Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1107

Shen Lang predicted that the blood clan would come back and rebuild Luocha city.

So when I wanted to save people, I was already planning a serial plan!

The reason why he expected that the blood clan would rebuild Luocha city is also very simple

First of all, the large array of Luocha city is connected with the other four main cities. It is the top ancient large array. If the blood clan abandons this Luocha City, the other main cities will be greatly affected. The large array arranged by the blood clan will be completely paralyzed and busy in vain;

These ancient formations can not be established casually.

Now there are powerful people such as Wanyao mansion and demon God hall eyeing. If the blood clan loses the Luocha city and arranges the array again at this time, it\'s just looking for death.

So Shen Lang can be sure that the blood clan can\'t put this array. Don\'t go to other places to get one.

Secondly, even if you want to get one elsewhere, there must be a place!

Luocha city is located on the edge of Luocha abyss. On one side, there is an abyss, birds do not cross, and on the other side, there is a drowning river. No one dares to swim;

There is no more suitable place to open up the city!

In an area beyond ten thousand miles, the ancient array of five cities will lose its effectiveness... The distance between Luocha city and moonlight city is already the limit distance that blood families can arrange this ancient array!

Other strong ones can\'t see it. Shen Lang and other array masters with broken false silver eyes can\'t see it?

To sum up, even if Luocha city has been razed to the ground, the blood clan will rebuild Luocha city here obediently!

So Shen Lang sent a message to the strong in the God of war hall, and then hid a silent God thunder king under the ground of Luocha city.

Later, after destroying Luocha City, he made hands and feet on the big array, leaving a "back door" for the strong in the God of war hall.

Finally, send a message to the strong in the God of war hall again, tell the plan completely, and clearly inform the "back door" of the big array

All this, one by one, is in the shenlang plan!

Shen Lang killed hundreds of thousands of blood families.

But that\'s not enough!

According to his plan, there are two more!

Luocha city will be destroyed at least twice!

Blood clan will be destroyed in a short time!

And the last batch destroyed is definitely the most valuable and powerful batch!

Everything is under Shen Lang\'s control!

Next, two good plays will be staged.

And Shen Lang, after explaining all this to the people in the God of war hall, he has to go to the moonlight forest land to start his own big play

After all this, Shen Lang took a step in the air and came to the portal.

On the edge of the transmission door, kuruno raised his head and looked at the Shen wave blankly. He didn\'t seem to have recovered his mind.

"Have you seen enough?" Shen Lang glanced coldly at kuruno.

Kuruno was swept away by this look and immediately hit a cold war: "sir... Sir, we, do we really want to go to the pale Valley?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, "not to the pale Valley, but to the moonlight woodland through the pale valley."

"Isn\'t that what you tossed about? Only the four main cities in the periphery have a portal to the pale Valley and other places, and only through the four springboards of the pale Valley can you go to the moonlight forest land."

Kuruno was so frightened that his legs fell to the ground.

The whole Luocha city was killed, leaving him alone with yuchenfeng. It\'s strange not to check him!

If a strong man above the prince searches his memory, he will immediately know what happened here.

At that time, it will be hard for him to die!

Isn\'t this going to moonlight woodland to die?

It\'s not such a way to seek death. The punishment of blood clan to traitors is not as simple as soul pulling and soul refining for a hundred years!

It has been a million years since the appearance of xuezuling

Until now, there are still some souls of strong people in the world in the blood ancestral mausoleum. They are suffering and can\'t be reborn forever!

Kuruno couldn\'t get up at all.

As he has stayed in the blood ancestral mausoleum for many years, how can he not know the horror of the blood clan?

If you go there to die, you might as well be killed by Shen Lang here.

"My Lord, I don\'t agree. I won\'t go to the moonlight forest... Anyway, you\'d better kill me!" kuruno shouted with a stiff neck.

"If you want to kill the blood clan, I\'ll take you to other places and kill as many as you want." kuruno said with a cry: "we will definitely be suspected in the past."

"As long as the strong ones above the prince take me back, everything will be exposed... Even if I want to explode at that time!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "soul searching? Exposure? How can it be so easy?"

Then Shen Lang grabbed with five fingers and gently grabbed kuruno\'s head.

"Relax, I\'m going to knock you out now and change your memory. It won\'t hurt you at all."

There was a flash of light, and Shen Lang was about to take action.

"Change... Change memory..." kuruno was stunned.

It\'s not impossible to modify memory, but at least the peerless strong man in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu Jing can do it?

And the risk is great, okay!

A little wrong, you will become crazy!


The power on Shen Lang\'s palm immediately stunned kuruno.

Both of them are quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, but they are not on the same level at all.

As soon as kuruno fainted, Shen Lang immediately began to do it.

Modify kuruno\'s memory!

Joking, the war emperor who surpassed the great emperor, if he didn\'t even have such a means, would he dare to call himself the Lord of the God of war hall?

How dare you be called the head of the five great emperors?

The five great emperors at the peak of that year, that is, the middle and late stage of the great emperor\'s martial realm.

But the war emperor has already surpassed the great emperor and reached the level that even the great emperor is difficult to touch.

Moreover, the war emperor searched all kinds of skills in the world, and even all kinds of talents and abilities of the demon family.

Who in the world can match the strength of means?

How many methods in the world can defeat him?

If Shen Lang\'s cultivation has not reached the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, he really doesn\'t dare to do such a thing casually.

But now half a foot has stepped into the imperial martial mirror. It\'s not difficult to change kuruno\'s memory and hide from the two giants of the blood clan, Milos and ox!

As for the so-called princes, let alone.


After a while, kuruno woke up.

"My head hurts. What happened?"

Kuruno struggled to his feet and rubbed his head hard.

He is like being hit by a heavy hammer. His head is still rumbling and uncomfortable.

As soon as kuruno turned around, he saw the dead "feather morning wind" with drooping hands and empty eyes looking at the front.

Turning around again, I saw the ruined Luocha city outside the array


Kuruno jumped three feet!

"Someone sneaked into Luocha city and killed! I fled here with Yu CHENFENG. I just wanted to enter the portal, but I was stunned by the great power of fighting outside!"


Recalling what had happened, kuruno pulled the chain on Yu CHENFENG, opened the portal with one palm and rushed in quickly.

When the light flickered, they disappeared into the portal.

Kuruno, whose memory has been modified, has lost all his memories of being subdued by Shen Lang.

In his memory

Baturu brings the dead feather CHENFENG back to Luocha city;

Then Prince Dick asked him to guard yuchenfeng. As a result, the strong man of the family fought with Prince Dick;

When Prince Dick returned to Luocha City, he found someone sneaking into Luocha city;

His accomplishments were far better than that of Prince Dick. He not only broke the formation of Luocha City, but also killed Prince dick with a knife;

Kuruno trembled,