Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1104

When all blood clans found that Luocha city moat trapped them and became a turtle in a jar

The slightest hope of escaping was completely crushed and turned into despair.

The city protection array or the clan protection array has always been "outside prevention", not "trapped inside".

Guard array and trap array are two completely different arrays.

But now the Luocha City array has obviously changed from "external defense" to "trapped inside"!

The Luocha City array has become a cage for them!

The previous changes in the formation were made by the man posing as Prince Dima!

At this time, a fool can see.

Shen Lang is still not in a hurry.

The rosefinch fire in the Tai Chi diagram is gushing out and gathering!

Shen Lang\'s left finger slowly crossed the immortal sky knife. A ray of rosefinch fire on his fingertip seemed to directly ignite the immortal sky knife, which made the immortal sky knife body burn!

"Is this scene familiar? How did you treat the Luocha people when you captured the Luocha city?"

Shen Lang waved the immortal sky knife obliquely in his hand, and with a puff, the terrible rosefinch fire broke out. The rosefinch fire turned into a knife Qi and extended out for tens of feet!

The temperature of the surrounding space rises sharply!

"You think you are gods, treat all other intelligent races as pigs, trample them arbitrarily, ravage them wantonly, abuse them madly and kill them..."

"But I don\'t know that I will one day?"

"No, it\'s not time!"

The bleak sound of Shen waves resounded through the sky over Luocha city.

The sound penetrated the ground directly, and even the people of all races in the dungeon could hear it clearly.

"Blood clan, should not appear in this world."

"Damn you all!"

When the last word "death" was said, it was among the desperate cries of hundreds of thousands of blood families in Luocha city

Shen Lang\'s immortal sky knife suddenly became bigger and turned into a startling giant blade. With the fire of rosefinch in the sky, he cut it off with a knife!


A canyon runs through Luocha city from south to North!

The rosefinch fire, as if it had been burned from the canyon, formed a huge fire wall, dividing the Luocha City shrouded in the grand array into two sides!


Immediately, with the fire wall as the center, the wild rosefinch fire spread wildly on both sides!

Such a huge Luocha city was shrouded in it and turned into a sea of fire!

This move is a unique move of the rosefinch family. Its name is changed to "fire burning the city"!

Rosefinch\'s divine fire burns all things.

The blood clan is most afraid of fire!

As soon as the "fire burning the city" came out, hysterical screams and wails immediately came out from all corners of Luocha city.

Shen Lang urged the endless rosefinch fire and vowed to burn up the blood clan and destroy the blood clan!

Other strong people are afraid of blood clan. Even if their strength is stronger than blood clan, they dare not do such a thing of slaughtering the city.

But Shen Lang is not afraid!

Shen Lang tried his best to save the people of all races in the dungeon. Shen Lang wanted to destroy all these blood families!

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When the knife blew out, Shen Lang was more murderous in his eyes. He drank heavily and cut quickly!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The frightening Sabre Qi condensed from rosefinch\'s divine fire, with anger and hatred, cuts out.

Reaping the blood clan\'s life in pieces

Luocha city became Shura hell in an instant!

Blood clan is a strange race.

Many years ago, the blood clan was tenacious with vitality and could transform other races into blood clan by sucking blood, which shocked the whole world.

Even if the blood clan is cut in half or even crushed, it can still be revived as long as there are a few drops of blood.

It\'s just that the power will be weakened, but it won\'t hurt its root.

But in front of the rosefinch fire

This advantage of blood clan is completely useless!

The rosefinch divine fire and the sharp and unparalleled sword intention are integrated together. It erupts through the immortal sky sword. There is no enemy of Shen and waves in Luocha city!

The blood clan strongman who rushed up to deal with Shen Lang was still far away from Shen Lang, and was cut off without exception. Then he was burned into nothingness by the rosefinch God, completely turned into a riot, and the energy wandered in the air of Luocha city!

The sword Gang made of rosefinch fire swept the whole Luocha city.

Shen Lang has killed red eyes!

There\'s no intention of stopping!

Damn these animals!

Damn it all!

In the void, Shen Lang left a trail of residual shadows. Each knife is to take away thousands of blood families!

The "blade of destruction" in the mouth of the Yumu family brings destruction to the blood family!

Complete destruction!

The rosefinch is burning in the sky and on the ground.

In addition to the blood clan above the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing, the rest of the blood clan almost burned all over the body as soon as they were stained with rosefinch fire, making an inhuman scream!

In the sky, blood families all over the sky fall down like beans;

On the ground, countless blood families screamed and crashed into large buildings

"Kill him! Kill him before we can go out!"

"Let\'s join hands and kill him!"

"Fight with him!"

"Pull him on the back even if you die!"

There was no way out, and some blood families in despair finally reacted.

Many blood clan\'s eyes were full of ferocity, and the roar came out crazily!

