Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1101

"Please forgive me, Prince!"

These blood clans only know that Prince Dima left Luocha city. They don\'t know that Prince Dima has been killed by yuchenfeng, so they have no doubt at all.

In fact, even Prince Dick thought that Prince Dima and Prince Dima had been killed only when he saw the feather morning wind and felt the smell of the Shen wave breaking out in the dungeon.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "well, open the array. I\'m going to the pale valley."

"Dick, that idiot, can\'t even solve a Terran of quasi emperor martial mirror. It\'s really a disgrace to our blood family, and we can\'t see it anymore."

Norma and others laughed bitterly, but they didn\'t dare to answer.

They dare not participate in the open and secret struggle between princes, and they are not qualified to participate.

Led by Norma, they immediately opened the array and welcomed "Prince Dima".

Because it was Prince Dima, the five Norma people guarding outside also followed in respectfully.

I have to say that after the defeat, the blood clan has changed its appearance now.

The construction of their whole system became more rigorous and rigorous, and the strong of the blood clan began to study runes and arrays.

Although these arrays in Luocha city still have many flaws and are not perfect, the person who arranges the Luocha City array can definitely be called the top array master.

Even if Shen Lang wants to break this array, or steal the dragon and turn the Phoenix to take his control, it will take a lot of effort.

"See you, my Lord!"

The other five people in the array knelt down respectfully.

At this time, the array outside the transmission door was immediately closed and isolated from the outside world.

At the moment when the door was closed!

"You\'re welcome. I\'m here to take you home."

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and the immortal blade appeared in his hand instantly!

Not waiting for anyone to react

Shen Lang\'s body turns sharply. The immortal sky knife rotates and cuts out with the air of the yellow spring!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Ten blood clan strong men, their eyes still stared round, and they broke in two!

Even the soul broke in an instant!

Shen Lang grabbed it with one hand, and the "star sucking Da Fa" ran immediately!

However, in two seconds, all blood families, broken souls and blood gas on the field were swallowed up!

Disappeared without a trace!

Shen Lang\'s powerful mind was released, and his left hand played several Yin Jue.

The blood fog immediately shrouded the array, and a barrier was separated within the array!

Then, Shen Lang slashed down the three meter high transmission array with a knife!


There was a loud noise from the transmission array, which burst into light.

No longer exists.

However, due to the prohibition and shielding under Shen Lang and the cover of the big array, the movement was never noticed by people outside.

Shen Lang gathered his breath, stepped out of the array, and touched the position of the second portal.

In this way, Prince Dick and Murong Changfeng fought endlessly outside Luocha;

All the strong men in Luocha City stared at the war outside;

Shen Lang, like a ghost, wandered inside the Luocha City, harvesting the lives of these blood families and destroying the portal.

When there was only one of the ten portals held by kuruno, Shen Lang raised his head, broke through all the vanity with his false silver eyes, and saw clearly the situation of the war outside!

At this look, Shen Lang\'s eyes suddenly shrunk!

In the war with Prince Dick^

This part of Murong Changfeng has the upper hand!

He not only suppressed Prince Dick and occupied the dominant position, but also relaxed and complacent!

Murong Changfeng, who acted absurdly, was violent and perverse. His cultivation was so powerful?

Just a separate body. Without using any magic weapon, he is still in the cultivation of jiuchongtian of the quasi imperial martial mirror, and even goes beyond the level to suppress the strong ones of the imperial martial mirror!

And with ease!

You know, even Shen Lang\'s role, the chaotic divine body has grown to this point, but before absorbing the soul of Yu CHENFENG, it is almost impossible to deal with Prince Wujing so easily without using the immortal heaven knife!

In other words, Shen Lang before Yu CHENFENG is not the opponent of Murong Changfeng!

This discovery surprised Shen Lang a little.

Even so, how powerful is Murong Changfeng?

After a pause, Shen Lang\'s eyes immediately stayed on Murong Changfeng\'s body.

Break the false silver eyes and work hard!


Breaking the arrogant silver eyes turned to the limit, and Shen Lang suddenly seemed to have an angry thunder exploding in his mind!

Murong Changfeng, whose original momentum has been extremely amazing, has completely disappeared in the broken arrogant silver eyes. What appears in Shen Lang\'s eyes are the killing gas and magic gas, and the killing gas and magic gas in the ocean!

This condensed into the essence of the killing gas, entangled with the devil gas, rolling.

It was as if a huge storm had formed in the depths of the sea.

It seems imperceptible outside, and it is difficult to know the fury of the power inside.

But inside, it is impregnable!

The so-called separation of Murong Changfeng is completely formed by the Qi of killing and magic!

