Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1118

It\'s not a big deal that Alice wants a dead man to be her attendant.

Milos and Oakes won\'t be idle. They monitor this and that every day.

But Shen Lang could still feel that the two people\'s thoughts had been wandering on himself and Alice from the beginning to now.

Look at this, they are a little curious about Alice asking for a dead to be her attendant?

In addition to Shen Lang, no one can feel the divine thoughts of Milos and ox under the condition of such cultivation.

But Shen Lang has already dumped Milos for 18 blocks in his understanding of Tiandi Avenue. No matter how they peep, they can\'t hide Shen Lang\'s feeling.

"Two fools, they are very interested in gossip. Stay here..."

Shen Lang could only scold the two ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart.

He can do nothing else.

Alice could not feel the thoughts of the two giants, but she seemed to think of it, and the only anxiety in her eyes disappeared.

She sat in a chair with her legs crossed and her legs shaking.

I\'m in a good mood.

Just when the two met, she was scolded by that group of people because she didn\'t find Shen Lang, and her face was still covered with tears

Now it has changed its appearance and glowed.

Shen Lang said in secret, "a heartless guy can really live a long life."

At this time, Alice coughed, glanced at Shen Lang, murmured like telling her best friend, "Yu CHENFENG, I\'m so lonely. No one can listen to me, and no one cares what I think."

"You must be lonely, too. I heard you were the first genius of the Yumu family, but now you have come to this end."

"I\'m really sorry..."

"If I were there when they were dealing with you, I would help you, but... I\'m sorry."

"I\'m a very useless person. I\'m really useless. I can\'t do anything and can\'t do anything."

"I didn\'t want to come to the moonlight forest. I\'m afraid of seeing blood, death and cruelty..."

"But someone gave me hope and told me to be strong, so I came."

"Beautiful moonlight woodland, I watched the moonlight woodland turn from heaven to hell. It was like a nightmare. I almost went crazy, but I couldn\'t do anything."

"I can\'t help watching the blood clan enslave those races in the moonlight forest land, watching the blood clan turn the beautiful moonlight forest land into hell and wantonly slaughter people of all races."

"But they deliberately let me watch all this, let me clearly watch them ravage the world, ravage the creatures of the world..."

"I finally know why so many people hated the blood clan and refused to accept the blood clan."

"It\'s not their fault, it\'s the blood clan\'s fault!"

"Why can\'t blood races live in harmony with other races?"

"Didn\'t the blood god say he wanted to shine light on the world?"

"Or is the so-called blood god false? Is it just a sustenance made up by the blood family because they know that they are sinful?"

"Do they fantasize that when they are finally judged, there will be a guy called blood god to protect them?"

"I watched many people killed, saw the children lose their parents, saw the deep hatred in their eyes, so uncomfortable..."

Alice seems to really regard Shen Lang as a dead soul and a talker. With unspeakable sadness, she tells everything she has seen during this period of time.

These words were uttered from the mouth of the blood saint, which was really absurd.

In particular, it also involves the gods believed by the blood family... Blood god!

The noble blood saint, so blasphemous against the blood god, it\'s simply treacherous!

If it is spread out, there will be an uproar in the blood clan immediately!

But she\'s really lonely.

She had seen her fate and felt that she had a rotten life, so it didn\'t matter at all.

Even though Milos and Oakes might peep aside, Alice still said all these words in her heart.

In addition to everything about Shen Lang, everything in Alice\'s heart was unreservedly revealed in front of Shen Lang at this time.

Shen Lang sat on the chair, his head drooping, "listening carefully" to her story.

Listen and wait.

Milos and oaks\' thoughts hovered for a while and finally left.

They also seem to understand Alice\'s idea.

Alice, who is lonely, has nowhere to vent her depression, so she wants to find a pure listener.

That\'s it.

The value of the existence of blood clan saints is reflected in the "key" of blood ancestral mausoleum.

When she really becomes the key to open the blood ancestral mausoleum, she will not exist in this world.

No matter how blasphemous she is here, the two giants don\'t care.

A blood god that has never appeared, a God that seems to have been fabricated by the blood ancestor out of thin air, a "tool" used to win the hearts of the blood clan, what can it be if he is scolded as a dog?

As long as you don\'t scold in public.

Others may not know, but Milos and oux know that in the blood ancestor mausoleum, the blood ancestor really imprisoned some powerful gods and demons!

A true demon!

Demons from the upper world!

What shit blood god, they don\'t care.


Milos and ox\'s thoughts had gone, and Alice was still whispering.

The helplessness, sadness and despair suppressed in the bottom of her heart broke out.

Shen Lang still didn\'t speak, so he listened quietly.

