Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1124

There are giants like Milos and oaks in the tower, the source of pain. Shen Lang doesn\'t dare to make too much noise.

But it is immoral to enter Baoshan and return empty.

But Shen Lang is Shen Lang after all. In such a dangerous situation, he does immoral things with a sense of propriety.

Just like when he was a child, he stole other people\'s potatoes and planted the seedlings back into the pit.

People come to plan potatoes. When they see that there are no potatoes at the bottom, they think they haven\'t grown well.

If he steals cucumbers and eggplants, he will steal the biggest one, and then move the middle one and the small one in the middle place.

The gardener came and thought he had seen a ghost... The melons and fruits in the garden grew smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

If he steals another cabbage, he will pull up all the remaining cabbage and plant it in the adjacent vegetable field, so that the owners of the two vegetable fields will fight each other.

This shows that immorality also has genius. Shen Lang is such a genius.

What he is doing now is what genius can do

He absorbed the blood energy from the source of pain into the Tai Chi diagram, then extracted the meaning of rules from the blood energy through the Tai Chi diagram, and finally sent out the blood energy that had lost the meaning of rules.

Tossing and turning, Shen Lang has absorbed a lot of the meaning of creating rules on the source of pain, but the learning blood energy in the blood pool has not decreased, but has become more and more abundant!

There was something wrong with the strong blood clan outside.

But I can\'t find anything wrong.

Rules, even Milos and Oakes, touch a little edge.

Even the great emperor can\'t say he has mastered the rules.

Not to mention the "rules of creation" in the table of the source of pain.

Therefore, even the prince Wujing of the blood clan knows that the source of pain has the meaning of rules, but they don\'t know what the rules look like and how many they are.

When Shen Lang happily drew a large number of rules and floated up with Nangong Jianqiu and others, a group of strong people, including Prince aisro, who had been "sprayed" by Alice, all stood beside the blood pool strangely.

The strong mind shrouded Shen Lang and others, constantly scanning and exploring.

Several other blood families jumped into the blood pool to check under the prince\'s sign.

"You\'ve also found something wrong?" Prince aislo said coldly.

The other princes smiled like Mona Lisa, but did not speak.

At this time, saying he doesn\'t feel it makes him look bad;

He said it was a feeling. Let him say what it was like. He couldn\'t think of a reason at all.

So one by one, they all showed this smile... That made Ezra want to stab them in the ass.

Prince aisro grabbed the palm of his hand and photographed all the people floating up.

Unfortunately, his powerful mind looked around and found no clues.

These more than 30 people are very normal, and there is no difference from those who have been purified in the past.

They have become loyal servants of the blood clan

Even if we let them clap their heads with all their strength now, no one will hesitate.

Prince ashrow\'s eyes turned to Shen Lang.

Among these more than 30 people, the cultivation of "feather CHENFENG" is undoubtedly the strongest.

Most of the others are Wang Wujing, while Yu CHENFENG is already a quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian. If there is a problem, it must also appear on Yu CHENFENG.

"Well, after purification, you have really changed a lot and become more handsome?" Alice trotted over.

It\'s just that she didn\'t run. This run was really choppy and terrible on her chest.

A group of blood clans have nosebleed

When it comes to the "murder weapon", Nalan Ziyan is a little inferior among the women Shen Lang knows.

I\'m afraid the only woman who can compare with Alice is the "Hao Fengliu" she met in Muren lane when she entered xuandaozong.

"Under the virgin\'s crown, you..." Prince aisro was depressed.

The last thing he wants to see now is Alice.

Alice raised her head, put on a noble and holy look, and said leisurely, "prince, it seems that you have something to do? Then Alice won\'t bother. Feather CHENFENG, come with me."

Feather CHENFENG nodded slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "OK, under the saint\'s crown."

After being purified by the blood pool, the dead will become more like normal people, "feather morning wind" is naturally the same.

Prince ashrow frowned slightly and nodded.

Doubt belongs to doubt, but there is no evidence, and I don\'t know what\'s going on. Prince aisro has no choice.

At this time, the blood clan explored below also floated up.

Prince Wujing couldn\'t find the problem, let alone these people.

A blood clan knelt on one knee in front of Prince aisro and said, "tell your Lord, everything in the blood pool is as usual, and the source of pain has not changed."

Prince aislo pondered for a moment and said coldly, "take them down."

The remaining thirty people immediately followed a group of blood clan and went out.

When we reached the Shen wave at the exit, there was an upward slope in the corner of our mouth, and an imperceptible smile hung up.

"I\'ll be back in a few days. I\'m bound to get the source of pain!"

"Thank you, Xuezu."


