Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1137

"Er." Shen Lang blinked and said, "now it\'s all over the world. How can I not know?"

"Seriously?" Mo lightly danced, dubious.

Shen Lang shrugged: "if it\'s fake... Er, you\'ll know when you go out."

The eyes of everyone present suddenly showed a happy look.

But Shen Lang still has something to say.

Are there only four great emperors among the strongest blood clan? Are there any other horrors in the blood ancestral mausoleum except blood ancestry

Shen Lang doesn\'t know about this yet.

Even if he absorbed the memory of many blood princes, he is still very vague about everything in the blood ancestral mausoleum.

Therefore, he was not sure whether he would be happy too early to deal with the blood clan.

Shen Lang opened the page, turned the topic and said, "I asked four points before, about the fourth point... I want to know, what do adults Jialan and the green dragon want me to do? And what can I do?"

"Someone once told me that it is the ultimate fear that makes the world go to destruction. The green dragons guard the eternal tree in the amber dream, not only to avoid the ultimate fear, but also to avoid the ultimate fear. What is the so-called \'ultimate fear\'?"

"In the face of such existence, what can your \'son of destiny\' do?"

"Why didn\'t Pangu Protoss do it?"

A series of question marks appeared in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

But all these problems can be summed up. In fact, they are still talking about "ultimate fear" and the secrets of Pangu Protoss!

At this time, Yu Jialan, the incarnation of the eternal tree, said softly, "the Pangu Protoss is vague about the \'son of destiny\'. I\'m afraid neither his Majesty the Dragon Emperor nor I can provide you with too much information."

"However, I have dreamed of your presence in my dreams countless times, and of the future trends of the human world... There is no doubt that the son of destiny will lead all races out of the darkness."

"It\'s just that everything about fate needs us to constantly explore."

"The Pangu Protoss didn\'t do anything, but the threat to hundreds of millions of small worlds is too powerful to even them."

"You\'re right. What the Pangu Protoss fear is the \'ultimate fear\'!"

Shen Lang\'s face was cold: "what can\'t even Pangu Protoss do? And it has brought the threat of destruction to hundreds of millions of small worlds?"

"No matter how powerful the blood ancestor is, no matter how powerful the blood clan is, at best, it\'s bullying in the star continent. When it comes to threatening hundreds of millions of small worlds, it\'s a matter of no shadow... What kind of power can\'t make the Pangu Protoss cope with it?"

"It is obviously impossible for the human world to have an existence that even the Pangu Protoss can\'t cope with. It must be the superior gods and demons that can make them helpless."

"The power of a superior demon God is too strong. Unless he master the rules like the Pangu Protoss, he can\'t enter the star continent... Why does such a terrible demon God stare at such a small human world as the star continent?"

"And in the end, why did he let hundreds of millions of small worlds go to destruction?"

Yu Jialan nodded and said, "it\'s a long story..."

"To be exact, what can\'t help but fear is the Pangu Protoss who came to the star continent, not the Pangu Protoss in the real sense."

"The Pangu Protoss, who planted eternal trees in the moonlight woodland and educated the witch family, is an ethnic group that made a big mistake in the Pangu world and was exiled to the human world for millions of years."

"And the \'ultimate fear\'... You\'re right. It\'s really a superior demon God, a demon God from all over the world!"

"Because of its power, the Pangu Protoss didn\'t even dare to tell me his name, just called it \'ultimate fear\'."

"Even if his name is mentioned, it may be known to him, and the star continent may disappear with just one thought..."

"What!" the eight heavenly kings present were stunned.

One thought will make the star continent disappear. How powerful is it!

The evil god blood ancestor is a devil that makes people fear to the extreme.

This ultimate fear, unexpectedly

The people who had just been happy because of the phased victory suddenly felt a big stone in their hearts and couldn\'t breathe.

The gods and Demons walking on this land were expelled or even killed by the strong men in the world, which made people ignore the distance between gods and Demons and mortals intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, many people know that the gods and demons who can enter the star continent are actually the last gods and Demons and the lowest existence.

The gods and Demons worshipped by many races are the real "gods"!

It is easy for a demon of that level to crush a plane with one finger.

In the face of blood ancestors, the strong people in the world can still unite and are confident to fight with them and kill them.

But in the face of the existence of a continent of stars that will be destroyed by movement, how can we fight this war?

Nothing is more desperate than this.

Yu Jialan saw that Shen Lang was not as ugly as everyone else. He smiled in his eyes and said, "the ultimate fear is terrible, but it may not be invincible."

"The Pangu Protoss exhausted their efforts, calculated a glimmer of life, and found the \'son of destiny\' and the emperor star."

"The emperor star and the son of fate join hands, and the sun will shine on the earth..."

Yu Jialan\'s eyes seemed to pass through time and space and see the land in the ancient times.

