Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1125

When Prince Kulo was ready to do it, Alice had no reaction, but the blood families around her burst into flames.

"What\'s going on? Prince Kulo wants to do it to the virgin crown? It\'s impossible!"

"No, he wants to do something about the undead attendant under the saint\'s crown... It\'s a bit of a fuss. Prince Kulo took out all the \'blood emperor bow\' to deal with such a undead. Does he think highly of the undead?"

"Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror can\'t stand this arrow. I\'m afraid the dead will disappear in the next second."

"Just now, it seems that the virgin scolded Prince Kulo under the crown and said that she would let the dead attendant start on Prince Kulo, so the prince wants to kill the dead and show her authority."

"The breath of the undead is very strong. Unfortunately, such a powerful undead is not easy to meet."

When the blood families around talked and Prince Kulo was about to take action, Alice said, "by the way, Prince Kulo, you should pay attention to it!"

Prince Kulo was stunned. What do you mean? I should pay more attention to it? Pay attention to what?

Alice said again, "my attendant is yuchenfeng, the first genius of Yumu family, who is wanted by the Immortal Emperor."

"So you should be a little lighter. What if you break him into powder and the Immortal Emperor looks for someone you want, and you can\'t hand it in?"

King Kulo\'s hand shook and the arrow was almost released!

Nima, no wonder Alice dares to be so bold!

There is such a layer of meaning!

She dug a hole and let herself jump

Prince Kulo was so angry that he couldn\'t shoot the arrow.

Are you kidding

Kill Yu CHENFENG. It\'s strange that the immortal emperor doesn\'t kill him!

At the moment when Prince Kulo was stunned, he kept hooking his head. The motionless Shen wave finally moved!

The distance of more than 30 meters, for Shen Lang, there is no distance at all!

A series of residual shadows were left on the field. At the moment when Prince Kulo was stunned, Shen Lang\'s fist had hit him on the chin!

This punch is simple and direct.

There are no mysterious tricks, just one word... Come on!

Ten times faster than the previous punch!

Under one punch, it seems that the space is collapsed!


Prince Kulo even had no time to turn into blood fog, so he was directly blown upside down by this punch!

Prince Kulo got a solid blow!

After the human chin is hit, the "vibration" of the head is much greater than that of the upper part!

Will cause the human body\'s balance organ - "vestibular" concussion, people will feel dizzy, black eyes, and even syncope!

This is the feeling of Prince Kulo at this time. The sky is spinning and his eyes are black

Just as Prince Kulo flew out, because he was badly hurt, he loosened his right hand and shot - out with a long arrow in his hand, rubbing it against Shen Lang\'s ear.

Shen Lang pasted it like a shadow, grabbed Prince Kulo\'s left arm and threw it hard!

The power of concussion spread directly from Prince Kulo\'s wrist to his whole body, making Prince Kulo\'s joints sound like fried beans.

Before Prince Kulo could react, Shen Lang dragged Prince Kulo\'s body to the ground!

Prince Kulo\'s slightly thin body made a sharp sound of breaking the air in the air, directly discharged the surrounding air at an amazing speed, and made a loud noise, directly smashing a huge pit on the ground!

The tower, the source of pain, is made of the most rigid deep-sea refined gold, both on the ground and on the walls.

Moreover, there are prohibitions on it. Even if the strong emperor Wujing starts here, it is impossible to cause too much damage.

So Prince Kulo dared to take out the blood emperor\'s bow to deal with Shen Lang.

However, under Shen Lang\'s divine power, the ground was hit by a big pit!

Prince Kulo\'s mouth was overflowing with wisps of blood!


When Shen Lang hit Prince Kulo on the head, Prince Kulo finally reacted, and his whole body burst into a blood mist.

This move of blood clan can be called "invincible".

No matter how powerful and powerful your attack is, unless you burn the blood fog into nothing, it is difficult to hurt its root.

Shen Lang\'s fist passed through the blood fog in an instant and hit the ground hard, splashing stone chips!

Prince Kulo turned into a blood mist and immediately fled far away.

"The virgin crown is really a good means. It\'s good to teach a dead soul so sharp!"

Prince Kulo\'s voice came from a distance: "since it is the person wanted by the Immortal Emperor, if we destroy him unknowingly, it\'s not easy to explain to the Immortal Emperor. Yu CHENFENG, you\'re lucky!"

The voice became smaller and smaller. When the last two words sounded, Prince Kulo\'s people had disappeared without a trace.

Prince Kulo saw the speed of the sinking waves and knew that he was faster than himself;

Knowing that the dead is the first genius of the Yumu family, "yuchenfeng", where are you willing to continue to fight?

For Prince duikulo, this is basically a battle of losing without winning.

Shen Lang\'s speed now has made the blood clan proud of his speed.

Its strength is unmatched.

It\'s terrible that Prince Kulo didn\'t even dare to use the blood emperor\'s bow after knowing that he was "feather morning wind"!

If we continue to fight, we will only humiliate ourselves.

Like other blood families, Prince Kulo lost face when he should lose face. Without hesitation, he directly chose to run away.

At this time, the forbidden light began to flash on the ground.

The human shaped pit on the ground began to be repaired slowly.

The surrounding blood families are still stunned.

