Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1119

When Alice was still whispering, Shen Lang, as the object of being told, had thought of ancient times.

There is no way. Alice will have another chance to complain in the future.

If we can figure out the matter of xuezuling, this human catastrophe may be solved more simply and easily.

Moreover, Alice is the "key", and her relationship with the blood ancestral mausoleum is very special!


Shen Lang\'s mind is still thinking about the blood ancestral mausoleum.

In ancient times, when the ultimate war

Only a small meeting of the blood ancestral mausoleum appeared, which shocked the strong of all parties too much.

One strike severely damages the soul ancestor and one strike suppresses the corpse ancestor.

Such power against heaven can never be owned by the human world.

Until now, the strong among the forces such as the God of war hall have not investigated where the blood ancestral mausoleum came from and what kind of treasure it is.

The blood ancestral mausoleum is full of fog.

Its mystery is no less than the heavenly book "blood god atlas" on the blood ancestor.

From the outside, the blood ancestral mausoleum is a huge city, stretching boundlessly, emitting a simple and desolate atmosphere.

It has formed a mountain and river, with mountains and rivers flowing into the clouds and towering trees.

It is not so much a city as a heaven and earth.

A quantified world!

This side of heaven and earth has experienced endless and long years. It is filled with blood mist and murderous. It clearly has the power to suppress the whole star continent!

Not just the suppression of soul ancestors and corpse ancestors!

Such unpredictable power has far exceeded the human world.

Reached the category of real gods and demons.

Moreover, it is definitely not those weak demons in this world that can cope with it!

Just like the great witch transformed by the witch ancestor, these forces can easily crush any gods and demons in the world.

The emergence of this great witch even directly broke the space in the nightmare abyss. Until now, there are still space cracks everywhere. No strong man dares to set foot here easily.

The power of the last outbreak of the blood ancestral mausoleum seems to be weaker than the great witch transformed by the witch ancestor.

But no one can tell what the actual situation is.

After all, although the blood ancestor\'s body was destroyed by the terrible witch formed by the witch ancestor\'s spell casting and thousands of witch families\' sacrifice of their lives, it was not able to eliminate it or destroy the blood ancestor\'s mausoleum in the end.

On the contrary, the last Wuzu himself was scared

What the hell is xuezuling?

Why is it strong enough to suppress the star continent?

Where did xuezuling come from?

Why didn\'t blood ancestor use it at first?

If the blood ancestor had used it at the beginning, would the Allied forces of all nationalities have been defeated and defeated like a mountain?

Until now, these are still unsolved mysteries.

The strong people of all ethnic groups who survived that year, with deep fear, did not even dare to imagine what happened that year.

The word "blood ancestor" is regarded as a taboo!

However, because the war god hall and the ten thousand demon mansion can cover up everything in those years, among all that future generations know, although the first World War was tragic, it was not as desperate as the facts

Especially in the long past, people have no much fear of blood ancestors and blood families.

The word "blood ancestor" has also become the talk of many people after dinner.

But Shen Lang, who combines the memory of the emperor of war, knows.

The war temple has never stopped investigating the blood ancestral mausoleum

"Xuezu mausoleum" literally means the tomb of Xuezu.

From this point, it seems that you can guess... Was the blood ancestor mausoleum made by himself?

Not from the extraterritorial sky, or the upper boundary?

It seems that the legendary evil god is a little abnormal to build a mausoleum for himself before he dies.

But from another point of view, it makes the blood ancestor\'s strength appear undoubtedly... The blood ancestor is likely to know that he is going to die!

In other words, he knew he should be robbed, so he had already done a good job!

About these, the people of the war temple have not guessed and studied.

Unfortunately, the blood ancestral mausoleum has been broken into the space crack and disappeared without a trace. There is no valuable clue.

Over the past million years, forces such as the God of war hall have never stopped looking for and studying the blood ancestral mausoleum, but they have not made much progress.

The only certainty is that the space storm can not destroy the blood ancestral mausoleum. The blood ancestral mausoleum still exists and the blood ancestral mausoleum is not dead!

Later, after the prophecy of "nine stars and beads", the rumor of the reappearance of xuezuling in the world was even more popular.

Shen Lang is very interested in the blood ancestral mausoleum now, not just because the blood clan wants to bring trouble to the world.

Not just because Alice is the "key" to xuezuling.

But because a slightly vague vein has become clear in Shen Lang\'s mind!

In the world, apart from the strange man of ancient customs, I\'m afraid that only Shen Lang knows the most about xuezuling!

All the records of the war temple about the blood ancestral mausoleum are in Shen Lang\'s mind;

These things about Alice as the "key" to xuezuling are also in Shen Lang\'s mind;

Not only that, in Shen Lang\'s mind, there are still memories of Dima and Dick\'s blood princes!

You know, Dick and Dima, several blood princes, came out of the blood ancestral mausoleum through the dark door!

Although Dick didn\'t have much status in the blood clan, they didn\'t know the source of pain even in the plague land.

But this information is enough to infer a lot.

All this information, in Shen Lang\'s mind, has gathered and formed, and then linked to each other.

