Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1127

"Want to run? Jie!"

Just the second after ye Juexin\'s body sank to the ground, a blood clan freak smiled and stomped on the ground!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The sharp sound of breaking the air kept ringing.

A dull hum came from the ground. Ye Jue\'s heart soared into the sky like a whirlwind!

With her, there are terrible blood spikes from the ground!

Just when ye Juexin rushed into the air to avoid the blood thorn, a blood clan youth in a blood red cloak appeared behind her out of thin air, and his palm gently stroked down from ye Juexin\'s head.

"Little beauty, don\'t panic. I won\'t let them hurt you... How can I be willing to be so beautiful?"

Ye Jue\'s heart shook with a long hair. While covering the blood clan\'s line of sight, the dagger of his hands flashed out and cut the blood clan\'s chest!

"Ding Ding!"

A series of sparks burst out.

Ye Juexin\'s attack can\'t even break through the opponent\'s defense!


Knowing that his accomplishments were too different from those of the other party to be able to defeat the enemy, ye Jue\'s heart and body changed and fell to the ground again.

At this time, ye Jue\'s heart had several more shocking wounds, which showed that he had just been hurt by the terrible blood stab on the ground.

She held a sharp dagger in each hand, her knees bent slightly, her head hung slightly, and her long hair fell down to cover half of her dirty face.

Facing such a desperate situation, ye Juexin still has no fear in his eyes.

There are some fierce lights like wild animals in ancient times!

However, her uncontrollable heavy breathing and slightly trembling hands have let the enemy know that she is at the end of a powerful crossbow

At this time, Alice spoke again: "Aifeiya, I\'m going to decide this woman. Are you sure you want to rob me?"

The leader of this group was the gloomy effia.

Aifeiya was carrying his hands. He looked only twenty-three or four years old. His long blond hair made him look different.

He stood in front of Alice, and the powerful blood rolled like a vast sea of blood.

In the depths of the sea of blood, countless skeletons rise and fall, and countless wronged souls swim continuously. At a glance, people\'s minds sink and despair.

Aifeiya glanced lightly at the Shen wave behind Alice and was a little surprised at the powerful breath released by the dead.

Alice dared to talk to him so strongly, obviously because she talked to such a powerful undead.

Judging from the breath of the dead, everyone here, including him and aifia, can\'t be the opponent of the dead.

Aifeiya said with a smile, "how dare I rob things with the saint? But this woman not only sneaked into the pale Valley, but also escaped the thoughts of a group of strong people with the cultivation of Wang Wujing. Her secret is not small..."

"Therefore, Aifeiya can only send her to Prince Dina and submit her to Prince Dina for judgment."

"If you want this person under the virgin crown, go back to Prince Dina and ask for it."

Aifeiya is also very cunning. He neither wants to offend Alice nor dare to really fight with Shen Lang, but similarly, he refuses to bow his head in front of Alice.

In a few words, he kicked the ball to Prince Dina.

He is under Prince Dina. Naturally, he knows that Prince Dina and Saint Alice are very difficult to deal with. After this strange Terran woman reaches Prince Dina, even if she has no value, how can Prince Dina give it to Alice?

At that time, Alice humiliated herself and had to leave the pale Valley in dismay.

Alice smiled disapprovingly and said, "Oh? Are you going to catch her and give her to Dina?"

"So now, what are you going to do?"

Aifeiya immediately smiled and said, "this Terran chick is quite beautiful, and like a female leopard, with a wild temptation. My brothers have even played with women of all races, but I have never met a Terran woman in this plague place..."

"So, of course, give them a good time and take them to Prince Dina."

"You don\'t want to watch this kind of thing, do you? If you don\'t, please leave here."

As soon as he said this, ye Jue\'s eyes flashed fiercely, and the blood families around him laughed.

Dare to be so unscrupulous in front of the saint. Alice is so miserable that there is no one before or after.

The smile on Alice\'s face suddenly solidified: "beast!"

Effia disapproved and said, "under the virgin crown, our blood race is the highest race and the supreme divine race. Isn\'t it normal to enjoy these women or men of lower races?"

"It won\'t be long before our blood clan will climb to the top of the world, go to the sea of stars and stand at the top of the whole universe!"

"Whether the human race or the demon race, any race will become our slaves. We let them live, and we let them die!"

"Just like this Terran woman, it\'s her honor to serve us."

These words made Alice look pale and pale.

Just then

Ye Juexin suddenly shouted, "Shen Lang!"

Shen Lang, standing behind Alice, was surprised: "shit, can you recognize it when it\'s like this?"

