Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1113

When the crowd left, Yue Qingqian closed her eyes.

But my heart is very restless

"Are all my previous guesses wrong? Did emperor Zhan really not come back?"

"Why... I look forward to his death, but I always look forward to his return?"

The month\'s light eyelashes trembled for a long time before they finally returned to normal.

"Yes, I\'m looking forward to his return. I want to kill him myself!"

"However, the emperor once told me that he had gone beyond the realm of the great emperor and touched the realm of the legendary \'demigod\'..."

"Even if he comes back, can I really kill him?"

"And if I kill him when he is not strong enough, will I really have the pleasure of revenge?"

"I can\'t forget. My mind is full of images of this man. Why! Why do I really want to die when he wants to kill me for the Eastern Emperor? Why do I feel so sad when I know he\'s dead?"

"He is my enemy!"

"He covered the light that should belong to me. He never looked at me. I was nothing in his eyes!"

"What is the Eastern Emperor better than me? Why did he fight against the whole world for the Eastern Emperor? Why didn\'t he hesitate to kill me for the Eastern Emperor?"

On Qingqian, a violent spirit suddenly gushed out, and the seats in the hall were shattered in an instant.

Dust all over the sky

"No, this bastard brought in the devil!"

"If you can\'t pass this level, don\'t say that you have achieved the great emperor\'s martial realm. If you are careless, you may become possessed!"

Moon Qingqian tilted back, closed her eyes and sank her heart.

"Qingqian, you are one of the three kings of the ten thousand demon mansion. You are the best hope to advance to the martial arts realm of the great emperor in a hundred years, but you are trapped by love. Your demons are much more terrible than the other two. The answers to some things are already in your heart, but the more you want to find them, the more confused you are..."

The voice of Wu XingKong rang in the moon\'s shallow mind: "calm down, let go of the ID and fly freely."

This is what Wu XingKong said when he separated from her outside Yumu cave.

"Trapped by love?" Yue Qingqian didn\'t understand.

What she cultivates is ruthless Dao. She has already cut off seven emotions and six desires. Where can there be any emotion?

If there is love, what kind of love is it?

However, Wu XingKong\'s voice had a strange magic. When his voice sounded in yueqingqian\'s mind, yueqingqian finally pressed down his heart and almost burst out.

Peace was restored.


The information of the dark gate not only caused a great sensation in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.

There was also a huge wave in the devil temple.

The great demons were equally in a hurry and began to send messages to the forces they belonged to.

When a great war is about to start here in the land of plague.

The whole world was stirred by the news.

When the four great emperors came forward, thousands of forces began to unite, aiming at the "dark gate" of the West barren ancient magic Jedi!

On the other side of the demon temple, there were also moves, and countless strong men began to approach the ancient demon Jedi in the West wasteland!

The blood clan thought it was very covert. Unexpectedly, the matter of the dark gate was known before it was fully prepared.

This tripartite posture in the plague land soon formed outside.


When the whole world is stirred and the war in the land of plague is imminent.

Shen Lang has been brought to the source of pain in the moonlight woodland.

A deformed spire, like a mountain, stands in the moonlight forest.

Towering into the clouds, you can\'t see the top.

The endless dead and bloody gas surged out of the tower and swept away in all directions, adding an evil and killing spirit to the moonlight forest land.

This is the tower used by blood clan to spread plague and control the pain of scourge Legion.

The source of pain spreads nightmares and fears to the world.

With it, there must be endless terror and panic

In the hazy, the Shen waves pulled by the chains can vaguely "see" collapsed palaces, full of rubble and broken walls, covered with layers of thick insects, desolate and terrible.

The mountain like pain source tower in front is shrouded in a huge border.

But even if there is such a powerful border shrouded, there is still a deep and terrible sound of rhythm.

It\'s like the source of pain. The tower is the body of an ancient wild beast. The heart of the ancient wild beast is beating very regularly

Every time it beats, it seems to hit people\'s hearts with a giant hammer!

It\'s also like a sledgehammer blows directly at people\'s soul!

The stronger the cultivation is, the clearer the feeling is!

Shen Lang didn\'t look up, but he could feel the power of heaven and earth. All the blood families around him didn\'t feel this terrible beating.