When the outside world is still looking for the blood ancestral mausoleum and guessing what will happen when the blood ancestral mausoleum is born

Shen Lang has a bold guess in his mind... The matter that Xuezu was sealed is likely to be directed and acted by Xuezu!

Xuezu not only knew that he would have this disaster, but also planned for many years and made countless designs!

Among them, there may be Wuzu involved!

This thread, when I first met Alice more than three years ago, began to have blurred images.

Through the records of blood ancestral mausoleum and blood ancestry in the God of war hall, Alice\'s narration and the memory of blood prince, this context has become more and more clear now!

It also makes Shen Lang feel more and more difficult about the birth of blood Zuling!

Several key doubts were also summarized by Shen Lang

First, why is xuezuling called xuezuling? Can the blood ancestor also predict the future and know that he should have a disaster?

Second, if you don\'t know you should be doomed, why did you plant seeds millions of years ago and make Alice born millions of years later the key?

Third, since Xuezu knew that he should be robbed and still worked so hard, did he live impatiently? You can escape directly into the void crack or hide in the blood ancestral mausoleum. Even the five emperors and six ancestors can\'t help him!

Fourth, why did the blood ancestor know millions of years ago that after countless years, the nine stars and the Qi of Yin will emerge? Then he chose the time and was ready to return to the world when the nine stars joined the beads?

From the above four points, it seems that the blood clan\'s chaos, the destruction of the flesh and the suppression of the spirit... How does it seem that the blood ancestor deliberately arranged all this?

Everything was in his expectation?

He did it on purpose?

If so, it is better to say that the blood ancestors sealed themselves than the strong people of all ethnic groups!

What on earth did the blood ancestor do so hard for?

Shen Lang put all these things he knew together. Vaguely, he has straightened out the context.

Although many problems and doubts are still difficult to solve, Shen Lang has determined one point through these problems.

That is

The blood ancestor is in the blood ancestor mausoleum. He can\'t get out!

Whether it\'s because of the blood ancestral mausoleum or the seal of Wuzu, in a word, he must use Alice\'s "key" to get out of the blood ancestral mausoleum!

Even when Xuezu tried his best to put time in the nine star Lianzhu, it may be because the Qi of Zhiyin was of great help to him bleeding Zuling!

Not because the Qi of the most Yin is good for the blood clan!

The whole blood clan, for the blood ancestor, is just a tool, just a small chess piece.

The eternal tree once told Yu CHENFENG that the blood clan will eventually be completely abandoned by the blood ancestor and end up in Shen Lang\'s hands, vanishing into the world.

Shen Lang knows these things from Yu CHENFENG\'s memory.

Yu CHENFENG once said this when fighting against Dima people

"I once dreamed that you will soon be abandoned by your blood ancestors, you will be displaced, you will become enemies of thousands of races and billions of creatures, and most of the earth and heaven have no place for you!"

"It\'s ridiculous. You don\'t know it yet. You want to dominate the world!"

Shen Lang believes what the eternal tree says.

In the world where the Pangu protoss have left, except the witch family, I\'m afraid the only one who can calculate the future like this is the eternal tree.

From this point, we can judge that what Xuezu is doing now is for himself, not the blood clan!

Including destroying the eternal tree and making the world filled with Yin Qi, it is not to make the blood family strong!

Since it is not to make the blood clan strong, it is naturally for the blood ancestor himself

It is likely that the Qi of Zhiyin is of special help to the blood ancestor to walk the bleeding Zuling!

When the blood clan is not ready and has not really walked out of the dark door, it will start on the eternal tree and declare war with the whole world. It can be seen how much the blood ancestor attaches importance to the Qi of Yin!

"And the more it is, the more it shows that the old tortoise Xuezu can\'t get out of the Xuezu mausoleum! Otherwise, he can\'t be so painstaking and reckless!"

When that vein finally became clear, Xuezu\'s abacus made Shen Lang reason a lot.

Since Shen Lang finally determined that Xuezu was trapped and difficult to escape through these information, the next thing would be much easier.

Stop him from coming out and disrupt his plan!

First, take Alice away and hide in fengtianding;

Second, let the strong people all over the world aim their guns at the dark door, destroy the blood clan, and finally pour the power of the world to crush the soul of the blood ancestor, so that it will never be reborn!


Alice is still mumbling to herself.

While talking, I usually shed tears.

Shen Lang sighed softly in his heart, "what a beautiful world it would be if there were no blood clan and no demon temple?"

"Without the blood clan and the demon temple, people like Alice should have lived happily like angels."

"Use her pure smile to bring happiness to others... Er, what did she say before? Why did she cry so hard?"

Alice would be heartbroken if she knew that Shen Lang had wandered away and hardly listened to her words.

"Silly girl, don\'t cry, I\'ll take you away." Shen Lang\'s mind condensed into a thin thread and silently extended to Alice.

The sound of the idea was so weak that Alice thought she had a hearing illusion.

She has determined that the dead feather CHENFENG in front of her is Shen Lang, but when she heard this, she still widened her eyes a little incredulously.

Shen Lang said again, "fool, don\'t look at me like that! Continue acting, and then take me to the blood pool to purify."

"If you don\'t play well, it\'s hard to leave here!"