Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1134

When Shen Lang asked the Dragon Emperor with a smile, the cloud sky on the Dragon Emperor road showed an embarrassing color.

Long Huang Lu Yun Tian, a strong man of this degree, has been able to cross the period with the four great emperors other than the war emperor.

Coupled with the inherent advantages of the dragon family, even the oldest of the four great emperors... The eternal Qingtian great emperor of the East wasteland demon family, I\'m afraid he won\'t be his opponent!

However, fate, even the real gods and demons, are confused. Where can Lu Yuntian make it clear?

Longhuanglu coughed and said, "the gods and demons are troubled about fate. I\'m afraid I can\'t do too many answers about the \'son of destiny\'."

"Just now I said, heaven and earth also have destiny..."

"When the nine stars join the beads, the star continent, like other hundreds of millions of small worlds, will perish and annihilate in the universe. This is the disaster of the star continent and hundreds of millions of small worlds, and it is also the fate of hundreds of millions of small worlds."

"And the fate of hundreds of millions of small worlds and their endless creatures is closely related to the son of destiny!"

"Pangu Protoss predicted that the son of destiny is a thread of vitality between heaven and earth. Only the son of destiny can rewrite destiny... That is to say, the life and death of hundreds of millions of small worlds and our life and death are all maintained by the son of destiny!"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "if the \'son of destiny\' in the mouth of the Pangu Protoss is really me, they look up to me too much. Saving the world should be done by powerful gods and Demons such as the Pangu Protoss. Why should they impose on me?"

"The cultivation of Pangu divine family is thorough, and it is said that they are also called the creation family. These gods and demons have enjoyed the worship of billions of creatures for countless years. Do you want mortals like me to help them?"

"They don\'t do anything, but let a small role like me work hard. What\'s the reason?"

"In other words, whether hundreds of millions of small worlds will be destroyed is irrelevant to the gods and demons who stay at the highest level, so they disdain to take action?"

Dragon Emperor and other strong men: "

All the strong men present were bewitched by Shen Lang\'s age.

I totally didn\'t expect Shen Lang to speak so sharply.

And when referring to the Pangu Protoss, they were not surprised like others.

When he said any word, he was holding a pair of wisdom beads and controlling the overall situation.

Even in the face of the eternal tree and the sky on longhuang road of the green dragon family, it is neither humble nor arrogant, calm and calm!

The key is, how can he continue to refute like this?

The eternal tree was planted by the Pangu Protoss, and the green dragon family is also the servant of the Pangu Protoss. Now the "son of destiny" in the mouth of the Pangu Protoss not only doesn\'t respect the Pangu Protoss, but also doesn\'t want to become the "son of destiny"!

This is totally different from the imagination and expectation of the people present!

The "son of fate" designated by Pangu Protoss, the Savior identified by the eternal tree, and the green dragon family are willing to follow its footsteps to destroy evil... Is there anything more arrogant and farty than this identity in the world?

He was dismissive!

What\'s more, why didn\'t the Pangu Protoss do it, but let him do it?

The heavenly king Mo lightly danced and said in a deep voice, "even Lord Jialan may not know much about the Pangu Protoss, and no one knows what they think. But the Pangu Protoss is a legendary Protoss who can know the past and future. Since they have identified you as the \'son of destiny\', they will not be wrong."

"Lord long Huang is kind to talk to you. Your attitude is a little insincere!"

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "how sincere do you think I am when a group of powerful people don\'t come forward and let me rush into battle as cannon fodder? If you want to be the Savior so, I\'ll give you the title. Do you want to do it?"

"Bastard!" Mo Qingwu stood up in a rage: "the son of destiny, do you want to let it go? If I am the son of destiny, I will do my part to kill all demons and sweep away evil spirits together with all powerful people!"

"I haven\'t said what I want you to do, and I haven\'t said I want you to die. What\'s your attitude of pushing around and blocking around?"

The Dragon Emperor and others looked at each other and smiled bitterly. The other three heavenly kings hurriedly held Mo Qingwu, pressed her shoulder and let her sit down again.

Only Yu Jialan, the embodiment of the eternal tree, never spoke, but looked at Shen Lang with a smile.

No one knows Shen Lang\'s temperament better than her.

Shen Lang has always been like this. He says he doesn\'t want to be a hero and doesn\'t want to be a savior. He just wants to protect his family.

But what is he doing now?

Why did he risk his life to sneak into the hinterland of the blood clan?

He is a small character. He asked his Majesty the Dragon Emperor why he didn\'t do it... From the perspective of the eternal tree, it\'s like a child who is depressed and angry when he catches up with the tough.

