Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1123

Hearing Nangong Jianqiu\'s words, Shen Lang\'s smile stopped.

After a while, he said, "nonsense! Of course it\'s alive. Can you recognize you if you\'re dead?"

However, Nangong Jianqiu\'s next sentence made Shen Lang silent again

"Shen Lang, leave us alone... This is the base camp of the blood clan. You can\'t save us!" Nangong Jianqiu\'s voice was urgent and fast: "since you can come in like this, you can hide the eyes and ears of the blood clan and leave here quickly!"

"If you are purified by this blood pool, you will lose your mind and become a blood clan!"

When people are in despair, they instinctively think of their own life and death.

No one wants to die, let alone become a walking corpse.

When Nangong Jianqiu dropped into the blood pool, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

The tears, with her nostalgia for this world and her attachment to life

But after knowing that this guy in front of her was Shen Lang, she asked Shen Lang to leave her alone for the first time!

Seeing Shen Lang\'s silence, Nangong Jianqiu shouted again: "listen to me, Shen Lang, I know you can do a lot, but this blood pool can be \'purified\' by even the strong man of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"And inside the tower, which is the source of pain, there are many emperor Wujing blood families!"

"In such a place, any stratagem is useless, and it is impossible to hide it from the strong of the blood clan... With your ability to get rid of the shackles of the blood pool, you will immediately concentrate on one and prevent the blood in the blood pool from entering the body!"

"Only in this way can we stay awake for half an hour, so that we can have a way to live!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang laughed again and said, "don\'t worry, miss. This kind of blood can\'t help me."

"Not only that, even if you and others are \'purified\' by this blood energy and become a blood family, I can restore you as before. Trust me."

Nangong Jianqiu: "

Shen Lang smiled and said, "well, miss, I really can\'t save you here, but you don\'t have to think too much. Just go to sleep. It doesn\'t matter if you sleep peacefully and become a blood clan. I\'ll save you and the people in the shadow building as soon as possible."

"It\'s not just you and the people in the shadow building. If I can, I\'ll save all the people of all races imprisoned by the blood clan."

"I\'m not here for sightseeing."

Nangong Jianqiu said, "you, you are so abnormal..."

"Hmm?" Shen Lang said, holding his chin. "Are you praising me? It sounds strange."

"Well, don\'t struggle, just let the blood enter the body."

"Have a good sleep, everything else has me."

Nangong Jianqiu\'s mouth was flat and almost cried again.

"Everything else has me."

A few simple words, but only the person in front of him can say them on this occasion.

And only he can say this sentence in such a place and make people really relax and "sleep" at ease.

Nangong Jianqiu just nodded, suddenly raised his head and said, "there\'s another thing!"

"What?" Shen Lang asked.

Nangong Jianqiu\'s eyes have begun to become a little confused and more eager: "Jue Xin! And Jue Xin!"

"She\'s here too? Where is she?" Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

Nangong Jianqiu said with the fastest speed: "Jue Xin was not caught by the blood clan. When we were raided by the blood clan, Jue Xin used a secret method to escape... On the way from the captured place to Luocha City, Jue Xin followed secretly and killed many blood clan."

"The next day after arriving at the pale Valley, I sensed through the unique secret method of the shadow building that she also arrived at the pale Valley!"

"But in the pale Valley, the blood clan is as strong as clouds. Later, her breath is farther and farther away from me and gradually disappears. Now I\'m afraid she has been trapped in the pale Valley!"

"Shen Lang, Juexin and other people in the shadow building all came to this point because of my willfulness. You must save her, you must save her..."

Nangong Jianqiu\'s voice became less and less. Finally, he suddenly fell asleep.

The blood energy invading her body has begun to "purify" her whole body.

When she woke up again, she could no longer remember who she was and where she came from

Shen Lang looked at Nangong Jianqiu and thought of Ye Jue Xin.

At the bottom of the dragon scale temple in yumudong blessed land, when the black phoenix Lin Yafeng asked ye Juexin and Mo Ge, Mo Ge said that he would go to Phoenix House three years later;

Ye Juexin said that the eldest lady of the shadow building was as kind to her as a mountain and loved her sister. She still needed to go back to the shadow building and explain to Haosheng.

Unexpectedly, he went out of the yumudong blessed land. Soon, Nangong Jianqiu had been caught into the blood clan, and ye Juexin sneaked in all the way

"What a trouble." Shen Lang rubbed his temples.

It would be much easier if ye Juexin, like Nangong Jianqiu, were in the blood pool, or had been purified into a blood clan on the pain source tower.

In this situation, where can I find ye Juexin?

Shen Lang is equivalent to the cultivation of jiuchongtian, the martial mirror of the quasi emperor. In such places, there are dangers and may be scared at any time.

Ye Juexin is just Wang Wujing\'s cultivation. Any blood clan can crush her. It\'s definitely killing her step by step!

"Ye Juexin was trained as a killer when he was young. He is good at hiding his body. I hope everything will be fine."

I don\'t know why. After knowing that ye Juexin was in the pale Valley, Shen Lang\'s state of mind fluctuated a little.

Strictly speaking, Shen Lang doesn\'t feel much about ye Jue Xin.

