Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1108


Kuruno and "feather morning wind" stumbled and fell out of the portal.

The five blood family princes who had been waiting here early in the morning had a flash of blood in their eyes, and the strong breath shrouded kuruno in a circle!

The first of them was a female blood prince. With his hands outstretched, the violent force swept out and caught kuruno and Shen Lang in the air!

One by one, the necks of kuruno and Shen Lang were pinched by her in an instant!

"Say! What happened in Luocha city?"

"Why were all nine portals destroyed and this portal was closed at the other end?"

As soon as the blood prince\'s words fell, the portal suddenly vibrated violently!


The prohibition set by Shen Lang finally started and destroyed the last portal in an instant!

Without the portal, it takes a lot of time for the blood clan to rush from the pale Valley to Luocha city.

With this time difference, Shen Lang\'s plan can continue better.

"That\'s unreasonable!" the female prince was furious when he saw the portal destroyed.

"Oh, oh, oh..."

Kuruno\'s face was red and speechless. He just desperately pointed to his neck and signaled the prince to loosen his hand.

The powerful thoughts of the blood prince swept one by one from kuruno and Shen Lang.

Kuruno is a pure blood race, which has no problem.

The unique mark of blood clan can never be disguised.

As for Shen Lang, his soul was sealed and hidden, his body was transformed into a dead soul, and his energy was only dead.

And the whole body is controlled by the blood in the source of pain. Now it is completely a dead soul.

The blood prince snorted coldly, threw kuruno and Shen Lang to the ground and said, "kuruno, you know our means very well. Tell all the things that happened in Luocha city in detail. If there is a false edition gathering, we will make you regret coming to this world!"

The spirits of a group of powerful blood clan around locked kuruno and his two people. The terrible breath made kuruno unable to stand up.

Kuruno coughed fiercely twice, and his face showed an indescribable color of fear and said, "Prince Dina, a mysterious strong man suddenly appeared in the city of Luocha. He disguised himself as Prince Dima, killed Prince Dick and slaughtered the whole city of Luocha!"

"Ah... It\'s terrible, it\'s terrible!"

"I escaped fast enough, so I escaped this disaster with the dead feather CHENFENG!"

"Almost, almost killed!"

Dina sneered: "even Dick was killed and the whole city of Luocha was slaughtered, but you kuruno could escape? It seems that we really underestimated you before?"

"In addition, in the face of such a crisis, you are still carrying such a dead..."

"Do you really think you are a fool!"

As soon as the voice fell, the endless murderous spirit was released from Prince Dina and turned into a chain like a blade to entangle kuruno!

The essence of the murderous spirit was immediately separated from kuruno by shocking holes, which made kuruno\'s whole body bleed and scream!

Both kuruno and the surrounding blood families know... As long as kuruno\'s answer is wrong, he will be cut into countless pieces in the next moment!

There is no fluke!

Kuruno began to howl with a crying voice: "Lord prince, spare your life. Everything is seen by your subordinates with your own eyes. It\'s true! Every sentence is true, every sentence is true!"

"This undead is called Yu CHENFENG. He is the first genius of the Yumu family. He was appointed by the Immortal Emperor..."

"Because the Immortal Emperor mentioned the name of Yu CHENFENG, and it is possible to ask the entrance of the amber dream from his mouth, my subordinates worked hard to bring him out. Please give me a lesson!"

"Subordinates can swear poison in the name of the blood god. There is nothing false or false!"

"If you don\'t believe me, you can read my memory. Please don\'t kill me!"

This guy\'s memory was modified by Shen lang. he doesn\'t remember everything about Shen Lang at all.

When I said these words, there was no element of acting.

It\'s telling the truth about what you "see".

Otherwise, how dare you swear in the name of blood god?

Swear in the name of blood god, which is equivalent to other strong people in the world making a heart demon blood oath.

Even more serious and frightening than the blood oath of the devil!

If kuruno knew he was seriously "talking nonsense" and gave him a thousand courage, he would not dare to say "swear poison in the name of the God of blood".

As for reading memory, this kind of thing is very harmful to the soul of the person who is "read".

In a sense, this kind of soul trauma is still difficult to repair!

And if you are not careful, you may confuse the divine consciousness of the person who has been read the memory and go completely crazy!

In order to survive and prove his innocence, kuruno had to do so.

As soon as he spoke, Prince Dina\'s face immediately improved a lot.

"The first genius of the Yumu family, yuchenfeng?"

Prince Dina was obviously very interested in the name. He even stood up and turned around Shen Lang with his hands on his back.

She didn\'t care that hundreds of thousands of blood families were slaughtered in Luocha city.

But the name of Yu CHENFENG brightened her eyes and showed her joy.

Prince Dina glanced at kuruno and saw that kuruno really began to swear poison there. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

"Since you are so loyal, it\'s good." Prince Dina stretched out his palm and directly grabbed kuruno.

A hand instantly pressed on kuruno\'s head and really wanted to read kuruno\'s memory!

Kuruno trembled and tried hard to keep himself relaxed.