The noble blood prince was beaten away by a dead soul?

There\'s no room to fight back?

I can\'t believe this would happen if I hadn\'t seen it with my own eyes!

"Yes, this is the legendary yuchenfeng, the first genius of the Yumu family. He\'s really strong! Mingming\'s cultivation has no God\'s martial mirror, but he beat Prince Kuluo away... If he doesn\'t turn into a ghost, it\'s good?"

"Cough, you want to die by using the word \'fight and run\'? Prince Kulo is just because he is Yu CHENFENG and the person wanted by the Immortal Emperor, so it\'s hard to do it. What do you know?"

Alice swept over coldly: "what? Do you still want to see the play? What\'s the meaning of watching the play? It may be more enjoyable to perform on the stage?"

"The saint laughed under the crown..." the blood families around laughed and left one by one.

The thoughts of a group of Blood Prince circling nearby were taken back one by one at this time.

No one wants to touch the mold.

No matter Alice or "feather morning wind", ordinary people are not willing or able to provoke.

It\'s no good to provoke. Idiots come to provoke.

That is, Prince Kulo was sent to monitor Alice and knew that Alice was weak, so he was a little aggressive.

In fact, as long as Alice doesn\'t leave the inner area bounded by the pale Valley, the general strong blood clan won\'t pay attention to her.

Now Alice is angry and her attendant "Yu CHENFENG" is powerful

The stronger blood clan, the stronger ones don\'t bother to reason, and the weaker ones don\'t have the ability to reason.

Alice took the waves straight to the pale Valley, and no one dared to stop her on the way.

In this way, Alice took Shen Lang leisurely through the transmission array to the pale valley.

Pale Valley is located in the midst of a dense jungle.

Combined with other four mysterious bases, it is not only a springboard between Luocha city and other main cities, but also the hub of the blood clan inner regional array.

All around the pale valley are towering giant trees, whose branches and leaves block out the sun and completely block the sun.

The deep valley is dark and humid, emitting bursts of rotten smell. The dead breath is diffuse, the blood mist is dispersed, and the evil smell envelops the whole area.

"Oh, what a rare guest under the saint\'s crown. How could there be an empty flight to this pale Valley?"

As soon as Alice and Shen Langgang walked out of the portal, Prince Dina\'s strange voice sounded.

Shen Lang can\'t forget the sound.

Just before coming to the pale valley with kuruno, he was slapped by Prince Dina, breaking more than half of his meridians!

If not for the continuous power provided by the Tai Chi diagram, the chaotic divine body can also transmit power without passing through the meridians, and that palm will almost abolish Shen Lang directly.

At the moment, Prince Dina sat on the chair with her long legs tilted, and was looking at Alice with mockery.

Around her, a group of blood families did not come to salute and greet the "Saint".

Alice, the saint, is really grandpa doesn\'t hurt and grandma doesn\'t love.

No matter what race it is, Alice is probably the only one with such a poor performance of the noble saint.

Alice curled her mouth and said, "nothing. I heard that there is excitement in the pale Valley, so I\'ll come and have a look."

Prince Dina glanced at Alice coldly and said, "lively? What lively?"

Alice tilted her mouth slightly and said, "didn\'t Luocha city be destroyed? Prince Dina, I\'m afraid you can\'t escape the blame for supervising the portal of the pale Valley?"

Before Prince Dina could speak, Alice said first: "and I heard on my way here that someone touched the pale Valley, and you haven\'t found him yet? Tut Tut, with Prince Dina\'s ability, you can\'t find a \'little mouse\'. It\'s disappointing!"

Prince Dina was furious: "the news of the virgin\'s coronation is really well-informed. I know it so clearly."

"But it\'s just a little mouse. We just want to play cat and mouse with him. Otherwise, how can we let him live to the present?"

Prince Dina cleverly threw aside the matter of Luocha city and said that someone had sneaked into the pale valley into a game.

She left all her responsibilities behind so that Alice couldn\'t hold her painful foot.

Alice shrugged casually and said, "it\'s a game. I like playing games best."

"Feather CHENFENG, come with me to find the little mouse."

"If you can find the little mouse before Prince Dina\'s people, Prince Dina may be very happy!"

With these words, Alice didn\'t look back and walked directly into the dense forest.

Shen Lang made a strange noise and quickly followed up.


There was a soft noise from behind, but Prince Dina crushed the chair.

"Keep the order and triple the number of people searching!" Prince Dina said ferociously, "Kumo and Cuban, you two take your own team and find the \'little mouse\' in front of Alice!"

"How dare you bring Yu CHENFENG, the undead, to compete with me and ridicule me face to face? You think you can play with me with this half dead undead? You don\'t know how to live or die!"

"I\'d like to see how powerful a saint can be with a follower of the dead!"

Prince Kuban and Prince Kumo looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Prince Kumo said respectfully, "don\'t worry, sir. It\'s safe for me to do it!"

Prince Kuban smiled and said, "although the saint\'s position under the crown is respected, her cultivation is really poor. How can you find the little mouse with such a confused ghost? Don\'t worry, sir. I\'ll do it now!"

On the edge of the transmission door, the blood awn flickered. The two princes of Kuban and Kumo had led a group of men to fly to the dense forest.