of small worlds will perish because of this evil!

Such a crazy conspiracy made Pangu Protoss in a mess

Pangu Protoss are helpless and fight for great damage. All Protoss work together to set up a large array through the sky. They want to find a glimmer of vitality in time and space!

Finally, the Pangu Protoss was worried about the future, but it was also greatly relieved.

No one knows what they saw.

Even the eternal tree doesn\'t know.

Later, they told the eternal tree that a glimmer of life in the world would appear in a million years.

"Two life flowers bloom, Emperor stars appear, heaven and earth turn upside down, and the world is in chaos!"

When the world is on the verge of collapse, when the real despair comes, the emperor star appears, a glimmer of life will come at this time!

And the son of fate will come from the killing with the blade of destruction, and take billions of creatures in the world out of the darkness

It is precisely because of the investigation that this is more powerful and mysterious than the blood ancestor that the Pangu Protoss finally chose to completely withdraw from the stage of the world.

If the blood ancestor is strong, it just makes the Pangu Protoss a little afraid. I\'m afraid that a war with him will lead to more fragmentation of the world

The existence that has been hiding behind the blood ancestor and quietly rooted its tentacles in the depths of the world... Is not what the Pangu Protoss can compete with at all!

The Pangu Protoss who came to this world is only a small one punished for making a mistake.

It is the superior demon God who wants to steal the existence of the origin of the world!

Its strength is far more than they can cope with!

Pangu Protoss disappeared again.

On the one hand, they put their energy on educating the witch family, so that the witch family grew and grew to the point of being envied and feared by all families;

On the other hand, he tried his best to study the blood clan, trying to find a way to check and balance the blood clan and even the blood ancestor;

At the same time, they were also very helpless and began to wait for the arrival of the emperor star and the son of destiny

Pangu Protoss completely hide behind the scenes, secretly help the major races grow and weaken the power of blood clan;

At the same time, let the witch family they have been educated after they came to the world appear, and want to use their power to clamp down on the blood family and curb the development of the blood family.

It is at this time that the witch family stepped on the stage of history!

The witch family was originally a branch of the human family.

Pangu Protoss taught them to practice the skills of Pangu Protoss and learn all kinds of supernatural powers of Pangu Protoss.

After tens of thousands of years, the witch clan has finally become a force that can check and balance the blood clan.

Wuzu, the strongest of the Wu clan, won the respect of the strong in the whole world and became one of the "five emperors and six ancestors".

Since then, the blood clan has formed a tug of war with the Allied forces of all nationalities, constantly attacking and damaging each other.

This situation lasted more than half a million years

Over half a million years, the world has changed.

However, the ten thousand ethnic coalition against the blood clan continues without much change.

Blood clan, kill endless;

Blood ancestor, powerful as God!

After that, under the secret guidance and arrangement of the Pangu Protoss, the ten thousand nation coalition army, which gathered the strength of the whole human world, began to effectively use tactics and deliberately retreat, making the ten thousand nation coalition army seem to be in a weak state.

At this time, after 500000 years of development, taking this great opportunity, the Terran has developed and become the largest race in the world.

Through endless killing and the help of the witch family, the God of war temple, which leads the human race, began to emerge the supreme and powerful, and faintly became the leader of the alliance of all ethnic groups.

It was at this time that the "five emperors and five ancestors" who fought against the blood ancestors became the Lighthouse of the whole human world and the ten supreme masters of the star continent.

Command the world, dare not!

At this time, the disadvantages of blood clan also appeared, which is known to the world

The early development of blood clan was very fast, and the cultivation entered the country by leaps and bounds, far surpassing other races.

And by swallowing the blood of the strong, you can obtain more powerful power, which is more powerful than the devil!

However, after the blood clan arrived at the emperor\'s martial mirror, there seemed to be a balanced rule restricting them, making it difficult for them to continue to grow.

After arriving at the emperor\'s martial mirror, the blood clan is more difficult than any other race!

This directly leads to the peak strength of the blood clan... Very few!