Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1100

Feng Tianding.

Shen Lang chose the array of Xue Shiyin.

That is, the position of the element force fragment.

As soon as he entered fengtianding, Shen Lang loosened kuruno\'s neck and directly threw kuruno away!

The next moment

Shen Lang\'s hands burst out like lightning!

"Bang bang!"

In an instant, the field was full of residual shadows.

Shen Lang whirled around nakuruno quickly. When nakuruno couldn\'t react, he blew hundreds of punches on him!

Kuruno\'s accomplishments were sealed, and he couldn\'t react at all. He was beaten to blood in an instant!

Under the impact of such violent Qi, the kuruno wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn\'t make a sound!

This punch was like lightning. In three seconds, Shen Lang put a strong ban on kuruno.

This prohibition uses the spirit of the yellow spring as the spiritual thread, which completely locks kuruno\'s soul.

Even the emperor\'s martial mirror is difficult to untie!

Until this time, Shen Lang threw the kuruno on the ground like a dead dog.

When kuruno fell to the ground with a bang, Shen Lang grabbed it with one hand, and a fire circle of rosefinch immediately surrounded kuruno, making kuruno afraid to move!

Xue Shiyin and duanmuzheng also gathered around at this time.

"See this yuan force fragment? You can also have it, depending on how you choose." Shen Lang\'s voice was like from the netherworld hell.

"Surrender, or turn into fly ash!"

"Give you five seconds!"

Prince Dick outside may come back at any time. Shen Lang only gives kuruno five seconds.

The confused kuruno completely collapsed

All this happened so fast that I haven\'t recovered my mind until now!

But kuruno was a blood aristocrat who had lived for many years. The threat of death made him see everything.

At this moment, the operation of kuruno\'s mind was more than ten times faster than usual!

Countless ideas burst out!

Although he is used to living in dignity, his cultivation is not easy until now. He has been excluded from the blood family and is depressed.

If the Buddha is killed, with his ability to separate himself, it is estimated that he will not live for a few days and will be killed by those who do not agree with him.

Kuruno knows the cruelty within the blood clan.

The mysterious and powerful man in front of him even put a piece of Yuanli fragment in front of him!

The legendary fragment of Yuanli is the highest holy thing that can lead him to the emperor\'s martial mirror and even the great emperor\'s martial realm!

Of course, there are among the blood clan, maybe a lot, but how can the blood ancestor take this kind of thing and give him this kind of waste wood?

Such temptation and confusion are in front of us. Let alone life and death, I\'m afraid my state of mind will shake even at ordinary times?

The blood clan regards the blood ancestor as a God, but when did the God care about such a small mole ant?

Blood clan wants to occupy this world and dominate the world, but how much benefit can they get?

Fuck his blood ancestor, fuck his blood clan!

I just want to live well, live happily and live happily!

If you don\'t surrender, you will die;

If you surrender, with the help of Yuanli fragments, you can break through the bottleneck and advance the emperor\'s martial mirror in a short time!

At that time, no matter outside or in the blood clan, they are first-class strong, and no one dares to look down on them!

Then you can kill the bastards who run on you!

In the blood clan, the law of the jungle has magnified the world countless times. He kuruno has become an emperor\'s mirror. Who dares to talk about killing those bastards?

Kuruno glanced at the rosefinch around his body and felt the breath that could make him scared.

He raised his head and took a look at Yuanli fragments, and then stayed on xueshiyin and Duanmu for half a second

Then he shouted with blood foam in his mouth: "I don\'t want to die, I want to live and enjoy a good life... I choose to surrender!"

"Please don\'t kill me, sir. I\'m willing to surrender!"

Terrified and Yuan Li fragments, sure enough, idiots know the choice.


When Shen Lang and kuruno appeared outside the suspended water prison again, it was only a few seconds.

The strong men of the surrounding races were stunned again.

How Shen Lang disappeared and how they appeared in situ, everyone couldn\'t understand.

But the people saw that "yuchenfeng" had accepted kuruno!

Because the "feather morning wind" at this time did not hold kuruno\'s neck as before.

Kuruno, like a pug, stood in front of the "feather morning wind"!

Shen Lang glanced at the water curtain released by kuruno\'s spell. On the water curtain, the shadows of Prince Dick and Murong Changfeng turned upside down!

"Take your hand down and guard the portal just north. No one is allowed to leave, and no one wants to send it from the pale valley. Do you understand?"

Shen Lang\'s eyes kept staring at the water curtain and said coldly to kuruno.

