Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1103

When the breath of Zuo Wentian\'s killing magic knife appeared.

Prince Dick knew it was wrong.

The breath released by such peerless strong people can never be owned by the first-class strong people of imperial martial mirror!

So domineering, so sharp!

Apart from the strength, the Dao meaning condensed into essence is at least the same level as Milos and Oakes!

Such a strong enemy, even a finger, is not what he can bear!

In the past, the breath of the other party was clearly only the nine heaven of the quasi emperor martial mirror. Now it has changed and become so terrible

Prince Dick didn\'t understand, but there was no time for him to think.


Just before Zuo Wentian\'s knife, Prince Dick turned into a blood arrow and rushed up at an unimaginable speed!

This blood arrow is extremely fast and powerful.

Dick tried his best to escape from Luocha city!!

He is fast.

However, Zuo Wentian\'s knife is faster than him!

A group of blood clans who were still confused in Luocha City watched Prince Dick turn into a blood arrow and rise into the sky. Then, half a second before Prince Dick hit the Luocha City array

A peerless sword comes first after light!

Cut off the top of the blood arrow with one knife!

In everyone\'s eyes

Prince Dick\'s "blood arrow" burst and broke in two.

Then, the two parts after fragmentation made a sound of "poop poop poop" and were completely crushed!

The prince of Wujing blood clan, Emperor Tang, didn\'t even scream out. He died in an instant!

Die no more!

The whole blood clan in Luocha city was stunned.

No reaction at all

Just then, the momentum of the sinking waves in the air changed again.

Although still like Prince Dima, there is no such sharp edge as Zuo Wentian.

With a wave of Shen Lang\'s big hand, the star sucking - method has been running and sucked all the blood mist in the air!

"I\'m sorry, everyone. Today, you\'re all going to die!"

Gloomy and terrible words resounded over Luocha city.

Announcing the end of Luocha city.

Not long ago

Shen Lang watched people of all races being bullied and trampled by blood clan;

Watching Yu CHENFENG die in front of him;

Watching Yu Lingfeng beg to kill her

The unforgettable scenes, the cries of pain, despair and sadness, have already left Shen Lang with a backlog of killing intention!

Today, he\'s going to kill!

Kill the whole Luocha city!

All blood families are dying!


The whole blood clan in Luocha city was in chaos, and there were howls everywhere!

Prince Dick can\'t resist this man\'s knife. Who else can resist him?

A group of strong men rushed out of Luocha city from all directions with the fastest speed!

Some people, like Prince Dick, sprint into the sky;

Some people turned into blood bats and flew towards the city gate;

Someone else identified the direction of the portal and ran away!

In the view of all blood families, they don\'t need to be faster than the sword Qi of the strange strong man. They just need to be faster than other blood families.

Only when you get out of Luocha city can you have a chance to live!

In Luocha City, there were cries and screams, and the blood gas of the magic weapon skill gathered like a tide

It\'s really a chicken flying dog jumping!

Such a scene has not been seen by the blood clan in Luocha city.

On the contrary, they see too much.

However, every time such a scene, other races are acting.

And they, who control everything, are the people who make this scene.

At that time, they were in high spirits!

They feel that they are gods and blood families are gods!

Blood clan will become the master of the world!

Finally, the blood clan will go to the starry sky and sea, go to hundreds of millions of small worlds, and become the master of the universe!

All other races should kneel before them, let them kill, cry for mercy to them, and beg them to let go of their humble lives!

No one has ever thought that this role position has changed inexplicably

The blood ancestral mausoleum has not yet been born, but they have worked hard in the blood ancestral mausoleum for millions of years. Now they have finally come out of the blood ancestral mausoleum and returned to the world through the dark door.

They thought that before long, there would be a bloody storm in the world.

Before long, they will become masters of the world!

Turn your hands over the clouds and cover your hands with rain!

All the resources in the human world are blood clan;

Thousands of beautiful women of different races will line up for her to choose;

All races will kneel before them

However, all the beautiful things in the imagination have not been seen yet, but death has come!

Now the strange strong man in the city is still like Prince Dima. They don\'t know what he looks like, what race he is, and why he came to the city.

But they have run crazy in despair!

The shadow of death has enveloped the whole Luocha city!

They return to the world with a lofty attitude, hoping to reach the peak again.

Delusion to dominate the world and control the world

But at this moment, they are so embarrassed, so desperate, so powerless!

The so-called Protoss, the so-called dignity of God, were all abandoned by them at this moment.

