Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1130

On the other side of Luocha City, the reincarnation of King Luo and Qi Tian, the Dragon King, have begun.

On the side of pale Valley, Shen Lang is outside the portal, looking for the best time.

Limited by the world concept, Shen Lang doesn\'t know much about the power of gods and demons.

The understanding of chaotic power is even more vague.

Therefore, when facing Prince Kumo of imperial martial mirror, Shen Lang has been wondering... What kind of energy can be used to kill Kumo fastest and fiercely.

Is it the fire of rosefinch, the spirit of yellow spring, or the power of thunder?

Shen Lang didn\'t get out of this misunderstanding until a group of people suddenly appeared in the portal!

Although the power of chaos has not yet shown its unpredictable power, it has surpassed any kind of energy in the world by its ability to devour or suppress the power of gods and demons!

No matter how strong the rosefinch\'s divine fire is and how fierce the yellow spring is, it can only be regarded as the peak energy in the world.

How can the energy at the peak of the human world be compared with the chaotic power beyond the power of gods and demons?

There are blood families coming out of Luocha city through the portal. Once the names of the eight heavenly kings are said, Kumo will send a message back to the source of pain tower at the first time!

How can Shen Lang give them this chance?

The light flashed slightly, and the immortal sky knife had appeared in Shen Lang\'s hand!

"Heaven devil sword, destroy the heaven and the Jedi God!"

A light drink sounded at the bottom of Shen Lang\'s heart. It was at this moment that Shen Lang\'s figure was suddenly divided into four and appeared in the four directions of Prince Kumo!

The Dragon Emperor\'s unique skill, "four Dragon phantom", one of the three emperors in the God of war hall, cooperates with Zuo Wentian\'s "magic knife formula" and displays it at the same time!

It was like four separate bodies with the same accomplishments surrounded Prince Kumo.

Each immortal sky knife in Shen Lang\'s hand left a mysterious track in the air at a speed 100 times faster than the speed of sound, and cut it off towards Prince Kumo!

At the moment when Shen Lang took out the immortal sky knife, Prince Kumo felt the tyranny of the immortal sky knife and suddenly turned around!

Just turned around, four peerless Sabre lights had reached overhead!

Where the four knife lights pass, it seems that even the space has been cut open, so that a translucent air tunnel of one meter thick has been formed in the air!

In the eyes of Prince Kumo, the four knives seemed to fill the whole heaven and earth, so that all his senses, including his mind, were filled with the power of the four knives.

The unparalleled knife light cuts through the ages, cuts through the space, and instantly empties all the air, all the energy and everything around Prince Kumo\'s body.

When Prince Kumo turned his head, he was bound by the meaning of the knife and could not move!

"Damn it, is it Dao Gong?"

Prince Kumo\'s evil eyes suddenly shrunk.

Before, Luocha city was destroyed by a powerful man with peerless sword skill!

Prince Dina has ordered to search for this person everywhere. When Luocha city was attacked, there were people using peerless Sabre skills here?

Prince Kumo didn\'t have time to think about it. He didn\'t even have time to observe who shot.


The violent force in his body suddenly released and squeezed away the bondage of the sword.

As soon as the bondage was pushed away, Prince Kumo looked flustered and supported his hands up at the same time!

On his head, a transparent blood jade with a thickness of two feet immediately appeared!

The huge blood jade has a circle of strange ripples. There is a huge six pointed star array with energy circulation and dense runes. There are also countless howling sounds of ghosts and gods!

"Boom, boom!"

The four powerful sword lights immediately fell on the blood jade, and the six awn star array on the blood jade burst out ten thousand blood lights, blocking the Qi of the four knives!

Under the pressure of mountains, the stone slab under Prince Kumo\'s feet was completely broken, and his hands sank.

"The Pearl of rice also puts brilliance!"

Prince Kumo immediately put on a proud sneer.

This move is his unique skill "deep sea blood shield", which refined countless creatures, gathered the power of countless creatures in a blood sea, and finally concentrated the blood sea to form the current blood jade.

No matter how strong your attack is, you will run into this blood jade like a clay ox into the sea without a trace!

However, Prince Kumo\'s pride lasted less than half a second

The light of the knife, which was clearly blocked by the transparent blood jade, suddenly soared!

The energy in the six awn star array in the blood jade converges towards the sabre Qi like a torrent!

It was originally the hostile energy of one attack and one defense. The defense side was swallowed up by the attack side!

But in an instant, defense becomes weak, attack becomes strong, one ebb and flow!

This is unheard of!

Not only prince Kumo was unbelievable, but even Shen Lang himself was moved when he saw the change of energy.

The chaotic divine power devours all energy and suppresses all energy, which is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

But before absorbing the blood essence of the unicorn, Shen Lang was sure that the chaotic divine power did not have this terrible power at that time.

Unexpectedly, when the cultivation was raised to the critical point of imperial martial mirror, the characteristics of chaotic divine power swallowing all energy and suppressing all energy were very obvious.

Under the incredible gaze of Prince Kumo, the blood jade only resisted for less than half a second, and was cut out of four shocking huge gullies, like a deep-sea canyon.

