Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1133

Yu Jialan, the embodiment of the eternal tree, leaned slightly and said, "what your Majesty the Dragon Emperor said is very true, child, please follow me."

A circle of life energy surging to the extreme wrapped Shen Lang and Alice.

They followed yujialan and the Dragon Emperor and stepped on the rattan bridge.

The green dragons on both sides of the rattan bridge retreated and disappeared into chaos.

At the moment of stepping on the rattan bridge, Shen Lang felt as if he had stepped on the river of time. He only felt that the world was boundless and the years were long. He had an unspeakable sense of loneliness and insignificance.

"But it\'s only two or three steps. It\'s already over 100000 miles. It\'s directly through the space. I\'m afraid even the rosefinch family, which is best at space rules, can\'t do this? Is this... The means of Pangu Protoss?"

It was as if I had gone for a long time, and it was only a moment.

Shen Lang didn\'t even have a few thoughts in his mind, but the cane bridge that couldn\'t see the end showed its end.

Amber court is a vast and boundless space with picturesque landscape, towering trees, quiet winding paths, empty mountains with birds singing, clouds and valleys listening to the water flow, and the shadow of the pool is empty.

In the air, there is an unimaginable aura of life, which is ethereal in all directions.

On the square below the Tengqiao bridge, a group of strong people stood with their hands behind their backs. Looking at Shen Lang and others in the air, they seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Four of the eight heavenly kings missing in the temple of the God of war are impressively among them.

These people are magnificent and calm. Although they are just a leisurely stop, they are as quiet as an abyss and like a Huayue!

Among them, more than ten breaths are far more than the four heavenly kings in the God of war hall. They have reached the state of the end of the emperor\'s martial mirror, and are not weaker than King Dapeng with golden wings!

The first two men in Chinese clothes can\'t even feel their breath.

The dreamy feeling released from these two people is completely like the Dragon Emperor beside Shen Lang!

It is the existence of two great emperors!

At the beginning, there was only one great emperor in the whole dragon family. Unexpectedly, in this amber dream, there were only three great emperors in the green dragon family!

The dragon clan is the head of the top ten divine beasts. Either it does not become the great emperor. Once it becomes the great emperor, it will definitely destroy the heaven and earth!

Even Shen Lang, who is the Lord of the temple of the God of war, smacks his tongue!

"Have the green dragons been so strong?"

Shen Lang was slightly stunned and immediately responded: "yes, it is said that the amber dream is an excellent place for cultivation, and the eternal tree is like the embodiment of the goddess of life. It has the life spirit power that can heal the whole world. The green dragon family has guarded here for millions of years, and it is normal to have several great emperors."

"Such a strong lineup has turned the world upside down for Milos and Oakes. Sure enough, are they guarding against the legendary \'ultimate fear\'? Or have several great emperors on the blood clan secretly shot?"

When Shen Lang guessed secretly, the eyes of everyone below fell on him.

Especially the four heavenly kings of the eight heavenly kings frowned one by one and kept looking at Shen Lang.

As the eight heavenly kings of the temple of the God of war, they know nothing about the "son of destiny" in the mouth of the eternal tree, even where they came from and what they can do.

It\'s a little embarrassing.

The full moon of yecha king, Mo Qingtong of kaluro king, Simon Xiruo of Dapo king, and Mo Qingwu of heaven king all stared at Shen Lang and searched their minds for all the talents they knew.

Unfortunately, I can\'t think of any Force\'s genius who can compete with the current Shen Lang.

"Blood clan? Lord Jialan, your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, why did blood clan enter here?" emperor Mo Qingwu noticed Alice behind Shen Lang and asked.

As the only woman among the four heavenly kings, her observation of details is obviously better than the other three.

The people of the Yumu clan immediately stirred up.

The Yumu clan was almost destroyed, all thanks to the blood clan.

The word "blood clan" is full of endless evil and triggered endless hatred. It should never appear in the amber court!

Moreover, the amber chamber is the entrance to the amber dream. It has a great relationship. How can blood families enter?

A series of very bad eyes converged on Alice.

"Childe..." Alice, like a frightened kitten, hid behind Shen Lang, her head against Shen Lang\'s back, her hands clutching Shen Lang\'s clothes and trembling.

"It\'s okay, don\'t be afraid." Shen Lang grabbed Alice\'s hand and patted it twice.

The cloud sky on longhuang road was shrouded in an invisible threat, which depressed the commotion of the strong below. Only then did you say: "the amber court cannot enter unless it has pure kindness."

