Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1102

"Dick, you let me down."

Shen Lang turned into "Dima" and said without looking back: "you can\'t even deal with a man. Do you want to continue to be the Lord of Luocha city?"

Almost, almost.

I didn\'t expect dick to be so punctual. He can\'t hold on for about twenty minutes. Just go back!

But Shen Lang must not give up.

If you give up now, the plan will not be so perfect... If the last step is not completed, the large array in Luocha city will not be able to trap all blood families in Luocha city.

If you can\'t trap all blood families, and finally someone escapes, it\'s a lot of trouble.

What Shen Lang wants to do is quietly solve the blood clan in Luocha City, save the strong of all races, and then continue to go to the moonlight forest as the identity of the dead feather CHENFENG.

Once someone escapes

First, Murong Changfeng has not gone far, and will certainly be noticed by him. Finally, there will be complications and affect the later plans;

Second, you can\'t let Zuo Wentian take action outside this array, otherwise it will attract the peerless strong forces of all parties as last time, and the previous efforts will be wasted.

Shen Lang can only continue to disguise Prince Dima, then satirize Dick and want to delay for a minute or two.

Prince Dick was stunned and immediately became angry: "fart!"

"What are you? Pretending to be Dima, do you think you can hide it from us?"

A group of blood clan strongmen in the air looked at each other.

Prince Dick can recognize that Shen Lang is a fake, but these strong men of quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian and below can\'t recognize it!

Prince Dima\'s strong men were surprised when Dick wanted to deal with Prince Dima!

The figure shook twice. More than a dozen strong men stood behind Shen Lang and looked at Prince Dick covetously!

"The prince has something to say. My prince may have been injured before, so his breath is weak, but we can recognize his breath. It can\'t be disguised. Please learn from him!" a prince Dima said coldly.

The rest of the strong men of Prince Dima\'s line were also bad looking. They nervously drew out their weapons and were ready.

This posture almost made Shen Lang, who was still busy, laugh;

Prince Dick was almost not angry

The princes fought openly and secretly for many years. When someone was seriously injured, if he was not careful, he might be directly eradicated by other princes.

Prince Dima\'s men, seeing Dick coming up, said it was a fake, and then wanted to fight. They immediately thought Prince Dick wanted to take the opportunity to kill Prince Dima.

If Prince Dima is really killed by Dick, they will be sad in the future!

"You fools, you can only feel the smell of Dima on him, but you don\'t know that although his blood is huge, he lacks the charm of imperial martial mirror!"

Prince Dick said coldly, "even if Dima is really seriously injured, it is absolutely impossible to fall below the emperor\'s martial mirror when the Qi is still so strong!"

"Can\'t you feel the power of emperor\'s martial mirror and the breath of quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"Moreover, the tone and posture of this man\'s speech are obviously very different from Dima. You bastards have served him for many years, but you can\'t see it? Get out of the way! Otherwise, we will kill you together!"

Dick\'s eyes flashed angrily, and his powerful mind scanned Shen Lang back and forth.

The strong men of Prince Dima\'s department were suddenly confused

Shen Lang disguised himself as Dima and used the blood of Dima.

The blood of the prince of emperor Wujing\'s blood clan is extremely strong, and indeed comes from Dima. Even the stronger blood clan than him is difficult to disguise.

Just from this point of view, even a strong man like Dick can\'t tell the truth of Dima in a short time.

At least, feeling this breath, even Dick has identified Shen Lang as a blood family.

It\'s no wonder that Shen Lang didn\'t want to pretend to be Dima at first, because he couldn\'t fool Prince dick for long.

On the one hand, according to Prince Dima\'s memory, Dima and Dick have known each other for tens of thousands of years, and they are very familiar with each other;

This familiarity allows them to distinguish the truth of each other from a small action or a look in their eyes.

On the other hand, even if Dima was badly hurt, there is a very different atmosphere between the imperial martial mirror and the quasi imperial martial mirror.

Although Shen Lang has now reached the peak of the nine heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror and is infinitely close to the imperial martial mirror, he can\'t show the mysterious momentum of the imperial martial mirror that blends with heaven and earth without breaking through this bottleneck.

And this momentum, even if Shen Lang has the memory of the war emperor, is difficult to disguise.

From this point, even if Shen Lang has Dima\'s memory and absorbs Dima\'s power, the disguised Dima still has fatal flaws.

And now Dick sees this flaw.

However, more than a dozen blood clan strongmen of Dima\'s first series won these two minutes for Shen Lang!

This is really a great irony!

Shen Lang\'s speed is getting faster and faster

It\'s coming to an end!

Prince Dick finally smiled darkly: "no matter who you are, no matter what backstage you have, if you dare to run wild in front of this seat, this seat will let you know what regret is!"