At the center of the storm formed by killing gas and evil gas, there is clearly a demon like armor, floating and sinking.

The armor was as dark as ink, but it was strangely shining. It was covered with spikes, terrible and ferocious.

Shen Lang is very familiar with this armor

Because this armor is as like as two peas on the red wind fan... Killing!

Murong Changfeng carries a killing armor, and is not controlled by the killing armor like the chiyanfeng!

It seems that he can easily control the killing armor!

Shen Lang has no doubt that even if Murong Changfeng doesn\'t use the killing armor, he can kill Prince Dick without three moves!

Prince Dick\'s blood was as fragile as paper in front of the killing gas.

The pure killing gas controls the killing.

Heaven and earth, all can be killed!

"I entered the Tao by killing, specializing in the way of killing, and I\'ve reached such a point..."

"Not only that, but also with killing armor, and can control killing armor."

"Good. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant and come here."

"If I don\'t make a good observation, I may have to suffer a big loss!"

"But I\'m really sorry, second brother. I still have a lot of things to do. I don\'t have time to talk to you now. You should mess with Prince Dick first. - Ji."

Shen Lang immediately restrained his mind and looked away.

No matter how strong Murong Changfeng is, Shen Lang may not really pay attention to him now.

Now, the most important thing is to take advantage of Prince Dick\'s war outside and solve the battle array of Luocha city!

It seems that if he can\'t hold on for another 20 minutes, Prince Dick will have to get back in a panic!

Shen Lang broke his arrogant silver eyes and began to analyze the array of Luocha city.

The weird and mysterious array immediately became a combination of spiritual lines under the gaze of broken false silver eyes.

All secrets, all key points and all flaws are presented in front of Shen Lang!

Shen Lang recorded everything in his mind, and his body turned into a canopy of blood mist and flew towards a flaw.

To solve the Luocha City array, start from this point first!


Twenty minutes is too little for breaking the formation.

Not to mention some huge arrays.

For many powerful large arrays, this time can even be ignored.

Because it is a very complicated and difficult thing to arrange or break the array.

It\'s not impossible to break the array in such a short time. A peerless strong man like King Dapeng with golden wings can break it with a knife.

However, although it is direct and simple, it has no technical content after all.

Not everyone can cultivate to the level of King Dapeng with golden wings.

Shen Lang is now fighting for speed per hour!

Only Shen Lang, who has the highest attainments in array and has broken false silver eyes, dares to do such a thing!

Break the big array in 20 minutes, and it still goes on quietly. Finally, change the big array of protection into the restricted array of "blood devil cage"

Even if it is a heavy wave, it is difficult to do it.

Shen Lang\'s whole body and mind were used to break the array, and the sweat on his forehead continued to flow down.

Time flies.

As Shen Lang expected, Prince Dick could not hold on any longer after twenty minutes.

After swearing a few words, the man took the time to return to Luocha city.

And Murong Changfeng\'s separation seemed to know that dick didn\'t know there was such a family as "shenlang" in his previous conversation with Dick, so he laughed wildly and left.

Leaving a large group of blood clan strongmen in Luocha city constantly scolding their mothers.

"That\'s outrageous! That\'s outrageous!"

In Luocha City, Dick was almost mad: "where on earth did this madman come from? For some reason, he wanted to find a Terran Shen Lang, but his cultivation was so strong that he didn\'t like words... He\'s a quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian. Why is he so strong?"

"And the murderous spirit he released made me tremble!"

Dick had a hard time fighting the war.

And the more you fight, the more you fear

When the pressure behind him was increasing, he could no longer lose face. He directly chose to escape and ran to Luocha City array.

If he continues to fight like this, he will definitely die!

The problem is that the war is too inexplicable.

I lost a big face in front of so many blood families in the whole Luocha city. I haven\'t figured out why!

The name "Shen Lang" has never been heard of!

The grudges between the Terran and the Terran, but unfortunately he is a blood prince?

Dick sat on the throne, his teeth itching with anger and an impulse to spit blood.


The angry Dick\'s eyes bulged in an instant!

The next moment, Prince Dick\'s sleeve robe was thrown, and the blood fog swept out of the sky. He had instantly appeared in a quiet place in the east of Luocha city.

There, Prince Dima, who should have died, was concentrating on stirring something on the wall.

On the high city wall, there was a continuous twinkling of spiritual light, showing a mysterious spiritual array and countless runes.

"Dima? No, who the hell are you!" Prince Dick roared. "What are you doing here pretending to be Dima?"

With his roar, a group of strong men in Luocha city immediately followed the sound.

Just behind Shen Lang, dozens of blood clan strongmen with huge breath gathered in the blink of an eye!