Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1128

At the moment of Shen Lang\'s five fingers grasping!

The terrible sea of blood, the mountain like pressure released by Dayton time, suddenly turned inward!

"Bang Bang..."

The muffled sound kept ringing.

All blood families immersed in the sea of blood, whether Huangwu territory or quasi emperor Wujing, burst like fireworks in an instant.

Without any resistance, it\'s all blown to pieces!

With Shen Lang\'s current strength, even imitating Prince Dick and using blood energy only, it is still easy to kill these people.

Deliberately using the power of blood clan to deal with blood clan is just to hide people\'s ears and eyes.

The pale land was shrouded by the blood clan array, and the blood gas floating in it was actually a kind of skill of the blood clan.

In all the ranges covered by this blood gas, any non blood group energy will be easily detected by the blood group.

Through this point, the blood families such as Aifeiya finally found the hidden position of Ye Juexin.

Shen Lang\'s simpler way to kill these people is to use DAO skill, or rosefinch fire, or abyss artistic conception.

However, once Shen Lang is good at these, even if there are no other strong blood clan within 300 miles, it is easy to be noticed by Prince Dina and others.

It is most appropriate to use the power of the blood prince.

"Hoo Hoo!"

The sea of blood within dozens of miles turned into a torrent again, gathered frantically towards Shen waves from all directions, and then instilled into his body!

In the air, white bone powder floated down, and small and shriveled meat pieces fell to the ground.

Aifeiya and other blood families, who just claimed to be "Protoss", wanted to enslave all races and go to the sea of stars to dominate the universe, disappeared in the world.

What Shen Lang really absorbs is the soul and blood of these blood clan strongmen.

But this scene was really scary enough. Alice retched a few times and finally couldn\'t help it. She turned and vomited.

At this moment, the prohibition bound on Ye Jue\'s heart also disappeared in an instant as soon as those blood families died.

At the moment when ye Juexin escaped into Shen Lang\'s body by the fierce sea of blood, he jumped up quietly and cut Shen Lang\'s neck with his palm as a knife!

It\'s the way of assassination. It\'s a top martial art. It comes out in a series. The moves are ruthless!

Shen Lang\'s proud figure stands tall, neither blocking nor hiding.

When people don\'t move, they become a threat.

Powerful energy rippled in front of him, forming a powerful protective force field.

Like an insurmountable air wall.

"Ding Ding..."

Ye Juexin\'s movement was as fast as a ghost. In an instant, he saw several sharp sword Qi crisscross, carrying the momentum of mountains and seas, cutting down two feet in front of Shen Lang, making a sound of gold and iron!

That invisible gas wall is really as hard as steel and indestructible!

The gap in strength between the two sides can not be calculated in the way!

Ye Juexin\'s assassination failed. He knew he was defeated. He immediately retreated quickly. Yu Guang scanned around and wanted to find a chance to escape.

At this time, Alice shouted, "you woman is sick! My childe saved you, and you laid hands on him?"

"Is that how the word \'ungrateful\' is written?"

She didn\'t say a word.

This squeak made ye Juexin react immediately

The weakest one here is not ye Juexin, but the blood saint!

If you catch the blood clan saint, you can not only retreat all over yourself.

And you can use her to exchange Nangong Jianqiu and others!

Although the undead is strong, it is victory to obey the order of the saint and control the woman!

Ye Juexin slipped on the court and rushed to Alice at the fastest speed!

At the same time, her hands and wrists drooped slightly, and two sharp daggers caught her hands again.

She grabbed two daggers in one hand and cut them forward like scissors


The distance of twenty meters was so short that Alice didn\'t react. The blade light from ye Juexin\'s dagger had been cut to her chest.


The figure flashed, and Shen Lang stood in front of Alice.

The blade light from ye Juexin\'s dagger suddenly exploded in front of Shen Lang\'s chest, burst out a dazzling light, and then dissipated without a trace.

"The dead know how to protect the Lord?" Ye Jue\'s heart sank suddenly.

She rushed to the right side, and the two daggers suddenly threw out at Shen Lang!

I\'m afraid it\'s hard to deal with such a clean and fast attack, even if someone with melee skills higher than ye Juexin suddenly meets him.

However, in Shen Lang\'s view, there is no threat at all.

If Shen Lang\'s cultivation was only better than ye Juexin\'s when he fought with ye Juexin for the first time in the city Lord\'s house of Tianfeng city

So now, they are not at the same level at all.

But Shen Lang is now in an embarrassing situation.

Originally, he wanted to reveal his identity for the first time.

But just because ye Juexin said "Shen Lang" with a full of affection, Shen Lang was in a mess. It was neither said nor not!

At this time, the two daggers were fired like lightning. Shen Lang smiled bitterly, and his feet were firmly nailed to the ground without dodging.

The two index fingers of his right hand stretched out, and in an instant he grabbed the sky silk that was invisible to the naked eye!