Shen Lang glanced at him and stared at his heavenly king Mo Qingwu. He flattened his mouth and said, "then, your Majesty the Dragon Emperor will answer the questions behind me first?"

Longhuanglu Yuntian was also surprised. I don\'t know when to start. The boy has taken the initiative to talk!

So many people present seem to have been led by his nose?

The Dragon Emperor smiled bitterly and said, "the second point you asked, our cultivation is strong. It\'s easy to kill the blood clan outside, but why didn\'t we do so..."

"There\'s nothing wrong with you. It\'s really because of the ultimate fear!"

"The green dragons guard the eternal tree in the amber dream. They are not afraid of the blood ancestor, but the ultimate fear!"

"About these, Lord Jialan will elaborate later."

After a pause, longhuanglu Yuntian said: "as for the third point, your eyes are really amazing. Without using any pupil technique or skill, you can not only see that the two brothers of the emperor have reached the level of the great emperor, but also see that they are injured!"

"You know, even the four heavenly kings in the God of war hall have not found these two points before."

The four heavenly kings blushed and secretly scolded longhuanglu Yuntian for not understanding human feelings and worldly wisdom. They even said such things in front of them.

If you didn\'t know Lu Yuntian\'s temperament, I\'m afraid the four heavenly kings thought the old guy was deliberately humiliating them.

However, the other party is an old master after all. Even if they lose face, they have nothing to say.

Longhuanglu Yuntian looked at Shen Lang with appreciation, nodded and said, "you\'re not wrong about this. It\'s really the great emperor of the blood clan."

"Those who come to the moonlight forest land are the three great kings of the blood family... The Immortal Emperor, the insect mother emperor and the deep sea emperor."

"Hum, they are old acquaintances."

"The Emperor just didn\'t expect that their accomplishments had become so strong over the years, reaching the point of seven heaven in the great emperor\'s martial realm..."

"What\'s strong?" another great emperor finally couldn\'t help it: "brother, you\'re a little ambitious and destroy your prestige!"

"Although Lao Qi and I were slightly injured, the injuries of those three people were much heavier than those of me!"

"Without a thousand years, they want to recover. That\'s a dream!"

Another emperor level existence, the seven Dragon Emperor echoed with a nod: "dream!"

A group of strong people around laughed.

The dragon clan itself has the best face. These two people have great accomplishments, and they really have the upper hand with two enemies and three. If they don\'t say this, they may be suffocated.

Although these two accomplishments have reached the level of the great emperor, they are still competitive like children.

And staying in this amber dream for so many years, human sophistication is simply ignorant

The cloud sky of longhuang road glared: "old three and old seven, be quiet! About the blood clan guys, it\'s up to the emperor!"

The three Dragon Emperor and the seven Dragon Emperor rolled their eyes and closed their mouths unconvinced, which made everyone smile.

This is not a strong man at the emperor level. This is completely two lengtouqing!

If you put it outside, it\'s strange that these two people don\'t get fooled around!

Longhuanglu Yuntian said: "on the fourth point, we are really waiting for you. From the birth of the eternal tree, we are waiting for you in the amber dream..."

"We can\'t ask you to do anything. What you want to do is your freedom. The emperor should make it clear."

"So there is no such thing as letting you, the son of fate, rush forward."

"As for what you can do, Pangu did not elaborate, but they said that you can rewrite the fate of the world and solve the disaster of hundreds of millions of small worlds."

Speaking of this, the cloud sky of longhuang road suddenly blinked and said a little funny: "for example, the blood clan now occupies the moonlight forest land, and we haven\'t done anything. Haven\'t you turned them upside down?"

"..." Shen Lang heard this, his eyes immediately straightened and he was speechless.

"Ha ha!" longhuanglu Yuntian felt that he had successfully run a Shen wave and laughed triumphantly.

Shen Lang, that Khan, just thought this guy should be a little more capable and smart than his two brothers. Unexpectedly... It\'s all the same!

"I\'ll talk about the son of fate and the Pangu Protoss later." Shen Lang sighed and said, "just now, your Majesty the Dragon Emperor mentioned that the Immortal Emperor of the blood clan and others appeared in the moonlight forest land and fought with you. They were badly hurt by you. I want to know the details."

The Dragon Emperor looked positive and said, "just two months ago, these three old monsters suddenly appeared in the moonlight forest land. Even adults Jialan didn\'t feel the crisis. Before hastily entering the amber dream, the real body of the eternal tree was hurt..."

Then the Dragon Emperor stretched out his hand and brushed it gently in the void.

Ripples in the void, a clear picture, immediately appeared.

This is the home of Yumu nationality, moonlight forest land

Even if Shen Lang hadn\'t seen the real appearance of the moonlight woodland, he recognized it for the first time.