Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1106

When the people of Yumu family ask about yuchenfeng and yulingfeng.

Everyone was silent.

This kind of question is really not suitable to be asked at this time.

But the little girl of Yumu family, who was pure in her heart, didn\'t think too much. She thought so, so she asked.

The figures of the older generation of all nationalities present were all smiling bitterly.

We don\'t know about Yu CHENFENG, but since Shen Lang appears here in his face, I\'m afraid it\'s more or less bad;

And now in the cage, the bodies of Yu Lingfeng are there. It is Shen Lang who killed them

The people of the plume family asked at this time. Although their tone was not like questioning Shen Lang, it was a very embarrassing thing after all.

Because everyone knows that Shen Lang didn\'t want to expose his identity in order to save everyone.


You can only blame the abnormal race of blood clan!

People\'s grief and anger surged up again.

One by one, they felt very uncomfortable.

The feeling of revenge bred again.

"Morning wind..."

Looking at these Yumu people in ragged clothes with whip marks on their bodies, Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

The sadness from Yu CHENFENG\'s soul almost made him cry.

After all, the fusion of soul is not just to absorb memory.

Although Shen Lang integrates the soul of Yu CHENFENG, Shen Lang is still Shen Lang, but it will be affected by the soul of Yu CHENFENG after all.

Especially just after the integration.

After fusing the soul of yuchenfeng, Shen Lang, intentionally or unintentionally, has regarded the Yumu people who are already well liked as his brothers and sisters.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "I\'m sorry to let you worry about me..."

"CHENFENG... Has left this world to save people. But I will live for him and I will fulfill his wishes and dreams."

"Woo woo!" hearing this, most of the Yumu people began to cry.

People of all races are also clenching their teeth and their eyes are red.

After all, the previous guess is just a guess. Everyone still hopes that the guess is wrong.

However, the facts are always so cruel.

Yuchenfeng, such an amazing generation of Tianjiao, went so far

If the major races had listened to him and united;

If feather CHENFENG is not desperate for other races;

With his ability, even if he meets the strong emperor\'s martial mirror, he won\'t lose, let alone die?

At this time, Shen Lang said again, "Lingfeng three... Sorry, I killed them three, but I saved their souls. Please give me some time, and I will help them rebuild their flesh."

A group of Yumu people were stunned, crying and laughing!

People of all races also breathed a sigh of relief.

If it\'s just a physical body, it\'s not called death.

In fact, the people of the plume family have no intention of blaming Shen Lang.

Feather Lingfeng loudly asks "feather CHENFENG" to kill her, and the people in the surrounding cage can hear it clearly.

But unexpectedly, Shen Lang\'s means were strange and unpredictable. He not only disguised himself as a ghost and deceived Prince Dick.

Even under Prince Dick\'s eyelids, he saved Lingfeng three people!

Just as everyone was crying and laughing, Shen Lang turned his wrist and took out several red chains that had previously locked Yu CHENFENG.


The chain waved in Shen Lang\'s hand and made a clatter.


Each chain was stretched straight, with a powerful chaotic power, banging and banging, directly penetrating Shen Lang\'s body!

Blood splashes!


Many women screamed in the field.

Everyone didn\'t react and didn\'t understand why Shen Lang hurt himself so much at this time!

He saw those blood flowers whirling around Shen Lang\'s body strangely, and then integrated into Shen Lang\'s body again.

Shen Lang\'s body suddenly became dry and began to recover to the appearance of the dead.

"Everyone, I don\'t have much time to explain... I disguised as the dead feather CHENFENG, just to go to the moonlight forest land to save people of all ethnic groups and destroy the source of pain. I can\'t delay any longer."

"Please don\'t resist. I\'ll take you into my magic weapon."

"Then you will accompany me through this road."

"Even if this is a road of no return, I will go on... But please give me a trust! I will not die so easily. I will try my best to save the people of all ethnic groups imprisoned by the blood clan!"

Take everyone away. This is Shen Lang\'s only choice.

All the people here have been banned and sealed for cultivation.

Shen Lang doesn\'t have time to help them untie the ban now.

Outside Luocha City, thousands of miles are the territory of blood clan, and there are blood clan everywhere!

If you let them leave Luocha City, it\'s no different from sheep into tiger\'s mouth.

It is impossible for them to break through all the obstacles and go to the demon temple.

Shen Lang\'s plan to disguise himself as the dead feather CHENFENG and go deep into the moonlight forest land is also careless and must not be leaked!

Therefore, Shen Lang must take all the people away!

They were silent for a while, and seemed to be frightened by Shen Lang\'s bold plan.

Coming to Luocha city to save them is the extreme of boldness.

Then go to the moonlight woodland

Where is moonlight woodland?

It used to be the place where the Yumu family lived and where the eternal tree grew.

But now it has become the blood clan base camp!

There are many blood clan strong people there!

Including Milos and ox!

Even if the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, it will be a dead end


A woman of the feather wood clan took the lead in coming out and shouted: "childe, we believe you, we\'ll go with you!"

"If you really die, we\'ll die with you!"

The rest of the major races were stunned, and then everyone broke out!

"Go together! Die together! We\'re not cowards!"

"If Lord Shen Lang dares to break into the tiger\'s den alone, will we be afraid? Let\'s go together!"

"As long as we can kill more blood families, what\'s the fear of death? We\'ll go wherever Lord Shen Lang goes!"

Everyone put on a look of death.

Without much explanation, Shen Lang immediately began to urge Feng Tianding to take in the people of all nationalities.

Of course, Shen Lang knows that he is in a lot of crisis. If he is careless, he may die on the spot.

But these people are not at much risk.

It\'s weird and unpredictable to seal Tianding. Even heaven can seal it!

Even the strong at the level of emperor Zhan can\'t figure it out.

Is it something like Milos and ox that can detect?

Shen Lang has always wanted to study this powerful and abnormal Feng Tianding, but he has no way to start.

But just now this little function has shocked the world.


After collecting everyone into the fengtianding, Shen Lang\'s body flashed and swam away in the ruins of Luocha city.

It took him a little time to restore the formation in Luocha City, and then left several "back doors".

This is the only way to send out the information through the unique technique of the God of war hall.

After accepting kuruno, the message was to let the people from the God of war temple in the plague land come to Luocha city to cooperate with his plan;

This message contains three important messages