In a gentle tone, she talked about ancient times, blood ancestors, Pangu Protoss, eternal tree and ultimate fear.

About the Wu clan, about the Yumu clan, about the blood ancestor, some secrets that the eight heavenly kings of Lien Chan Temple didn\'t know came out of her mouth

The star continent is not only a continent, but just a general term of the human world.

Is a star in the universe.

Belongs to one of hundreds of millions of small worlds.

Above the hundreds of millions of small worlds, there are three thousand big worlds, and above the three thousand big worlds, there are six worlds at the highest level.

The six realms at the highest level are: Heaven, devil, demon, Buddha, spirit and Pangu.

The Pangu Protoss who appeared in the human world came from the Pangu world.

The time of the formation of the world of star continent is far shorter than that of other stars.

About 1.5 million years ago, the Pangu Protoss from the Pangu world came to the world

No one knows that the Pangu protoss have come here.

Even the eternal tree, only when the Pangu Protoss left the human world ten thousand years ago, did they know that they were exiled to the human world because of their mistakes in the Pangu world.

When these Pangu Protoss came to the human world, the human world was still in a primitive state.

The earth is vast, the grass grows over the body, and the trees are over a hundred feet high.

In the strange field, monsters and beasts run rampant, and powerful gods and demons with indomitable spirit walk in it.

In the view of Pangu Protoss, the star continent is almost a desert island with extremely scarce resources and difficult to attract people\'s attention.

However, after the world took root, the powerful Pangu Protoss soon found an anomaly.

This world looks like a desert island to them. It is more crazy and bloody than any world they have ever seen!

Here, tragic battles are taking place all the time, and unimaginable wars between gods and demons are taking place!

No matter the gods and Demons coming down from the upper world through the retrograde channel or the local gods and Demons born in the world, they don\'t know why they fall into a crazy state and fight with each other.

The mountains are falling apart and the space is broken!

Countless weak creatures were trampled to ashes, blood flowed into rivers, and life was ruined!

Pangu Protoss did not want to intervene in the affairs of the human world, but this abnormal situation lasted for thousands of years, and there was still no sign of stopping.

Many powerful gods and Demons fall one by one, and the whole world is filled with a breath of death

The weak race lingers, trembles in despair, and may die completely at any time;

Powerful races are trapped in whirlpools and survive in cracks. They can\'t stay out of it

The kind-hearted Pangu Protoss finally couldn\'t help but start to investigate this anomaly.

Soon they found the problem.

Pangu Protoss realized that there was a black hand in these God demon wars one after another.

The black hand has been hiding behind, not showing the mountain and dew, secretly pushing and even manipulating all this!

The black hand secretly added fuel to the fire and made countless gods and Demons disappear... And the power of these gods and Demons was completely obtained by the black hand!

And the huge bodies of these fallen gods and demons that are indelible were also taken away by the black hand

In the palace where the black hand is hidden underground, a terrible God and devil cemetery is formed!

On the other hand, the world was divided into countless continents in the wars of countless gods and demons. The flood was overwhelming and the lives were ruined.

The whole world has become desolate, and the structure of the world has begun to fall apart.

Countless yuan force fragments began to appear, and then were swept away by the black hand

Pangu Protoss, who didn\'t want to intervene in the disputes in the human world, was very angry about it!

Immediately send a strong man to track down the black hand, trying to capture the black hand and kill it.

However, when they shot, they found that

The black hand, who was originally a member of the local gods and demons, was so powerful that it was beyond their imagination!

Pangu Protoss strongmen who went to hunt down the black hand were hit hard one after another, and no one could defeat the powerful devil!

The Pangu Protoss was shocked and found out by using the innate divine calculation

What brings the black hand great power is the "blood god atlas" known as one of the "nine heavenly books" among the lower levels.

In fact, the nine heavenly books are not well-known among the six circles.

The gods and demons in the top six planes did not take the heavenly book seriously.

The reason is very simple. In the highest level, I have never heard of a powerful demon God who practiced the book of heaven.

However, in the lower level, that is, in the three thousand big world and hundreds of millions of small world, there are countless legends in the heavenly book, which are very famous.

Make hundreds of millions of strong people crazy.

This "blood god atlas" is the most mysterious of the nine heavenly books, which is listed as the first of the nine heavenly books!

Over the past countless years, the gods and demons in the three thousand world have fought for the nine heavenly books, and I don\'t know how many gods and demons have disappeared.

After many years of fierce fighting and the replacement of many mythological times, the nine heavenly books really became legends and completely disappeared.

In the back, many people even think that this is something made up and doesn\'t exist.

Unexpectedly, the "blood god atlas", which is the first of the nine heavenly books in the legend, unexpectedly appeared in a small world like the star continent!

The black hand that makes the star continent turbulent and constantly fighting is precisely because he has learned the "blood god atlas" and achieved the supreme god body, so even the Pangu Protoss don\'t care about him!