Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1121

Just then, Alice screamed and ran up: "Oh, you fool, I asked you to teach him a lesson. How did you blow someone\'s head?"

"..." everyone in the audience was stupid, whether people of all races or blood races.

With a flash of blood mist, Prince aisro appeared in front of Shen Lang, grabbed Shen Lang\'s chest and lifted Shen Lang directly!

Prince eisero glanced coldly at the dead and unable to die again, then looked at Shen Lang, and finally turned his eyes to Alice: "under the virgin crown, I need your explanation!"

Prince ashrow\'s eyes did not have a little respect.

Prince Kulo, the first-class goods of imperial martial mirror, doesn\'t pay attention to Alice. He, a strong blood clan at the same level as Dina, won\'t care about the so-called "Saint".

This sentence is a bit like interrogating Alice.

Alice spread her hands and said, "there\'s nothing. You just heard it. I asked my attendant to beat him... Who knows that the undead hasn\'t been purified by the blood pool, so she\'s confused and can\'t handle it properly. It\'s no wonder that I can only blame Orlando\'s bad luck."

Hearing this, Prince aislo\'s teeth itched with anger.

He doesn\'t care much whether Orlando is dead or not.

But after all, it\'s his own men, and there are a group of men watching. If Alice doesn\'t explain, he\'ll lose a lot of face.

Alice said again, "I told you before not to bully people of those races. Why don\'t you listen?"

"Just now, the guy from Orlando wanted to kill those people. I was in a hurry and couldn\'t stop it. I had to let my attendant teach him a lesson. I didn\'t expect that Orlando was blown up with one punch without being hit..."

Prince ashrow trembled with anger.

Without a fight? What\'s that called, bullshit?

The breath of the dead goes straight to the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. Orlando is just a heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. Compared with the two sides, it\'s like heaven!

Now I\'m asking why you abandoned one of my men, but you say my men don\'t fight?

Before Prince aislo spoke, Alice spoke again: "well, after all, I\'m a saint of the blood family, and my vision is still good. I\'ve chosen such a obedient and powerful attendant. Prince aislo, what do you think of my vision?"

Prince ashrow almost ran away.

It\'s not a matter of vision at all, okay?

I\'m talking about the killing of your followers. What are you doing so far!

Prince aisro took a deep breath and said, "the vision under the saint\'s crown is naturally good, but your \'attendant\' killed the blood clan in the source of pain tower, and the crime should be beheaded..."

Alice immediately interrupted him and said carelessly, "go and cut it."

"..." Prince aislo did not expect her to be so cheerful, but was stunned.

Alice said again, "by the way, this guy\'s name is Yu CHENFENG. Although the first genius of Yumu family has become a ghost, it\'s very fierce. I don\'t know if Prince aisro can beat him?"

"Feather morning breeze?" Prince aislo thought.

Alice nodded very "naive" and said, "yes, it\'s the feather morning wind. You know, I\'m going to take him to the blood pool for purification now and send him to the Immortal Emperor later."

"He is the man appointed by the Immortal Emperor. Prince aisro, you can do it and kill as you like. Don\'t break it into pieces so that I can\'t pay the job."

"..." Prince aisro was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

After such a long time, the silly saint was waiting for him here!

Isn\'t this nonsense? Who dares to move the people the Immortal Emperor wants?

Want to die!

Elando died in vain

Prince aislo Zaba Zaba said after a while, "Oh, it turns out that the virgin crown is to purify with the feather morning wind, so I won\'t delay the virgin crown."

As soon as the voice fell, the blood mist dispersed, and Prince aisro had lost his sight.

The blood clan is indeed a blood clan. Although it is equally hypocritical, it is not as artificial as human beings.

He said to go, he left without any concern or nostalgia... There was only one face-to-face sentence.

The surrounding blood families are so embarrassed to see the prince escape. Who is willing to come forward and touch the mildew?

If the saint crowns another "beat him", then Yu CHENFENG will beat himself up. Where will he go?

A group of people hurriedly hid in the periphery, driving some blood families with worse cultivation to drive away the gathered aliens.

After thousands of aliens kept calling for yuchenfeng but didn\'t get a response, they returned to their original position with grief, anger and despair.

Alice patted Shen Lang on the shoulder and said, "it seems it\'s right to bring you to the blood pool for purification. Look at you now, you can\'t even distinguish between beating and killing!"

Speaking of this, Alice pointed to a recent blood clan and said, "Yu CHENFENG, you hear clearly. For example, if I let you beat him, you must keep him breathing... That is to say, you should let him cry, instead of being unable to cry out. Do you understand?"

The whip in the blood clan\'s hand had just been raised and wanted to beat a cave man. Hearing this, he was smart and ran away.

People of the blood clan know that Saint Alice is very "kind", and they will take care of them when they see them abusing other races.

