Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1140

What the eternal tree feels is a power from evil to evil.

That power comes across time and space, more than any gods and demons on the star continent!

Including the legendary blood ancestor!

The power of evil and evil came to the world from the beginning with destruction.

His thoughts are full of the breath of destroying everything and endless resentment

That huge resentment even makes the eternal tree despair.

Even the whole life power of the eternal tree is not enough to wash away one ten thousandth of its resentment!

The source of the most evil and evil power is far away in the extraterritorial starry sky, and the power of the eternal tree is not enough to trace its root.

But the eternal tree has felt that "it" does not simply want to be the master of hundreds of millions of small worlds.

"It" is to kill all living creatures, treat all living creatures as powerful nutrients, and seize the origin of the world!

If "it" succeeds, the endless stars will disappear;

Hundreds of millions of small worlds will be completely annihilated and no longer exist!

The eternal tree asked Pangu, but Pangu refused to say anything.

For the unpredictable existence, even Pangu Protoss, some are only helpless and bitter.

Until ten thousand years ago, on the eve of the closure of the retrograde channel between the human world and the upper world

The Pangu Protoss elder who threw the seed into the moonlight Lake appeared in the amber dream.

He told the eternal tree that ten thousand years later, the nine stars linked the beads and the heaven and earth changed.

The blood ancestor will return to this world, and the world will move violently again.

And another more terrible force, ultimate fear... That is, the most evil and evil force found by the eternal tree, will really come to the world and bring despair of destruction to hundreds of millions of creatures in the world because of the "twin flowers".

But when the nine stars join the beads, the emperor star will appear;

The son of fate, a young man with the blade of destruction, will also come to the amber dream.

All the turnaround happened at that time.

What the eternal tree needs to do is wait for the arrival of the son of destiny, help him, let him grow, and guide him to find the five Heavenly God soldiers and heavenly books.

Finally, let him guide the whole world out of darkness and towards light.

As long as the son of destiny can find the five Heavenly God soldiers and heavenly books and gather the number of 99, he can kill evil and return a bright future to the world!

After finishing these things, the Pangu Protoss left the star continent and never appeared again

The access to the highest level plane was completely closed at that time.

Since then, powerful gods and demons can only enter the human world through projection.

But I can no longer come.


After the Pangu Protoss left, the eternal tree began to fall into a deep sleep.

She wants to see more reality through amber dreams.

A thousand years after the Pangu Protoss left, the eternal tree woke up from the dream and began to bear fruit

Yumu family was born at this time.

In the final analysis, both the Wu and the Yumu are created by the Pangu Protoss.

It is a race created to deal with the crisis of the world.

The only difference is that the witch family itself is a branch of the human family, but it has been influenced by the divine power of the Pangu Protoss and practiced the anti heaven skill of the Pangu Protoss.

The Yumu family, born from the eternal tree, is another kind of life individual.


After all this, yujialan finally stopped and looked at Shen Lang with expectation.

At this time, Shen Lang frowned slightly and was combing all these secret threads.

The eight heavenly kings and the strong of the green dragon family all have earthy faces and shortness of breath!

Although the green dragon family has guarded here for millions of years, other people do not know these things about the ultimate fear except the clouds on longhuanglu.

Even the people in the temple of the God of war don\'t know much about the blood clan.

No one wants to hear such desperate news;

No one wants to face such a terrible enemy as the superior demon God

Not long ago, the green dragon family beat the three kings of the blood family and fled in a hurry. How majestic and happy is that?

But how sure can they face the blood ancestor?

The blood ancestor still can\'t face it. The supreme demon God who is stronger than the blood ancestor and directly extends his tentacles to hundreds of millions of small worlds... How should they face it?

Not to mention the green dragon family, all the Dragon families come out in a swarm, and they may not be able to withstand three or two tosses!

The faces of several heavenly kings in the God of war hall are no better than those of the green dragon family.

The war Temple knows more about the ultimate fear than the green dragons.

Even more than ten years ago, under the leadership of the war emperor, the war temple had a war with the demon temple.

In that war, the hall of the God of war completely disappeared and the emperor of war fell

But even so, the eight heavenly kings didn\'t expect that the ultimate fear would be so terrible that even the Pangu Protoss were Monet!

The temple of the God of war regards each other as the biggest enemy, but in fact, people\'s eyes sweep to hundreds of millions of small worlds!

How can you enter the God of war temple in the world?

Even if it is the demon temple in the world, I\'m afraid it\'s just a small branch?

The four heavenly kings are full of bitterness

At this time, Shen Lang asked faintly, "the ultimate fear, is that the demon lord who founded the demon God hall?"

Yu Jialan\'s face was dignified, nodded slightly and said, "it\'s good."

