Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1120

After hearing Shen Lang\'s voice, Alice\'s eyes flashed and immediately returned to her previous poor appearance.

The goblin\'s acting talent is really not bad!

Almost made Shen Lang doubt whether the poor appearance in front of her was also performed

"Don\'t say it. In fact, how can you understand me no matter how much I say? I dare to say it because you don\'t understand."

Alice wiped her tears, stood up and said, "come with me. I\'ll take you to the blood pool. After the purification of the blood pool, you will become smarter and cleaner. It\'s not like this... It\'s disgusting."

Shen Lang followed Alice and walked out of the door.

The tower of the source of pain is like a maze, with winding channels and portal everywhere.

At the gate of each transmission gate, there are strong blood clan guards, staring at the people with sharp eyes.

A strong breath crisscrossed in the air, sweeping all the alien and undead.

Under the influence of this evil, although there are many people and different races coming and going, the whole pain source tower is very quiet.

This makes the tower of the source of pain feel more strange and unpredictable

Alice lives on the fourth floor, and the blood pool is on the 38th floor.

Even if Alice was so familiar, it took them a lot of time to come to the hall outside the blood pool.

When Shen Lang, led by Alice, entered the hall, the hall was full of people.

Thousands of foreign people, with blood red shackles and chains, looked numb and lined up.

No one made a sound. Only some blood clans scolded with sharp whips in their hands, waving long whips on some people\'s faces from time to time.

Even if they were beaten and beaten with flesh and blood on their faces, people of all races still didn\'t speak.

Just looked at his blood family with hate eyes.

That kind of look will never be forgotten.

Even if the evil and vicious blood clan saw it, they subconsciously fought a cold war.

However, this kind of hatred will usually only attract more whips and abuse

"I don\'t know the arrival of the virgin\'s crown. It\'s far from welcome. I hope the virgin\'s crown will forgive me."

A blood prince who supervised and managed the place with a group of his men met Alice.

This man\'s breath is far stronger than Prince Dick Shen Lang has ever met.

As soon as he came over, both the aliens and blood families lined up on both sides of him were overturned by a violent blood tide, and a channel was forcibly opened in the crowded hall.

It seems that this man\'s cultivation is not much worse than Prince Dina who once slapped Shen Lang.

Alice nodded slightly and said, "Prince aislo is polite. I\'ll bring my attendant to the blood pool and let him enter the blood pool for purification."

"Attendant..." Prince aisro was stunned.

Saint Alice has a valet, just a little girl without any accomplishments.

When did you get a dead man as a valet?

And the smell of the dead is very strong?

At this time, because of Prince aislo\'s movement, everyone noticed here and saw Alice and "feather morning wind".

In the originally dull and strange hall, there was a roar of time!

"Yuchenfeng! It\'s yuchenfeng of Yumu family!"

"What have you done to Yu CHENFENG, you beasts? Let him go!"

"You can\'t let the morning wind into the blood pool. Fight with them!"

As when they came to the source of pain tower, people of any race will become very excited after seeing yuchenfeng.

Then regardless of his cultivation, he was sealed and wanted to impact the blood clan.

Feather morning wind is their hope;

Yu CHENFENG has given everything for them

When people see that Yu CHENFENG has become a dead soul and appears in front of them.

The unspeakable grief, anger and despair detonated in my heart in an instant!

It was the same this time. In the slightly crowded hall, everyone turned to Shen Lang, shouting hysterically and flooding in.

Just because you can\'t resist doesn\'t mean you can\'t resist!

Even if their accomplishments were sealed, it was no different from ordinary people, but Yu CHENFENG was like a fuse, detonating the hatred in their hearts!

"Pa, PA, PA..."

"Go back and die!"

"Dead pigs, die!"

Accompanied by the angry curse of the blood clan, the whip with sharp spikes and the sharp sound of breaking the air were whipped in the past.

This whip has a completely different effect from the previous one.

Previously, when the blood clan started fighting, they beat those people to pieces and shed blood.

But with the riots, the blood clan started again, and each whip directly blew a group of people out!

All these aliens are not only sealed in cultivation and extremely weak, but also chained by shackles and chains, which is no different from ordinary people.

The accomplishments of these blood families are at least above the Huangwu realm.

How can these people resist?

Just as the tide surged up, in a short time, thousands of people were whipped out by the whip of those blood families.

One by one fell to the ground, and the blood gushed wildly

Shen Lang looked at all this with empty eyes. There was no movement.