But it doesn\'t matter, because no one listens to her at all.

Even if she listened to her face, she turned around and continued to do it on her own.

And Alice\'s little strength can\'t help anyone.

So the saint is like a vase, which is of little use.

But now Alice has brought a follower like "feather CHENFENG", which is a little amazing!

The first genius of Yumu family, yuchenfeng!

Even if he is dead, he is still a powerful undead!

Orlando, who had a strong military mirror, wanted to flatter, but he was killed by a punch for no reason.

Who wants to be next?

The blood clans in the hall immediately made a lot of rules.

No one dared to beat the aliens in front of Alice.

In the crowd, many people refused to give up and shouted the name of Yu CHENFENG.

At this time, Alice shouted again: "come here and arrange my feather CHENFENG first. I want to jump the queue!"

It\'s not good to jump the queue and say such righteous words.

Shen Lang despised it in his heart.

Immediately, four blood clans ran over and made way for a passage to the blood pool.

"Go, these two guys will take you to the blood pool. I\'m waiting for you to come back." Alice "commanded" Shen Lang to follow the two blood families.

She herself went to the other side to rest with the other two.

For Shen Lang, Alice has a blind trust and worship.

The source of pain in the blood pool is the hand of the blood ancestor, which can transform any creature into a slave of the blood family.

It is reasonable that Alice should not dare to let Shen Lang go to the blood pool to purify.

But Shen Lang asked her to do so, so she did.

Alice is not worried about whether Shen Lang will really be "purified" when she goes into the blood pool.


At this time, Shen Lang, with a confused appearance, walked along the curved upward channel behind the two blood families.

After extracting the memories of several blood family princes such as Dick and using the broken false silver eyes to check the blood energy in the dead, Shen Lang has learned the function of the "blood pool" and the essence of the source of pain in it.

A "source of pain" is placed in the blood pool, which has unimaginable magic.

The living people are pushed into it. After the purification of the source of pain, they will soon become another blood clan... The second-class blood clan who is extremely loyal to the blood clan, and their cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds in a short time, becoming slaves and tools of the blood clan;

When the undead is pushed into it, it will also be purified by the source of pain, and the residual memory chips will be combined. After being "purified", the undead will not only become stronger, but also become more flexible, smarter and obedient.

Relatively speaking, the utilization value of the living strong after being purified must be much stronger than that of the dead.

Because of this, the blood clan captured many foreign races in the plague land, but did not kill them.

Instead, he was imprisoned in Luocha city and other cities and queued up to be sent to the source of pain tower for purification.

Therefore, after the blood clan turned the moonlight forest land into a place of plague, although the major races here were badly beaten, their wives and children were separated, and their homes were destroyed, the real mortality rate was not very high.

However, although anyone purified by the blood pool still needs to eat and breathe like the living, he has actually become a walking corpse enslaved by the blood clan.

For the major races living in the plague, this is actually another kind of undead, and it is a "undead" whose soul is bound.

For them, it\'s more terrible than death.


Shen Lang asked Alice to bring him to the blood pool to observe the "source of pain" closely.

Prepare for the future to capture the source of pain.

The passage became narrower and narrower, and only two or three people could pass at the same time.

The walls on both sides are full of evil blood energy, and the walls are engraved with dense demon God patterns, lifelike.

Countless strange runes appear and disappear from time to time, which makes this channel unpredictable.

The blood in front is getting stronger and stronger, as if there were a sea of corpses in front.

Such a suffocating breath contains mysterious and ancient pressure, like mountains, which makes people out of breath.

The more forward, the meaning of "creative law" that Shen Lang felt at the beginning became stronger and stronger.

This makes Shen Lang a little ready to move

For Shen Lang, who knows the root of "the source of pain", the value of a source of pain is no worse than a piece of Yuan force fragment!

The meaning of "creative law" contained in "the source of pain" is probably much more valuable than the meaning of rules on Yuan Li fragments!

"Da! Da! Da!"

The sound of walking echoed in the passage, and a strong light suddenly came from afar.

But it has reached the entrance of the blood pool.

Shen Lang raised his eyes and saw a huge blood red pool at the end of the passage. In the blood red pool, there were a lot of strange and evil runes.

With these strange and evil runes, it is a large area of holy divine Xia!

Vaguely, like worshipping gods, the voice came out of the blood pool.

It\'s like the belief of hundreds of millions of creatures gathered in the blood pool. There is a demon God, which makes people tremble and tremble... Then, you want to kneel down and worship!

In Shen Lang\'s eyes, a group of people had already stood by the pool.

One of the slightly familiar women\'s back appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight at this moment

"How could it be her?"

Shen Lang was surprised. He never expected to meet this woman by the blood pool!

She shouldn\'t have appeared in the plague, let alone by the blood pool