Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1096

Hanging water prison, as its name suggests, is a water prison that has left the ground.

The suspended water prison is floating in the air, surrounded by nothingness.

Its size is less than one tenth of the dungeon of Luocha city.

It imprisoned some special and powerful races.

For example, the barbarians like giants have boundless power, and even the sound of breathing is like the explosion of angry thunder;

For example, the Yanmo family, who have been forged by lava fire for thousands of years, is full of flames and power, destroying mountains and mountains;

Or like the dead spirits, who were originally excluded by other races, because they have gathered a lot of death Qi in their bodies, and blood energy and death Qi have the lowest impact on them, so the strongest of them are also locked up in the suspended water prison.

In the suspended water prison, there are also the strong men of the Yumu family.

The feather wood clan is not very powerful, but such a tree man clan, born on the earth and longer than the earth, can rely on the power of the earth.

No matter what kind of prohibition is used, as long as the Yumu clan can contact the earth, they can absorb the power of the earth, and finally accumulate this power to break the prohibition.

The weaker ones are just fine. As long as they go to the Huangwu realm, the blood clan dare not imprison them in ordinary cells.

When Shen Lang was sent to the suspended water prison, the surrounding blocks were floating in the suspended water prison in the air, and his eyes came out one after another.

This hanging water prison is the strongest of all races.

Everyone knows Yu CHENFENG

However, the strong did not shout.

Because it is useless to cry. Although the suspended water prison is translucent and can be seen from each other, it is completely closed. Not only the voice, but also the mind can not be released.

These peerless strongmen of all races have only endless sorrow and unspeakable pain in their eyes.

Clench your teeth!

Yu CHENFENG, when there was no blood clan in this land, thought of uniting all races here.

However, no one of any race agrees with his ideas.

He is like a lonely traveler walking in the dark. He insists on walking and never gives up, but he doesn\'t know where the road is.

He once understood the meaning of life with his unparalleled talent, defeated the strong of all races and convinced them.

But not many races are willing to unite with him.

Both the stone people and the crypt people have their own lives. They are close to the Yumu people, but they do not agree with the concept of "alliance" of yuchenfeng.

Moreover, many of these races, such as Shura and Luocha, have been fighting for many years.

It\'s a dream to make them shake hands and make peace!

These races have lived and worked in peace and contentment on this land for so many years, and no one believes the arrival of the "doomsday" said by Yu CHENFENG.


The blood clan came and wreaked havoc in this land, drove these races out of their homes and slaughtered their people wantonly.

These races finally understand!

But it\'s too late

Many races were torn apart and even perished by the blood race before they reacted.

The Luocha nationality, the most powerful in this plague land, was also killed by the blood clan and had no power to resist.

Not to mention other races.

They are just like the "pigs" in the mouth of the blood clan. They really have no resistance and are crushed arbitrarily by the blood clan!

It was not until this time that the major races finally agreed to unite.

Finally came together with Yu CHENFENG.

Dozens of races, they only recognize Yu CHENFENG.

Yuchenfeng is the spokesman of the eternal tree and the Yumu family.

His character, his strength and his mind made him the leader of all races here and the hope of all races here.

However, the amazing talent is as beautiful as the feather morning wind. Today, I am also covered with chains and filled with death. I came to this suspended water prison

The strong men in the suspended water prison moved their eyes with the "feather morning wind", and their teeth clattered.

Several women, crying silently, tears streaming down their faces

Nothing is more desperate than this.

The seal of the hanging water prison and the dark and harsh environment did not make them despair.

But this end of yuchenfeng makes people cry, drive people crazy, and make people completely... Desperate!

Can they, who have lived here for generations, never reverse all this?

Is it so powerless to go to destruction?

Endless sorrow, like a wave, is released from the strong of all ethnic groups and swept through the waves.

The power of heaven and Earth spread out, and Shen Lang captured all these sad and desperate emotions.

He can even know who has lost heart, who is preparing to explode, who is crying

"Hua la la!"

Kuruno commanded several blood clans and bound Shen Lang in a suspended water prison.

Most of Shen Lang\'s body was submerged in blood, his hands and feet were pierced by chains, in the shape of "fire", and locked in the suspended water prison.

The blood that drowned half of Shen Lang\'s body was emitting a pungent smell and constantly bubbling.

In the blood water, lights flashed, and countless evil runes could be seen floating in it.

Each Rune releases light and is linked to other runes.

Like a snare.

The other strong men in the square hanging water prison looked at the Shen waves from a distance.