"Even if we, the green dragon family that guards the eternal tree, many people can\'t stay here for too long because of their tyranny or hostility, and will be squeezed out by the rules of this space."

"Since the people brought by Shen Lang can easily enter here, there is nothing wrong. Their kindness can move the world. Don\'t give birth to other ideas because she is a blood clan."

"Besides, Lord Jialan knew her arrival 100000 years ago!"

Although the Dragon Emperor accurately controlled his power, his voice vibrated in the air, forming a circle of energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye, extending in all directions.

A strong man of this level, if he doesn\'t control his power, I\'m afraid he can roar and break mountains and rivers at will!

Hearing the Dragon Emperor\'s words, everyone was silent.

This amber court is a space created by Pangu Protoss with great magical powers millions of years ago.

Is a node to enter the amber dream.

According to the rules of this space, as long as evil races or individuals come here, they will be excluded by the rules of this space, and finally squeezed out, or even... Directly crushed by the space!

People thought of this, and their hostility to Alice was eliminated.

They are all the most powerful people in the world. It\'s a little unreasonable to brood over such a small matter.

Shen Lang\'s eyes stayed for a moment on the existence of the first two emperors, then walked out carelessly, chose a stone pier, sat down and said, "it\'s really lively for you to gather here."

"Since I\'ve come here, I won\'t talk nonsense anymore. Make a long story short..."

"First, I want to know what happened to the \'son of fate\' in the large population of Jialan. Because I am the son of fate, did Jialan send the Yumu family to look for me everywhere?"

"Second, it\'s easy for you to cultivate yourself and kill the blood clan outside, but you didn\'t do so at all. Let the blood clan kill the creatures of the great emperor and destroy the beautiful moonlight forest... Is it because of the \'ultimate fear\'?"

"Third..." Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the existence of the two great emperors and said: "the cultivation of the two predecessors has reached the level of the great emperor, but their breath is unstable and obviously hurt. Can it be said that the great emperor of the blood clan has also shot?"

"Fourth, it seems that everyone is waiting for me. I want to know, what does Lord Jialan and the green dragon want me to do? And what can I do?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone\'s eyes changed except yujialan and Alice!

Even the four heavenly kings who have been speculating about Shen Lang\'s identity look at him with new eyes!

"Although this strange boy is a little crazy, I have to say that he is still a little capable... He will go straight to the point as soon as he comes up!" the four heavenly kings looked at each other and nodded secretly.

After Shen Lang said these words, he even began to urge his power to repair his meridians broken by Prince Dina!

When he was outside, Shen Lang didn\'t dare to move. He didn\'t dare to urge the life spirit to repair his body.

Now here, at the entrance of this amber dream with abundant vitality, it is a great time for Shen Lang to repair his body.

Once Shen Lang\'s life power and chaos power were operated, the broken pulse of the remnant meridians was injected with vitality, and new granulations were immediately produced at the fracture. The granulations at the two fractures were intertwined and soon joined.

The damaged meridians and bones began to heal madly at an unimaginable speed!

The eyes of the most powerful people present were shocked again!

"Please sit down."

Under the sign of the sky on longhuang Road, everyone sat down.

With a faint smile, the Dragon Emperor said, "if you have anything to say, don\'t talk nonsense... Shen langxiaoyou\'s temperament is very suitable for the emperor. Then the emperor will answer your questions."

Shen Lang leaned slightly and said, "boy, I\'m all ears."

The Dragon Emperor nodded and said, "the first question, the word \'son of destiny\' was said from the mouth of Pangu Protoss millions of years ago."

"People have destiny, demons have destiny, and all creatures have destiny; demons have destiny, gods have destiny, and heaven and earth also have destiny."

"In this world, even gods and demons, who dares to claim to control their own destiny?"

"Blood ancestor can\'t, neither can emperor star."

"Pangu Protoss tells us that among the hundreds of millions of green dragons, only two can really control their own destiny and change the fate of others..."

"One of them is the person who controls the \'impermanence heavenly book\'. The \'impermanence heavenly book\' is the \'destiny heavenly book\', which contains the mysterious law of destiny!"

"And the other is you, the son of fate!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "master, it\'s not easy to control your destiny. In my life, I have been wandering and dancing on the tip of the knife just to protect my family."

"But even if I try my best, I still dare not say that I have achieved my goal."

"If I can control my destiny, why should I fear life and death and reincarnation?"