Who knows, ye Juexin said with a cry: "farewell!"

Two daggers in her hands, with faint light, stabbed her heart with lightning!


Shen Lang bent his fingers and played repeatedly. Two strands of finger wind turned into two streamers, and instantly hit ye Juexin dagger.

Ye Jue was shocked by the tiger\'s mouth. He couldn\'t hold one. Both daggers flew out directly!

A group of blood clan was slightly stunned, and a person\'s palm brushed gently in the air.

A stream of blood gas suddenly ran through the air like a python, winding Ye Jue\'s heart one circle after another.

As soon as the boa constrictor\'s blood was wrapped around Ye Jue\'s heart, it immediately pulled into Ye Jue\'s body, and seemed to be a red iron rope, making a Zizi sound and black smoke!

Ye Jue\'s heart snorted, and he bit his teeth and limped down.

"It\'s so easy to die if you fall into our hands?"

The blood clan smiled in the air, and two of them shook their bodies and rushed down towards ye Juexin like lightning!


Shen Lang\'s strength broke out at his feet, making a terrible sound explosion. The residual shadow flashed and directly bypassed Aifeiya who had been on guard against him!


Aifeiya has been paying attention to Shen Lang for fear that Alice will let the dead hand.

I didn\'t expect that the undead dared to fight when Alice didn\'t happen, and he didn\'t react!

Aifeiya was furious and turned around suddenly!

However, when he turned around, his raised hand was put down with fear... In such a moment, Ellie and Kule, who were only a little weaker than his aifia, had died on the spot!

Just a move!

Ali and Kule\'s head had been blasted like a watermelon, half of their body had been inserted into the ground, and they couldn\'t die anymore!

Didn\'t even scream.

The two blood clan strongmen of the quasi emperor Wujing triple heaven have been killed by Shen Lang!

Aifeiya and a group of blood clans have been waiting for a long time, and the cold hair is straight!

Even ye Juexin was stunned. He didn\'t want to understand why the undead suddenly shot, and the means were so direct and so fierce!

"Saint... Under the saint\'s crown, if you want this woman, just give it to you."

Aifeiya\'s attitude took a big turn, and her voice trembled.

He felt the strength of the spirit of the dead early in the morning, but he really didn\'t expect to be so strong!

Such a fierce power, there is no quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian, at least there are eight chongtian!

In the case of the quasi emperor Wujing bachongtian, he, Aifeiya and a group of people in front of each other are no different from mole ants

It\'s impatient to fight such a role!

Effia said, backing away.

He was afraid of Shen Lang rushing to kill him.

Alice giggled and said, "a group of waste, toast without penalty!"

"Don\'t talk about you. On the source of pain tower, my attendant even beat Prince Wujing!"

"How many lives do you have, effia?"

Aifeiya was in a cold sweat. Her original pride disappeared completely. The chicken pecked rice and nodded and said, "forgive me under the saint\'s crown. The little one just joked with the saint\'s crown... If there\'s nothing wrong, let\'s go first."

Alice waved her hand carelessly and said, "go away. Don\'t let me see you next time."

"Yes!" Aifeiya and other blood clan pugs nodded repeatedly, one by one away from ye Jue\'s heart, urging Xueneng to turn around and prepare to leave.

At this time, the sudden change protruded!

Just after killing two blood clan strongmen, Shen Lang, who has been standing, suddenly raised his head!

A whirlwind of fierce air rose from the body of Shen Lang.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

With Shen Lang\'s smile, his long hair suddenly exploded and danced wildly with the fierce air flow.

At the same time, Shen Lang suddenly turned into a blood shadow. Prince Dick\'s unique skill "corpse mountain and Blood Sea" swept out with a biting cold and surrounded everyone!

Not only are these blood families shrouded, but the sea of corpses even covers a radius of 50 miles.

So that the outside world can\'t notice what happened in the sea of blood.

Among the "corpse mountain and Blood Sea", it seems that there are countless wronged souls, and Li\'s soul is floating and sinking.

The power from Prince Dick immediately bound a group of blood families in the sea of blood!

All blood clans are split, but they can\'t make any sound, and they can\'t get rid of the shackles of the sea of blood.

They don\'t even know who did it!

Because they can\'t even turn around!

Only ye Juexin and Alice can really see who does it.

In the eyes of Ye Juexin and Alice, Shen Langs has slowly raised his head, glanced at the empty and frightening eyes, raised his hands and opened his five fingers


Shen Lang spit a word out of his mouth without any delay. His open fingers suddenly grabbed it!