Each suspended water prison is like a translucent cube, which is filled with blood and water.

The strong people of all races trapped here can see each other and communicate with others with their voices, but the divine mind is completely isolated.

In fact, many of the strong people of all races trapped here have the same cultivation as Yu CHENFENG, to the point that the warrior of the human race is a quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

But they all stood quietly in the suspended water prison, and there was no such treatment as Shen Lang.

This is not to say that the blood clan values Yu CHENFENG most, but because the powerful undead who has not been finally transformed by the blood pool of the source of pain is a violent and unstable undead.

Because it\'s unstable, it can go crazy at any time.

Once there were powerful undead who went crazy for no reason and killed a large number of blood families.

So even if the "feather morning breeze" has been transformed into the dead, the blood clan is still very cautious.

Shen Lang bowed his head, and a wisp of divine thoughts accompanied the three of Yu Lingfeng in the Tai Chi diagram. They listened to them tell everything that happened in the plague land and the eternal tree.

Inside his head, he began to think about another plan outside the moonlight city.

That is, break the plan of Luocha city!

This plan is difficult to implement, but now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Shen Lang can\'t think about the feasibility of this plan.

In this Luocha City, there were four blood princes before.

The strongest one is the four heaven cultivation of emperor Wujing, who has been killed by the strong man of demon God hall;

The other two are the zenith of emperor Wujing, namely Dima and Bruta, who have been killed by yuchenfeng;

The rest of Dick is a heavenly peak of imperial martial mirror.

If Zuo Wentian makes a move, he is 100% sure to cut it out in three seconds!

Moreover, Luocha city is shrouded by multiple arrays, and there is a thick layer of Zerg at the periphery, which isolates the breath from the outside world... Under such circumstances, Zuo Wentian\'s hand will not be so easy to be discovered by other blood clan strongmen!

But this is a completely idealized idea, which is not the case

Shen Lang had been thinking about this plan before he was escorted here.

ready to do sth!

But so far, Shen Lang has not thought of how to make this plan perfect, and does not affect the plan to go to Moonlight City.

Before coming to Luocha City, Shen Lang had these questions

First, it is necessary to determine whether there are other strong emperor Wujing in Luocha city. After all, after losing the strong emperor Wujing, Luocha city is empty and needs to supplement the strong in the moonlight forest land;

With Zuo Wentian\'s ability, although it is said that a prince like Dick can be killed with one knife, it does not mean that Zuo Wentian\'s current strength can crush the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Because Zuo Wentian\'s Sabre skill is not trivial. It is to gather all the energy and spirit into one sabre.

This Sabre that dominates the world doesn\'t mean to use it as often as you want.

If there are two strong men with God\'s martial mirror in Luocha City, Shen Lang will completely give up this plan.

Because it\'s very simple, now Zuo Wentian can\'t kill many powerful imperial martial mirrors in a short time!

Now, this problem is no longer a problem... Shen Lang can sense that Dick is the only blood prince above emperor Wujing in Luocha city!

This is why Shen Lang is now in the water prison and starts to think about this problem again!

This opportunity is fleeting, fleeting!

No one expected that in the next second, the blood clan would send other imperial martial mirror strongmen to Luocha city!

Second, according to the memory of the blood prince, there are a full ten portals in Luocha City, leading to the "pale Valley" 50000 miles away from the moonlight forest land.

The ten portals are distributed in ten different positions in Luocha City, which are very far away, and are guarded by a powerful Dharma array.

There are heavy guards outside each portal.

If Shen Lang wants to do it, he must kill the blood clan strongmen guarding the ten portal at the same time, or destroy all the ten portal in an instant.

Otherwise, as soon as there is a disturbance, someone will escape from Luocha city through the portal and reach the pale valley.

In this way, Shen Lang\'s plan to go to moonlight woodland will go bankrupt.

However, the blood clan separated the portal, set up many arrays, and finally connected the location of the portal to the dungeon. Obviously, this was taken into account.

Such an arrangement,

When destroying the portal, it is easy to transfer the destructive power to the prison below, so that people of all races will be destroyed.

Moreover, the protective force is extremely strong. Even if Zuo Wentian makes a move, it is impossible to destroy ten portals in a short time unless the whole Luocha city is destroyed in an instant.

The one who plans and arranges these things is definitely a wise man with meticulous mind and cruel means!

Third, this third has a lot to do with the second... It\'s still the matter of going to the moonlight forest land, that is, the plan of the moonlight city!

If Shen Lang really wants to do it, whether he succeeds or not, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to go to the moonlight forest again!