Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1099

Moreover, Shen Lang knew that "Murong Changfeng" was not his own, so he was very puzzled.

In theory, separation carries part of the soul.

Murong Changfeng has extraordinary bearing and can make countless beauties scream even if he has more parts of cultivation.

Not such a rash and fooling guy.

Yin Tianqiu, the disciple of white flag leader Bai Luobing, is a special case after all. He is born with two souls.

Therefore, it is divided into two parts, one positive and one evil, one evil and one God.

If Murong Changfeng comes, Shen Lang is likely to come up with another plan to kill Murong Changfeng!

But since it is separated, Shen Lang is not so interested.

The appearance of this separation only affected Shen Lang\'s state of mind.

It\'s like a fishbone stuck in the throat

Make him unhappy!

However, Shen Lang doesn\'t want to be unhappy for a "tease force".

Prince Dick has just spoken out this guy\'s accomplishments... Quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian!

A strong man in the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror came to Luocha City alone?

This is unthinkable.

Even Shen Lang, who is so arrogant, would not do such a thing.

It\'s not crazy, it\'s not strong, it\'s idiot.

It\'s very polite to say that he is "funny - forced".

However, this guy is really capable. He frightens the whole audience as soon as he makes a move.

With the concise murderous spirit, he killed the four strong men of the blood clan in an instant!

Not only did the four people not react, but even Prince dick in Luocha didn\'t have time to stop!

This made the waves hanging in the cage give birth to some expectations for him... I hope he can really lead Prince dick out so that he can do things by himself!

"Since you are so arrogant and domineering, you should continue to carry it out to the end. It\'s best to lead dick out."

"Come on, second brother. I\'ll rely on you for help this time. I\'ll thank you later."

"By the way, I will also study how you cultivate such a powerful separation?"

Shen Lang\'s mouth rose slightly and sneered.

When a group of blood clans outside were attracted by Murong Changfeng, Shen Lang had such a change that no one noticed.

At this time, Murong Changfeng outside Luocha city started to go crazy because he couldn\'t get a response from the city.

A long sword with the intention of killing, with the power of thunder and the murderous spirit of terror, fell on the large array outside Luocha city!

The large array in Luocha city is extremely strong. Although the attack with such intensity is stronger than the emperor\'s martial mirror, it can\'t shake the large array at all.

The problem is, it\'s disgusting.

No one wants others to come to their own door to fire artillery.

Blood clan has always been strong. When have you been so oppressed?

"Prince, please allow us to fight and kill this boy who doesn\'t know how to live or die!"

For a moment, a large group of blood clan strongmen in the air began to ask for orders to leave the city.

Vow to destroy the bastard Terran who doesn\'t know where!

Dick didn\'t speak, but looked at Murong Changfeng outside the city indifferently.

As you can see, the man outside is not Murong Changfeng, but the shadow of Murong Changfeng.

The shadow obviously didn\'t want to break through the array. He really just wanted to disgust Dick.

It makes dick sick. It\'s much easier to lead him out, kill him and break the array again.

Of course, it\'s the perfect plan to catch Dick and then take Dick to the city to find Shen Lang.

"Ha ha, they all say that the blood clan is a turtle, but he is really a turtle!"

"I wonder why those waste firewood in the demon Temple didn\'t directly eradicate you? Is it because your tortoise shell is hard?"

"The old turtle named Dick inside, I know you from other blood families. I know you are an out and out old turtle. I dare not leave Luocha city at leisure!"

"I didn\'t believe it at first. How could there be such a shameless turtle? I know all day that I shrink in the turtle\'s shell and don\'t move?"

Murong Changfeng in the air bombarded the array with all his strength and burst out a continuous stream of dirty words.

As he spoke, the shadow had a super friendly relationship with Dick\'s ancestors for 18 generations in front of the whole city.

Listen to all the blood clans in Luocha City, their faces are bloodless!

This is unheard of!

This can blow up your lungs!

What\'s more strange is that Prince Dick, who was impulsive in the past, didn\'t care and sat in the king\'s chair without any reaction!

How could Prince Dick raise his head if he scolded so much again?

How can the blood clan raise their heads?

After a while, the shadow found that scolding dikezu - the 18th generation had little effect. He raised a section and directly scolded the blood ancestors

"As like as two peas of your blood clan, Dick is an absolute tortoise."