On the ground, immediately there were dozens of terrible figures rushing towards the Shen waves!

This is the strongest blood clan in Luocha city!

Everyone has more than eight days of accomplishments!

Behind them, some reactive blood families rushed up crazily and put on a desperate posture!

The powerful blood gas rushed straight into the Xiaohan, and the sea of blood and the sea of fire were intertwined.


The attacks of dozens of blood clan strongmen merged into a crazy rotating sea of blood, in which bursts of sad roars and countless indescribable sounds of pain came out.

As if there were thousands of angry souls in the sea of blood!

Then, the sea of blood gathered wildly and turned into a huge three headed meteor hammer!

The three heads of the meteor hammer shook wildly, as if they were the heads of three dragons. They kept pestering and roared towards the Shen waves.

Even the rosefinch fire in the air was smashed by the three meteors!

More than 50 strong people in the middle and late period of the quasi emperor martial mirror joined hands with their lives. Even the strong people in the early stage of the emperor martial mirror, I\'m afraid they have to retreat!

However, Shen Lang is happy and unafraid!

Turning around in the air, the immortal Tiandao drew a mysterious arc in the void and cut out towards the three meteor hammers!

"Water magic knife, split the sea and break the sky!"

The magic knife formula surprised the world.

Terror knife Gang instantly bombarded with the three meteor hammers turned into a sea of blood.

Dazzling light flashed out of the void, and the space vibrated


In the loud noise, the terrible energy ripples broke out from the touch of meteor hammer and giant Dagang and swept away!

Countless blood families have not even screamed, and have been swallowed up by the storm!

Huge buildings in Luocha city turned into fly ash in an instant!

The group of blood clan strong men who jointly attacked bear the brunt, throwing them like kites in the air.

Among them, many people who could not escape were swept by the storm, either missing arms or legs, screaming constantly in the air!

The heavy waves in the air snorted and retreated in the air.

A wisp of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth


Shen Lang stepped on the air with his right foot, as if he were stepping on the ground. Sheng Sheng stopped the retreat.

A huge storm formed where my feet trampled, thinking of rippling in all directions.


Shen Lang drank violently and then withdrew hundreds of meters. In an instant, he left a series of residual shadows in the air and ran forward!

The immortal Tiandao opened and closed, and cut out dozens of knives in a moment at a speed tens of times faster than the sound speed!

"Boom, boom!"

The immortal sky knife cut away, and the terrible roar continued and spread wildly!

The more than 50 people who joined hands before were seriously injured in the hand they just handed over. At the moment, Shen Lang pushed the strength to the extreme and the speed to the extreme. They wanted to join hands again, but it was too late!

Dozens of huge Dao Gang turned into a peerless Dao net, enveloping this group of people and the fastest blood families behind them!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The terrible knife net is like a meat grinder.

Those blood clans who wanted to die in front of them were touched by the sword Qi of the immortal Tiandao, and then their flesh collapsed, their flesh exploded, and they were blasted to pieces in the shrill scream!

"Kill kill kill!"

Shen Lang roared again and again. He didn\'t see the strongest of the blood clan who were killed. The immortal sky Sabre was like the sickle of the God of death. He kept waving it!

No blood clan can resist the long knife, even for a little time!

All blood clans collapse when Dao Gang touches them!

Only the shrill scream turned into a lingering sound and remained in the air!

The blood clan that just wanted to unite to fight back immediately collapsed into an army.

The situation has once again become a war in which Shen Lang chases and kills hundreds of thousands of blood families!

One man, one knife, sweep the whole Luocha city!

The shrill scream spread in Luocha city

Broken limbs, broken arms and thousands of burning heads fly up. When they are still thrown in the air, they are smashed into ash!

Countless blood clan rosefinches were burning, turned into fireballs, ran around, and then... Silently!

Rosefinch\'s divine fire seems to burn the whole Luocha city to ashes!

The immortal sky Sabre keeps sweeping, and the fire of the rosefinch is burning more and more

Countless blood families were crushed and died miserably!

Countless blood families were burned into nothingness by the fire of rosefinch God!

The blood clan will never understand

Why can the man in front release the rosefinch fire?

Why can the other party easily kill the blood prince of emperor Wujing when he is clearly only the Ninth Heaven of emperor Wujing?

Why can he fight ten thousand with one?

Unfortunately, they have no time and opportunity to explore these problems

Killing Shen Lang with red eyes, each knife uses the limit of power!

Even Prince dick of emperor Wujing may not be able to resist this level of knife skill.

Not to mention the following blood families?

"Kill, kill!"

"All die!"

Shen Lang\'s tyrannical voice, with a majestic pressure, echoed in the Luocha City, subduing the voices of all blood families and overwhelming all voices.

The long knife is irresistible!

The strong of blood clan die!

Today we continue three chapters. This is