But the Qi of death on his body obviously became thicker and more violent.

"Kill you!"

In the crowd, a short cave man suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Alice!

Although the cave man was short, his accomplishments were sealed, and he was wearing huge shackles that didn\'t match his figure, but his speed was amazing!

He had no weapon in his hand, but his fingernails were as sharp as a blade and struck Alice\'s neck with lightning speed!


Alice screamed and retreated!


A blood clan bodyguard behind Prince aisro jumped out and kicked the cave man out.


The caveman was kicked off and fell to the ground.

However, he seemed to be all right. He rolled and stood up again, as if he hadn\'t been hurt at all!

"Who dares to approach the virgin\'s crown and kill without amnesty!"

The prince\'s bodyguard gave a cold drink, took out his sword and walked slowly towards the cave man who was kicked out by him.

It seems that he wants to stab the caveman to death!

Prince aislo didn\'t say a word from beginning to end, but his mouth was slightly tilted and looked at all this like watching a play.

It seems that he can\'t wait for such trouble to make him happy!

"Kill me? Come on, I\'m a rotten life. I\'m afraid of you little bastard of the blood clan. Fire your ancestors. If my cultivation is not sealed, you can catch a hundred rubbish and die! You\'re a cow and a bird!"

"Come and try to see if you can kill me?"

The cave man grinned his teeth, jokingly stared at the blood clan, and sneered at the blood clan.

At this time, a strong stone man and a strong Luocha came and stood beside him, one left and one right, staring at the blood clan.

At the same time, the aliens in the hall got up again and gathered together one by one, forming a human wall in front of the cave man.

The blood clan bodyguard who carried the long sword was stunned, and the pace of moving forward stopped for a moment.

He knew that the cave man was called esperi. He was a strong man among the cave people. His accomplishments had reached the level of the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Although esperius is sealed now, it\'s no different from a loser.

However, the quasi imperial martial mirror five fold heaven is the quasi imperial martial mirror five fold heaven. Even if the cultivation is sealed, esperi\'s physical strength is probably not that he, Alan dor, can chop it.

He came out to flatter the saint, but now esperi was so provocative that he was a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha, Alan, are you afraid that you can\'t cut down the espire? You\'re really ashamed. A cave man whose cultivation is sealed can\'t deal with it!"

Immediately afterwards, the blood clan laughed loudly.

"Orlando is such an idiot. He is usually arrogant and domineering. He can\'t help it when he meets esperi\'s stubble. He really loses the face of our blood family."

"Well, Alan, you\'d better come back. I\'ll help you deal with espire... I promise to break him up, not much, not much!"

A group of blood clans laughed.

Elando was ridiculed by espire and by a group of blood clans. He suddenly became angry: "what? You\'re impatient with life, aren\'t you? Dare to block my way! Get out of my way!"

However, the human wall built by the strong of all ethnic groups does not have the slightest tendency to decompose.

"Yes, since you want to die, I will help you!"

Orlando\'s evil nature was also forced out, and his murderous Qi burst out!

His blood red eyes have become more red and terrible!

"Fuck him!"

The long sword in Orlando\'s hand cut forward without hesitation!

The blood red sword on the long sword was so sharp that it swept the scene in an arc!

Seeing this group of people dying on the spot

Those blood clans who watched the excitement around immediately cheered.

"Hit him!"

Alice\'s scream rang out in the hall very untimely.


Between the lightning and flint, a strong figure set off a gust of wind and appeared in front of the blood clan.

A furious sword fell on the chest of the figure in an instant!

Mars is everywhere!

It was like the sound of hitting the bell and drum Da Lu, which was so loud that it was rumbling in the ears of the blood clan present.

Everyone must be surprised

It is the "feather morning wind" of the dead that blocks the sword!

"Hit me! It\'s smoking!" Alice shouted.

The people were stunned and didn\'t understand why the saint of the blood clan let Yu CHENFENG beat the blood clan

Then he saw the "feather morning wind" grasp with his left hand like lightning, grasp the wrist of Orlando\'s right hand, and crush it directly with a click!


Allando, who has a strong military mirror for the quasi emperor, howled like a pig!


Shen Lang leaned out his right hand, grabbed it on Orlando\'s chest, swung it round and slammed it back!


The hard ground was smashed out into a human shaped pit. Orlando\'s eyes stood out and his blood gushed wildly.

Just when the blood clan was stupid, Shen Lang bent down and bent his knees. With one punch of his right hand, he blasted the head of the latter!