Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1135

The moonlight woodland on the picture is breathtaking.

It has not been corroded by demons, and it still maintains its original purity and peace.

A big tree like the world tree in the Tai Chi picture stands in the moonlight forest.

Her branches and leaves almost crossed the whole sky, enveloping the whole moonlight forest land like a hug.

Her roots extend in all directions, forming houses, bridges and even... Temples.

In the void, the overwhelming branches and leaves combined into a woman\'s face, looking down lovingly, just like a mother looking at her children.

This is the eternal tree.

In addition to the Yumu nationality, there are many racial creatures living in the moonlight woodland.

A beautiful and harmonious picture, like a fairyland


A terrible dragon roar came down from the sky!

Above the nine days, the void in the western direction was torn apart a little bit like a split silk!

It seems that there is a giant beast that wants to squeeze out of the crack and come to the world!

At the same time, a crack appeared in the void in the East and south of the moonlight woodland


In the loud sound of collapse, a huge bone dragon with thousands of miles in the West smashed the void and appeared over the moonlight forest land.

This bone dragon, which is terrible to the extreme, is full of strong dead Qi, as if it came from the nine Youming prison, as if it were an abyss, as if it were the sea, blocking out the sky and the sun!

Each bone is engraved with blood red runes, blooming with blood light, vicissitudes and strength.

When the long tail is thrown suddenly, it will break the space and destroy the sky and the earth!

Only the pressure released by it suppressed all the creatures in the moonlight forest, making them fall to the ground and tremble!

Among the cracks in the East, there was a fierce scream through the gold cracked stone!

The voice was so sharp that it was not as bleak and thick as the roar of the bone dragon before, but it was frightening and violent. This spread made the creatures in the moonlight forest want to crack their eardrums and bleed from their seven orifices. Life is better than death!

As soon as the crack opened, the insects poured out of it like sea water and rushed towards the eternal tree below!

When the endless insects poured out, a disgusting insect as big as a mountain tore the void and stepped out of the crack with her blade claws!

Among the cracks in the south, the towering sea water poured out, and countless huge tentacles stretched out from it and rolled to the eternal tree below.

An unspeakable tragic breath was released, mountains and rivers collapsed, and heaven and earth trembled!

Then, a huge monster with evil blood flashing in its eyes flowed out of the space crack with the sea water!

The monster has countless tentacles, just like an octopus monster that can cover the whole sea, scanning the bottom coldly

As soon as the three space cracks open, it seems to be a devil\'s cave that has been dusty for endless years, all of a sudden!

The world has turned into hell%

Bone dragons, strange insects and octopus will almost cover the whole sky!

Before they could move, the endless death and hostility had turned the earth below into scorched earth.

No matter what plants, mountains and rocks, they will turn into ashes in an instant and float all over the sky!

Sooner or later, the eternal tree screamed angrily, and countless huge roots rolled up all the creatures in this area and wrapped them tightly.

At this time, dozens of great figures appeared around the eternal tree out of thin air.


The two dragon emperors roared into the sky and turned into two dragons, flying into the sky with the storm!

Under the unparalleled impact of the two dragon emperors, Zerg and sea water poured down from above, and all rushed up.

At the same time, under the leadership of Yuntian of longhuang Road, dozens of strong dragon people cast spells at the same time!

The powerful force started the large array around the eternal tree and shrouded it in a huge column of light.

A group of strong dragon people, acting quickly, broke a Dharma formula into the eternal tree, and the light burst!

It is at this time that the eternal tree, which goes straight into the sky, begins to disappear and disappear.

However, whether it is the eternal tree or the green dragon family, it is still a step slow after all

More than a dozen terrible pillars of light rose from the earth, instantly cut off many roots of the eternal tree, penetrated the guard array, and blew on the translucent tree!

The bone dragon, which stretches for thousands of miles, gave a gloomy smile. Unexpectedly, it bypassed the two dragon emperors of the green dragon family, appeared below, and grabbed the trunk of the eternal tree with one claw!


The light shield formed by the guard array was broken like glass.

The huge claws of the bone dragon passed through the large array light mask and grabbed the eternal tree!

The breath of death on its claws can almost turn the earth around ten thousand miles into a dead area!

Even the eternal tree, which is full of vitality, has not touched the claws of the bone dragon, and there have been shocking charred holes in the trunk!

At this time, the two dragon emperors in the sky used their magic powers to resist the huge insects and octopus monsters;

The cloud sky of longhuang road below and a group of strong dragons are casting a spell to move the eternal tree into the amber dream. The bone dragon\'s claw is fast and fierce, and they have no time to resist!

Just then!

"The Immortal Emperor, isn\'t he? Hum!"

A woman\'s cold hum came from the void, and a small crack quickly appeared in front of the eternal tree.

The crack is only a foot long, and it is almost difficult to attract people\'s attention in front of such giants.

