Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1129

Just after Shen Lang left, powerful thoughts shrouded the mountain depression and hovered constantly.

However, there was no one in the depression.

However, Shen Lang had used Prince Dick\'s blood energy before, and there was still pure blood clan power of Prince level on the depression.

As soon as those strong blood clan felt the breath of this power, they immediately withdrew without doubt.

"Childe, where did you hide her? Are there other women in it? Let me go in and play for a while?" Alice held back for a while and finally asked.

"Play with your sister!" Shen Lang said with an expressionless face. "Just now, several powerful thoughts swept through the mountain depression. If you don\'t act well and screw up for me, don\'t expect me to take you out!"

"Go to the portal controlled by Prince Dina immediately and find some reason to stay near the portal anyway. Do you understand?"

Alice was startled, quickly put on a high look, and began to play "Saint" again.

"Don\'t worry, young master. Leave it to me. I\'m best at playing cheeky..."

Just after saying this, Alice smacked her mouth. She always felt as if there was something wrong?


Shen Lang and Alice wandered back to the portal in a day and a half.

Far away, Prince Dina\'s voice rang in their ears: "Oh, the virgin crown goes down quickly and comes back quickly. Can\'t you catch the little mouse so soon?"

At this time, Alice didn\'t have to pretend, because Shen Lang refused to let her enter fengtianding, so she always looked listless.

He is not only listless, but also occasionally grits his teeth and turns his eyes. His heart looks unwilling.

This picture of virtue was seen by Prince Dina and others, and was immediately happy.

Look at this, Alice went out for a walk and didn\'t even find the trace of "little mouse"?

This result was obviously expected by Prince Dina and others.

There are so many strong people in the pale Valley, and there are so many strong people in the imperial martial mirror. They have been looking for it for so long without finding it. Isn\'t it a joke if Alice can find it with a dead soul?

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said, "I\'m just going to see the scenery. I\'ll come back when I\'m tired. As for the \'little mouse\', I\'d better leave it to you to find it. Didn\'t Prince Dina say he wanted to play the game of cat and mouse with him?"

"I\'ll stay here for two days to see how Prince Dina plays with the little mouse and finally catch it... This game must be very fun and good-looking?"

Alice found a reason to stay here and ran on Prince Dina.

She didn\'t care where Prince Dina was. His face was as cold as frost. He sat down feebly on an empty chair.

Shen Lang stood next to her with his head down.

Prince Dina smiled coldly and said, "what\'s the point of just a little mouse? If you do it yourself, you can easily catch it!"

"But now Luocha city is being rebuilt. We must guard the portal and can\'t do it ourselves, otherwise... Hum!"

Alice waved her hand casually and said, "it\'s all right. Don\'t worry, Prince Dina. Take your time. There are many strong men under you, so let them find them."

Prince Dina was so angry.

The two are not dealing with each other.

Trivial things need to compete.

Now ye Juexin has entered the heaven tripod and let Prince tadina know the sky by means. Where can I find it?

Alice took a bad breath and finished the "stay near the portal" explained by Shen Lang. The more she wanted, the happier she was.

Almost smiling.

Prince Dina on the other side, seeing Alice\'s smiling appearance, became more and more angry, extremely angry, but helpless.

Just when they stared at each other, the dazzling light suddenly burst out!

Two of the ten portals standing side by side burst into light at almost the same time!

All the blood families sitting here turned pale one by one: "something happened in Luocha city!"

Prince Dina grew up and screamed, "Li!"

The shrill sound was evil and tyrannical, and spread almost all over the pale Valley, making Shen Lang\'s eyes standing next to Alice shrink.

Soon, on the other portals in the pale Valley, the light flickered and the strong began to come.

On the void, the breath of terror came down from the top of Mount Tai!

The next second, a portal connecting Luocha city was shining, and a bloodless blood clan staggered out.


Prince Dina grabbed the man with five fingers and said, "what happened? Why were the two portal destroyed!"

As soon as the voice fell, "poof poof" came, and two more portal doors were destroyed!

The blood clan who was held by Prince Dina was panicked and shouted, "enemy attack! Someone attacked Luocha city..."