As soon as he returned to Alice\'s house, Shen Lang sent a message to Alice: "find an excuse and take me to the pale place."

"A friend sneaked into the pale valley. I\'ll find her."

Alice almost jumped with joy when she saw that Shen Lang was not affected by the purification of the blood pool.

Without thinking about it, she took Shen Lang out of the door and was ready to go to the bottom of the source of pain tower.

However, as soon as she went out, the blood fog flashed, and the haunting Prince Kulo appeared in front of Alice again.

"I don\'t know where to go under the virgin\'s crown?"

As he spoke, Prince Kulo stared at Alice\'s chest - part. There was no respect for the saint in his words.

Alice\'s anger flashed in her eyes, and the anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out: "Prince Kulo, you are just a dog arranged by Lord Milos. Do I need to explain to you every time I go out?"

Before seeing Shen Lang, Alice wouldn\'t say or dare not say such words.

But now Shen Lang is standing behind her. Alice looks a little confident.

"You!" Prince Kulo almost died of anger.

The saint Alice, who always spoke timidly with him, turned out to be a person and directly scolded him as a dog!

This is... Uncle can bear it, aunt can\'t bear it!

But something went wrong. Prince Kulo couldn\'t find a suitable word to refute Alice for a moment.

This made Prince Kulo feel the urge to spit blood.

"Under the virgin\'s crown, were you just scolding this seat?"

Prince Kulo\'s killing intention surged all over him, and the powerful pressure shrouded Alice, which immediately made Alice tremble and sweat!

Although he did not dare to fight the saint, he could make Alice suffer.


Shen Lang came out directly from behind Alice and waved a fist at Prince Kulo!

Prince Kulo is used to being arrogant and domineering. How could he expect that only a dead soul would dare to attack the noble blood prince?

As soon as he raised his hand, Shen Lang\'s fist had blasted in front of him quickly and accurately!


Prince Kulo burst into a blood mist.

Then the blood mist gathered again and turned into Prince Kulo.

Although the punch was strong and fast enough, it obviously didn\'t hurt Prince Kulo.

Prince Kulo retreated quickly. The ghost generally retreated for more than 30 meters before stopping. His face became very ferocious: "what does this mean under the saint\'s crown? If you insult us first and let the dead attack us later, do you really think you are a saint and can do whatever you want here?"

This guy is also crafty and cunning. He first pressed Alice with words.

In any case, Alice and such princes in the past, basically you can\'t help me, and I can\'t help your state.

She wants to deal with others, no one listens to her, and she has no such strength;

It is impossible for a character like Prince Kulo to deal with the saint. On the face of it, even the "emperor" of the blood clan should be polite to the saint... Because the saint is the legendary person who can communicate with the blood god!

Secretly, as the "key" of the blood ancestral mausoleum, even the great emperor couldn\'t do anything to her before the blood ancestral mausoleum was opened.

At this time, Alice was different from before.

With Shen Lang as a thug, she dares to let Shen Lang fight as long as she is not too strong!

And Shen Lang still has a special identity like her... Yuchenfeng, a genius of Yumu family!

This is the man the immortal wants!

Alice expected that Prince Kulo would have no choice, so she sneered and said, "Prince Kulo, you should do whatever you want?"

"You want to peep into my bath again and again. Do you really think I don\'t know?"

"Milos just asked you to monitor my movements, but he didn\'t let you peep at me!"

"I didn\'t let you take care of my business!"

"Go away, or my attendant will not be merciful!"

Prince Kulo smiled angrily and said, "will you show mercy? I want to see what this little undead can do to me!"

With these words, the strong breath of emperor Wujing rolled towards Shen Lang without concealment!

Alice shrugged her shoulders, walked to the back, then made a "please" gesture and said, "then please, let Prince Kulo see what my attendant can do."

At this time, many blood families in the distance were pointing at this side.

However, ordinary people dare not participate in the contradiction between the saint and the prince at will, so no one comes to speak at all.

Prince Kulo intended to give Saint Alice a blow. With his wrist turned over, he took out a dark gold long bow, aimed it at Shen Lang and pulled the bow strings full!

On the long bow, a blood red long arrow with a terrible smell immediately appeared!

As soon as the long arrow appeared, the blood and gas in the surrounding air immediately gathered frantically towards the long arrow.

With the long arrow as the center, a visible vortex was formed, and the breath of destruction was released from the tip of the arrow.

"Go back, it\'s the \'blood emperor\'s bow\'! Prince Kulo took out the blood emperor\'s bow!"

The blood clan watching the play screamed and retreated madly!

Obviously, many people recognized the long bow in Prince Kulo\'s hand

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