Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1136

The magic power of the cloud sky on longhuang road played back the first World War of that day.

No matter whether the people present had participated in the war or not, they all stared at the light curtain when they saw the world destroying war.

Even the four heavenly kings were frightened and breathless!

On the light curtain, the Immortal Emperor was overcast by the Northern Wilderness ice emperor, wounded by the seven dragon emperor, and couldn\'t find the eternal tree. He immediately tore the space and wanted to escape.

The one stringed seven dragon emperor was chasing after him. When the Immortal Emperor\'s bone dragon was about to escape into the space crack, he arrived and grabbed the huge tail of the bone dragon!

At this time, the seven dragon emperor has turned into a human form,

He took the bone dragon\'s tail with one hand, and his five fingers were almost embedded in the bone dragon\'s scale!

The other hand held a sharp Trident and stabbed the bone dragon in the abdomen!

"Qiang Qiang!"

The sound of gold and iron burst out from the space crack.

With the scream of the bone dragon, endless dead gas gushed out from the crack in the space!

"The old guy has a hard bone!"

The seven Dragon Emperor loosened the Trident and gathered all his skills in the palm of his right hand. One palm hit the top of the Trident!


The Trident burst out a thousand feet of light, penetrating the bone dragon\'s body!


The bone dragon turned into the Immortal Emperor howled and shook the sky.

The energy turbulence in the space crack suddenly gushed out, and the seven Dragon Emperor flew out in an instant!

However, even such violent spatial turbulence did not stop the seven Dragon Emperor!

As soon as he was blown out of the space turbulence for a hundred miles, he moved like a fish going upstream, breaking a way from the space turbulence and drilling into the space broken by the Immortal Emperor!

Generally, if the strong escape by tearing the space crack, as long as they enter the space crack, the enemy will basically give up the pursuit.

The reason is very simple. Once spatial turbulence is formed and the space is unstable, it is likely to be trapped directly in the space cracks.

Do it in the space crack, this is the way to die together!

Not only a group of people watching the battle in the amber court were stunned, but even the strange insects and octopus monsters in the sky were stunned by the deadly play of the seven Dragon Emperor!

"Old man, take my three punches!"

The voice of the seven Dragon Emperor came from the crack in the space.

Soon, the rumble sounded like the sound of mountain collapse, and endless space storms swept out!


The strange insects and octopus in the air saw the space storm sweeping, and their bodies suddenly rose up in panic!

It was at this time that these two beings at the level of emperor appeared some flaws!

The battle experience of the three Dragon Emperor is not comparable to that of the seven Dragon Emperor.

At the moment when the strange insect and octopus monster showed a flaw, the three Dragon Emperor was in a flash, and the latter came first, appearing on the top of the strange insect and octopus monster!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The gloomy laughter came out of the three Dragon Emperor\'s mouth. He grabbed the strange insect with one claw and threw his tail at the octopus\'s head!

These two moves are as fast as lightning and as fierce as thunder. The space is broken and the mountains are destroyed!

And just when the monster bug and octopus monster rush upward, it looks like... The huge monster bug and octopus monster send them to the claws of the three Dragon Emperor!

"Boom, boom!"

Two loud noises came, and the monster bug and octopus monster were blown right away, flying backwards like a broken kite!

Within the same level, the dragon clan is invincible.

This sentence is really not for fun!

Ren, the insect mother emperor and the deep sea emperor, had great powers. In panic, they were beaten by the three Dragon Emperor and vomited blood and fled!

At this time, Yuntian of longhuang road led a group of strong dragon people to appear again.

"Kill me!"

With a big hand waving from the sky on longhuang Road, the strong men of the green dragon family roared and flew straight to heaven!

The dragon clan is indeed a fighting race. Their task is to protect the eternal tree. When the eternal tree entered the amber dream, these militants let go and chased the three great emperors of the blood clan directly!

They don\'t think about it. What if the blood clan has a backhand, lures the tiger away from the mountain, or other strong men PEEP on the side?

Fortunately, the great emperors of the blood clan seemed too confident. They didn\'t expect that the green dragon family had three great emperors, so they didn\'t have any further plans.

The green dragons are always fighting, but they are wrong!

Above, Yuntian on longhuang Road, with a group of people and the three Dragon Emperor, chased the insect mother emperor and the deep-sea emperor;

Next, several undead dragon families directly drilled into the space crack, followed the seven dragon emperor and beat the bone dragon!

The world was so shocked that they turned it into a farce, which made people cry and laugh.

At this time, Shen Lang understood

Dare feeling moonlight forest land was destroyed like this, most of the "credit" should be attributed to the three dragon emperors!

If they didn\'t let go and fight indiscriminately, the space storm wouldn\'t sweep the whole plague land, and the moonlight woodland wouldn\'t be what it is now.

However, no matter how reckless the green dragons were, the battle was won openly and cleanly.

