Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1132

At present, there is chaos.

Misty, misty.

Just like the chaotic space opened up by Taiji.

The cane bridge with strong life aura stretches to the endless distance and doesn\'t know where to go.

"Child, I\'ve been waiting for you here for millions of years, and finally I\'ve waited for you..."

When the sound sounded in Shen Lang and Alice\'s ears, a warm and soft pure natural breath rose in front of them.

Auspicious clouds shrouded and auspicious Qi rose;

The falling flowers are colorful and the rain falls.

It is the most pure breath of nature and the pure life energy that contains everything.

It not only gives people a sense of kindness, but also seems to make people forget all their troubles and eliminate all hatred.

Let Shen Lang feel as if the legendary goddess of life is coming

At the same time, the chaos on both sides of the rattan bridge rolled violently, and endless evil spirits came out of thin air. Mysterious and ancient threats, like mountains, pressed against Shen Lang and Alice from both sides.

Different from the general breath of the goddess of life in front, the breath in the chaotic sea on both sides of Tengqiao, even Shen Lang and other tough people feel extreme depression, suffocation and palpitation!

It\'s like facing an ancient giant!

This is the most pure ancient dragon power!

And not just a dragon!

"Long Wei? Hum!"

Shen Lang snorted, and the endless war suddenly broke out, shrouded him and Alice, and pushed away the terrible dragon power.

"A undead? A blood clan? Lord Jialan, are you sure this is the \'son of destiny\' we are waiting for?"

Like the voice of the gods, it sounded in this strange space.

The chaotic Ocean on both sides of fujibashi vibrated violently in the sound, as if brewing a storm.

Shen Lang combined with the Yumu family\'s skill method, through the combination of sealing the heavenly tripod and Tai Chi diagram, converged the soul and all the breath, that is, the existence of the great emperor level, which is difficult to find the problem.

This entry, even the powerful existence in the amber dream channel, was deceived.

"Eh? How could it be Yu CHENFENG!"

The existence seemed to see Shen Lang\'s face clearly. Suddenly, he gave a light sigh, and his voice increased eight degrees, full of anger!

It was at this time that in the chaotic sea on both sides of fujibashi, huge faucets like mountains appeared, overlooking Shen Lang and Alice.

Green dragon!

Twenty green dragons!

This green dragon only showed its huge head, and then its huge body was covered by chaos. Vaguely, only a few scales and claws could be seen.

But the terrible dragon breath broke out completely after discovering that the dead were "feather morning wind"!

Just these smells, if you deliberately target someone, I\'m afraid even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror will be crushed into powder in an instant!

"He is the morning wind, nor is he the morning wind."

With the sound of the woman\'s voice at the beginning, a surging life energy on the rattan bridge coerced Shen Lang and the two people, separating the terrible pressure of the green dragons.

Shen Lang not only didn\'t suffocate and chest tightness as before, but also felt unspeakably comfortable and happy!

Just then

"Tong Tong!"

Alice took out a thing and threw it in front of one of the green dragons.

All the green dragons were stunned. When they looked at it, they saw that it was more than a foot long, big at both ends and thin in the middle, like a bone?

The green dragon tilted his head and looked at the bone under him. He was stunned for a while. Suddenly, his eyes stared and growled: "asshole! I\'m a dragon, I\'m not a dog!"

A group of green dragons are fainting.

Shen Lang is about to faint.

Alice shrunk her head and said, "Oh... I\'m sorry..."

"Tong Tong!"

She said sorry, raised her hand and lost a bone in the distance.

Just throw it away. She stared at the green dragon roaring before, as if expecting the other party to run over and pick up the bone!

"Ah! Damn blood clan!"

The green dragon howled with grief and anger!

After countless years, has the dragon clan been reduced to being treated as a dog?


Shen Lang knocked the chestnuts on Alice\'s head and made Alice cry.

"If you make trouble for me again, I\'ll throw you out!" Shen Lang jumped angrily: "you took the wrong medicine? You still have so many bones when you go out!"

Alice bared her teeth, rubbed her head and looked pitifully at Shen Lang.

The sad eyes can make a hundred tempered and soft.

But how can Shen Lang talk to her at this time?

As soon as Shen Lang turned around, he bowed slightly to the green dragon whose bones were lost by Alice and said, "my friend just wants to joke with you. Please forgive me."

The green dragon\'s big head shook, and a storm came out of his nostrils. He suddenly looked forward, stretched out to Shen Lang, stared at Shen Lang coldly and said, "Ben long doesn\'t believe in the dead or blood family... You\'re not Yu CHENFENG. Who are you!"

The legendary dragon clan is very powerful, but it is never easy to talk. It has a small belly and chicken intestines. If you are angry, you will be rewarded.

Alice\'s action has obviously angered the green dragon.

