Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1109

This prince Dina is really a cruel character.

Even if the person that the Immortal Emperor wants now falls into her hands, she will show no mercy.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that "feather CHENFENG" has become a dead soul.

The dead are already dead. There is no soul in the body, just a walking corpse.

Although Prince Dina suspected that it was the internal contradiction of the blood clan that led to the destruction of Luocha City, there was still the suspicion of "feather CHENFENG".

Prince Dina\'s mind scanned Shen Lang many times and found no abnormality, but she was still worried.

This palm almost destroyed most of Shen Lang\'s meridians.

If the person in front is not the dead, but the living disguise, then his vitality has been completely crushed by this palm!

Moreover, the blood energy blasted into Shen Lang\'s body is unmatched. Even if the blood prince is blasted by such a powerful blood energy, he will die!

Shen Lang, who was blasted out, lay motionless on the ground, his mouth kept popping out juice of strange color, but his eyes were still open, as empty as before.

The Tai Chi diagram in his body was spinning wildly, swallowing the blood energy that Prince Dina blasted into his body!

Pretending to be a dead soul, Shen Lang went deep into the hinterland of the blood clan. Shen Lang had long expected to encounter such a thing.

Under the light of fengtianding, taijitu is in full readiness and is opening its "big mouth" waiting for all attacks!

At least two-thirds of the blood energy that Prince Dina bombarded him just now was absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram in an instant!

Otherwise, it is not that most of the meridians have been destroyed, but all!

If all meridians are destroyed, it may reveal the truth!

Any creature with a physical body, even the fire creatures like Yanmo, will be completely paralyzed if the internal meridians are broken.

The undead is an exception. Although it is said that the undead is a living creature, the undead is no longer a "living" thing.

Most of the actions of the dead depend on the residual Qi of death in their bodies.

Even if all the flesh and blood of the dead are cut off and all their meridians are crushed, the dead can still rely on the Qi of death to walk.

At this time, Prince Dina\'s mind was swimming on Shen Lang.

But no matter how strong her mind is, she will never find Feng Tianding and Tai Chi map.

"I haven\'t heard that the body of the Yumu clan is so strong? It can hold me!"

Prince Dina was very surprised at the strength of Shen Lang\'s body.

However, with this palm, she no longer doubted that "feather CHENFENG" could have any problems.

Even if there is a real problem, the other party\'s body is lifeless now, and most of his meridians have been destroyed. He is definitely a "dead soul" out and out.

Prince Dina turned his head and kicked kuruno with his toes: "are you dead? Get up if you\'re not dead."

Although she didn\'t exert much force, she kicked kuruno bared her teeth.

At this time, kuruno was still paralyzed on the ground, shaking constantly.

Hearing Prince Dina\'s words, kuruno squeezed out a little smile, struggled to stand up and said, "if you return to your adult, you\'re not dead, but you\'re a little empty... Your head is still rumbling."

Prince Dina glanced coldly at kuruno and said, "well, take yuchenfeng to the source of pain with Kuban and Kumo, and give him to Lord Milos."

"Tell Lord Milos what happened in Luocha city."

"If anything goes wrong, the three of you will raise your head to see me."

"Yes!" Prince Kuban and Prince Kumo, who were trained by Emperor Wu Jing, immediately came out.

The two men pulled the chain on Shen Lang\'s body and went directly to a portal without looking at kuruno.

Behind them, they were followed by several strong Pro guards.

Yu CHENFENG is the only one who can be escorted by two emperor Wujing princes among the strong people of all races who originally lived here.

Kuruno bared his teeth, quickened his pace and followed.

The faltering Shen wave bowed his head and flashed a ray of essence in his eyes.

"It\'s Dina, isn\'t it? Good. I\'ll write it down first. I hope you live a long life and don\'t be destroyed by reincarnation and Qi Tian. I\'ll give you back this palm sooner or later!"

If there is no heavenly tripod, no Tai Chi diagram, no chaotic divine body against the sky, and Shen Lang is not prepared

Shen Lang was really patted to death by this woman.

Although he is not dead now, he is also seriously injured.

But in the hinterland of the blood clan, I dare not urge the life spirit to heal!

It can only be repaired by the self-healing ability of chaotic gods.


Prince Dina watched them leave. After a little hesitation, he shook his sleeve robe and drank coldly and said, "send orders. All levels will strictly investigate a suspicious blood clan. This person\'s cultivation is at the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and he practices the Dao. The Dao intention is at least more than the middle term!"

"Once you find it, don\'t scare the snake. Send a letter to us at the first time!"

"If you don\'t kill this man, it\'s hard to dispel your hatred!"

A large black blood clan strongman drank respectfully: "yes!"

The cloak behind Prince Dina spread out with the wind and gave a cold drink: "Dega, Kujiang, you two go with me to Luocha city."