All the people of other races who were escorted along the way showed pain in the sound of vibration. Life is better than death!

From time to time, some blood clan swallowed some drugs for those people, and only after swallowing those drugs did the pain on their faces begin to dissipate.

It was those drugs that kept these people alive!

The light released by Feng Tianding enveloped Shen Lang\'s whole Danying and covered his soul.

If not, I\'m afraid Shen Lang can\'t bear it when he comes to the source of pain tower. He will explode and die!

The trend of heaven and Earth spread in all directions, reflecting everything around in Shen Lang\'s mind.

The pain source tower not far ahead is like an ancient evil god dormant, releasing a terrible evil smell. We should wait for the opportunity to move and eat people

But above this evil smell, there is a very strange smell.

People feel that it is like the beginning of chaos. There is a feeling that everything is about to be created!

This feeling, even beyond the gods, makes everyone here... Whether blood or other races, want to kneel down and worship!

Once you deliberately resist this feeling, even your soul will be suppressed and torn!

It\'s really terrible!

"The law of creation! What a strong meaning of the law!"

Shen Lang was surprised and delighted!

In the previous analysis of blood energy by breaking false silver eyes, Shen Lang has found that what the blood ancestor\'s "blood god atlas" has is the "law of creation".

What is in the pain source tower is the "pain source" made by the blood ancestor to transform and control the dead.

The source of this pain is the "law of creation" with extreme terror!

Shen Lang has absorbed a little of this blood energy and began to refine it with the Tai Chi diagram. At this moment, after walking outside the pain source tower, he feels much clearer than anyone!

"We must get this\' source of pain \'as soon as possible!"

"After getting this, not only will the blood clan be unable to transform the undead in a short time, but I will take a big step in the \'law of creation\'! The Taiji diagram is likely to change qualitatively!"

At this time, outside the pain resource tower, teams of powerful people of all ethnic groups are being driven into the tower by the blood clan with a whip.

Few people of these races spoke, even if they were beaten to death by a whip.

They are all biting their teeth and watching their blood family beat with hatred.

However, when they saw the emergence of "feather morning wind" in the fog of death, many people couldn\'t help crying

Shen Lang came all the way and caused riots all the way.

Countless people desperately call the words "feather morning wind".

Completely regardless of the pain of the blood clan beating them with a whip, and regardless of the fact that their bodies have been torn open.

They just want to wake up the "feather morning wind".

As long as there is no "purification" of the source of pain, even the dead will have previous memories and may wake up.

The blood clan escorting these people was furious. The whip went down with a sharp whistling sound, and the blood flew everywhere.

The hysterical cries of pain resounded through the world, but not because of their own pain.

But because of the morning wind

Shen Lang\'s heart was like a calm sea without waves.

Listening to these shrill cries, it began to set off huge waves and form a storm!

"To calm down, we must not lose this time, and we must not reveal a flaw!"

Shen Lang read the "ice heart formula" to calm his mind at the bottom of his heart: "if the heart is clear, the sky will not be surprised; everything is still calm, the spirit is happy and calm; selfless guard one or six great decisions; abstain from points to Nourish Qi, selfless inaction; look up and down and depend on each other."

The party escorting Shen Lang paused for a moment outside the boundary of the source of pain tower, as if they were displaying tokens like the strong blood clan guards here.

"Well, we\'ll take him to the top right away and give it to Lord Milos."

Prince Kuban, who escorted Shen Lang, said coldly, pulled the chain in his hand and pulled Shen Lang into the boundary of the source of pain tower.

At the moment of entering the boundary of the source of pain tower

A thing in Shen Lang\'s body trembled!

It made his heart jump!

That is a crystal clear blood jade.

Blood jade from the blood Saint Alice!

In the Phoenix Mountains, Shen Lang met Alice, who was chased and killed by the powerful emperor longzong. He covered her up with an array and saved her.

Later, after a series of things and finally stabilized, Shen langcai went back to find Alice.

Unfortunately, Alice had left at that time, leaving only this blood jade.

Shen Lang immediately thought of the silly, dull blood girl in his mind.

That\'s just