In this situation, if you resist or are too nervous, your soul may be seriously damaged.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Bursts of light, accompanied by strange blood light, came out of kuruno\'s head.

Kuruno\'s eyes sometimes show fear, sometimes panic, sometimes ruthless, sometimes confused

His memory is being read paragraph by paragraph by Prince Dina.

Prince Dina is enchanting and charming, but his means are extremely cruel. He is a first-class devil.

She doesn\'t care whether kuruno will become a madman or a fool. The method of soul pulling is simple and rough. In just a few minutes, she has read all kuruno\'s memories in this month.

"It\'s strange that the man who destroyed Luocha city can disguise as Dima boy, and his blood is so similar to Dima! How can this be possible?"

Prince Dina frowned slightly and threw kuruno in a cold sweat on the ground like a dead dog.

It\'s easy for the same race to change or disguise as others. Even some secrets can be confused with the real, which can\'t even be found by close people.

But if a cross race wants to disguise, it must look like God.

In particular, the energy "blood energy" possessed by the blood clan is the extreme of evil and hegemony.

Once blood energy invades the body, it can not be absorbed by people of other races, but also affect each other like highly toxic. Finally, it will occupy each other\'s body and completely transform it into a lower blood clan that obeys the orders of the blood clan!

In the memory of kuruno seen by Prince Dina, the prince Dima disguised by Shen Lang is not only similar in shape but also similar in spirit!

If it weren\'t for some small moves and the inherent momentum of the strong without the imperial martial mirror, even if she was in Luocha City, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Is it someone inside the blood clan?"

Prince Dina held his chin and paced slowly. The inside of his head was running rapidly, wondering about all the possibilities.

There are definitely many open and secret struggles within the blood clan, even to an appalling extent.

For example, the Immortal Emperor, the deep sea emperor and the insect mother emperor despise the blood shadow emperor.

The three undead great emperors are really stronger than the four great emperors in the world. They have accompanied Lord Xuezu for hundreds of thousands of years in Xuezu mausoleum, and their cultivation is extremely high!

The blood shadow emperor, that is, the blood emperor ladaos, is just a little younger generation.

At that time, Xuezu was besieged by all families, but he escaped into Xuezu mausoleum.

Only a small number of blood races remain in this world, suppressed and weakened by all races, half dead.

When the Immortal Emperor and others took the blood clan to the bloody ancestral mausoleum, ladaos was shrinking in the blood clan territory with some low-level blood clan, bullied and oppressed by other races.

Ladaos\'s cultivation is extremely poor. He not only has the cultivation at the end of the emperor\'s martial mirror, but also has been disabled and sealed by someone!

One or two of these goods are not as good as him!

But Lord Xuezu made him one of the four great emperors!

Although the three great emperors did not dare to disobey the orders of the blood ancestor, they looked down on the blood shadow emperor in their hearts.

Especially not long ago, the fool went to yumudong blessed land and was seriously injured again!

And the person who does it is still a boy who can\'t cultivate the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

This is the greatest nonsense in the world!

The blood clan\'s face was lost by him

The three great emperors were so angry that they almost killed him.

This is just an example of what Prince Dina knows.

In fact, Prince Dina knew that there was not much harmony between the three great emperors, such as the Immortal Emperor.

They look down on each other. What the other party wants to do, others will make it a stumbling block.

And this birth, has not yet laid the world, has begun to scramble for territory.

Anyway, Lord Xuezu is still sleeping and doesn\'t care about their little hands and feet.

Prince Dina is under the Immortal Emperor.

Luocha city is also one of the two main cities controlled by Lord Milos under the Immortal Emperor.

Now it\'s so simple to kill, and the person who took the shot is still suspected of blood clan!

This could not help but make Prince Dina cautious.

Lord Milos, now the two giants in the plague land, is under the Immortal Emperor;

Lord ox is under the worm mother emperor.

Lord Milos\'s territory was destroyed, and the other three emperors were suspected!

The most suspected are the blood shadow emperor run by the other three emperors and the insect mother emperor who competes with the Immortal Emperor here

Prince Dina determined that the person who took the shot was a blood clan. Naturally, the more he thought, the more partial he was.

When Shen Lang pretended to be prince Dima, he just wanted to be convenient.

I really didn\'t think that the blood clan was so complicated. If we did so casually, it would make the blood clan chaotic!

Although she thought it was an internal problem of the blood clan, Dina was obviously worried about the "feather morning wind" in front of her.

When yuchenfeng didn\'t reach Luocha City, Luocha city was very stable for such a long time.

Why did such a big thing happen as soon as this guy was caught in Luocha city?

What a coincidence!

Prince Dina sneered: "how dare you play this game in front of me and die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Prince Dina turned his right hand into a knife and cut it into Shen Lang\'s chest!

The violent blood energy burst into Shen Lang\'s body and destroyed many meridians in Shen Lang\'s body!


Shen Lang sprayed a lot of disgusting juice out of his mouth. Without any resistance, he flew upside down and smashed a huge bluestone

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