Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1112

In the minds of King Nara and dragon king Qi Tian, the vaguely shaped war emperor was telling the whole plan with an extremely fast speed.

"Whether you encounter the interception of a strong blood clan or the demon temple, don\'t love war and leave as soon as possible."

"Let the people in the demon Temple fight with the blood clan."

"Although this opportunity is rare, it is not the time to start a full-scale war."

"In addition, the other four of the eight heavenly kings were saved by the eternal tree. Don\'t worry."

"Don\'t conflict with the demon temple in the near future. It won\'t take too long. The left envoy of Zhuque mansion will be sent to discuss cooperation. You two must persuade Yue Qingqian to agree to cooperate with the demon Temple temporarily!"

"Pay attention to my information at any time. I will go deep into the moonlight woodland of the blood clan base camp. I may need your help at that time."

After explaining the plan, Shen Lang began to explain the other two points to King naluo.

The first point is about the "back door" of Luocha City array and the ingenious method of cracking it;

With these, the reincarnation Marquis and Qi Tian can easily break through the Luocha City array and attack it.

The second point is about the news of xuezuling;

Although the blood ancestral mausoleum has not yet been born, the dark gate connecting the blood ancestral mausoleum has appeared in the ancient magic Jedi, one of the three Jedi in the West!

Now, in the dark gate, the blood clan strong and Zerg are constantly transmitted

What Immortal Emperor, insect mother emperor, including Milos and ox, all came out of the blood ancestral mausoleum through the dark gate!

In addition to these, there are details about the Immortal Emperor, insect mother emperor, deep sea emperor and blood shadow emperor, the four emperors who command the blood family!

The more they listened, the more frightened they were!

This message about the "dark gate" shocked them much more than the previous plan!

When they opened their eyes, their faces were full of horror!

Yueqing could not help but ask, "you said this second message was about the details of the whole plan. Why is it like this? But is there any other information?"

King Nara took a deep breath and said, "among the ancient magic Jedi, one of the three Jedi in the West wasteland, the blood clan opened a dark door and connected the blood ancestral mausoleum."

"Although the blood ancestral mausoleum has not yet been born, countless Zerg and ancient blood clan strongmen began to walk out of the dark door!"

"What!" the whole audience was boiling!

Yue Qingqian, who had been silent for a long time, said, "send a letter immediately and spread the story of the dark gate of the ancient demon Jedi to the whole world, including the demon temple!"

"The king personally sent the message to the four emperors of the four wastelands in the southeast and northwest!"

"Good!" the crowd answered in unison.

For a moment, all the strong people present cast spells immediately.

Start using the secret method of your sect or faction to spread news!

For some time, the blood clan hid behind like a black hand, pushing the dark creatures to attack the cities of all races and taking the opportunity to destroy the seal of the cracks in the earth.

The major sects or forces have been oppressed to the extreme!

Tossing around, I don\'t know where the blood clan is!

Even if you catch several blood families, your cultivation is extremely poor. You can\'t find valuable information by soul searching.

And the major sects are still in a state of loose sand

Even if the blood clan came to the wilderness to deal with the eternal tree, it was spread by a mysterious figure.

Not to mention those legendary sects, even the supreme forces such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall are aware!

Unexpectedly, I got the information of "dark gate" from the plague place and knew the real base camp of blood clan!

It\'s just that I don\'t know about the dark gate. Now that I know it, I should form an alliance between the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall at the first time, and then destroy the dark gate at the first time!

Destroyed the dark gate, others not to mention, at least can disrupt the blood clan\'s plan and delay the birth of blood Zuling!

Once the blood clan is fully prepared and the blood ancestral mausoleum comes into the world at the time of nine stars and beads, it will be a nightmare all over the world!

Apart from the demon temple, no sect or force dares to say that they can deal with the blood ancestor!

Compared with the dark gate and the blood ancestral mausoleum, the plot against Luocha city seems insignificant.

After all, this plague land is only a small battlefield.

After the matter of the dark gate is spread, it will lead to the alliance of all races and a war with the blood clan!


After a rush, the strong finally transmitted the information.

"It seems that after solving the matter of the eternal tree, countless forces of all ethnic groups in the world will really unite to declare war on the blood clan." Yue Qingqian said, "reincarnation, tell us the plan of Luocha city in detail, and we will plan together."

"Naturally, there will be four great emperors and strong men from all sides to prepare for the matter of the dark gate. We still have to solve the matter here."