Sure enough, the two daggers turned quickly in the air and returned. They circled around Shen Lang\'s fingers as fast as a spin, and burst out circles of sparks. Finally, Shen Lang caught them in his hand!

Ye Juexin had already used this skill on him.

I didn\'t expect to encounter again under this scenario.

Ye Juexin knew that there was a great difference between her strength and that of the other party, but the refined silk could not hurt a hair of the other party, which made her even more shocked and retreated!

"All right! Stop fighting!"

Alice shouted.

Ghosts are willing to fight

Ye Juexin couldn\'t fight at all. If he fought again, he would die. Of course, he wouldn\'t want to fight again;

As for Shen Lang, he was in an awkward situation and was completely passive.

Alice made a circle around Shen Lang, flattened her mouth, and said jealously, "young master, you are eccentric! Just now she clearly wanted to kill me, but you blocked me, and refused to teach her a lesson!"


Ye Jue knew he was invincible. When Alice spoke, he made a false move and ran away.

Four ye Juexin figures immediately appeared on the field and rushed in four directions!

"Miss ye..."

Shen Lang is neither beating nor not beating, neither speaking nor not speaking.

At this time, ye Jue wanted to escape, and finally couldn\'t help shouting.

Ye Juexin, who escaped with boundless murderous spirit and despair, suddenly stopped when he heard these three words, and then turned around in horror and looked at Shen Lang.

It\'s strange enough that such a dead soul suddenly killed a large number of blood families without Alice\'s order.

Now... Even call her "Miss Ye"?

Ye Jue stares at Shen Lang carefully. Unfortunately, Shen Lang is not only the shape of Yumu family, but also a dead soul. Where can she see a little strange?

Shen Lang also looked at her, but he didn\'t know what to say.

They stared at each other, and the scene was awkward and strange.

Seeing Shen Lang pretending to be dead, Alice purred and shouted, "hum, it\'s no use pretending again! Do you think I can\'t see it? Do you think I didn\'t hear what she just said?"

"I called your name before I died. Someone else\'s heart has long been on you! You must be happy now?"

"..." Shen Lang\'s eyes were as big as brass bells. He raised his hand and shone on Alice\'s head!


The explosion of chestnuts knocked hard and made a clear sound. Alice bared her teeth and rubbed her palms back and forth in the knocked position!

Shen Lang raised his hand in embarrassment and said hello to the stunned ye Juexin: "that... Cough, Hello!"

At this time, if ye Juexin still couldn\'t react, it would be Alice\'s second.

"Shen Lang!"

Ye Juexin shouted with surprise and joy and rushed towards Shen Lang.


Alice endured the pain and scolded, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Juexin also reacted. He knew that his action was very impulsive. He shouted Shen Lang when he was ready to commit suicide. His face turned red!

She wanted to see Shen Lang very much, and seemed afraid to see Shen lang. her big watery eyes glanced at Shen Lang in panic.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "I... I\'m Shen lang."

Alice rubbed her head and sneered, "nonsense!"

Shen Lang frowned and said, "I\'ve seen Nangong Jianqiu in the source of pain tower. She told me you\'re here... This is not a place to talk. Don\'t resist. I\'ll take you into my magic weapon first."

Alice snorted coldly, "is this the golden house to hide Jiao?"

"..." Shen Lang turned round and stared at Alice: "you\'ll die if you don\'t talk!"

Alice shrunk her head and said with a flattering smile, "hee hee, adjust the atmosphere. I just want to adjust the atmosphere... People should have a sense of humor."

With that, she turned around and pulled a piece of grass, as if she had taken it as ye Juexin... Cut it off section by section, and then looked at ye Juexin with her mouth tilted to her eyes.

Ye Jue looked at Shen Lang calmly and nodded tenderly.

The fierce color of the previous female leopard was completely invisible, as if she had changed.

Alice gnashed her teeth as she watched.

With a flash of white light, Shen Lang has collected ye Juexin into the Tianding.

As soon as ye Juexin was collected into the fengtianding, Shen Lang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He is really a little afraid to face Ye Jue Xin.

Feelings are such a mess.

Shen Lang\'s feeling for ye Jue\'s heart is just sympathy at best. It\'s really not that far.

He didn\'t even think about it.

But ye Juexin has shown this kind of affection twice

The first time was in the dragon scale temple. When he fought with Yin Tianqiu, ye Juexin, who had not yet revealed his identity, screamed when Shen Lang encountered a crisis;

The second time, just now, ye Juexin shouted out his name when he was besieged and desperate by the blood clan.

"Childe, what are you staring at? You\'re remembering all the customs of that woman? Let\'s go!" Alice said with her mouth and Shen Lang.

Just then, several powerful thoughts swept towards the mountain depression!


Shen Lang was shocked. He found his gaffe and took Alice out for hundreds of miles!