"Blood ancestors set an example for you. No wonder you can bear it so much!"

"The blood ancestor has been hidden in the blood ancestor mausoleum for millions of years. Who in the world can compare with this turtle? Which turtle can bear it so much?"

"Xuezu is such an old turtle. The whole blood clan is a group of turtles, seedless turtles!"

"I\'m actually curious. Is Xuezu a man or a woman? How did he give birth to you monsters? Do you do it yourself? Shit, it\'s not easy..."

"Yes!" Prince Dick couldn\'t help it any more!

Even if he can bear it, he can\'t bear it!

The other party scolded the blood ancestor like this. If there was no reaction, he would be passed on by people who disagreed with him.

He\'ll have nothing to eat then!

"If you dare to insult your ancestors, you will die!"

Dick slapped the king\'s chair into pieces and instantly appeared outside Luocha!

Without a word, Dick turned into a sea of blood and went towards Murong Changfeng!

The area with a radius of three thousand miles was completely shrouded by the sea of blood in an instant!

The shadow didn\'t expect Prince dick to fight so quickly.

A careless, they were surrounded in the sea of blood, floating and sinking!

"Shit, the old turtle really came out!"

The shadow didn\'t dare to be hard connected easily. As soon as he turned around, he moved ten miles away and cut off with a sword in front of him!

The blood mist was divided into two parts, but immediately it was like the sea, and the surrounding "water" spread again!

"A little capable?" the shadow\'s eyes finally became dignified.

At this time, Prince Dick\'s evil voice sounded in the sea of blood: "I want to refine you alive, young man, let you taste the pain of purgatory! Let you regret living in this world!"

The voice is still echoing in the air, and the terrible sea of blood has rolled towards the shadow in the middle with unimaginable pressure.

Not only to crush his bones and flesh, but also to devour his soul!

At this moment!


The sound of the chain sounded in the suspended cage. After waiting for a long time, Shen Lang broke the cage and rushed out!

A group of blood clan strongmen outside the cage are nervously watching the battle between Dick and Murong Changfeng on the water curtain, but how can they expect such a change?

A group of blood clan strongmen have just turned around and haven\'t had time to see Shen Lang clearly

The Shen wave with a long chain left a series of residual shadows on the court and quickly circled around kuruno!

Either don\'t do it, it\'s a thunderbolt!

Immortal Tiandao swept the scene with red rosefinch fire!

More than a dozen blood clan quasi emperor Wujing strongmen, who could not react in the future, died on the spot.

Then it was burned into nothingness by the rosefinch fire!

The kuruno\'s reaction was also very fast. Although he didn\'t see Shen Lang\'s action clearly, as soon as he found something wrong, his whole body shook and immediately burst into thousands of blood bats!

"Can you go?"

A cold and heartless voice sounded in the void.

Shen Lang swayed and rushed into the bloody bats. He grabbed it with one hand and took it back!

The bloody bat immediately disappeared, and nakuruno had been pinched by Shen Lang!

Can\'t move at all!

Completely sealed!

Even the secret method of turning blood into blood can\'t be sent out at all!

In front of the war emperor who has studied the blood clan escape method, and in front of Shen Lang who has broken false silver eyes

The blood clan of jiuchongtian, the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, also wants to escape?

What a joke!

The strong men of all nationalities in the suspended water prison stared at all this.

He saw that Shen Langgang pinched kuruno\'s neck and didn\'t stop at all. As soon as he flashed, he dragged the latter into the fengtianding!

They just disappeared in front of everyone

All this happened between lightning and flint. It only took more than two seconds for Shen Lang to appear and kill a group of blood clans, to hold kuruno\'s neck and then disappear out of thin air!

In two seconds, Shen wave moves very fast without dragging the water!

If it weren\'t for the strong men trapped in the suspended water prison, their accomplishments were very strong and close, how could they find such a change?

Originally, in their view, they had been killed and completely turned into the "feather CHENFENG" of the dead. Unexpectedly, they suddenly came alive!

Not only survived, but also controlled kuruno by such thunder means!

The strong men of all ethnic groups trapped in the suspended water prison showed ecstasy on their faces at the same time

Hope is the most precious thing.

Especially when it comes back.