"The plan is like this..." the king of naluo reincarnated the Marquis and immediately revealed the plan.

When his eyes were shining and he said all about the plan.

The whole hall, dozens of top strongmen, were silent.

The plan is not only careful, but also vicious!

But it\'s so simple!

And the person who set up this plan predicted all the possible trends of the blood clan behind

"What a terrible person! We all have nothing to do with Luocha city. He even used this Luocha city to play with the blood clan! He also buried a silent God thunder king in Luocha city!" said a strong man in the ten thousand demon mansion.

"Just follow the plan! We can support it!" said a strong man of Jianzong.

"The most ruthless move is the thunder king. After tossing the blood clan to death twice before, the blood clan must be unable to restrain. They will send more and stronger strong people to Luocha city! At that time, the thunder king will easily kill a large group of strong people!"

"The destruction of the first two times is tantamount to paving the way for the third time!"

The youwuxie of qianhun hall also said: "in this way, millions of blood families in this plague land will be easily killed, more than half of them will be greatly weakened!"

"Luocha city has been destroyed three times, which can directly toss the blood clan to death!"

"Just do it, good guy... I really want to see the mysterious figure in the God of war hall! It\'s too fierce!"

The strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion smiled and said, "he not only calculated the blood clan, but also the demon God hall! At that time, the people in the demon God hall ran to deal with the anger of the blood clan. Such a fight between the two sides is the time for us to fight!"

"OK! We\'ve been discussing the breakthrough before. There\'s still time! Isn\'t this the best breakthrough and the best time?"

"This time, as long as it is handled properly, it is not just a matter of Luocha city. Maybe it can eradicate all the blood families in the plague place in one fell swoop!"

"As long as all these blood families are eradicated and the eternal tree is protected, it will not be so easy for them to come to deal with the eternal tree next time!"

You Wuxie in qianhun hall couldn\'t help asking again: "Lord Luo is really not righteous enough. Everyone is his own people. Why don\'t you report the name of the strong man in your God of war hall?"

"I really don\'t know many of the strong men in the war temple, except some old friends who don\'t appear in the world."

"It\'s hard for you to cover up like this?"

The people of the ten thousand demon mansion also shouted: "I have strong cultivation, have such attainments in the way of array, and arrange the plan so carefully without flaws... I really can\'t imagine anyone except senior Wu XingKong."

"Or, some of you in the temple of God of war have come out of the crack of time and space, but you haven\'t announced it to the public yet?"

The reincarnation of King Nara and the dragon king Qi Tian looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They had to keep laughing.

This kind of thing, say more wrong, don\'t say, there is still a bit of mystery, and these people can\'t guess that the war emperor came back.

At this time, Yue Qingqian also said, "well, they are willing to play mystery. Let them play. It\'s important for us to do business."

"Just follow this plan, innocent. I\'ll trouble you, the strong people in the thousand souls hall to cast spells. It\'s not so easy for Milos and ox to see their whereabouts."

You Wuxie\'s body shape flashed, revealing a fuzzy human shape, laughing and saying, "it\'s good to say! It\'s good to say! It\'s finally useful to get the place of our thousand soul hall, ha ha!"

At that moment, several strong men in qianhun hall surrounded reincarnation Marquis and Qi Tian.

Immediately began to cast the ghost secret method of the thousand souls hall and began to cover up the breath of King Nara.

The secret method of ghost road in qianhun hall is profound and powerful in concealment.

In this plague land filled with the gas of death, the ghost secret method of qianhun hall has been greatly increased.

As soon as this secret method was used, the figures of King Nara and King Nara immediately blurred. Even the strong people and gods present could not feel their existence!

When the strong ones in the thousand souls hall finished casting spells, Yue Qingqian sat back in his chair and said, "reincarnation, you two should be more careful. Milos and oux will be dealt with by me."

"This time, it\'s up to you two."

The two heavenly kings, Nara king and Dragon King, arched their hands, completely disappeared in front of the people and sneaked away towards Luocha city.

Month Qingqian looked around and said solemnly, "after this time, the demon temple has also been calculated. It is likely to start a war. Let\'s make preparations early."

"Keep yourself at your best and be ready to do it!"

The crowd responded in unison, "OK!"

A strong breath, straight into the sky!

When the strong left one by one, yueqingqian\'s eyes showed a ray of disappointment for some reason.

"That bastard thinks he\'s decent and powerful. He\'s never disdained to use this kind of conspiracy. It seems that it\'s not him."