There is no doubt that the three great emperors of the blood clan are powerful, but in contrast, the power of the green dragon family presents an overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, the Immortal Emperor and others are obviously too confident and have fatal miscalculations about the strength of the green dragon family. In fact, the result of this defeat is doomed from the beginning.

But it\'s normal to say.

According to the statement before the cloud sky of longhuang Road, the green dragon family guards the eternal tree, and the imaginary enemy has never been a blood family.

It\'s the ultimate fear!

If the blood ancestors didn\'t do it, the eternal tree would be easily destroyed, and the green dragon family would be a little too bad.

"Pa, PA, PA!"

When everything on the light curtain returned to calm, Shen Lang gently clapped.

Everyone\'s eyes immediately converged on him.

Heavenly King Mo lightly danced and squinted at Shen Lang, as if he wanted to see shock, fear and other expressions on his face.

However, Shen Lang\'s face did not change from beginning to end, which made Mo Qingwu stunned.

"This boy... Is quite good at acting!"

Mo Qingwu is very angry.

Even their eight heavenly kings have not seen this kind of chaotic war at the level of the great emperor several times.

Just now, the four heavenly kings saw that their blood was boiling and they couldn\'t help themselves. How could an unknown boy be so calm?

"I can\'t do it well. I\'m scared to pee in my heart. I\'m just acting deliberately. Use this illusion to cover up my inner restlessness?" Mo Qingwu sneered in his heart.

The temple of the God of war is the holy land of the human race, and even the temple of the human world... Not only the human race, but also the demon race, the soul race and other big families have obtained extraordinary recognition.

Shouldn\'t a person who can control the overall situation, or even "change the fate of the world", as the Dragon Emperor said, not appear in the God of war hall, or be excavated by the God of war hall?

And now this boy, as the king of the eight gods, has never heard of it!

I don\'t even know which GADA nest Shen Lang came from!

This makes Mo Qingwu feel strange.

The hall of the God of war has done so much for the world, and the emperor of war has fallen because of it;

Now the God of war hall is still wandering in the crack of time and space. The strong people don\'t know life and death, and don\'t know when they can return

Leng Buding came up with such a boy, with the aura of "the son of fate", and was recognized by the green dragon, the eternal tree and the witch family... Can it be said that even the eight heavenly kings and the LianZhan temple will listen to his orders in the future?

This is a joke!

Mo Qingwu, what do you think of Shen Lang now? How do you feel annoying.

Shen Lang didn\'t know that Mo Qingwu thought so many messy things in his heart. He clapped his hands and said with a smile, "the strength of the dragon family is worthy of its reputation. The three dragon emperors have all the means, which makes the boy admire it."

"The seven dragon emperor, in particular, seized the opportunity, risked his life and death to beat the Immortal Emperor to death, which greatly frustrated the blood clan\'s spirit and became the word \'God of war\'

"If this story is spread, it must be exciting and respected by all the people!"

Shen Lang\'s words are not flattery, but praise from the heart.

After all, the three kings of the blood clan were badly hurt in the battle of the green dragon family, which brought too much benefit.

Moreover, the seven Dragon Emperor really looks like a lengtouqing.

But to put it another way, this is also a powerful existence worthy of the title of "God of war"!

If the strong men of other ethnic groups calculate this and that when they start, and care about their gains and losses, who can beat the Immortal Emperor so miserably like him?

This guy not only cultivates all over the world, but also dares to catch up with people in the space crack!

On this point, no one dares to underestimate him.

"God of war? I like these two words. Wow, hahaha, my little brother has eyes!"

Hearing this, the seven Dragon Emperor immediately raised his head and looked forward to himself. He couldn\'t help laughing at a group of strong dragon people.

The eyes of the three Dragon Emperor looking at Shen Lang are more and more lovely

Mo lightly danced and flattened his mouth. Three ambiguous words came out of his mouth: "flatterer."

Shen Lang pretended not to know and said, "well, you guys, more than two months ago, the blood shadow emperor of the blood clan was badly hurt outside the yumudong blessed land. Now the three undead emperors were seriously injured by several dragon emperors..."

"The news of the dark gate of the West wasteland has also spread all over the world."

"I believe that under the circumstances of the four great emperors and the alliance of all ethnic groups, the blood clan will be completely suppressed, and the birth time of blood Zuling may be delayed. We won the first war..."

Mo Qingwu interrupted Shen Lang\'s words: "what dark door?"

Shen Lang immediately told the story of the dark gate in the West ancient demon Jedi in detail.

The strong people present were surprised and inexplicable!

The seven Dragon Emperor immediately roared: "I went to the dynasty. I said that the blood ancestral mausoleum didn\'t come out. How did LAN Qingtian come out and run to the moonlight forest? It was through the dark door!"

The blue Optimus in his mouth is the Immortal Emperor of the blood clan.

It was also the leader of the blue dragon clan who betrayed the dragon clan and was completely controlled by the blood ancestor!

Mo Qingwu said strangely, "even our eight heavenly kings know nothing about the dark gate. How do you know?"