Kuruno was stunned. He didn\'t understand what Shen Lang was going to do, but he still knelt down respectfully on one knee and said, "as you wish, my master."

The blood fog dispersed with a bang, and kuruno had disappeared on the spot.

Shen Lang pinched his hands and danced like a butterfly.


As if a bell rang somewhere, a golden word "war" appeared on Shen Lang\'s forehead!

As soon as the golden war word left Shen Lang\'s forehead, it immediately broke the space, went thousands of miles away and flew in the direction of the ten thousand demon mansion!

Then, Shen Lang flexed his fingers and killed the God. The king of thunder was surrounded by a mass of aura and flew towards the sky like lightning.

Then, quietly embedded in the rock at the top of the dungeon!

After all this, as like as two peas of waves, the two morning breeze suddenly appeared.

One of them moved and returned to the suspended water prison.

Changed back to the original bound undead;

The other one tore off the chain and quickly transformed into Prince Dima, one of the princes killed by yuchenfeng.

Prince Dima\'s blood is surging like a vast ocean, with shape and spirit!

The strong men of all races in the suspended water prison were completely stunned.

Illusion is not a problem for Wang Wujing\'s strong.

However, most illusions are easily revealed by sweeping them with divine thoughts.

Especially this cross racial illusion!

You know, this is transformed into a blood prince!

The evil energy of blood energy can not be transformed or imitated by other energies at will. Even if the strong of other races are stronger than Prince Dima, it is difficult to have the form and God;

The terrible power of Prince Wujing, the breath of evil, can\'t be imitated!

But Yu CHENFENG first uses thunder to subdue kuruno. How can he become a blood prince again next moment?

The evil eyes and the terrible smell are prince Dima!

At this time, Shen Lang felt the operation of blood energy in his body and raised his head with great satisfaction.

Prince Dima\'s soul and energy have not been completely refined.

This level of illusion can never be concealed from Prince Dick.

Otherwise, Shen Lang would not have to bother to enter here disguised as a dead soul.

But now it\'s different. Now Prince Dick is fighting with Murong Changfeng\'s shadow outside.

It\'s enough for Shen Lang to hide from the rest of the blood clan under the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Now, Shen Lang needs time!

The time to destroy the remaining nine portals;

Destroy and control the time of Luocha City array!

The moment he raised his head, he had turned into a Shen wave of Prince Dima and glanced at the hanging water prison around him.

The strong men of all nationalities who looked at him were trembling for a while!

"Gentlemen, I don\'t have time to explain to you now. Later, you will understand everything."

With these words, Shen Lang stepped in the void and disappeared on the spot.

The strong men of all ethnic groups in the suspended water prison didn\'t respond to half a sound.

All this changes too fast, strange and difficult to understand

The only thing you can be sure of is that everyone is saved!

It must be saved!


Out of the deep waves in the dungeon, he deliberately hid his breath and appeared near the first portal.

Although Shen Lang sent a message to the people in the war temple, he had no time to wait for the arrival of King Nara and others.

Now, Shen Lang wants to do it himself!

As long as nine portals are destroyed and the remaining one is guarded by kuruno, Shen Lang\'s plan will succeed by two-thirds!

When the nine portals are destroyed, it\'s time for Shen Lang to kill!


The first portal is shrouded in an array.

Inside and outside the array, there are five blood clan strongmen guarding carefully.

When these people put their minds outside and still pay attention to the war outside

A blood mist appeared out of thin air!

The blood mist burst as soon as it appeared.

The vast and unpredictable blood gas shrouded the nearby area.

Those who stayed outside felt the terrible smell. Knowing that there was a big man, they immediately stood up respectfully and looked straight.

The blood mist drifted in all directions, and Shen Langshi appeared.

"You... Are you?" the leader of the guard was stunned when he saw Prince Dima clearly.

According to their understanding, Prince Dima is not in Luocha city.

Otherwise, Prince Dick would not have said that he had been scolded as an old turtle and would not leave the city.

"I haven\'t seen you for half a month, Norma. Don\'t you even know my prince?" Shen Lang raised his head proudly and glanced coldly at the leader of the guard.

The evil in his eyes was so strong that he could not hide it!

It\'s like an immortal evil spirit standing here. Even these strong men of the blood clan are trembling and trembling!

This terrible evil meaning can almost make ordinary blood families in Huangwu territory collapse in an instant!

Norma and other five blood families were surprised and knelt down at the same time!