Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1115

Prince Kulo also looked at Alice strangely.

This kind of egg pain can only be done by Alice.

He was a prince and had to accompany the saint to do such painful things, which made him very helpless.

"There are 345 people who enter the tower of the source of pain within half an hour." Prince Kulo bowed and said, "the next thing is to be crowned by the virgin. I\'ll wait outside."

"If there is a problem, the virgin crown can call me at any time."

Although she was in prison, there was a strong seal barrier between Alice and the group of aliens, and all the aliens were sealed for cultivation and locked in chains. Prince Kulo was not worried about the danger of Alice.

Alice kept smiling and nodded to Prince Kulo.

Seeing Prince Kulo leave the cell, the sealed light curtain blocked the inside and outside, Alice\'s eyes flashed, and her eyes immediately fell on more than 300 aliens in front of her.

Although Alice is very fake and useless, it is basically difficult to call the strong of the blood family.

But after all, the value of the "key" of xuezuling lies there.

As long as it\'s not too troublesome, people like Prince Kulo will do something for her.

The 345 people in front of us, including more than 50 stupid souls, were indeed all the people who entered here within half an hour. Prince Kulo didn\'t play tricks on her.

It\'s just that a sinking wave happened to be missed.

"Hello, my name is Alice."

Alice reached out timidly to say hello.

No one paid attention to her.

Except for the dead, everyone looked at her with contempt and hatred.

If their accomplishments have not been banned, and if there is no seal barrier in the middle, I\'m afraid everyone has rushed up and directly divided Alice.

"I\'m sorry, the blood clan has done this to you. I... I apologize to you." Alice bent over to the group and said, "but I really can\'t do anything... I\'m sorry."

When she said this, Alice\'s eyes were full of tears.

When she was born, the chaos of blood clan had passed for countless years, and at this time, the blood clan had no talent and power of ancient blood clan.

It\'s not much different from other races.

Alice, who grew up carefree, is actually completely different from Prince Kulo, a blood family who came out of the dark door.

But the people imprisoned here don\'t understand this and don\'t appreciate it.

I was abused by these blood clans in front, and now a blood clan woman came out inexplicably and said I\'m sorry. There\'s nothing more absurd than this!

"Get out!"

A seven foot man stepped out and shouted, "dirty and despicable blood women, don\'t pretend to be here! We don\'t need your pity!"


A mouthful of saliva with blood spurted towards Alice and hit the seal border. A burst of smoke came out and turned into nothingness.

"Smelly woman, if you want to kill us, just kill us! Don\'t entertain us with such words! We don\'t need your pity!"

"Get out!"

"Dirty and despicable blood clan, who will show you a holy and glorious appearance? God will punish you!"

"You evil race will turn into fly ash! You will be imprisoned in the dark hell forever!"

Everyone roared.

Countless saliva sprayed towards the seal border.

The light flashed on the seal barrier.

Alice had not been scolded by other people, but she was scolded by so many people by pointing at her nose and using the language of vicious hatred. Alice\'s tears could no longer be controlled and flowed down.

Like a helpless little white rabbit, he shrank in the corner and dared not speak again.

But her eyes, without fear, made eye contact with these people

Xueyu didn\'t respond. She wanted to determine whether Shen Lang was really in it through her eyes.

If Shen Lang is in it, even if she uses the secret method to cover up the blood jade, at least give her a little reminder

However, in the middle of the curse, Alice looked at everyone once, but she didn\'t find anything unusual.

It\'s hard to pretend the hatred after being tortured by blood clan, destroying homes and slaughtering relatives and friends.

This is hatred from the depths of the soul.

Every hate look is so real.

Are releasing chiluo\'s hatred and killing intention.

Alice knew that if there was no seal, the man would rush out and kill her at the first time, or even... Kill her and eat her meat!

Shen Lang seems not to be among them

Alice shed tears and began to examine the dozens of dead.

Her heart sank.


When Alice looked for Shen Lang in the prison, Shen Lang had been taken to the highest floor of the source of pain tower.

To Milos and Oakes.

The tower of the source of pain is that the higher it goes, the smaller the space.

However, there seems to be another space above the spire, which is a real sea of blood!

Boundless, evil blood sea!

Shen Lang stood in the sea of blood, which was as solid as the essence, ups and downs. It seemed that he could be hanged to pieces by the storm of the sea of blood at any time!