Shen Lang turned to the four heavenly kings of the war god temple and said, "do you know nothing about the war between the war god temple and the demon God Temple 13 years ago? Even the fall of emperor Lien Chan was brought back by King Nara and King Shura?"

The four heavenly kings turned red.

The Yasha king said awkwardly, "the eight heavenly kings and the five color flag obeyed the emperor\'s will many years ago, lurked in the secret realm and knew nothing about the outside world. The fall of the emperor was indeed sent back by the two Nara kings. How do you know about it?"

"Oh, listen to the gossip." Shen Lang said perfunctorily.

The four heavenly kings looked heavy. What\'s that called? Listen to gossip?

Can the eight heavenly kings still spread this kind of thing to the outside?

The heavenly king Mo danced lightly, his face was cold, and he was about to speak, but he saw Shen Lang\'s palm gently brushed in front of him, and the image of an pretending and extremely obscene old man was revealed.

That\'s the old style of "know it all".

"This man is from Pangu Protoss? Does Lord Jialan and His Majesty the Dragon Emperor know this man?" Shen Lang asked softly.

Everyone was stunned. Look at the ancient style and yujialan.

Yu Jialan shook his head and said, "I\'m not from Pangu, and I\'ve never seen him. Why do you ask?"

Longhuanglu Yuntian also shook his head and said, "I don\'t know."

Shen Lang pondered for a moment and said, "his name is Gu Feng. He calls himself \'know everything\'. He knows everything. Just a few months ago, he told me about the ultimate fear and asked me to find the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers."

"Is there such a thing?" Yu Jialan and long Huang Lu Yuntian were surprised.

Yu Jialan asked solemnly, "what happened later? How did you meet Xiaolang?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "no, later, the old ghost talked about it, but it was unclear. I scolded him and ran away."

"..." the crowd was speechless.

Shen Lang said again: "I met him... I really don\'t know whether it was coincidence or deliberate. I just wanted to find some information in Tianfeng city. Someone introduced him to me. It\'s so simple."

"The old man Gu Feng once said about the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers that even if I don\'t care, I will come to this road in the end."

"Unexpectedly, when I came here now, Lord Jialan told me that the Pangu Protoss also said so, and also wanted me to find the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers!"

At this time, Yasha Wang yuemankong suddenly said, "you just said... This elder, his name is ancient wind?"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "yes, his name is Gufeng. He claims to be the 981 generation leader of Xuanyi sect. His cultivation is not strong, but he can do his best in the past and future, and can control the power of gods and demons."

When the moon was full, his eyes turned to Mo Qingtong, king of jaluro, and said, "I once heard Master Wu say that his master seems to be called ancient style? That master is an immortal wonder. He knows Yin and Yang, knows eight trigrams, knows strange doors and knows dunjia. He can see everything and learn everything. He can be called the ancestor of all saints and the ancestor of all saints!"

"He can be called the master of all saints, the ancestor of all saints? What a big tone!" the seven Dragon Emperor muttered: "it\'s good to say that he is the master of all saints?"

Mo Qingtong, king of jaluro, was a little uncertain and said, "it seems... It\'s called this name. I heard elder Wu mention it once."

Shen Lang looked slightly and said, "who is elder Wu?"

The heavenly king Mo Qingwu immediately smiled and said, "don\'t you know? It seems that you, the son of fate, don\'t know much about my God of war hall."

"The elder witch they said, whose name is Wu XingKong, is the military master of our war temple. He comes from the witch family. You can see that he is a person with great magic power in the past and future!"

Shen Lang was stunned: "Wu XingKong? Haven\'t you heard of this name..."

Mo Qingwu looked contemptuous and said, "you haven\'t heard that it can only prove your ignorance. Just two months ago, Master Wu and Bai Luobing, the leader of the white flag of the five color flag, severely overcame the demon temple and abandoned a large number of strong players of the demon Temple behind the blessed land gate of yumudong!"

"Not only that, but also the blood shadow emperor of the blood clan!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes coagulated: "have you ever appeared in Yumu cave? Show me his image."

The heavenly king Mo Qingwu was very unhappy with Shen Lang\'s tone. He snorted coldly and pinched his fingers, forming an old man in the air.

"It\'s him!" Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed angrily!

Isn\'t this Wu XingKong the fortune teller who pointed at his forehead in Tayun college and fused the soul of the war emperor with himself?

He let the emperor find himself. It\'s for his own good.

The problem is, since the old guy is an apprentice of the ancient style, doesn\'t it mean that both the emperor and himself are all in the calculation of the ancient style!

It seems that it\'s all him. Is he purposeful and premeditated?

So, whether it was the emperor or himself, he played with him like a chess piece from beginning to end?

Shen Lang\'s anger suddenly came out.

"What an ancient style!"

"What a know it all!"