"Since you don\'t want to go away, die together!"

Then Dick reached out with one hand and grabbed it at Shen Lang!

It can be seen from his words that dick still thinks... Although the fake in front of him is not Dima, it is indeed blood.

He didn\'t want to catch Shen Lang to death, but if he didn\'t dodge, he would die!

At this moment

The faces of the more than ten people changed greatly. They could no longer care about Prince Dima behind them. They slipped away and scattered on both sides.

Even if it was Prince Dima behind them, they couldn\'t care so much.

Don\'t die in poverty. The blood clan also knows this truth.


Between the lightning and flint, Shen Lang clapped his hand on the wall.

Then, when the catch was about to be caught, Shen Lang moved out to the right!

There are many deceitful factions in the blood clan. On the surface, Prince Dick calls himself brothers and secretly harbors ghosts. Prince Dick is really worried that this person is sent by other senior leaders of the blood clan to "trip him", so he hesitated to start.

And obviously left a lot of room.

Unfortunately, it was his cautious attitude that killed him.

Therefore, sometimes caution is not necessarily a good thing.


Just a moment after Shen Lang moved away, there was a "buzzing" sound on the wall.

Then the dazzling light burst out. Just when Prince Dick caught on the wall, the big array over Luocha suddenly roared and shook!

All blood families in Luocha city only feel

the sky and earth were spinning round!

Heaven and earth are upside down!

Luocha City, which was originally bright under the moonlight stone, suddenly became dark!

"What\'s going on!" Prince Dick was surprised.

Although the power of his grasp is not small, it will not shake the Luocha City array!

"It wasn\'t my catch. It was this guy who tampered with the Luocha City array!"

Dick reacted immediately.

Although this kind of thing is unimaginable and incredible, there is really no other possibility except this explanation!

A guy who hasn\'t reached the cultivation of emperor\'s martial mirror broke the Luocha City array when he went out to fight with the Terran outside?

Are you kidding?

At the beginning, the Luocha City array was presided over by an array master, and several strong people in the middle and later stages of the imperial martial mirror, together with a large group of strong people in the early stage of the imperial martial mirror, were arranged for half a month!

Three or two times, just broken by someone?

Prince Dick\'s face showed an incredible color. The idea of trying to kill Shen Lang slowed down again.

At this time, Prince Dick recognized that the fake in front of him was under the hand of an adult of the blood family.

And this adult is probably related to the array master who arranged the array!

How else can you do such a thing?

At this time, the whole Luocha city was in chaos.

Even the blood clan who is not very proficient in the match method can see that the great array of Luocha city has changed greatly.

Even Prince Dima, a group of strong people, has now become headless flies. I don\'t know what to do.

"Young generation, you are impatient!"

Prince Dick didn\'t know what the other party was doing for.

But whatever it is for, it\'s not a good thing anyway.

With a roar, Dick grabbed at the Shen wave with one hand!

The strength of this catch is dozens of times stronger than the previous one!

A blood red giant claw that enveloped the whole Luocha City grabbed down at Shen Lang!

Dick couldn\'t care so much when he was panicking. He had to seriously hurt the man!

"Ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang, who carried out the plan smoothly, laughed wildly.

The immortal day sword suddenly came out of its scabbard and cut off the bloody claw with dazzling light!


The sharp and unparalleled Sabre Qi cut the blood red giant claw open!

The violent and unparalleled storm swept the whole city of Luocha!

A group of quasi emperor Wujing Jiuchong strong people around were the first to bear the brunt. They screamed and flew out in all directions!

After absorbing the power and soul of Yu CHENFENG, Shen Lang\'s cultivation at the moment is infinitely close to the emperor\'s martial mirror.

In terms of strength, he is no weaker than Prince dick in front of him.

This fight between the two is like two strong imperial martial mirrors using 90% of their power to bomb!

Although Luocha city is big, how can it withstand the storm impact caused by such a big fight between the two strong men?

Shen Lang hardly had time to kill the blood clan, but this pair of blows killed a large number of blood clan.

"Damn it! It\'s a Terran sword! You\'re not a blood clan!" Prince Dick finally understood the identity of the man in front of him, and he was furious for a while.

However, it was too late to react again.

The Shen wave in the void is at this moment, and the breath changes greatly!

"Kill Dick and leave the others to me."

Shen Lang left a word, and his soul shrank under the light of Feng Tianding.

His body has been completely controlled by Zuo Wentian!

He looked down at Prince dick with his mouth slightly tilted.

"It\'s too weak and not challenging. When can we compete with the real strong of the blood clan?" Zuo asked Tianyou, "well, don\'t look at it, and die obediently."

The sabre light that dominates the world blooms in an instant