They trembled with nervousness, wailing, begging for mercy and crying.

I don\'t know how many people fly crazy outside Luocha city;

I don\'t know how many people knelt down to Shen Lang in tears and desperately begged for mercy;

All blood clans have forgotten their prestige when they whipped the creatures of other races.

Many weak blood clans knelt directly towards Shen Lang and worshipped Shen Lang like gods.

Just want to leave a life

At this moment, they performed worse than any race.

They are crazy about killing other races and playing with life, but at this moment, no one is more afraid of death than them!

What dignity, what scenery, are all thrown out of the sky.

All blood families just want to keep this life!

They hate Shen Lang in their hearts and want to cut Shen Lang thousands of knives and refine their souls.

But he kept begging for mercy.

In the middle of Luocha City, crying and shouting shook the sky.

And another group of blood families with stronger cultivation are obviously smarter.

Seeing the surging waves in the air, they are constantly gaining momentum and know that it is impossible to make each other change their mind.

In their mind, there is only one word


Escape from Luocha City, or you will die!

At present, the man who doesn\'t know what his true face is is clearly a murderer, a murderer who will take the lives of countless blood families

Let those who beg for mercy continue to beg for mercy, let those who cry continue to cry.

The chance to escape is fleeting. With them delaying here, other talents have a greater chance!

"Boom, boom!"

While running away, many blood clans bombed other blood clans nearby!

These self righteous and inhumane blood families show their inferiority incisively and vividly at this moment.

They are more vicious and cowardly than any race.

When they encounter such things, they are more unbearable than any race!

They fled in tears.

But they are constantly facing the same family killers on the side, and want to use them to delay time!

Shen Lang, looking at all this quietly, still didn\'t start.

Shen Lang is still waiting.

The Tai Chi diagram in his body is being madly refined into rosefinch fire!

The control method of rosefinch divine fire obtained from the blue dream spirit is also running and is madly preparing!

Although the blood clan is unbearable, it must be said that it is indeed a powerful race.

Common arts or swords do far less harm to them than to other races.

Even if the blood clan still leaves one or two drops of blood, it may resurrect.

In this Luocha City, although the most are the undead and Zerg, the blood clan at least looks like nearly 500000.

Shen Lang doesn\'t have much time to kill, but he doesn\'t want to let go of any blood clan!

What he wants

Is to kill all the blood families in Luocha city!

Send all these dirty and evil blood families to hell!

Don\'t even want to run!

To destroy so many blood families, using the powerful skill of the rosefinch family to urge the rosefinch divine fire is undoubtedly the fastest and most perfect means.

The blood clan is most afraid of fire!

And Shen Lang, the king of fire!

At the moment, Shen Lang listened to the cry in Luocha City indifferently, and looked at the chaotic blood clan, which was crazy running the control skill of rosefinch divine fire.

This is a country of death.

When the rosefinch fire reaches the extreme, the horror of the country of death will really appear!


"Bang bang!"

The roar continued.

Among the Luocha City array above the sky, dazzling light came out one after another.

Those blood families who rushed up and out at the fastest speed were as if they had hit the thick wall. They were dazed and fell down like meteorites!

A group of blood clans flying to the portal found that... There was only one of the ten portals in Luocha city!

The other nine were destroyed!

The only one left has been completely closed by kuruno and can\'t rush in at all!

These blood clan strongmen who desperately want to escape are finally completely desperate!

This is Shen Lang\'s plan to save people

Use this moat to cover up the breath of Zuo Wentian and kill Dick;

Use this moat to trap the blood clan in Luocha city and kill them all!

Finally, rescue the people of all major races trapped here, and let kuruno take him to the valley of pallor in the attitude of running for his life!

The plan is not complicated.

For Shen Lang, it only takes dick to leave for a while.

The arrival of Murong Changfeng gave Shen Lang a chance!

Now, the life and death of the blood clan in the whole Luocha city is in Shen Lang\'s hands!

a sure catch!

"Ah! I can\'t get out! I can\'t get out!"

"Almighty blood god, please save your people and us. We don\'t want to die..."

"I\'m still young. I\'ve just come to this world. I haven\'t had time to enjoy life. I can\'t die!"

"Why? Didn\'t the blood ancestor say that he is omnipotent? Didn\'t he say that no race in the world can compete with our blood clan? Why should we be killed!"

There was a shrill and desperate cry in Luocha city.

One blood clan, only in these seconds, his face was ferocious, hysterical and crazy

Today we continue with three chapters and two more.