At this time, a voice like a high God sounded on which side of the rattan bridge: "road wind, don\'t be rude!"

With the sound, a woman in white and a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes appeared over fujibashi.

They stood side by side and walked slowly towards Shen Lang.

The man looked only about thirty. His eyebrows were as red as fire. He burned obliquely towards his temples. His appearance was almost evil.

His nose is high and upright, his eyes are as bright as stars, and his eyes seem to be able to penetrate the spatial plane and see through all vanity. People are afraid at a glance and want to kneel and worship!

He clearly stood side by side with the woman in white, but Shen Lang felt that he was standing in front of him, and Shen Lang felt that he was in a different space, hundreds of millions of miles away from the woman in white and himself!

"Dragon Emperor level figures!"

Shen Lang can\'t feel the man\'s cultivation, but only the existence of the emperor level can have the breath, which is undoubtedly revealed in the middle-aged man!

Leaving aside the war emperor, I\'m afraid the cultivation of this man is still above the four great emperors!

But Shen Lang was relieved immediately.

The dragon race is the divine beast of heaven and earth, which has incomparable congenital advantages of human race and other races.

The green dragon family obeyed the arrangement of the Pangu Protoss and guarded the eternal tree in the amber dream for more than a million years. It is not too exaggerated that several great emperors were born in the middle.

Compared with other races, the dragon clan is almost invincible in the same level. Shen Lang is relieved to have such a powerful presence around the eternal tree.

Shen Lang\'s eyes stopped slightly on the man and immediately moved to the woman in white beside him.

The woman was not as powerful as the middle-aged man.

She is ethereal, beautiful and immortal. She doesn\'t eat human fireworks. It seems that she will go away in the wind at any time

In particular, the eyes are clear and pure, which contains an indescribable calm and far-reaching.

When Mingming appeared, she was still far away in the sky. She just took a few steps, but she had arrived in front of Shen Lang.

"Child, I am yujialan, the embodiment of the eternal tree."

Yu Jialan, who appeared in front of Shen Lang, naturally stretched out his hand and stroked Shen Lang\'s face.

It\'s like a mother caressing a returning child.

There were tears in her eyes.

The joy of the arrival of the "son of fate" and the sadness and anger of yuchenfeng\'s departure were intertwined in her eyes, which made her original pure and flawless eyes a little complicated.

Shen Lang didn\'t get used to it, but he didn\'t escape.

"Kaka, Kaka..."

When Shen Lang\'s mind moved, there was a crisp sound from his bones.

His whole face and breath began to change rapidly.

After a while, he recovered from the appearance of the dead feather CHENFENG to the appearance of shenlang.

The peculiar smell of death on the dead disappeared in an instant.

The green dragons were amazed.

Any strong man can do such things as illusion or covering breath.

However, the stronger the cultivation, the more surging the energy in the body, and the more difficult it is to transform it into other energy;

And the higher the inherent breath recognition of the top strong.

For example, his Majesty the Dragon Emperor, who came with the eternal tree, has reached the level of the great emperor. With his ability, he can turn into vegetation, sand and stone, which ordinary strong people can never find.

However, his illusory means can hardly play any role in front of other emperors.

Because he can\'t really transform the Dragon Qi in his body into other kinds of energy!

But the boy in front of him, obviously, his accomplishments have not yet reached the emperor\'s martial mirror. He first turned into a state of undead, deceived most of the dragon family, and then freely transformed into a human family in front of everyone!

Such means, even the strong of Yumu family, are far inferior!

"Shen Lang has seen Lord Jialan!"

Shen Lang bowed respectfully to yujialan, the incarnation of the eternal tree.

Whether it is the eternal tree or the Yumu family, they deserve this worship!

At the end of the day, in addition to the eternal tree and the plume family, which person or race just gives but doesn\'t get anything?

Yujialan gently lifted Shen Lang and said slowly, "when I was born, Pangu Protoss told me the existence of the son of destiny, and began to let me wait and wait for you."

"I have dreamed of you countless times in my dreams, of you meeting me, and of you bringing light to the world."

"The moment you stepped into the amber dream channel, I dreamed it thousands of times. Until now, it finally turned into reality."

"Millions of years of solitude and millions of years of waiting are only a glimmer of vitality between heaven and earth..."

The voice of the eternal tree is mixed with pain in joy.

Invisible pressure makes Shen Lang a heart and become extremely heavy.

"But what can I do..." Shen Lang seemed to ask the eternal tree and himself.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said, "Lord Jialan, this is not the place to talk. Although the breath of the dragon family is covered by this chaos, if there are great emperor level figures in the blood family, they may still notice the entrance. Let\'s go back to the amber court first?"

————————It\'s a little Calvin. There\'s a plot in my mind, but I can\'t express it. It\'s a tragedy; It\'s the new year, and there are many things and a mess.