Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1131

The plan of Luocha city is not to kill a group of blood clan strongmen and weaken the power of blood clan.

This is Shen Lang providing opportunities for the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion.

A chance to launch a general attack!

Luocha city has been destroyed once by Shen Lang, and now the two king Nara have come for the second time.

After this second time, the blood clan will send more powerful people like Prince Dina to sit down.

It is even possible that after the two king Nara show their body shape, they will send out the strong ones above the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing to guard Luocha city!

At that time, the blood clan power in Luocha city will reach an unprecedented peak.

At that time, the king of annihilation thunder will play a role to the greatest extent!

When the thunder king, the God of annihilation, explodes, the king Naro and the king will have another rifle and cut the roots, which will surely lead Milos and ox out of the moonlight city.

When the two men leave the Moonlight City, as long as there are no powerful blood families in the Moonlight City, Shen Lang will have the opportunity to take away the source of pain and rescue all the imprisoned alien strongmen.

And in Moonlight City, Shen Lang has a silent God thunder king!

At the beginning, Shen Lang got three silence killing thunder kings from the northern underworld jitianzong.

Now one is in Zhuge Xianer\'s hand, one is in Luocha City, and the last one... Is on the source of pain tower where Alice lives!

When the last silence killing God thunder King detonates, it is the general attack of the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon house!

It\'s also the time when the blood families here in the plague land disappear!

Shen Lang\'s plan is closely linked, step by step. There is almost no gap and no omission.

When the blood clan, the ten thousand demon house and the demon God hall check and balance each other

No one knows that a completely unnoticed existence manipulated the whole war!

Shen Lang\'s only problem now is how to go out as fast as possible, stand up as the left envoy of Zhuque house and force the forces of Wanyao house and demon God hall to unite temporarily.

Only if they unite temporarily can the plan be perfect.

Otherwise, at that time, the people in the demon God hall will fight with the people of King Dapeng with golden wings, and the blood clan will enjoy watching the play. There will be some good plays.

Unfortunately, Shen Lang has no skills and can only take his time.

"The silent God thunder king in Luocha city is the fuse, but the torch is in my hand. In that case, I\'m not in a hurry for one or two days."

Shen Lang thought and immediately sent a message to Labrador: "go into the depths of the earth and go to the northwest, the border between the pale Valley and the moonlight forest land."

Labrador ejected two wisps of white gas from his nose, fell down with Shen Lang and Alice, hid deep in the ground and rushed to the designated position of Shen Lang.

That position is the entrance of the amber dream in Yu CHENFENG\'s mind!

Shen Lang has touched the things here in the source of pain tower. It\'s time to go to the amber dream to find the eternal tree and green dragon.

Even Lien Chan\'s temple doesn\'t know much about the amber dream.

Before coming to the plague, Shen Lang\'s understanding of the amber dream was very vague.

But after fusing the soul of Yu CHENFENG, everything about the amber dream is much clearer.

Amber dream, also known as the dream of creation, exists in any world and is an illusory spiritual world coincident with the material world.

In short, the amber dream is the initial appearance of the star continent and the reflection of the face of the star continent before it was transformed by intelligent creatures.

The amber dream is not in the moonlight woodland, but covers the whole world, just like a world without trace overlapping with the star continent.

Because the eternal tree is in the moonlight forest land, in order to protect the eternal tree, Pangu Protoss only opened the entrance to the amber dream in the moonlight forest land, and gave the eternal tree the right to enter and leave the amber dream at will.

If there were no amber dream shelter, whether the eternal tree would be safe now is still a matter of two words.

Deep underground, Labrador kept a steady speed, while Shen Lang was leisurely "reading" Yu CHENFENG\'s memory of amber dream in his mind.

But the outside world has long been messed up by him!

Shortly after Shen Lang and Alice left, a large number of strong men in the pale Valley rushed to the portal.

The ten portals, which had just been built, disappeared again.

And there was no news from a group of Prince Wujing who went to Luocha city

The blood clan power of pale Valley immediately began to gather madly towards Luocha city!

The endless undead Legion and Zerg swept away like a wave.

Unfortunately, at such a long distance, without a portal, when they arrived, it was estimated that the Naro king and the Dragon King had patted their ass and left.

Because there was no news from Luocha City, there was not much response from the source of pain tower of Moonlight City.

Most of the blood clan strongmen, including the two giants, only thought that the man who destroyed Luocha city last time appeared again.

A person who is just a little better than Prince Dick\'s first level of imperial martial mirror is not qualified to attract the attention of a group of blood clan strongmen.

After all, there are twenty-six blood princes in the pale valley.

Five of them, including Prince Dina, have reached the peak of emperor Wujing\'s five Heaven.

Such a lineup can be called luxury.

Unless the visitor is a strong man of the level of the eight heavenly kings, Prince Dina and others can\'t cope.

However, people at the level of Babu Heavenly King either don\'t make a move, and one move must be aimed at the inner array of pale valley.

According to the estimation of the blood clan, unless you have enough to support, a strong man of this degree will not come to Luocha city to make a fuss.

And how can a strong man of this degree deceive Lord Milos and Lord Oakes?

The strong blood clan here, the source of pain, did not take things in Luocha city too seriously.

Until three hours later

When the two king Nara killed all the blood families in Luocha City, destroyed the newly built Luocha city again, and then even the Luocha City array burst!