"The rest of you must guard this place and make no mistake!"

"Hum hum, if you dare to kill my men, you\'d better not be met by me, otherwise it\'s hard for you to die!"

Blood fog filled the air, Prince Dina\'s vicious voice was still echoing in the air, but she had disappeared in the distance.

Degas and Kujiang in the crowd immediately jumped up.

Prince Dina could not have imagined that the initiator of all this was just standing in front of her!

Now, the two sides are moving in the opposite direction, farther and farther away.


At the same time, in the main hall of Wanyao mansion, which is more than 100000 - Li away from Luocha City, King Nara of the eight heavenly kings in the God of war hall is reincarnated as a marquis and the dragon king Qi Tian. He is discussing the matters of Yumu family with other strong ones.

On the high throne, the golden winged ROC Wang Yueqing was shallow and silent, but the sharp and unparalleled knife light was flashing in his eyes.

Every strong man here is as deep as the sea!

Everyone here, even with a glance, can completely suppress the role of Prince dick in Rochester!

Such a terrible strong man is hard to see outside, but now there are more than 50 people gathered in the hall!

If you don\'t have the cultivation of Emperor Wu Jing above the middle stage, you will suffocate if you are in this hall!


The reincarnation of King naluo and Qi Tian, the Dragon King, were stunned. It seemed that they felt something.

After they looked at each other, they stood up at the same time.

When they saw the two men get up, they were stunned.

They saw that both of them were facing the western direction. They quickly read the formula in their mouth. Their hands and fingers were constantly changing. In an instant, they had pinched dozens of formula!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Just a few breaths, a golden word "war" appeared on their foreheads!

The golden word "war" seemed to be a beating heart, and it trembled very regularly.

Immediately, the golden word "war" shone a dazzling golden light directly ahead!

At the moment of the golden light intersection released by the word "war" on their foreheads, a circular light curtain with a diameter of less than one meter was immediately formed.

Right in the middle of the curtain of light, there was a crack.

As if the space had been torn apart, a huge word "war" came out of that hole!

In the hall, no one spoke.

We all know that this is the secret method of transmitting information in the temple of the God of war.


Nara King reincarnated to seal the Marquis and the dragon king Qi Tian, and stretched out his hand towards the word "war" at the same time!

The word "war" in the ripple shook and divided into two, turned into two words "war", and was caught in the hands of Nara king and Dragon King!

Without hesitation, the two heavenly kings grabbed the word "war" and pasted it directly on their forehead.

The captured word "war" immediately merged with the word "war" on their foreheads, and then disappeared.

The two heavenly kings closed their eyes at the same time and began to absorb the information contained in the word "war".

At this time, the body shape of the war emperor appeared in the minds of the two heavenly kings

The war emperor stood with his hands down and said in a loud voice, "when you receive my message, if nothing unexpected happens, Luoxian city has been razed to the ground, its blood families have been slaughtered, and people of all major races have been rescued."

"I have destroyed ten transmission arrays. In this case, the blood families from the pale land will arrive in Luocha city on the third day after you receive my information."

"The blood families around Luocha city will also return in these days."

"Samsara, after you and Qi Tian receive this information, they immediately set out for Luocha city... Remember, don\'t be too confident in your ability. Before going to Luocha City, say a few good words to the people of qianhun hall and let them shield all your breath!"

"There is still a big gap between you and the strong ones in the thousand soul hall in terms of hiding body shape, especially in terms of soul."

"There are strong people in the thousand souls hall. With your own hiding skills, as long as you are careful, even Milos and ox can\'t easily find you at such a distance."

"Hearing this, you should also understand that what I want is that you carry out it quietly and can\'t disturb any strong blood clan!"

"So you have to slow down and nothing can go wrong!"

"When they get near Luocha City, they hide and wait for the opportunity. After they have rebuilt Luocha City, they break the array, destroy Luocha city and kill all blood families in it!"

"Not only destroy Luocha City, but also completely destroy the array of Luocha city!"

"Don\'t be surprised, I don\'t have much time to explain to you now. Soon after you receive this information, my second message will come soon. It will be about the \'back door\' and flaws of the Luocha City array and the method to destroy the array."

"There are also detailed steps about the plan. Well, that\'s all."

The virtual shadow of the war emperor spoke these words at an extremely fast speed. After finishing the last sentence, it immediately disappeared in the mind of King naluo\'s reincarnation and the dragon king Qi Tian.

Nara king and the Dragon King opened their eyes at the same time. The expression on their faces was surprised, happy and strange!

"The emperor rushed to the plague, and quietly touched into Luocha city?"

"Luocha city has been destroyed? Is it the hand of the emperor or who? There is an emperor in charge of the overall situation. These blood families will hop around in the plague place in a few days!"

The king and the Dragon King looked at each other and couldn\'t help laughing togethe