There was not much entanglement between them.

Shen Lang thinks that he is kind to Ye Jue, on the one hand, because he misunderstood her in Tianfeng City, on the other hand, because she is a friend of Nalan Ziyan.

But no one is clear whether this is the case.

They were enemies in Tianfeng city.

Shen Lang killed a slave servant of Ye Juexin\'s family. Seeing that ye Juexin was vicious, he was tempted to kill ye Juexin and wanted to kill him with ye Juexin\'s silk.

As a result, he was disturbed by Nalan Ziyan and saved ye Juexin.

Later, Shen Lang knew that he had misunderstood ye Juexin.

Ye Juexin kills the servant just as Shen Lang kills the servants of the Shen family himself.

When they were young, they were fed up with the bullying and insult of those slaves

Because of this, Shen Lang "killed" the Shen family at the first time after integrating the soul of the war emperor and obtaining the memory of the war emperor.

Killed several slaves of the Shen family.

Later, Shen Lang and Nalan Ziyan went to xuandaozong. On the way, they were watched by the mercenary group. They were also invited by the mercenary group to assassinate him... Among the people who assassinated Shen Lang, there was ye Juexin.

Unexpectedly, the leaders of those forces who wanted to kill Shen Lang were all killed overnight.

Without exception, they were killed by tianserie!

At this time, Shen Lang has guessed that ye Juexin did it.

But he didn\'t think much. He just thought that ye Juexin was returning his "grace of not killing".

Unexpectedly, they met again in the dragon scale temple.

Ye Juexin went crazy after knowing that the third prince was Xu Daolin

Ye Juexin is not as cold-blooded as Shen Lang thought.

How can a cold-blooded man never forget to avenge his father ye Xiaozheng?

A cold-blooded man can\'t go deep into the hinterland of the blood clan for Nangong Jianqiu and others.

Ye Juexin is not only cold-blooded, but a strange woman with love and righteousness.

However, this strange woman has mostly lived in darkness since childhood.

People who live in darkness all year round don\'t expect light far beyond ordinary people?

Shen Lang looked up at Nangong Jianqiu again.

At this time, Nangong Jianqiu has fallen asleep, and a wisp of smile is still on his lips.

"Get down to business."

Shen Lang stared at the chaos at the bottom of the blood pool and broke his arrogant silver eyes!

Under the false silver eyes, the lead is gone, and the rest is only truth.

A two foot long "blood stone" appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight.

The blood stone is red all over the body, and there is a vicious blood flame outside it. It will burn in case of blood.

A breath containing the avenue of heaven and earth but extremely evil is released from the blood stone to fill heaven and earth!

As long as people look at this blood stone, they will feel that they are exposed to the thick blood color of mountains and rivers, land and blood!

However, this scene is just the simple appearance of the "source of pain".

Shen Lang saw more than that.

Under the gaze of broken false silver eyes, the seemingly ordinary blood stone, just like the embryo of heaven and earth, is slowly creeping, pregnant with the breath of heaven and earth Avenue.

Yes, "the source of pain" is gently "breathing" under the gaze of broken false silver eyes

While breathing, release incomparably powerful energy.

This kind of breathing, which is difficult for ordinary strong people to notice, looks very weak.

But in Shen Lang\'s eyes, the breath of the "source of pain" seemed to shake the stars in the universe!

The unspeakable meaning of the rules, even around the source of pain, there are terrible space cracks!

If you don\'t notice these space cracks, I\'m afraid the strong emperor Wujing will be cut into nothingness by those space cracks when they are close to the source of pain!

The terrible fluctuation of the rules, vast and unpredictable, makes Shen Lang ecstatic!

Sure enough, everything was as he expected!

If you can get this "source of pain", it will not take long for Taiji diagram to refine it, absorb the meaning of creative rules, and even touch the creative rules!

At that time, the Tai Chi diagram will certainly undergo qualitative changes!

Not only become stronger, but also there will be unimaginable surprises!

Looking at the "source of pain" below, Shen Lang didn\'t try to get close.

In front of the law of creation, even the gods and Demons here may have a feeling of wanting to worship!

And now is not the best time to steal it.

Although you can\'t steal it, it doesn\'t mean you can\'t wipe it off!

The meaning of the rules in the blood pool blocks all information from the outside world.

It\'s not easy for the strong blood clan to peep into the blood pool with God\'s mind?

It\'s not Shen Lang\'s style to come here and leave without making a profit.

Shen Lang sneered and cautiously urged the Tai Chi diagram

Deep in the blood pool, a small vortex immediately formed, and the blood energy around Shen wave began to slowly converge towards him.

On the "source of pain" at the center of the space crack at the end of the blood pool, the speed of the energy released suddenly raised, and a "water column" was sent out from it, which was linked with Shen Lang\'s palm.

It contains the blood energy to create rules. Without affecting the whole blood pool, it began to pour into the Tai Chi diagram!

"If you absorb all the source of pain and finally refine it, you may know more about the \'blood god atlas\' owned by the blood ancestor? Blood ancestor, blood ancestor, you can create more of this\' source of pain\'. I\'ll take as much as you make!"

"You\'re welcome, young master!"