Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1105

The sword Qi with a sense of infinite death and extinction constantly appears in the air.

Pieces of blood clan strongmen were cut off by the waist, and then the two halves of their bodies burst into a shower of blood!

And the blood rain was burned into nothingness by the fire of rosefinch God!

The city built by blood clan on the basis of Luocha clan, all buildings collapsed and completely destroyed into ruins!

Some blood families outside the city found something wrong, but they didn\'t know what was happening inside, and they couldn\'t get in alive and dead;

Although there are many Zerg and undead in the city, they are useless. Under the barbecue of rosefinch fire, they all become ashes;

The only thing that is still intact is the guard array and underground prison outside Luocha city.

When there was no more scream in Luocha city

Shen Lang put away the immortal sky knife, spread his hands like wings, and turned his body quickly in the air.

The power of Prince Dima, who had originally coiled around his body, all converged.

Instead, there is a more terrible rosefinch fire!

Shen Lang\'s whole body was burning with a raging flame. From a distance, it was like a huge rosefinch!

"Phoenix wings soar in the sky!"

With a soft drink, the virtual shadow of a rosefinch appeared out of thin air!

The fire of rosefinch in the sky, like a storm, swept the whole Luocha city again!

Such a huge Luocha city was razed to the ground in an instant!

The power of the rosefinch family\'s secret method was used to the extreme by Shen Lang.

The flames swept out of the sky without sparing any area or missing fish.

The whole Luocha city is no longer alive.

A dead silence!

"This world is by no means a world of the jungle. Every intelligent creature has the right to live."

"If this sentence is wrong, I will try to make it right and let all races recognize it. One day, I will have the ability to make rules and I will re-establish rules!"

"You monsters made by blood ancestors shouldn\'t have come to this world... Hell is your final destination!"

When the cold voice sounded, Shen Lang\'s broken silver eyes were sweeping the whole Luocha city.

In addition to the people held in underground cages in Luocha City, only kuruno at the portal is still alive.

Besides, there are no signs of life.


Shen Lang spread his hands obliquely, and a black hole as black as ink and ten feet in diameter appeared.

Whether it is the blood energy in the air, the soul power of the blood family, or the rosefinch fire, all kinds of energy converge into a torrent of terror, straight to the black hole.

This scene is not much worse than the previous killings

Even if the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, I\'m afraid he will be frightened!

On the side of the only transmission door, kuruno looked up, his mouth wide open, and looked at everything outside like a sculpture.

Cold sweat was constantly coming out of his head and back, soaking his whole body.

He is the only one left of hundreds of thousands of blood families in Luocha city.

If he didn\'t think that the soul blood was on Shen Lang, he had surrendered to the other party and had the value of utilization, kuruno would really turn around and rush into the portal.

This is... Too scary!

In the dungeon, the strong of all major races seemed to forget even the cheers, and everyone was silent.

Although the dungeon isolated most of the breath and their thoughts.

But they can still imagine such a scene with so much movement outside.

Before, the rosefinch fire also burned to the dungeon, swam away like a python from the passage of the dungeon, and burned all the blood families guarding the dungeon!

After all, there are still some strong people who can recognize the fire of the rosefinch.

People of all races don\'t know what to say.

There are so many strong blood clan strongmen guarding such a big Luocha city. They trapped here have been desperate for a long time.

I didn\'t expect such a turn for the better.

A strange strong man pretended to be a ghost, sneaked in, and then slaughtered the whole Luocha city!

Tit for tat, violence against violence!

At this moment, the strong of all races want to rush out and fight side by side with him!

But before long, everything calmed down again

At this moment, all the racial strongmen in the dungeon have an impulse to see what the strongman disguised as "feather morning wind" is sacred!

After a while, the black hole between Shen Lang\'s hands has absorbed all the energy in Luocha city.

In the dead Luocha City, black smoke billows and there is no vitality

Shen Lang put away the Tai Chi diagram, held the immortal sky knife in his backhand and cut it off towards the ground!

With a loud bang, a long crack opened in the ground.

What emerges from this crack is the longest passage in the dungeon!

However, the passage at the moment was also full of black smoke, which was almost burned by the rosefinch fire.

Shen Lang didn\'t stay any longer. He moved and immediately appeared in the dungeon.

When he stood on the passage in the dungeon again, his appearance had changed back to the appearance of feather morning wind.

All the people in the dungeon looked at Shen Lang with burning eyes and were very excited!

"Everybody, I\'ll help you out. Please stay back and don\'t get close to the prison door." Shen Lang backhanded took out the immortal sky knife and said in a deep voice.

