Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1114

Shen Lang doesn\'t need many reasons to believe Alice.

There is a strange emotion between people. They can trust each other without the accumulation of time.

It has nothing to do with love, nor is it necessarily friendship.

Just like Mo Ge, Shen Lang didn\'t even have much communication with him.

But from the beginning, he trusted this cold guy.

But in this tower of pain

Blood jade is unique to the blood clan. Shen Lang is not sure whether it will be felt by Milos or ox.

In this blood clan base camp, any negligence may lead to destruction.

If you are not careful, the plan will go bankrupt in an instant.

Never be careless.

Shen Lang was dragged by two blood princes and staggered in the tower, which was not much different from any other low-level undead.

The words Alice had left in the light circle rang in his mind again

"Childe, I wanted to wait for you here all the time, but I received a message from my uncle. If I want to meet him as soon as possible, I have to leave first."

"Childe, Alice is a poor man, but Alice is unwilling to give in to fate. Will you help me?"

"I don\'t want to meet my uncle. I don\'t even want to have anything to do with the blood family..."

"This is a cold-blooded race. It is a race despised by God. They only believe in the God of blood. They have been looking at God and his people with contempt."

"I don\'t even have the qualification to despise God. They only regard me as a tool and the key to open the blood ancestral mausoleum."

"They never thought about my feelings. They just wanted to get the inheritance inside after opening the blood ancestral mausoleum, so that the blood family could stand at the peak of the world again..."

"They hold something that can make me disappear in an instant. It\'s vast, but there\'s no place for me... Before meeting the childe, I just want to die... What\'s the loss of my soul? Hundreds of years of loneliness have already made me feel like I\'m still alive."

"But after meeting you..."

"I think it\'s really good for people to live."

"Will you come to me?"

"There is a drop of my tears in this blood jade. When the childe got it, I knew that the childe had come to me..."

"I will be very happy, really happy..."

"If you are willing to come to me, would you please take it with you? The place where my uncle sent the message is in the northwest of Zichu state, close to the wilderness. The closer you are to me, the darker the color of this blood jade will be and the stronger my breath will be."

"If you don\'t want to take risks, you can crush this blood jade... Alice knows. I won\'t have any complaints. Really, in the future... Let me have a memory of being a childe."

"I hope you won\'t forget that there was such a woman who appeared in your life for a moment."

Shen Lang sighed softly in his heart.

"Alice already knew that she was the key to xuezuling. She knew that when xuezuling was born, that was when she was scared."

"Now I can only watch this day approaching and have no resistance."

"If you don\'t understand all this, will you be happier?"

"You put all your hopes on me, but what and how much can I do?"

"You want to get rid of fate, and I want to get rid of fate, but no one dares to say that they can really do it in the end..."

In Shen Lang\'s mind, Alice\'s beautiful and foolish appearance lingered.

When accepting this piece of blood jade, maybe it was out of sympathy, maybe it was a little unbearable, maybe it was with some hope.

But in the past few years, to be fair, Shen Lang really didn\'t have much time to think of this poor woman

Shen Lang knew that since he had to face Xuezu, he would meet Alice sooner or later.

When the cultivation is not strong enough and the strength is not strong enough, it is a kind of suffering to think about Alice and be powerless.

Now, the two are finally meeting.

But on such a strange occasion

Whether to let Alice find herself or not is a difficult choice.

Shen Lang believes Alice. There\'s no reason.

But it was a great adventure to let Alice find herself.

One careless mistake will lose the game.


When Shen Lang walks in the tower of the source of pain.

On the fifth floor of the pain tower, Alice pushed open the door.

"Under the virgin\'s crown, what can I do for you?"

The guard at the door said respectfully to Alice.

Alice glanced at the blood clan, raised her proud head and said, "Prince Kulo, please do something for me, will you?"

The guards at the door are all princes!

Prince Kulo smiled from a gentleman and said, "there\'s something under the virgin crown, but please tell him. Kulo will help you do it."

Although the smile on his face was very gentlemanly, Kuro\'s eyes kept sweeping around Alice Feng man\'s chest, very presumptuous.