A bold plan is forming in Shen Lang\'s mind

Take Alice!

When Shen Lang didn\'t realize that Feng Tianding was powerful, Shen Lang felt that there was no way to deal with Alice\'s fate.

However, with the improvement of Shen Lang\'s cultivation, and through various events, Shen Lang has now realized the power of fengtianding!

This is an artifact that can "seal the sky"!

Even if it is just a projection, it is not an entity, nor is it the strong man in the world who can cope with it!

At that time, as long as Alice is hidden in the sealed tripod, how can the blood ancestral mausoleum be opened?

Blood ancestral mausoleum is a secret chess set by blood ancestry, and Alice is also a chess piece left by blood ancestry. But how can blood ancestry continue this chess game when this chess piece is hidden?

Shen Lang is not completely sure how powerful Xuezu is.

But no matter how powerful you are, you can\'t get blood. Zuling is useless!

And Alice is the key to open the blood ancestral mausoleum!

Without Alice, Xuezu, you can continue to sleep in Xuezu mausoleum and don\'t come out to wander!

"But what\'s the matter with the blood ancestral mausoleum?"

Shen Lang is not sure about many things about xuezuling.

It\'s not just him. I\'m afraid that few people in the world know the truth except the blood emperors.

About the blood ancestral mausoleum, in the records of the God of war hall, it is like this

At the end of the blood clan rebellion, the five emperors and five ancestors worked together to suppress the blood ancestor.

The blood clan is gone and trapped in the "abyss of nightmare" by the strong in the world.

However, the strength of Xuezu is not only here. At the time of the final World War I, the war situation turned upside down!

The most unlikely soul ancestor to be injured was severely injured by the blood ancestor!

The supreme nine day war emperor of the war temple and a large group of strong soldiers of the war temple were swallowed up by a magic weapon called "blood ancestral mausoleum" offered by the blood ancestor!

The most powerful corpse ancestor was suppressed by the blood ancestral mausoleum, and it was difficult to escape under the blood ancestral mausoleum!

It looked like a huge city. As soon as the blood ancestral mausoleum came out, the whole war situation suddenly reversed!

At the time of crisis, the most mysterious witch ancestor among the five emperors and six ancestors urged the secret method of the witch family, absorbed the blood and soul of thousands of powerful witch people, incarnated the Witch and appeared in the world as a demon God!

It is said that the body is very weak, but the witch family who can perform unpredictable witchcraft shows its great power at this moment!

The great witch turned into a witch by the witch\'s ancestors stepped on the earth and the blue sky overhead. As soon as it appeared, it was shaking mountains and earth, and the space was broken!

It seems that a great witch comparable to a demon God broke the shackles of space rules, and Shengsheng squeezed into the star continent from the extraterritorial star sky!

This great witch like a God and devil changes the color of the wind and cloud and destroys the sky and earth

Three fists to explode the flesh of blood ancestor!

Three fists to suppress the spirit of blood ancestor!

Shock the world, unmatched!

Finally, in people\'s incredible eyes, the terrible witch completely disintegrated into a seal, and the spirit of the blood ancestor entered the blood ancestor mausoleum.

Eternal repression!

After that, the other four ancestors who slowed down the God came at the same time, tore open the space on the earth and pushed the huge blood ancestral mausoleum into the space crack.

In this way, xuezuling was submerged in the space storm, and I don\'t know whether it drifted to the depths of the universe or somewhere else.

It didn\'t take long for the blood ancestral mausoleum to appear and disappear.

But in such a little time, countless strong people turned into fly ash.

The tragedy of this war is unheard of. It really shocked the world and cried ghosts and gods

Terrans, demons and other races, although they finally won the battle, they can only be said to have won miserably.

Of course, under the beautification of the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon mansion, the ultimate war known in the world is not like this.

The legendary evil god blood ancestor was finally killed by the power of justice, finally died in the blood ancestor mausoleum, and then buried underground... This is the "truth" that most people know.

Therefore, when the news that the blood ancestral mausoleum was about to be born came out, the strongest forces such as the war temple and the ten thousand demon house were very frightened, but thousands of patriarchal forces in the world tried their best to find the blood ancestral mausoleum and took the blood ancestral Mausoleum as a treasure house.

For example, the black and white impermanence of xuesha island even touched the purple Chu state through the emergence of Alice and other blood families.

Shen Lang doesn\'t care about these unimportant information.

What Shen Lang is most concerned about now is the blood ancestral mausoleum.

Because a bold guess in his mind has slowly taken shape

If this speculation takes shape, the world chess game will change dramatically.

The plans of the powerful of all ethnic groups and forces of all sides to deal with the blood clan are likely to be overturned and restarted!