Prince Dina threw the man away.

The man she threw out hit his head on the rock and fainted directly.

Before he finished, he was abruptly interrupted.

"Kumo takes blood Luocha to guard this place. The rest of us follow this seat and reinforce Luocha city so that they will never return!"

With these words, Prince Dina stepped out and rushed directly into the portal.

The strong man of pale Valley followed him and entered Luocha city through the remaining six portal.

Sometimes, fate is so clever. If Prince Dina asked the blood clan to finish talking and say the keywords "eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall", maybe she wouldn\'t rush to the reinforcement so arrogantly.

Not long ago, the eight heavenly kings in the temple of the God of war dishonored the two giants Milos and ox.

Even if there are only two, can this group of dregs cope with it?

Prince Dina\'s impulse killed her.

When the pale valley was in chaos, Shen Lang looked at the front with empty eyes and was calculating the number of strong blood clan in his heart.

There are hundreds of strong blood clan people entering the portal.

Prince Dina is no less than five strong people in the five Heaven of the imperial martial mirror. There are more than 20 strong people from the one heaven to the four heaven of the imperial martial mirror. As for the blood clan under the imperial martial mirror, Shen Lang is too lazy to pay attention.

"Poof poof!"

Just as Shen Lang was thinking, two more portals were destroyed.

There are only four of the ten portals leading to Luocha city in an instant!

Prince Kumo and others guarding here were surprised!

Shen Lang\'s eyes quickly swept over Prince Kumo, and a trace of coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth.

"There are twenty-five strong people above the imperial martial mirror, plus Kumo, just twenty-six people, no more than one, and many more. In addition, on the other side of Luocha city... Well, the harvest this time is surprisingly big."

When Shen Lang was looking for ye Jue\'s heart, he scanned the pale valley with his broken false silver eyes.

Therefore, Shen Lang knows the number and distribution area of these blood clan strongmen in the pale valley.

"Reincarnation two people destroy the portal too slowly. It seems that after the blood clan has learned from the past, they have arranged the portal in a very secret place. Otherwise, even if there is a large array of shelter, it is impossible to resist the attack of the eight heavenly kings."

"Only one Kumo was left in the pale Valley, and the other more than a dozen so-called blood Luocha were at best around the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s Wujing."

"A group of blood Luocha is nothing, but Kumo is a little troublesome. His cultivation is better than Dick. To kill him, you must do your best and attack him unprepared."

"Zuo Wentian certainly can\'t appear here. As soon as he appears, he will lead Milos and Oakes."

"It is the quickest way to use the immortal sky knife to urge the rosefinch family to kill \'Fire Dance in the waning moon\', but the movement of \'Fire Dance in the waning moon\' is too loud. If it is used in the pale Valley, it is also easy to attract the attention of Milos and Oaks..."

"Although the gas of the yellow spring is powerful, there is no corresponding urging method. It\'s a little difficult to use the gas of the yellow spring to kill the Kumo of the emperor\'s martial mirror."

Shen Lang\'s mind is constantly calculating the safest and fastest plan.


Another portal was destroyed!

There are only three of the ten portals left!

"How could this happen? What happened!"

Kumo and others who guarded outside the transmission door panicked at once!

The portal was destroyed earlier. It may be said that there were too few strong players on the other side of Luocha City, so they were taken by the other side.

But now, Prince Dina takes a whole 25 strong imperial mirrors to reinforce. How can the portal continue to be destroyed?

Can it be said that Prince Dina and other strong people in the middle of the imperial martial mirror can\'t resist the incoming enemy?

At this time, the remaining three portals are shining brightly!

The figure flashed, and more than 20 people rushed out of the portal!

These more than 20 people, one by one, have weak breath, lack arms and legs, which is terrible!

"What\'s the situation over there? How many enemies? What accomplishments are they?"

Cuomo grabbed one of them and roared.

"Those who come out don\'t have imperial mirrors. They must do it!"

"Don\'t let him spread the news!"

Shen Lang turned his wrist and held the immortal sword in his hand!

"Even the power of the demon God can suppress chaos. Why use the spirit of the yellow spring?"