The blood clan who came out of the dark door had little respect for Alice, the so-called saint.

They are different from the blood clan outside. All of them know that the so-called saint is just a victim.

When the blood ancestral mausoleum came back to the world, that is, when the so-called Saint disappeared.

Alice seemed to be used to the attitude of the strong blood clan towards her and smiled: "gather the foreigners who entered the source of pain tower within half an hour. I\'m going to see them."

Prince Kulo was stunned and said, "foreigners who entered the source of pain tower within half an hour? What do you do when you see these pig like goods under the saint\'s crown?"

Alice\'s face showed a holy light, raised her head, opened her hands and said, "the light of blood God shines on all races! Although I can\'t stop what you are doing now, at least I can let them reduce even a little pain."

"And I also believe that I have the ability to make them believe in the God of blood... I hope that all creatures in the whole world are bathed in the light of the God of blood."

"Prince Kulo, do you have a problem?"

Where can Prince Kulo have any opinion?

He looked down on the saint in front of him, and dared not say half a word "blood god".

Prince Kulo secretly scolded in his heart, but said respectfully on his face: "such kindness under the virgin crown is really the blessing of those pigs... Those aliens. Well, as you wish, I\'ll go and gather up the aliens who enter here in half an hour."

"Later, under the virgin\'s crown, you can go to prison No. 30 on the third floor. I will concentrate them there."

Alice nodded politely, "then please Prince Kulo."

"By the way, I\'m talking about all the \'people\' who came in within half an hour, including the dead."

As soon as Prince Kulo left, Alice immediately turned back to the house.

As soon as she got back to the house, Alice turned her eyes and her hands were still rubbing nervously!

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with my induction just now. The childe must have entered the source of pain Tower!"

"Although the blood jade just shook and immediately recovered as it was, I can\'t have this illusion!"

"Don\'t worry, young master. If you become a ghost, I won\'t live!"

Alice ran a few steps and stopped again. "No, he\'ll be fine!"

"Xueyu was shielded by something as soon as he trembled because of my existence... It shows that he is still alive now!"

"If he had died, it could not have been so!"

Alice gasped: "calm down! Alice, you must calm down! You can\'t reveal the childe\'s whereabouts!"

"Childe, I\'ll find you first... I knew you wouldn\'t give up on me. I\'ve been waiting for you to come to me..."

Alice took a little time and finally calmed herself down.

Innocent, after knowing that she was the "key" to the blood ancestral mausoleum, she could no longer be innocent.

Living in such a dirty race as blood clan, she has begun to learn to act and protect herself.

When the mood finally calmed down, Alice\'s face showed the appearance of "brilliance and holiness", pushed open the door and went out.


Prison No. 30 on the third floor holds aliens who entered the source of pain tower within half an hour.

There are more than 300 people.

There are big giants and stone people, as well as low and wretched cave people;

There are Shura men who are very ugly, and there are also Luocha people who have the same appearance as the human race.

All the people, their bodies and faces were covered with whip marks, and their flesh and blood turned outward.

With their hateful eyes, they looked extremely ferocious and terrible.

The blood clan dare not kill them directly, because the living undead transformed by the blood pool is the most powerful, loyal and useful.

Just because they can\'t be killed directly, the blood clan has no way to take these barbarian races.

If you try your best to abuse them, they just don\'t say a word. They look at you with this hatred, as if they want to eat your meat and drink your blood.

Ordinary blood clan really don\'t want to face this fierce beast like look all the time.

Even if these people\'s cultivation has been banned and locked up in shackles.

When Alice entered cell 30 under the leadership of Prince Kulo, the hatred eyes of more than 300 people gathered on Alice!

These congealed hatred, which was as real as time, pressed Alice out of breath!


Prince Kulo snorted coldly, swept out with a violent momentum, directly passed through the seal barrier, and swept a group of alien strongmen inside!

However, no matter how these people are treated, their hatred has not changed at all.

I\'m afraid they will still look like this even if they are put in the oil pan