But it was only a foot long crack, a hole opened, and a golden light suddenly burst out, enveloping the bone dragon caught by a claw in an instant!


The void seemed to shake.

There were many space cracks around the bone dragon\'s body, which directly sandwiched it in the middle!

The claw of the bone dragon was covered by the golden light. It couldn\'t be caught anyway!

Not only can\'t catch it, the huge body shape of the bone dragon was fixed at this moment!

"Haotian mirror? Ice emperor, dare you!"

The bone dragon transformed by the Immortal Emperor showed a panic in his eyes and roared.

The golden light comes from Haotian mirror, one of the top ten heavenly objects!

The person who made the move was the "emperor xuanbing Zhenhai of Beihuang glacier", one of the four great emperors!

Where can such flaws be allowed in the battle of such peerless strong men?

When the bone dragon was fixed by the golden light of Haotian mirror

The seven Dragon Emperor above the sky suddenly pressed his claw towards the back of the bone dragon!

"Blue Optimus, die!"

What a terrible claw under the wrath of the seven Dragon Emperor!

Under this claw, the space is directly caught out, a space crack, and a terrible space storm surges out!


The claw of the seven Dragon Emperor blasted on the back of the bone dragon he called "blue sky".

This Immortal Emperor is also unlucky. Mingming and the seven Dragon Emperor Xiuwei Bozhong have far more combat experience than the seven Dragon Emperor.

However, it was never calculated that the ice emperor would make a shot at this time, and not only the timing was very ingenious, but also the position was chosen properly!

It was held by the Haotian mirror of emperor Haida of xuanbing Town, Beihuang glacier. Although it was only a second, it gave the seven dragon emperor a great opportunity.

As a result, the bone dragon\'s back was blasted!


With a wail, the bone dragon was instantly blasted to the bottom of the ground and crushed huge peaks into powder.

The seven dragon emperor was still angry, and another claw grabbed the bone dragon at the bottom of the ground


The strange insect in the air took the seven dragon emperor to deal with the bone dragon, caught a gap and screamed.

The dark golden insects that were almost ignored by the two dragon emperors immediately gathered and wrapped the seven dragon emperors!

"Eat, eat, eat!"

This endless dark golden insect, a package of the seven dragon emperor, is crazy to swallow and bite the protective Gang gas mask outside the seven dragon emperor, making a harsh sound of gold and iron!

"Old seven, this is a mature gold eater. Use the green dragon flame!"

The three Dragon Emperor above was stunned and drank violently.

With a Fierce bite of his teeth and a tail, he pulled the huge octopus monster out, and then grabbed it at the seven Dragon Emperor wrapped by the golden bug, trying to help it.

On the claws of the three Dragon Emperor, the blue dragon flame has been burning!


The seven dragon emperor at the bottom didn\'t care much. Unexpectedly, he just stayed for a moment. Not only the protective Gang gas mask was bitten by the golden bug, but also the Dragon scales were bitten out, a large hole!

When he was in a panic, the green dragon flame on the seven Dragon Emperor suddenly burned up!

On each of his scales, mysterious golden characters burst out immediately, dazzling, and the terrible energy of destroying mountains and mountains burst out.

The overwhelming horror of gold eating insects was instantly burned into fly ash by the energy washed out by the green dragon flame and those golden characters!

The seven dragon emperor is a single-minded role.

He seems to hate the bone dragon below.

Mingming was overcame by the huge monster bug. After getting rid of the golden bug, he didn\'t look for the monster bug, but he roared angrily, rushed towards the bone dragon that had just climbed out from below, suddenly clawed and photographed the bone Dragon into the ground again!

The bone dragon transformed by the Immortal Emperor had a strong dead breath. It was photographed several times by the seven dragon emperor, and almost all of it was scattered

The great immortal emperor has never suffered such a big loss since ancient times!

The bone dragon was filled with grief and indignation and howled out a sentence that made Shen Lang and others cry and laugh: "seven boy, why did you catch me and beat me! It was the insect mother emperor who just hurt you. You have the guts to go!"

The Immortal Emperor is funny enough. Unexpectedly, the seven dragon emperor is more funny than him

In a word, the seven Dragon Emperor tossed away the extreme fighting atmosphere.

He said, "I\'m not interested in that disgusting bug. Even if I want to be violent chrysanthemum, I\'ll find you, a traitor of the blue dragon clan!"

He was overcast by the ice emperor and seriously injured by the younger generation of the seven Dragon Emperor. The Immortal Emperor jumped with anger.

Seeing that the eternal tree has escaped into the amber dream and is difficult to find, the bone dragon is unwilling to tear open the space crack and fall into it!

However, the huge size of the dragon family is sometimes an advantage. It has infinite power and can destroy the sky and the earth.

Other races can\'t compare.

But there is something wrong with such a huge body when it comes to running away.

When the bone dragon\'s body entered the space crack less than one third, the seven dragon emperor had arrived