When everyone in the cage retreats, the knife light rises again!

Shen Lang\'s immortal Tiandao waved more than ten knives like lightning and broke all the prison doors in an instant!

The strong men of all ethnic groups in the cage came out of the cage one by one and saw the sun again!

"Morning breeze! Are you really morning breeze?"

Among the Yumu people, someone finally couldn\'t help shouting in the distance, but no one dared to come.

People of other major races also looked in awe at the "feather morning wind" in front of them, and no one spoke.

In fact, we all know that the man in front of us is definitely not Yu CHENFENG.

No matter how fierce the Yuchen wind is, it is impossible to use the talent power of the rosefinch family.

Feather CHENFENG\'s character is too gentle. Even flowers and plants are unwilling to destroy it. Even if he wants to kill the blood clan and revenge, he will never be "ferocious" like this.

In front of the mysterious man, the means of just killing the blood clan is too terrible.

Even the strong men of all ethnic groups in the underground cage clearly felt his anger and murderous intention when he slaughtered the blood clan!

When he was slaughtering blood families, in fact, people of many races trembled with fear!

Knowing that he was going to save these people and that he was killing a blood clan, but in the face of this towering killing intention and this crazy killing, when they felt happy, they really couldn\'t control their fear!

This man is like a demon king.

Although the demon king saved them, the fear in his heart is difficult to eliminate in a short time.

"Bang Bang..."

Heavy footsteps came from a distance, and the strongest of all races in the suspended water prison came over.

The crowd immediately cleared a passage.

"Dear strong man of rosefinch family, thank you for saving us. I\'m Robert of giant family. I extend my highest respect to you!"

Robert, a giant with a height of three feet, put his hand on his chest and bowed to Shen Lang.

Shi Yuan of the stone people also arched his hands and wanted to talk

Shen Lang stretched out his hand to stop Shi Yuan and said, "Uncle Shi Yuan, this is not a polite time."

Everyone present was stunned.

Since this person is not Yu CHENFENG, but from the rosefinch family, how can he know Shi Yuan?

Just then

With a flash of light and shadow, Yu Lingyue and Celia in Feng Tianding appeared on the edge of Shen Lang.

When Celia saw her own people and these people of all races in front of her, her tears immediately came down.

But she knew now was not the time to cry.

Celia wiped away her tears and stepped forward and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I\'m Celia of the Shura family. Next to me is Yu Lingyue. Lord Shen Lang came to save us, but he doesn\'t have much time to explain to you now."

"My Lord has a magic weapon that can accommodate many people. Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror can\'t find it. Please enter it with me. I\'ll tell you everything later!"

"Shen Lang? Is that the son of Shen Lang?" a group of people from the plume clan shouted.

The original fear in my eyes disappeared for a long time, replaced by ecstasy!

Shen Lang has a high reputation in the Yumu family.

And the eyes of people of all races are also happy!

About Shen Lang, the eternal tree and the feather morning wind have explained to them.

Shen Lang is the "son of fate" in the mouth of the eternal tree.

He will not only lead the races in the moonlight forest out of the darkness, but also lead the world to the light

Perhaps in the past, not many people took this strange Terran seriously.

Not many people believe that disaster will come;

I don\'t believe that a Terran who doesn\'t know what it looks like will become their Savior.

But now, the prophecies of the eternal tree are being staged one by one.

So many races are unwilling to unite and are not even prepared to fight, and their homes have been completely destroyed.

Relatives were killed, people were slaughtered, their homes were destroyed, and finally even themselves were arrested and waiting to become the dead!

When people of all races finally become comrades in arms in this cage and regret

Shen Lang finally came to the wilderness, disguised as the dead and went deep into the hinterland of the blood clan.

In front of them, Shen Lang killed the blood clan in Luocha city by thunder and saved them

This courage, this domineering spirit, this strength, everyone can see clearly!

The doubts in people\'s hearts dissipated at this moment!

Shi Yuan stepped out and said, "we believe in you! The stone people are willing to follow your lead! Please lead us to kill the blood family and rebuild our home!"

"Please lead us to kill the blood clan and rebuild our home!" everyone shouted.

What Shen Lang has done has won everyone\'s respect and even... Worship!

"Childe, where\'s CHENFENG? You\'ve changed into CHENFENG, but you\'ve seen CHENFENG? Why can\'t we feel his breath? And Lingfeng... Did you really kill Lingfeng and them?"

A woman of Yumu clan suddenly walked up to Shen Lang and said with tears.

The people who had just been hot-blooded looked at each other and suddenly were silent again.