Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1116

Milos said indifferently, "what do you think?"

Although the tone was indifferent, the irrecoverable anger was released, which made the storm in the boundless sea of blood.

Oakes said dismissively, "you belong to the camp of the Immortal Emperor and this one belongs to the camp of the insect mother emperor. Although there are constant open and secret battles between you and me, you and I are now a grasshopper tied together. I am not good for you."

"You know, if the things of the eternal tree are not handled well, neither you nor I will be able to bear it!"

"Now the power of the demon God Temple is getting stronger and stronger, and there are strong people coming from the ten thousand demon mansion. Now we are under great pressure. Our oaks has always put interests first. Even if we want to do it, we will benefit ourselves at the expense of others."

"We are not willing to do things that harm others and do not benefit ourselves."

Milos didn\'t say anything.

Seems to be thinking about something.

Oakes, who spoke less before, spoke more this time.

As if he wanted to dispel Milos\'s doubts and prove his innocence, he said: "the matter of the eternal tree is not trivial, which is related to the absorption of Yin Qi by the blood ancestral mausoleum."

"It is also the key for our blood clan to regain control of the world."

"Once this opportunity is lost, it will be even more difficult to deal with the eternal tree next time... Moreover, if we continue to procrastinate, the opportunity will not come to us."

"Maybe the emperor will do it himself!"

"You know, there are restrictions on the dark gate. In the short term, our power to come to this world is still too weak. If the four wasteland emperors in the southeast and northwest make a move, coupled with the interference from the demon temple, we will be weak in the short term!"

"If the weak situation is formed at that time, the two emperors will put the responsibility on both of us. It will be difficult for us to die!"

"Do you think this seat can really do such a stupid thing?"

"What do you think this seat explains to you for?"

When it came to the last sentence, ox\'s voice increased several degrees.

The storm in the sea of blood calmed down a lot, and it seemed that Milos\'s anger began to dissipate.

Ox continued: "in addition, you can see that the strong ones in the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon mansion are increasing, and our message has been sent for so long, and the shadow of reinforcements has not been seen. You should know what it is for?"

Milos sneered and said: "naturally, the reinforcements must have started, but they must have delayed on the road. They just want to delay the time. They will appear again when we are slaughtered by the people of the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion."

"There is nothing strange about the intrigue between the great emperors. These bastards are as insidious as us."

Oakes smiled and said, "that\'s it. We knew that. We were eager to capture these aliens and turn them into undead."

"Because the situation has changed, we have lost our previous rolling advantage."

"So, no matter what grievances between you and me in the past, we must cooperate sincerely this time... The demon temple is our enemy, and the ten thousand demon mansion is our enemy. The blood clan who procrastinates on the way is also our enemy!"

"Whether it\'s your people or mine, the loss of more than 500000 is very unfavorable to us as a whole."

"That\'s why this seat explained to you."

Seeing that he had said this for his own sake, Milos finally smiled and said, "well, the moonlight forest land has been occupied by us. Then send all the strong out to find the entrance of the amber dream!"

"Found the entrance to the amber dream,