Kuban and Prince Kumo, as well as kuruno, all trembled, knelt on the sea of blood, bowed their heads, and did not dare to raise their heads at all.

Over the invisible sea of blood, there are two majestic blood days, with the momentum of Xuantian and Hedi, emitting red clouds all over the sky

It seems that this sea of blood is formed by the condensation of their breath!

No one dared to look up at the two blood days, and no one could see the original images of the two blood days clearly.

The blood day was like a God, no joy, no sorrow, high above, towering, huge and frightening!

People just feel this breath, they can\'t help but have an idea of prostrating and kneeling down!

These are the two giants of the blood clan in the plague land, the emperor of the blood clan, Milos and ox!

The thoughts of Milos and Oakes condensed into essence, like sharp blades, scraping through Shen Lang\'s body and body, making a sonorous sound of gold and iron.

"It\'s a pity that Dima\'s two fools died together with yuchenfeng. If we catch the living, the secrets of Yumu family will be revealed, and the threat of the eternal tree to us will disappear."

Muttering like a God came from a blood day.

Like thunder, it rumbled over the sea of blood.

It caused the blood sea to explode with a strong wind and huge waves.

Shen Lang\'s eyes were empty and allowed his body to sink and float, but he scolded in his heart: "two idiots, the edge of the emperor\'s martial realm didn\'t touch, so he really regarded himself as a God and pretended to be like this!"

"Young master, I\'m full of secrets. You two waste firewood may see through even a little?"

Just then

A huge blood hand suddenly appeared on a blood day and grabbed at Shen Lang in the air!

The five fingers of this big hand are extremely red and towering like mountains. The unpredictable power surges and rolls in it, and the evil and powerful light envelops it. Under this grasp, the boundless blood Haydn crawls outward towards both sides!

There is a vacuum in space!


The huge palm, like catching ants, directly caught Shen Lang in his hand.

Shen Lang, like other undead, had no response to pain or pressure, so he was pinched in his big hand.

It can be ground into powder at any time!

"Ox, be careful. Don\'t crush him. This is the Yumu people appointed by the Immortal Emperor." the voice that spoke earlier sounded again: "if you crush him, we can\'t explain to the Immortal Emperor. I\'m afraid there\'s no hope to find the entrance of the amber dream."

"Hey, hey, hey..." Oakes\'s laughter was like crazy friction between two pieces of metal, which made kuruno, who was kneeling below, hold his head with both hands, in pain.

Oakes sneered: "now that it has become a dead, even if it has become a fragment, we also have a way to reunite it."

"As for the entrance of the amber dream, his memory has been broken like this. Even if you and I want to reorganize this broken memory, it will be impossible for a thousand years."

"Moreover, this man\'s talent and calculation are amazing. Do you really think he will leave the memory of the entrance of the amber dream when he dies with Dima\'s two fools?"

Milos didn\'t speak.

Find the entrance of amber dream from Yu CHENFENG\'s memory, of course, with a glimmer of hope.

But it\'s not very difficult for the strong at this level to crush their key memories before they die.

It doesn\'t take long.

The two princes of Dima besieged him. I\'m afraid he was ready to crush his memory before the war began?

After all, his accomplishments are only the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and Dima are actually the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Oakes took Shen Lang in his hand, looked at him, and threw Shen Lang down.

"Kumo, take him to the blood pool and let the blood pool be purified." oaks sighed and said, "the Yumu nationality is such a weak race that he can cultivate to this extent in a hundred years..."

"If it is alive and purified by the blood pool, it will take a few days to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror."

"And in the later cultivation, the momentum is like breaking bamboo and advancing by leaps and bounds..."

"What a pity."

Milos then said, "in the eyes of you and me, the feather morning wind in the form of undead really has no use value."

"But not necessarily in front of the Immortal Emperor."

"After purifying him, send him to the dark door immediately."

"Step back."

When the last few words were said, an unspeakable terrorist storm immediately appeared in the sea of blood, sweeping Kumo and Shen Lang out!

After a while, the sea of blood, which set off a huge storm, returned to calm again.

In this calm, the gods of Milos and ox were communicating.

"Ox, what do you think of the city of Rocha?" Milos said coldly.

Oakes said with a strange smile, "why, do you think it was the hands of the people here?"