Soon, the huge blood jade burst out of the rumbling smoke and broke in all directions with a bang!

With a loud noise, the violent energy swept around.

The recent group of blood Luocha, completely unresponsive, was shattered by the Qi!

Prince Kumo knew that there seemed to be thousands of terrible thunder exploding at the same time, which made Venus flash in front of him and bleed in his seven orifices!

"Huaxue Da FA!"

In the shrill roar, Prince Kumo finally made use of the unique skill of the blood clan before the knife light fell on his head.

The whole person burst into a blood mist.

This so-called "blood melting Dharma" is not only blood melting, but also energy form from human form.

As long as there is a little energy left, the blood clan can\'t be killed.

Then he saw that the four knife lights fell into the blood fog in the sky from four directions, melting the blood fog near the knife light into nothingness!


In the blood fog, Prince Kumo screamed bitterly and shot away in all directions.

"Aggressive aggressive!"

The rootless death nail was played out like lightning, nailing a transparent figure to the ground!

At the moment when the surrounding blood clan reacted and wanted to be transparent, Shen Lang\'s long knife swept across the audience, and the light of a hundred feet long knife swept the whole audience!

Peerless crazy knife, a knife kills God!

Dozens of blood clan strongmen were swept by the light of this knife, and their form and spirit were destroyed in an instant!

Together with the remaining three portals, they were destroyed in an instant!

A knife wiped out the blood Luocha near the portal, Shen waves soared into the air, and the immortal sky knife pierced the translucent human chest nailed to the God of death!

The scream of Prince Kumo came out again.

Even if it turns into energy form, the soul still exists.

The nail of death is a terrible magic weapon trained for the soul!

The spirit was nailed by the God of death, and then stabbed by the immortal sword. The breath of the emperor\'s martial mirror of Prince Kumo became weak to the extreme.

Shen Lang stabbed it with a knife and kept it for a moment. The star sucking big - method immediately ran out!

"\'blood melting Dharma \'? That\'s all!"

For the restraint of soul or energy, Shen Lang in this world really doesn\'t know what can be better than Tai Chi chart!

If Prince Kumo doesn\'t turn into energy and use Shen Lang\'s current power, it will take at least some hands and feet to kill him.

Even if it is possible for him to run away, it is not without.

But this guy was frightened by Shen Lang\'s four knives and used the "blood melting big - Method" at the first time.

This is exactly what Shen Lang meant!

With the operation of "star sucking Da Fa", the towering blood fog is constantly churning and surging madly towards the "black hole" between Shen Lang\'s hands!


Under the pull of the powerful attraction of the star sucking Dharma, the soul of Prince Kumo nailed by the God of death was directly torn apart, some were nailed by the God of death, and most of the rest were instantly pulled in by the star sucking Dharma together with other energy!

A prince of emperor Wujing blood clan, without the slightest resistance, was completely solved by Shen Lang.

Very clean!

Just a few days ago, Shen Lang needed Zuo Wentian to deal with Prince Dick.

In the past few days, Taiji diagram has continuously refined the power of several blood princes and expanded madly;

The chaotic God body not only swallowed a large number of the power of gods and Demons stored in the Tai Chi diagram, but also absorbed most of the power of these princes

But in a few days, Shen Lang has reached the point where he can kill the top power of emperor Wujing!

But also in the case of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!

"Young master, you are so handsome!"

Alice ran over happily, circling Shen Lang, her eyes full of stars.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. His hands stretched out quickly and grabbed several times in the distance!

The fish that escaped the net and were seriously injured but not dead in the distance were all killed in an instant.

None of them were left alive.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, and the "star sucking Da Fa" operated again. All the energy within a hundred miles, including the dead blood clan ghost, were absorbed into the Tai Chi diagram.


After clearing all traces, Shen Lang grabbed Alice\'s shoulder and took a step into the depths of the jungle in the pale valley.

It took less than five seconds for him to kill Prince Kumo and finally restore calm!

Thunderbolt means, lightning can\'t hide your ears!

"If we meet people of blood clan, we will say that we are looking for the \'little mouse\' who sneaked here, and we don\'t know anything else," Shen Lang said.

There are Nara king and Dragon King in Luocha city. Shen Lang helped cut off the portal. It\'s nothing to kill that group of blood clan.

There\'s no need to worry about Shen Lang.

As for the pale Valley

At this time, a large number of blood clans are still stationed in the pale valley. There are undead legions and Zerg legions, which control all nodes of the ancient array.

However, all the accomplishments above the emperor\'s martial mirror have entered the Luocha city.

Those guys were eager to take credit. As soon as they found that Luocha city was attacked, they rushed over at the first time.

But I totally didn\'t think it was the gate of death, there was no return!

Coupled with a large number of "blood Luocha" killed by Shen Lang at the portal, a huge gap appeared in the pale Valley at this time.

If the Allied forces of all ethnic groups, the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon house cooperate well, they can completely eradicate the blood clan at one fell swoop by launching a general attack at this time and cooperating with Shen Lang inside and outside.


Even there are only two of the six eight heavenly kings. Shen Lang can only fight alone. Now even if he wants to do something, he can only give up because he is afraid of Milos and ox.