The blood clan on the side of the source of pain tower was finally shocked

It\'s impossible not to be shaken, but the ancient array of Luocha city involves the other four main cities!

The Luocha City array was broken. How bad is that?

The most terrible thing is that his grandmother\'s work was really done by the eight heavenly kings!

Without any sign, the eight heavenly kings secretly came to do this. Where is the dignity of the strong in the war temple?

And shameless!

The strong blood clan at the source of pain tower jumped with anger.

At the moment when the great array of Luocha city was broken, without the following people\'s report, the strong blood clan such as Milos and oaks had found the breath of King Naro.

Luocha city has been destroyed and the array has been broken. Take a hair and move your whole body!

On the side of the source of pain tower, Milos, one of the two giants of the blood clan, immediately took the shot and roared after King Naro and the Dragon King with four imperial martial mirrors!

As soon as Milos shot, the golden winged ROC King\'s divine knife immediately cut over!

The two sides fought in an instant, and the earth shook!

Over the land of plague, winds and clouds surge!

At the same time, King Naro has sent the news to the demon God Temple.

In fact, I already know it from the demon temple.

Milos and the golden winged ROC King start. If they don\'t notice it, it\'s really a joke.

There are already many dragons without heads here in the demon God hall. All the demons run their own houses, and no one will obey anyone.

Seeing this posture, I heard that the people of the war temple had invaded the Luocha city and broken the Luocha City array. At present, five or six powerful demons from the general\'s house rushed forward!

As soon as the strong one of the demon temple came, the people on the side of King Dapeng with golden wings immediately showed weakness, fought and retreated, and handed over the main battlefield to the demon temple.

The blood clan who wanted to pursue and kill King Nara immediately worked with the demon God hall.

It\'s a lively fight!

Everything, just as Shen Lang expected, is not bad at all.

Three days later, when the blood clan and the demon God hall were in a tight fight, and both sides continued to invest in the strong, Shen Lang, the initiator of all this, had arrived at the place where the moonlight forest land borders the pale valley.

This place, formerly known as the "forest of beasts", lives with countless monsters.

However, when the blood clan came, these monsters died, ran, and were caught. Now they have no vitality.

The Yumu people call this area "the mark of disaster".

Because here, it was one of the battlefields in the war between the eight heavenly kings and the two giants of the blood clan.

Originally, it had lush vegetation and a strong breath of life, "the forest of beasts". Now it is full of Cangyi, the land is scorched and black, and Tiankeng is everywhere. It has been devastated.

Not only that, there are countless space cracks and energy turbulence on the ground.

The four words "trace of disaster" are really appropriate to describe this land.

Because of the existence of space cracks, even if the strong emperor Wujing comes to such a place, he should be very energetic and walk carefully.

Otherwise, if you accidentally walk over, your head will be gone, or half of your body will be cut open by a space crack

Apart from the space cracks, the energy turbulence formed by a group of top strongmen of imperial martial mirror is not something that ordinary people can easily face.

At this time, Labrador has been accepted into the fengtianding by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took Alice\'s hand, turned her broken silver eyes, avoided the terrible energy turbulence, and was walking slowly under the ground.

The reason why Alice was not included in Tianding was that she still needed her identity as a cover.

Although ordinary blood clans will not easily set foot in this place, it is already within the scope of moonlight forest land and has entered the ancient array of Moonlight City.

This is under the eyes of Milos and ox!

Shen Lang is not sure whether King Luo will lead them out after they make trouble.

Even if the two men were all led out, Shen Lang had to be careful as long as there were more than six strong men in the imperial martial mirror in the moonlight city.

With Alice on the side, even if you are found, you can still get through it.

Shen Lang released Prince Dick\'s power and shrouded himself and Alice.

While urging the broken false silver eyes, identify the space cracks and energy turbulence, and move forward carefully step by step.

Fortunately, Alice was obedient and didn\'t bring any trouble to Shen Lang.

If Nalan Ziyan were here, Shen Lang would not dare to hold her hand here.

"If it weren\'t for the memory of the morning breeze, even if there were broken false silver eyes, we couldn\'t find this amber dream."

"The dream of creation really comes from the hand of the creator. Even ordinary gods and demons are difficult to touch!"

When standing at the entrance of the amber dream in Yu CHENFENG\'s memory, Shen Lang couldn\'t help sighing.

Even if he stood at the entrance of the amber dream and urged him to break his false silver eyes, he still couldn\'t see the amber dream.

We can only see that there is a terrible space crack on both sides!

Taking a fixed look at the front, Shen Lang put away his broken silver eyes, his index finger and middle finger together, turned slightly, and a wisp of pure life energy popped up gently.

As soon as that ray of life energy popped up, it was one meter in front of Shen Lang standing. With that ray of energy as the center, a ripple suddenly rippled like the water surface.

It was as if the space shook for a while, and an invisible energy coerced Shen Lang and Alice.

At the next moment, Shen Lang turned into chaos.

Whether it is space cracks or energy turbulence, they all disappear.

At this time, Shen Lang suddenly had a clear feeling of crossing the space barrier!

"Has entered the channel of amber dream!"

Just then, a ladder made of green vines appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight.

That day, the ladder was only two meters wide. The vines on it were green and full of life and spiritual power. It began at the foot of Shen Lang and extended upward to infinity.

A woman\'s voice sounded in Shen Lang\'s ear: "child, I\'ve been waiting for you here for millions of years, and finally waited for you..."